#include <iostream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Mat srcImage = imread("/home/cjk/图片/777.png"); cout << "@@@@@ 1 @@@" << endl; if (srcImage.empty() ) { std::cerr << "fail to load image " << std::endl; return -1; } //转换为灰度图像 Mat grayImage; cvtColor(srcImage,grayImage,COLOR_BGR2GRAY); cout << "@@@@@ 2 @@@" << endl; //将图像拓展到傅里叶变换的最佳尺寸 int row = getOptimalDFTSize(grayImage.rows); int col = getOptimalDFTSize(grayImage.cols); //将扩展后的尺寸设置为0 Mat padded; copyMakeBorder(grayImage,padded,0,row-grayImage.rows, 0,col-grayImage.cols,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar::all(0)); //傅里叶计算的实部与虚部 cout << "@@@@@ 3 @@@" << endl; Mat planes[] = {Mat_<float>(padded),Mat_<float>(padded.size(),CV_32F)}; Mat complexI; merge(planes,2,complexI); //进行傅里叶变换 dft(complexI,complexI); //将复数转换为幅值 cout << "@@@@@ 4 @@@" << endl; split(complexI,planes); magnitude(planes[0],planes[1],planes[0]); Mat magnitudeImage = planes[0]; //尺寸缩放 magnitudeImage += Scalar::all(1); log(magnitudeImage,magnitudeImage); cout << "----------------" << endl; //剪切和重分布图像 cout << "magnitudeImage.size() : " << magnitudeImage.size() << endl; cout << "magnitudeImage.rows : " << magnitudeImage.rows << endl; cout << "magnitudeImage.cols : " << magnitudeImage.cols << endl; magnitudeImage = magnitudeImage(Rect(0,0,magnitudeImage.cols ,magnitudeImage.rows )); cout << "----------------" << endl; int cx = magnitudeImage.cols / 2; int cy = magnitudeImage.rows / 2; cout << "cx : " << cx << endl; cout << "cy : " << cy << endl; Mat q0(magnitudeImage,Rect(0,0,cx,cy)); Mat q1(magnitudeImage,Rect(cx,0,cx,cy)); Mat q2(magnitudeImage,Rect(0,cy,cx,cy)); Mat q3(magnitudeImage,Rect(cx,cy,cx,cy)); //交换象限 左上和右下 cout << "@@@@@ 6 @@@" << endl; Mat temp; q0.copyTo(temp); q3.copyTo(q0); temp.copyTo(q3); //右上和左下 q1.copyTo(temp); q2.copyTo(q1); temp.copyTo(q2); //归一化 normalize(magnitudeImage,magnitudeImage,0,1,NORM_MINMAX); imshow("srcImage",srcImage); imshow("freq and Amplitude",magnitudeImage); waitKey(); //cvDestroyAllWindows(); return 0; }