ipv6 dhcp network relay 配置说明
config dhcp 'lan' option interface 'lan' # 绑定接口 option start '100' # 不再使用 option limit '150' option force '1' option leasetime '720m' # option ignore '0' # Specifies whether dnsmasq should ignore this pool if set to1
option ra_management '1' # DHCPv6模式 RA management mode : no M-Flag but A-Flag (0
), both M and A flags (1
), M flag but not A flag (2
) option ra_mininterval '10' # 最小RA间隔 Minimum time interval between RAs (in seconds) option ra_maxinterval '15' # 最大RA间隔 Maximum time interval between RAs (in seconds) option ra 'relay' # 路由通告 Specifies whether Router Advertisements should be enabled (server
), relayed (relay
) or disabled (disabled
) option dhcpv6 'server' # DHCPv6服务 Specifies whether DHCPv6 server should be enabled (server
), relayed (relay
) or disabled (disabled
) option ndp 'relay' # NDP代理 Specifies whether NDP should be relayed (relay
) or disabled (disabled
) list dhcp_option '43,' # 43 表示供应商指定信息
list dhcp_option '3,' # 3 默认路由
list dhcp_option '6,' # 6 默认dns
list range '' # dhcp地址范围, 用空格分开
openwrt 官方文档: --> https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/base-system/dhcp
/etc/init.d/network reload >/dev/null 2>/dev/null;
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
/etc/init.d/dhcpd stop;sleep 1;/etc/init.d/dhcpd start;/etc/init.d/odhcpd restart
config dhcrelay 'ipv4'
option dhcpserver '' # v4目标服务器
option enabled '1' # 在接口上启用DHCPv4中继
option relay_mode 'forward' # 代理选项 What to do about packets that already have a relay option
option upstream_interfaces 'lan' # 监听上行口
option downstream_interfaces 'yy' # 监听下行口
config dhcrelay 'ipv6'
option dhcpserver '2001:db8:1::1' #v6 目标服务器
option enabled '1' # 启用开关
option upper 'wan' # 监听上行口
list lower 'yy' # 监听下行口
/etc/init.d/dhcrelay4 restart ;/etc/init.d/dhcrelay6 restart
config route6 'ww' option name 'ww' # 配置名称 option metric '12' # metric option mtu '1500' # MTU option target '' # 目的地址 option gateway '' # IPv6 网关 option type 'broadcast' # 路由类型 option table 'main' # 路由表 option onlink '1' # 路由在线 option interface 'lan' # 接口
os.execute("/etc/init.d/network reload;")