KLEE错误汇报一:One phenomenon after the execution using klee
Hi, all,
If you write test.c with an error out of bound and test2.c with an error assertion failed.
You first symbolically execution test.bc(using clang to generate), and then the test2.bc in the same working directory. you will find the contents in klee-last are different from the latest generated contents in klee-out-n.
klee-last will have an xxx.assert.err and an xxx.ptr.err both. But the latest generated contents in klee-out-n which is because of the symbolic execution of test2.bc only have the xxx.assertion.err.
It is just one phenomenon which disobey the rule that klee-last points to the latest directory klee-out-n and i think it is a small error. I just present it. And the result is that if there are two programs to be tested, they should be symbolically executed in different working directory.
Best wishes for you!