LeetCode Medium:15. 3Sum
Given an array nums
of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in nums
such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero.
The solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.
Example: Given array nums = [-1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -4], outout =[[-1,0,1],[-1,-1,2]]
此问题与 two Sum 的情况类似,可以将 three Sum问题转换成 two Sum问题,步骤如下:
1、对给定的数组进行排序,得到 newnums;
2、遍历newnums的前 n - 3项,定义两个指针,分别指向当前数字的下一个元素,和 newnums 的最后一个元素;
上面是大的框架,还有几点注意的细节,比如给定的数组长度小于3,则返回空;当前的数字如果和前一个数字相同则跳过,这样的话,其实就已经避免了最后的 list 集合重复,所以最后不用加以判断 list 重复,见代码部分,注释掉的部分如果写在程序里的话会超时,注释掉的话,则AC。
def threeSum(nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: List[List[int]] """ if len(nums)<3: return [] list_sums = [] newnums = sorted(nums) for point1 in range(len(newnums)-2): list_sum = [] point2 = point1 + 1 point3 = len(newnums)-1 if newnums[point1] > 0 or newnums[point3]<0: break if point1>0 and newnums[point1] == newnums[point1 - 1]: continue while point2 < point3: a = sum([newnums[point1], newnums[point2], newnums[point3]]) if a > 0: point3-=1 elif a < 0: point2+=1 else: list_sum=[newnums[point1],newnums[point2],newnums[point3]] """ 由于前后对point1,point2,point3均作了判断,如果重复就跳过,所以这里生成的list_sum 不可能有重复的,顾这段代码可以省略,省略之后能AC,否则NA """ # if list_sum not in list_sums: # print(list_sum) # list_sums.append(list_sum) list_sums.append(list_sum) point2+=1 point3-=1 while point2<point3 and newnums[point2]==newnums[point2-1]: point2+=1 while point2<point3 and newnums[point3]==newnums[point3+1]: point3-=1 #list_sum = [] #print(list_sums) return list_sums