DELIMITER && create procedure firefox98(IN count_id INT,OUT count_num INT) BEGIN SELECT COUNT(id) INTO count_num from user where id = count_id; END && DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $ create procedure FireFox12(n int,j char(1)) begin if j = 'h' then select id,mobile,nickname from user where id > n; else select id,mobile,nickname from user where id < n; end if; end$ --存储过程是可以编程的。 --意味着可以使用变量;表达式,控制结构。 --来完成复杂的功能; --在存储过程中,用declare声明变量; --格式declare 存储过程引入变量; DELIMITER $ create procedure P2() begin declare num int default 35678; declare city_id int default 22; select concat('user_id is ' , num , 'city is',city_id ); end$ --存储过程中,变量可以sql语句合法的运算 create procedure p3() begin declare num int default 35678; declare city_id int default 22; set num :=num +22; set city_id :=city_id -21; select concat('user_id last 20 is num :' , num , 'city is ',city_id ); end$ --if/else 控制结构 /** if condtion **/ create procedure p4() begin declare age int default 18; if age >=18 --p5 给存储过程传传参 /** 存储过程的括号里,可以声明参数; 语法是[in/out/inout] 参数名 参数类型 **/ create procedure p5(width int, height int) begin select concat ('你的面积是' , width * height) as area; if width > height then select '你很胖'; elseif width < height then select '你挺瘦'; else select '你挺方'; end if; end$ --p6 --顺序,选择,循环; create procedure p6() begin declare total int default 0; declare num int default 0; while num<=100 do -- add num to total ,adn incr the value of num set num :=num+1; set total := total+num; end while; select total; end$ --p7存储过程传参; create procedure p7(in n int) begin declare total int default 0; declare num int default 0; while num<=n do -- add num to total ,adn incr the value of num set num :=num+1; set total := total+num; end while; select total; end$ 存储过程数据输出; --p8 create procedure p8(in n int,out total int) begin declare num int default 0; set total := 0; while num < n do set num := num+1; set total := total + num; end while; end$ --how to use "case" create procedure p10() begin declare pos int default 0; set pos := floor(5*rand()); case pos when 1 then select 'still flying'; when 2 then select 'fall in sea'; when 3 then select 'in the island'; else select 'I dont know'; end case; end$ --repeat 循环 /* repeat sql statement; until condition end repeat; */ create procedure p12() begin declare total int default 0; declare i int default 0; repeat set i := i+1; set total := total +i; until i >= 100 end repeat; select total; end$ --cursor 游标 游标的标示 --1条sql,对应N条资源,取出资源的接口/句柄,就是游标 --沿着游标 ,可以一次取出1行; --declare 声明;declare 游标名 cursor for select_statement; --open打开; open 游标名 --fetch 取值; fetch游标名 into var1,var2[,....] --close 关闭,close 游标名; create procedure p13() begin declare row_uid int; declare row_name varchar(20); declare row_mobile char(11); declare row_cityid int; declare getuser cursor for select id,nickname,mobile,city_id from user; open getuser; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; close getuser; end$ create procedure p14() begin declare row_uid int; declare row_name varchar(20); declare row_mobile char(11); declare row_cityid int; declare cnt int default 0; declare i int default 0; declare getuser cursor for select id,nickname,mobile,city_id from user; select count(*) into cnt from user; open getuser; repeat set i := i+1; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; until i >= cnt end repeat; close getuser; end$ --游标取值越界时,有没有标识?利用表示来结束 --在mysql cursor中,可以声明declare continue handler来操作1个越界标识; --declare continue handler for not found statement; create procedure p15() begin declare row_uid int; declare row_name varchar(20); declare row_mobile char(11); declare row_cityid int; declare you int default 1; declare getuser cursor for select id,nickname,mobile,city_id from user; declare continue handler for not FOUND set you :=0; open getuser; repeat fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; until you=0 end repeat; close getuser; end$ create procedure p16() begin declare row_uid int; declare row_name varchar(20); declare row_mobile char(11); declare row_cityid int; declare you int default 1; declare getuser cursor for select id,nickname,mobile,city_id from user; declare continue handler for not FOUND set you :=0; open getuser; repeat fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; until you=0 end repeat; close getuser; end$ --declare exit handler for NOT FOUND statement; --exit与continue的区别是,exit触发后;后面的语句不再执行; create procedure p16() begin declare row_uid int; declare row_name varchar(20); declare row_mobile char(11); declare row_cityid int; declare you int default 1; declare getuser cursor for select id,nickname,mobile,city_id from user; declare exit handler for not FOUND set you :=0; open getuser; repeat fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; until you=0 end repeat; close getuser; end$ --除continue,exit外,还有一种undo handler 逻辑升级 create procedure p17() begin declare row_uid int; declare row_name varchar(20); declare row_mobile char(11); declare row_cityid int; declare you int default 1; declare getuser cursor for select id,nickname,mobile,city_id from user where 0; declare exit handler for not FOUND set you :=0; open getuser; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; repeat select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; until you=0 end repeat; close getuser; end$ while 循环 create procedure p18() begin declare row_uid int; declare row_name varchar(20); declare row_mobile char(11); declare row_cityid int; declare you int default 1; declare getuser cursor for select id,nickname,mobile,city_id from user where 0; declare exit handler for not FOUND set you :=0; open getuser; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; while you=1 do select row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; fetch getuser into row_uid,row_name,row_mobile,row_cityid; end while; close getuser; end$ tyclbtF0