discernible adj.

  1. ADJ-GRADED If something is discernible, you can see it or recognize that it exists.

nostalgia n.

  1. N-UNCOUNT Nostalgia is an affectionate feeling you have for the past, especially for a particularly happy time.

navigation n.

  1. N-UNCOUNT You can refer to the movement of ships as navigation.

connoisseur n.

  1. N-COUNT A connoisseur is someone who knows a lot about the arts, food, drink, or some other subject.

cult n.

  1. N-COUNT A cult is a fairly small religious group, especially one which is considered strange.
  2. ADJ Cult is used to describe things that are very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people.
  3. N-SING Someone or something that is a cult has become very popular or fashionable among a particular group of people.
  4. N-COUNT The cult of something is a situation in which people regard that thing as very important or special.

homogeneous adj.

  1. ADJ-GRADED Homogeneous is used to describe a group or thing which has members or parts that are all the same.

facility n.

  1. N-COUNT Facilities are buildings, pieces of equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose.
  2. N-COUNT A facility is something such as an additional service provided by an organization or an extra feature on a machine which is useful but not essential.
  3. N-COUNT If you have a facility for something, for example learning a language, you find it easy to do.

meridian n./adj.

  1. N-COUNT A meridian is an imaginary line from the North Pole to the South Pole. Meridians are drawn on maps to help upi describe the position of a place.

cosmopolitan adj.

  1. ADJ-GRADED A cosmopolitan place or society is full of people from many different countries and cultures.
  2. ADJ-GRADED Someone who is cosmopolitan has had a lot of contact with people and things from many countries and as a result is very open to different ideas and ways of doing things.

disburse vt.

  1. VERB To disburse an amount of money means to pay it out, usually from a fund which has been collected for a particular purpose.

guarantee n./vt.

mania n.

integrity n.

intergalactic adj.

maneuver n./vt./vi.

authentic adj.

consecrate v./adj.

pierce n./v.