1. Good Morning!
  2. Good Morning!
  3. How can help you?
  4. I unserstand that the school organises...
  5. umm, trips to different...
  6. Yes, we run five every month, three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.
  7. What sort of places?
  8. Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping, because our students always ask about that.
  9. And then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours, becasuse this gives a good focus for the visit.
  10. Do you travel far?
  11. Well, we're lucky here, obviously, because we're able to say that all our visits are less than three hours drive.
  12. How much do they cost?
  13. Again, it varies, between five and fifteen pounds a head, depending on distance.
  14. Ah ha...
  15. Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know, there are more than twelve people.
  16. Oh right.
  17. I'll keep that in mind.
  18. And what are the times normally?
  19. We try to keep it pretty fixed, so that, the students get to know the pattern.
  20. We leave at eight-thirty a.m. and return at six p.m..
  21. We figure it's best to keep the day fairly short.
  22. Oh yes.
  23. And how do we reserve a place.
  24. You sign your name on the notice board.
  25. Do you where it is?
  26. Ah ha.
  27. I saw it this morning.
  28. And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know we've got enough poeple interested to run it, and we can cancel if necessary, with full refund of course.
  29. Taht's fine, thanks. Befor your hear the rest of the conversation you have some times to look at the questions five to ten, now listen and answer questions five to ten.
  30. And what visits are planed for this term?
  31. Right, well, I'm afraid the schedule hasn't been printed out yet, but we have confirmed the dates and planned the optional extra visits which you can also book in advance if you want to.
  32. Oh that's all right.
  33. If you can just give some idea of the weekend ones so I can, you know, work out when to see friends, etcetera.
  34. Oh sure.
  35. Well, the first one is St Ives.
  36. That's on the thirteenth of February, and we'll have only sixteen places available because we're going by minibus.
  37. And that's a day in town with the optional extra of visiting the Hepworth Museum.
  38. Oh right.
  39. yeah...
  40. That sounds good.
  41. Then there's a Lodon trip on the sixteenth of February and we'll be taking a medium-sized coach, so there'll be forty-five places on that, and let's see, the optional extra is the Tower of London.
  42. Oh I've already been there.
  43. After that there's Brisiol on the third of March.
  44. Where?
  45. Bristol.
  46. B-R-I-S-T-O-L.
  47. Ok.
  48. That's in a different minibus with eighteen places avaliable, oh, and the optional extra is a visit to the S.S.Great Britain.
  49. Ok.
  50. We're going to Salisbury on the eighteenth of March and that's always a popular one because the optional extra is Stonehenge, so we're taking the large coach with fifty seats.
  51. Oh good.
  52. And then the last one is to Bath on the twenty-third of March.
  53. Oh yes.
  54. It Bath the Roman city?
  55. Yes.
  56. That's right and that's in the sixteen-seater minibus.
  57. And where's the optional visit?
  58. It's to the American Museum - while worth a visit.
  59. Ok.
  60. Well that's great, thanks for all that.
  61. My pleasure.
  62. By the way, if you want more information about any of the trips, have a look in the students newspaper.
  63. Ok.
  64. Or have a word with my assitant.
  65. Her name is Jane Yentob. That's Y-E-N-T-O-B.
  66. Right, I've got that.
  67. Thank you very much for all your help.
  68. You're very welcome.
  69. I hope you enjoy the trips. That's the end of section one, you now have half of minutes to check your anwsers. Now turn to the section two.