以此记录!!codeforces 的problemset,tag选择计算几何,按照难度排序,从第一篇最后一题往上刷。加油!!!。
2020.4.6: 第一题:Delivering Carcinogen

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-6 4 const double pi = acos(-1.0); 5 struct Point{ 6 double x,y,v; 7 Point rotate(double deta){ 8 return (Point){ x * cos(deta) - y*sin(deta),x*sin(deta) + y * cos(deta)}; 9 } 10 }a,b; 11 double dist(Point a,Point b){ 12 return sqrt( (a.x - b.x)*(a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); 13 } 14 double cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 15 return (b.x - a.x) * (c.y-a.y) - (c.x - a.x) * (b.y - a.y); 16 } 17 struct Circle{ 18 Point o; 19 double r; 20 //圆心出发的射线的交点 21 Point getPoint(double deta){ 22 return (Point){o.x + cos(deta)*r , o.y + sin(deta)*r}; 23 } 24 //两个圆上的点的最短圆弧 25 double getPointDis(Point a,Point b){ 26 double deta = fabs( atan2(a.y - o.y,a.x - o.x) - atan2(b.y - o.y,b.x - o.x)); 27 deta = min(deta,2*pi - deta); 28 return deta * r; 29 } 30 //ab线段和圆是否相交 31 bool is_insert(Point a,Point b){ 32 double ab = dist(a,b); 33 double d = fabs(cross(o,a,b)) / ab; 34 if( d > r - eps) return 0; 35 double oa = dist(a,o) , ob = dist(o,b); 36 double ta = (oa*oa + ab*ab - ob*ob)/2*oa*ab; 37 double tb = (ob*ob + ab*ab - oa*oa)/2*oa*ab; 38 if(ta < -eps || tb < -eps) return 0; 39 return 1; 40 } 41 }cir; 42 //求切点 43 void getTangentPoints(Point p,Circle C , Point& r1,Point& r2){ 44 double d = dist(p,C.o); 45 double base = atan2(p.y - C.o.y,p.x - C.o.x); 46 double deta = acos( C.r/d ); 47 r1 = C.getPoint(base - deta); 48 r2 = C.getPoint(base + deta); 49 } 50 int sgn(double x){ 51 if( fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 52 if( x > 0) return 1; 53 return -1; 54 } 55 bool judge(double t){ 56 double R = sqrt( a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y); 57 double w = a.v / R ; 58 Point c = a.rotate(w * t); 59 if(cir.is_insert(b,c) == 0 ) return dist(b,c) < t*b.v + eps; 60 Point cutb1 , cutb2; 61 getTangentPoints(b,cir,cutb1,cutb2); 62 Point cutc1 , cutc2; 63 getTangentPoints(c,cir,cutc1,cutc2); 64 double tem1 = dist(b,cutb2) + dist(c,cutc1) + cir.getPointDis(cutb2,cutc1); 65 double tem2 = dist(b,cutb1) + dist(c,cutc2) + cir.getPointDis(cutb1,cutc2); 66 return min( tem1,tem2 ) < t*b.v + eps; 67 } 68 int main(){ 69 scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&a.x,&a.y,&a.v); 70 scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&b.x,&b.y,&b.v,&cir.r); 71 cir.o = (Point){0,0}; 72 double le = 0 , ri = 100000000; 73 double res; 74 while( ri - le > eps){ 75 double m = (ri+le)/2; 76 if(judge(m)){ 77 res = m; 78 ri = m; 79 } 80 else le = m; 81 } 82 printf("%.9f",res); 83 return 0; 84 }
2020.4.7:第二题:Kingdom Trip (K题)
我们判断线段ab和圆是否有交,其实是判断圆心到线段距离<R,并且两个非圆心夹角是锐角。然后其实我们还可以过a做圆o的切线,判断b是否在o切线夹角里面,那么假如ab在圆同一侧呢?没关系,我们反过来再做一次判断就好了。具体判断就是,枚举起点i,然后依次往后判断j,然后判断完j之后,把 j 的切线夹角和原来的求个交就好了。
然后其实判断夹角交有一个很好的做法就是:我们把第一个角度ph0设为基准,然后夹角范围我们用相对于ph0的deta来表示,左夹角为ph0 + l , 右夹角为 ph0 + r,那么我们每一次要交的是夹角角度是
[ phj - deta , phj + deta] ,那么我们只需要判断phj 和 ph0 之间的绝对夹角 theta, 然后 l = max(l,theta-deta); r = min(r,theta+deta); 即可。
这样比那种直接把左右角度表示出来好很多,因为左右角度表示出来很容易出现 l >r ,烦得要死。

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-7 4 const int N = 2e3+9; 5 #define inf 1e8 6 const double pi = acos(-1.0); 7 struct Point{ 8 double x,y; 9 }p[N]; 10 int dp[N],G[N][N]; 11 double cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 12 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.x) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 13 } 14 double dist(Point a,Point b){ 15 return sqrt((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); 16 } 17 int n; 18 double d; 19 double solve(double x){ 20 if(x>pi+eps) return x - 2*pi; 21 if(x<-pi - eps) return x + 2*pi; 22 return x; 23 } 24 void init(bool fg){ 25 for(int i = 1;i<n;++i){ 26 double ph0 = inf,l,r; 27 for(int j = i+1;j<=n;++j){ 28 double dd = dist(p[i],p[j]); 29 bool ok = 1; 30 double phj = atan2(p[j].y-p[i].y,p[j].x-p[i].x); 31 double theta = solve(phj-ph0); 32 if(ph0 != inf){ 33 if(theta < l - eps || theta > r + eps) ok = 0; 34 } 35 if(ok){ 36 if(fg) G[i][j] = 1; 37 else G[n+1-i][n+1-j] = 1; 38 } 39 if(dd < d - eps) continue; 40 double deta = asin(d/dd); 41 if(ph0 == inf){ 42 ph0 = phj; 43 l = -deta; 44 r = deta; 45 } 46 else{ 47 l = max(l,theta-deta); 48 r = min(r,theta+deta); 49 } 50 } 51 } 52 } 53 void work(){ 54 memset(dp,127,sizeof(dp)); 55 dp[n] = 1; 56 for(int i = n-1;i>=1;--i){ 57 for(int j = i+1;j<=n;++j){ 58 if(G[i][j] && G[j][i]) dp[i] = min(dp[i],dp[j] + 1); 59 } 60 } 61 printf("%d",dp[1]); 62 } 63 int main(){ 64 freopen("", "r", stdin); 65 freopen("kingdom.out", "w", stdout); 66 scanf("%d %lf",&n,&d); 67 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%lf %lf",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); 68 init(0); 69 reverse(p+1,p+1+n); 70 init(1); 71 // for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 72 // for(int j = 1;j<=n;++j){ 73 // cerr<<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<G[i][j]<<endl; 74 // } 75 // } 76 work(); 77 return 0; 78 }
2020.4.8 第三题 : Split Game

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N = 1e5+9; 4 typedef long long ll; 5 struct Point{ 6 ll x,y; 7 int id,ty,fr; 8 ll len(){return x*x+y*y;} 9 }p[N],tem[N],p0; 10 ll cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 11 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 12 } 13 bool cmp(Point a,Point b){ 14 if(cross(p0,a,b) == 0 ) return >; 15 return cross(p0,a,b) > 0; 16 } 17 int n; 18 void init(){ 19 int nn = 0; 20 p[nn++] = tem[0]; 21 for(int i = 1;i<n;++i){ 22 while( nn >= 2 && cross(p[nn-2],p[nn-1],tem[i]) == 0 ){ 23 --nn; 24 } 25 p[nn++] = tem[i]; 26 } 27 n = nn; 28 } 29 int main(){ 30 scanf("%d",&n); 31 p0.x = p0.y = 0; 32 for(int i = 0;i<n;++i){ 33 scanf("%lld %lld",&tem[i].x,&tem[i].y); 34 } 35 init(); 36 for(int i = 0;i<n;++i) p[i].id = i; 37 for(int i = 0;i<n;++i){ 38 Point l = p[ (i - 1 + n ) % n]; 39 Point r = p[ (i + 1 ) % n]; 40 ll cl = cross(p0,p[i],l) , cr = cross(p0,p[i],r); 41 if( cl > 0 && cr > 0 ){ 42 p[i].ty = 1; 43 if(cross(p[i],l,r) > 0 ) p[i].fr = 1; 44 else p[i].fr = -1; 45 } 46 else if( cl < 0 && cr < 0 ){ 47 p[i].ty = -1; 48 if(cross(p[i],l,r) > 0 ) p[i].fr = -1; 49 else p[i].fr = 1; 50 } 51 else if(cl == 0){ 52 Point llp = p[ (i - 2 + n ) % n]; 53 ll cll = cross(p0,p[i],llp); 54 if(cll > 0 && cr > 0) p[i].ty = 1; 55 else if( cll < 0 && cr < 0 ) p[i].ty = -1; 56 if(l.len() < p[i].len()) p[i].fr = -1; 57 else p[i].fr = 1; 58 } 59 } 60 ll ans = 1, now = 1; 61 sort(p,p+n,cmp); 62 for(int i = 0;i<n;++i){ 63 // cerr<<p[i].x<<" "<<p[i].y<<" "<<p[i].ty<<" "<<p[i].fr<<endl; 64 if( i > 0 && cross(p0,p[i],p[i-1]) == 0 && p[i].fr == p[i-1].fr ) now += p[i].ty; 65 else{ 66 ans = max(now,ans); 67 now += p[i].ty; 68 } 69 } 70 ans = max(ans,now); 71 printf("%d",ans); 72 return 0; 73 }
2020.4.10 第四题:Alice and Bomb

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-6 4 const double inf = 1e30; 5 const double pi = acos(-1.0); 6 struct Point{ 7 double x,y; 8 double dis; 9 bool ok; 10 int id; 11 Point(){} 12 Point(double xx,double yy){ 13 x = xx; y = yy; 14 } 15 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 16 return dis > b.dis; 17 } 18 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 19 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 20 } 21 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 22 return (Point){b*x,b*y}; 23 } 24 }p0,A; 25 struct Line{ 26 Point s,e; 27 double a,b,c; 28 Line(Point p1,Point p2){ 29 s = p1, e = p2; 30 a = p2.y - p1.y; 31 b = p1.x - p2.x; 32 c = p2.x * p1.y - p1.x * p2.y; 33 } 34 }; 35 int n; 36 const int N = 1000+9; 37 vector<Point> pol[N]; 38 double dis[N][N]; 39 double ans[N]; 40 bool can[N]; 41 int cnt; 42 int sgn(double x){ 43 if(fabs(x) < eps ) return 0; 44 if(x>0) return 1; 45 return -1; 46 } 47 double dist(Point a,Point b){ 48 return sqrt( (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); 49 } 50 double cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 51 return (b.x - a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 52 } 53 double dot(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 54 return (b.x - a.x) * (c.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y) * (c.y - a.y); 55 } 56 Point footOfLine(Line l,Point p){ 57 double t = (l.a * p.x + l.b*p.y + l.c) / (l.a * l.a + l.b * l.b); 58 return p + Point(l.a,l.b) * t; 59 } 60 bool insert(Line l1,Line l2){ 61 return 62 max(l1.s.x,l1.e.x) >= min(l2.s.x,l2.e.x) && 63 max(l2.s.x,l2.e.x) >= min(l1.s.x,l1.e.x) && 64 max(l1.s.y,l1.e.y) >= min(l2.s.y,l2.e.y) && 65 max(l2.s.y,l2.e.y) >= min(l1.s.y,l1.e.y) && 66 sgn( cross(l1.s,l2.s,l1.e) ) * sgn( cross(l1.s,l2.e,l1.e)) < 0 && 67 sgn( cross(l2.s,l1.s,l2.e) ) * sgn( cross(l2.s,l1.e,l2.e)) < 0; 68 } 69 bool access(Point a,Point b){ 70 Line l1 = Line(a,b); 71 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 72 for(int k = 0;k<pol[i].size()-1;++k){ 73 Line l2 = Line(pol[i][k],pol[i][k+1]); 74 // cerr<<l2.s.x<<" "<<l2.s.y<<" "<<l2.e.x<<" "<<l2.e.y<<endl; 75 if( insert(l1,l2) ) return 0; 76 // cerr<<"hh"<<endl; 77 } 78 } 79 return 1; 80 } 81 void solve(){ 82 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i){ 83 for(int j = i+1;j<=cnt;++j){ 84 dis[i][j] = dis[j][i] = inf; 85 } 86 } 87 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 88 for(int j = i+1;j<=n;++j){ 89 for(int a = 0;a<pol[i].size()-1;++a){ 90 for(int b = 0;b<pol[j].size()-1;++b){ 91 if(access(pol[i][a],pol[j][b])){ 92 dis[pol[i][a].id][pol[j][b].id] = dis[pol[j][b].id][pol[i][a].id] = dist(pol[i][a],pol[j][b]); 93 } 94 dis[pol[i][a].id][pol[j][b].id] = dis[pol[j][b].id][pol[i][a].id] = inf; 95 } 96 } 97 } 98 } 99 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 100 for(int j = 0;j<pol[i].size()-1;++j){ 101 dis[pol[i][j].id][pol[i][j+1].id] = dis[pol[i][j+1].id][pol[i][j].id] = dist(pol[i][j],pol[i][j+1]); 102 } 103 } 104 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 105 for(int j = 0;j<pol[i].size() - 1;++j){ 106 if(cross(p0,pol[i][j],pol[i][j+1]) > eps){ 107 can[pol[i][j].id] = can[pol[i][j+1].id] = 1; 108 // cerr<<"can"<<endl; 109 } 110 } 111 } 112 priority_queue<Point> q; 113 A.dis = 0; 114 A.ok = = 0; 115 q.push(A); 116 while(!q.empty()){ 117 Point now =; 118 q.pop(); 119 // cerr<<now.x<<" "<<now.y<<" "<<now.dis<<" "<<now.ok<<" now"<<endl; 120 if(now.ok){ 121 // cerr<<now.x<<" "<<now.y<<endl; 122 printf("%.8f\n",now.dis); 123 break; 124 } 125 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 126 for(int k = 0;k<pol[i].size() - 1;++k){ 127 int idb = pol[i][k].id; 128 if({ 129 if(dis[][idb] != inf && now.dis + dis[][idb] < ans[idb]){ 130 ans[idb] = now.dis + dis[][idb]; 131 Point tem = pol[i][k]; 132 tem.dis = ans[idb]; 133 tem.ok = 0; 134 // cerr<<tem.dis<<" "<<tem.x<<" "<<tem.y<<" ans"<<endl; 135 q.push(tem); 136 } 137 } 138 else{ 139 if(access(now,pol[i][k]) && now.dis + dist(pol[i][k],now) < ans[idb]){ 140 ans[idb] = now.dis + dist(now,pol[i][k]); 141 // cerr<<idb<<" "<<dist(pol[i][k],now)<<endl; 142 Point tem = pol[i][k]; 143 tem.dis = ans[idb]; 144 tem.ok = 0; 145 // cerr<<tem.x<<" "<<tem.y<<" "<<tem.dis<<" idb"<<endl; 146 q.push(tem); 147 } 148 } 149 } 150 } 151 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 152 for(int k = 0;k<pol[i].size()-1;++k){ 153 if(can[pol[i][k].id] && ( dot(pol[i][k],p0,now) < eps) ){ 154 Point tem = footOfLine(Line(p0,pol[i][k]) , now ); 155 tem.dis = now.dis + dist(now,tem); 156 // cerr<<"okk"<<endl; 157 // cerr<<tem.dis<<endl; 158 = 0 , tem.ok = 1; 159 // cerr<<tem.x<<" "<<tem.y<<" "<<tem.dis<<" tem"<<endl; 160 q.push(tem); 161 } 162 } 163 } 164 } 165 // cerr<<"fuck"<<endl; 166 } 167 int main(){ 168 // cerr<<sqrt(5)<<endl; 169 A.x = 0, A.y = 0; 170 while(~scanf("%d",&n) && n){ 171 cnt = 0; 172 scanf("%lf %lf",&p0.x,&p0.y); 173 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 174 pol[i].clear(); 175 int m; scanf("%d",&m); 176 Point tem; 177 for(int j = 1;j<=m;++j){ 178 scanf("%lf %lf",&tem.x,&tem.y); 179 = ++cnt; 180 ans[cnt] = inf; 181 can[cnt] = 0; 182 pol[i].push_back(tem); 183 } 184 pol[i].push_back(pol[i][0]); 185 } 186 if(access(p0,A) == 0){ 187 printf("0.00000000\n"); 188 continue; 189 } 190 // cerr<<"here"<<endl; 191 solve(); 192 } 193 }
2020.4.11 第五题:Symmetry

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-6 4 const double inf = 1e30; 5 const int N = 1000+8; 6 const double pi = acos(-1.0); 7 struct Point{ 8 double x,y; 9 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 10 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 11 } 12 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 13 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 14 } 15 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 16 return (Point){b*x,b*y}; 17 } 18 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 19 if(x == b.x) return y < b.y; 20 return x < b.x; 21 } 22 double mul(const Point& b)const{ 23 return x*b.x + b.y*y; 24 } 25 void near(){ 26 int cx = ceil(x) , fx = floor(x); 27 int cy = ceil(y) , fy = floor(y); 28 if( fabs(cx - x) < eps ) x = cx; 29 else if(fabs(fx - x) < eps) x = fx; 30 else x = inf; 31 32 if(fabs(cy - y) < eps) y = cy; 33 else if(fabs(fy - y) < eps ) y = fy; 34 else y = inf; 35 } 36 }p[N]; 37 bool show; 38 struct Line{ 39 Point s,e; 40 }; 41 map<Point,int> has; 42 int n; 43 int sgn(double x){ 44 if(fabs(x) < eps ) return 0; 45 if( x>0 ) return 1; 46 return -1; 47 } 48 double cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 49 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 50 } 51 double dist2(Point a,Point b){ 52 return (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y); 53 } 54 double dot(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 55 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.x-a.x) + (b.y-a.y)*(c.y-a.y); 56 } 57 Point projection(Line l,Point p){ 58 double t = dot(l.s,p,l.e) / dist2(l.s,l.e); 59 return l.s + (l.e - l.s) * t; 60 } 61 Point reflection(Line l,Point p){ 62 return p + (projection(l,p) - p) * 2; 63 } 64 bool onLine(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 65 return sgn(cross(a,b,c)) == 0; 66 } 67 bool judge(Point s,Point e,Point a,Point b){ 68 Point mid = (a+b)*0.5; 69 return onLine(s,e,mid) && (sgn( (e-s).mul(b-a) ) == 0) ; 70 } 71 bool solve(){ 72 int cnt = 0; 73 for(int cas = 1;cas<=3;++cas){ 74 for(int k = 2;k<=n;++k){ 75 cnt = 0; 76 Point a = (p[1] + p[k]) * 0.5; 77 Point b = p[k] - p[1]; 78 swap(b.x,b.y); 79 b.x = -b.x; 80 b = a + b; 81 Line l = (Line){a,b}; 82 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) has[ p[i] ] = 1; 83 has[ p[1] ] = has[ p[k] ] = 0; 84 bool ok = 1; 85 for(int i = 1;i<=n && ok;++i){ 86 if(has[p[i]] == 0) continue; 87 Point tem = reflection(l,p[i]); 88 tem.near(); 89 if(tem.x == inf || tem.y == inf || (has[tem] == 0)) ok = 0; 90 if(judge(l.s,l.e,p[i],tem) == 0) ok = 0; 91 has[tem] = has[p[i]] = 0; 92 if(tem.x == p[i].x && tem.y == p[i].y) ++cnt; 93 } 94 if(ok && cnt<=2) return 1; 95 } 96 97 Point tem = p[1]; 98 for(int i =1;i<n;++i) p[i] = p[i+1]; 99 p[n] = tem; 100 } 101 return 0; 102 } 103 bool all_Line(){ 104 for(int i = 3;i<=n;++i){ 105 if( sgn( cross(p[1],p[2],p[i]) ) != 0 ) return 0; 106 } 107 return 1; 108 } 109 int main(){ 110 scanf("%d",&n); 111 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%lf %lf",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); 112 if(all_Line()){ 113 puts("No"); 114 return 0; 115 } 116 if(solve()) puts("Yes"); 117 else puts("No"); 118 return 0; 119 }
2020.4.12 第六题:集训队训练:Forest protection

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long ll; 4 const int N = 1e5+9; 5 struct Point{ 6 ll x,y; 7 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 8 return x < b.x || (x==b.x && y < b.y); 9 } 10 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 11 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 12 } 13 ll cro(Point b){ 14 return x*b.y - b.x*y; 15 } 16 ll dot(Point b){ 17 return x*b.x + y * b.y; 18 } 19 }p[N],ch[N*2]; 20 int n; 21 ll cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 22 return (b.x - a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 23 } 24 int Andrew(){ 25 sort(p,p+n); 26 int m = 0; 27 for(int i = 0;i<n;++i){ 28 while( m>1 && cross(ch[m-2],p[i],ch[m-1]) > 0 ) --m; 29 ch[m++] = p[i]; 30 } 31 int k = m; 32 for(int i = n-2;i>=0;--i){ 33 while( m>k && cross(ch[m-2],p[i],ch[m-1]) >0 ) --m; 34 ch[m++] = p[i]; 35 } 36 if(n>1) --m; 37 return m; 38 } 39 bool all_line(){ 40 for(int i = 2;i<n;++i){ 41 if(cross(p[0],p[1],p[i]) != 0) return 0; 42 } 43 return 1; 44 } 45 int main(){ 46 scanf("%d",&n); 47 for(int i = 0;i<n;++i) scanf("%lld %lld",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); 48 if( all_line() ){ 49 printf("%d",n); 50 return 0; 51 } 52 int m = Andrew(); 53 int ans = 0; 54 for(int i = 0;i<m;++i) ch[i+m] = ch[i]; 55 int j = 0; 56 for(int i = 0;i<m;++i){ 57 while( j<i+m && ( ( (ch[i+1] - ch[i]).cro(ch[j+1] - ch[j]) == 0) && ( ch[i+1] - ch[i]).dot(ch[j+1] - ch[j]) > 0 ) ) ++j; 58 while( j < i+m && (ch[i+1] - ch[i]).cro(ch[j+1] - ch[j]) > 0 ) ++j; 59 // cerr<<ch[i].x<<" "<<ch[i].y<<" "<<ch[j].x<<" "<<ch[j].y<<" "<<i<<" "<<j<<endl; 60 ans = max(j - i -1,ans); 61 } 62 printf("%d",m - ans); 63 return 0; 64 }
2020.4.13 第七题(H): Cornering at Poles
然后就是把模板抄上去,建图跑dij就好了。 注意:弧上两点判断是否可以达到,只需要判断两个点是不是在某一个圆里,或者某一个圆的圆心极角在 两点极角之间,然后 可以那部分圆弧就取min就好了。

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-8 4 #define pii pair<double,int> 5 const double inf = 1e50; 6 const double pi = acos(-1.0); 7 const int N = 1e5+9; 8 double R; 9 int sgn(double x){ 10 if(fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 11 if( x > 0 ) return 1; 12 return -1; 13 } 14 struct Point{ 15 double x,y; 16 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 17 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 18 } 19 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 20 return (Point){ x + b.x,y+b.y}; 21 } 22 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 23 return (Point){x*b,y*b}; 24 } 25 Point operator / (const double& b)const{ 26 return (Point){x/b,y/b}; 27 } 28 }p[N]; 29 30 double cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 31 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 32 } 33 double dot(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 34 return (b.x - a.x)*(c.x-a.x) + (b.y-a.y)*(c.y-a.y); 35 } 36 double dist2(Point a,Point b){ 37 return (a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y); 38 } 39 double dist(Point a,Point b){ 40 return sqrt(dist2(a,b)); 41 } 42 double Point_to_Seg(Point p,Point a,Point b){ 43 if( sgn( dot(a,p,b) ) < 0 ) return dist(p,a); 44 if( sgn( dot(b,p,a) ) < 0 ) return dist(p,b); 45 return fabs( cross(p,a,b) ) / dist(a,b); 46 } 47 struct Circle{ 48 Point o; 49 vector<int> v; 50 Point getPoint(double deta){ 51 return (Point){o.x + cos(deta)*R , o.y + sin(deta)*R }; 52 } 53 bool is_insert(Point a,Point b){ 54 double d; 55 if( dist(a,b) < eps ) d = dist(a,o); 56 else d = Point_to_Seg(o,a,b); 57 if( sgn(d - R) < 0 ) return 1; 58 return 0; 59 } 60 }cir[10]; 61 int cnt; 62 int bel[N]; 63 vector< pair<int,double> > G[N]; 64 double dis[N]; 65 Point a[10],b[10]; 66 int n; 67 int getTangentPoints(Point p,Circle c,Point& r1,Point& r2){ 68 double d = dist(p,c.o); 69 if( sgn(d-R) < 0 ) return 0; 70 else if( sgn(d-R) == 0 ){ 71 r1 = p; 72 return 1; 73 } 74 else{ 75 double base = atan2(p.y - c.o.y,p.x - c.o.x); 76 double deta = acos( R/d ); 77 r1 = c.getPoint(base - deta); 78 r2 = c.getPoint(base + deta); 79 return 2; 80 } 81 } 82 int getCircleTangents(Circle A,Circle B,Point* a,Point* b){ 83 int cnt = 0; 84 double d2 = dist2(A.o,B.o); 85 double rsum = 2*R; 86 double base = atan2(B.o.y - A.o.y,B.o.x - A.o.x); 87 double ang = acos(0.0); 88 a[cnt] = A.getPoint(base+ang); b[cnt] = B.getPoint(base+ang); cnt++; 89 a[cnt] = A.getPoint(base-ang); b[cnt] = B.getPoint(base-ang); cnt++; 90 91 if( sgn(d2 - rsum*rsum) > 0 ){ 92 ang = acos( 2*R/ sqrt(d2) ); 93 a[cnt] = A.getPoint(base + ang); b[cnt] = B.getPoint(pi+base + ang); ++cnt; 94 a[cnt] = A.getPoint(base - ang); b[cnt] = B.getPoint(pi+base - ang); ++cnt; 95 } 96 return cnt; 97 } 98 bool road_ok(Point a,Point b){ 99 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 100 if( cir[i].is_insert(a,b) ) return 0; 101 } 102 return 1; 103 } 104 // double relative(double a){ 105 // if( a < -pi ) a += 2*pi; 106 // else if( a > pi) a -= 2*pi; 107 // return a; 108 // } 109 double rad_ok(int k,Point a,Point b){ 110 Circle c = cir[k]; 111 double le = atan2(a.y - c.o.y,a.x - c.o.x); 112 double ri = atan2(b.y - c.o.y,b.x - c.o.x); 113 if( le > ri ) swap(le,ri); 114 bool ok1 = 1, ok2 = 1; 115 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 116 if( dist(a,cir[i].o) < R - eps || dist( b,cir[i].o) < R - eps ) return inf; 117 double d = dist(cir[i].o,cir[k].o); 118 if( i == k || dist(cir[i].o,c.o) > 2*R - eps) continue; 119 Point w = (cir[i].o - cir[k].o) / d * 100.0 + cir[k].o; 120 // double phi = atan2( cir[i].o.y - c.o.y , cir[i].o.x - c.o.x); 121 double phi = atan2(w.y-c.o.y,w.x - c.o.x); 122 if( sgn(phi - le) > 0 && sgn(phi - ri) < 0 ) ok1 = 0; 123 else ok2 = 0; 124 } 125 double res = inf; 126 // cerr<<(ri-le)*R<<" "<<(2*pi - ri + le)*R<<" !!!"<<ok1<<" "<<ok2<<endl; 127 if(ok1) res = min(res,(ri - le)*R ); 128 if(ok2) res = min(res, (2*pi - ri + le) * R); 129 return res; 130 } 131 void build_G(){ 132 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 133 Point r1,r2; 134 int m = getTangentPoints(p[1],cir[i],r1,r2); 135 if( m == 0 ) return; 136 if(m>=1 ){ 137 p[++cnt] = r1; bel[cnt] = i; 138 } 139 if(m >= 2){ 140 p[++cnt] = r2; bel[cnt] = i; 141 } 142 143 m = getTangentPoints(p[2],cir[i],r1,r2); 144 if( m == 0 ) return; 145 if(m>=1 ){ 146 p[++cnt] = r1; bel[cnt] = i; 147 } 148 if(m >= 2){ 149 p[++cnt] = r2; bel[cnt] = i; 150 } 151 } 152 153 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 154 for(int j = i+1;j<=n;++j){ 155 int m = getCircleTangents(cir[i],cir[j],a,b); 156 for(int k = 0;k<m;++k){ 157 p[++cnt] = a[k]; bel[cnt] = i; 158 p[++cnt] = b[k]; bel[cnt] = j; 159 } 160 } 161 } 162 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i){ 163 for(int j = i+1;j<=cnt;++j){ 164 if( bel[i] == bel[j] ){ 165 double d = rad_ok(bel[i],p[i],p[j]); 166 // cerr<<i<<" "<<j<<" "<<d<<endl; 167 if( d != inf ){ 168 G[i].push_back({j,d}); 169 G[j].push_back({i,d}); 170 } 171 } 172 else{ 173 if(road_ok(p[i],p[j])){ 174 G[i].push_back({j,dist(p[i],p[j])}); 175 G[j].push_back({i,dist(p[i],p[j])}); 176 } 177 } 178 } 179 } 180 } 181 void dij(){ 182 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i) dis[i] = inf; 183 dis[1] = 0; 184 priority_queue<pii,vector<pii>,greater<pii> > q; 185 q.push(make_pair(0,1)); 186 while(!q.empty()){ 187 int u =; 188 double tem =; 189 q.pop(); 190 if( tem > dis[u] + eps ) continue; 191 for(auto it : G[u]){ 192 int v = it.first; 193 double w = it.second; 194 if( dis[v] - eps > dis[u] + w){ 195 dis[v] = dis[u] + w; 196 q.push( make_pair(dis[v],v) ); 197 } 198 } 199 } 200 } 201 int main(){ 202 R = 100.0; 203 scanf("%d",&n); 204 scanf("%lf %lf",&p[2].x,&p[2].y); 205 p[1].x = p[1].y = 0; 206 bel[1] = 0 , bel[2] = n+1; 207 cnt = 2; 208 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 209 scanf("%lf %lf",&cir[i].o.x,&cir[i].o.y); 210 } 211 build_G(); 212 dij(); 213 214 if( dis[2] == inf ) printf("0.0"); 215 else printf("%.5f",dis[2]); 216 return 0; 217 } 218 /* 219 1 958 834 220 86 57 221 */

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-8 4 const int N = 1e3+9; 5 const double inf = 1e6; 6 int sgn(double x){ 7 if( fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 8 if( x < 0 ) return -1; 9 return 1; 10 } 11 struct Point{ 12 double x,y; 13 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 14 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 15 } 16 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 17 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 18 } 19 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 20 if( sgn(x - b.x) == 0 ) return y < b.y; 21 return x < b.x; 22 } 23 }va[N],vb[N],rec[10]; 24 double cross(Point a,Point b){ 25 return a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y; 26 } 27 vector<Point> a[N],b[N]; 28 int n; 29 double xl,yl,xr,yr; 30 double X[N]; 31 double mi[N],mx[N]; 32 int cnt; 33 bool insert(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 34 return 35 max(a.x,b.x) >= min(c.x,d.x) && 36 max(c.x,d.x) >= min(a.x,b.x) && 37 max(a.y,b.y) >= min(c.y,d.y) && 38 max(c.y,d.y) >= min(a.y,b.y) && 39 sgn(cross(c-a,b-a))*sgn(cross(d-a,b-a))<=0 && 40 sgn(cross(a-c,d-c))*sgn(cross(b-c,d-c))<=0; 41 } 42 Point segcross(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 43 double u = cross(b-a,c-a) , v = cross(a-b,d-b); 44 return (Point){ (c.x*v+d.x*u)/(u+v) , (c.y*v+d.y*u)/(u+v)}; 45 } 46 vector<Point> Minke(vector<Point> pa,vector<Point> pb){ 47 int na = pa.size(),nb = pb.size(); 48 // 49 int ida = 0, idb = 0; 50 for(int i = 0;i<na;++i) if(pa[i] < pa[ida]) ida = i; 51 for(int i = 0;i<nb;++i) if(pb[i] < pb[idb]) idb = i; 52 vector<Point> ta , tb; 53 for(int i = 0;i<na;++i){ 54 ta.push_back(pa[ida]); 55 ida = (ida+1)%na; 56 } 57 for(int i = 0;i<nb;++i){ 58 tb.push_back(pb[idb]); 59 idb = (idb+1)%nb; 60 } 61 pa = ta; pb = tb; 62 63 for(int i = 0 ; i < na-1;++i) va[i] = pa[i+1] - pa[i]; 64 va[na-1] = pa[0] - pa[na-1]; 65 for(int i = 0 ; i < nb-1;++i) vb[i] = pb[i+1] - pb[i]; 66 vb[nb-1] = pb[0] - pb[nb-1]; 67 vector<Point> pc; 68 Point tem; 69 tem = pa[0] + pb[0]; 70 pc.push_back(tem); 71 int p1 = 0, p2 = 0; 72 while(p1 < na && p2 < nb){ 73 tem = tem + ( (cross(va[p1],vb[p2]) >= 0 ) ? va[p1++] : vb[p2++]); 74 pc.push_back(tem); 75 } 76 while(p1 < na){ 77 tem = tem + va[p1++]; 78 pc.push_back(tem); 79 } 80 while(p2 < nb){ 81 tem = tem + vb[p2++]; 82 pc.push_back(tem); 83 } 84 // 85 return pc; 86 } 87 void init(){ 88 double xmi = a[n+1][0].x,ymi = a[n+1][0].y,xmx = xmi , ymx = ymi; 89 for(auto it : a[n+1]){ 90 xmi = min(xmi,it.x) , xmx = max(xmx,it.x); 91 ymi = min(ymi,it.y) , ymx = max(ymx,it.y); 92 } 93 xl -= xmi; xr -= xmx; 94 yl -= ymi; yr -= ymx; 95 96 for(int i = 0;i<a[n+1].size();++i){ 97 a[n+1][i].x = -a[n+1][i].x; 98 a[n+1][i].y = -a[n+1][i].y; 99 } 100 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 101 b[i] = Minke(a[n+1],a[i]); 102 } 103 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 104 mi[i] = b[i][0].x , mx[i] = mi[i]; 105 for(auto it : b[i]){ 106 mi[i] = min(mi[i],it.x); 107 mx[i] = max(mx[i],it.x); 108 } 109 } 110 X[++cnt] = xl; 111 X[++cnt] = xr; 112 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 113 for(auto it : b[i]){ 114 if(it.x < xl + eps || it.x > xr - eps ) continue; 115 X[++cnt] = it.x; 116 } 117 } 118 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 119 for(int j = i+1;j<=n;++j){ 120 for(int ii = 0;ii<b[i].size()-1;++ii){ 121 for(int jj = 0;jj<b[j].size()-1;++jj){ 122 Point s1 = b[i][ii] , e1 = b[i][ii+1]; 123 Point s2 = b[j][jj] , e2 = b[j][jj+1]; 124 if( sgn(cross(e1 - s1,s2 - s1) ) == 0 && sgn(cross(e1 - s1,e2 - s1) == 0 ) ) continue; 125 if( insert(s1,e1,s2,e2) ){ 126 Point tem = segcross(s1,e1,s2,e2); 127 if(tem.x < xl + eps || tem.x > xr - eps ) continue; 128 X[++cnt] = tem.x; 129 } 130 } 131 } 132 } 133 } 134 rec[0] = (Point){xl,yl}; rec[1] = (Point){xr,yl}; 135 rec[2] = (Point){xr,yr}; rec[3] = (Point){xl,yr}; rec[4] = rec[0]; 136 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 137 for(int j = 0;j<b[i].size()-1;++j){ 138 for(int k = 0;k<4;++k){ 139 if(insert(b[i][j],b[i][j+1],rec[k],rec[k+1])){ 140 Point res = segcross(b[i][j],b[i][j+1],rec[k],rec[k+1]); 141 X[++cnt] = res.x; 142 } 143 } 144 } 145 } 146 sort(X+1,X+1+cnt); 147 } 148 void crosspol(vector<Point> p, double xx , vector< pair<double,int> >& Y){ 149 Point le = (Point){xx,-inf} , ri = (Point){xx,inf}; 150 vector<double> vec; 151 for(int j = 0;j<p.size()-1;++j){ 152 if( sgn( p[j].x - le.x) == 0 && sgn(p[j+1].x - le.x) == 0){ 153 vec.push_back(p[j].y); 154 vec.push_back(p[j+1].y); 155 } 156 else{ 157 if(insert(le,ri,p[j],p[j+1]) ){ 158 Point tem = segcross(le,ri,p[j],p[j+1]); 159 vec.push_back(tem.y); 160 } 161 } 162 } 163 sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); 164 if(vec.size() < 2) return; 165 double ya = vec[0] , yb = vec[vec.size()-1]; 166 Y.push_back({max(ya,yl),1}); Y.push_back({min(yb,yr),-1}); 167 } 168 double solve_len(vector< pair<double,int> > Y){ 169 sort(Y.begin(),Y.end()); 170 int num = 0; 171 double res = 0; 172 double las; 173 for(auto it : Y){ 174 if(num==0 && it.second == 1){ 175 las = it.first; 176 ++num; 177 continue; 178 } 179 num += it.second; 180 if(num == 0 && it.second == -1) res += (it.first - las); 181 } 182 return res; 183 } 184 void solve(){ 185 double ans = 0; 186 for(int i = 1;i<cnt;++i){ 187 vector< pair<double,int> > Yl,Yr; 188 for(int j = 1;j<=n;++j){ 189 if(mx[j] < X[i] + eps || mi[j] > X[i+1] - eps ) continue; 190 crosspol(b[j],X[i],Yl); 191 crosspol(b[j],X[i+1],Yr); 192 } 193 double le = solve_len(Yl) , ri = solve_len(Yr); 194 ans += (ri + le) * (X[i+1] - X[i]) * 0.5; 195 } 196 printf("%.3f\n",(xr-xl)*(yr-yl) - ans); 197 return; 198 } 199 int main(){ 200 int T; scanf("%d",&T); 201 for(int cas = 1;cas <= T;++cas){ 202 cnt = 0; 203 printf("Case #%d: ",cas); 204 scanf("%d",&n); 205 for(int i = 1;i<=n+1;++i){ 206 a[i].clear(); 207 int m; scanf("%d",&m); 208 for(int j = 1;j<=m;++j){ 209 Point tem; 210 scanf("%lf %lf",&tem.x,&tem.y); 211 a[i].push_back(tem); 212 } 213 } 214 scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&xl,&yl,&xr,&yr); 215 init(); 216 solve(); 217 } 218 return 0; 219 } 220 /* 221 6 222 1 223 3 224 0 0 225 10 0 226 10 10 227 4 228 0 0 229 1 0 230 1 1 231 0 1 232 0 0 10 10 233 */
2020.4.19 第九题:
这是我们的训练赛。 I 题是计几,题意:空间给你两个三角形,判断两个三角形最短距离。

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-7 4 const double pi = acos(-1.0); 5 int sgn(double x){ 6 if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0; 7 if( x > 0 ) return 1; 8 return -1; 9 } 10 struct Point{ 11 double x,y,z; 12 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 13 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y,z-b.z}; 14 } 15 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 16 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y,z+b.z}; 17 } 18 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 19 return (Point){b*x,b*y,b*z}; 20 } 21 Point operator / (const double& b)const{ 22 return (Point){x/b,y/b,z/b}; 23 } 24 double len(){return sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z); } 25 }T1[4],T2[4]; 26 Point cross(Point a,Point b){ 27 double xx = a.y*b.z-b.y*a.z; 28 double yy = a.x*b.z-b.x*a.z; 29 double zz = a.x*b.y-b.x*a.y; 30 return (Point){xx,-yy,zz}; 31 } 32 double dot(Point a,Point b){ 33 return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z; 34 } 35 36 bool SameSide(Point p1,Point p2,Point a,Point b){ 37 return dot(cross(b - a, p1 - a), cross(b - a, p2 - a)) - eps >= 0; 38 } 39 bool PointInTri(Point P, Point P0, Point P1,Point P2){ 40 return SameSide(P, P0, P1, P2) && SameSide(P, P1, P0, P2) && SameSide(P, P2, P0, P1); 41 } 42 43 // 三角形P0P1P2是否和线段AB相交 44 bool TriSegIntersection(Point P0, Point P1, Point P2, Point A, Point B, Point & P){ 45 Point n = cross(P1 - P0, P2 - P0); 46 if(abs(dot(n, B - A)) <= eps) return false; // 线段A-B和平面P0P1P2平行或共面 47 else // 平面A和直线P1-P2有惟一交点 48 { 49 double t = dot(n, P0 - A) / dot(n, B - A); 50 if(t + eps < 0 || t - 1 - eps > 0) return false; // 不在线段AB上 51 P = A + (B - A) * t; // 交点 52 return PointInTri(P, P0, P1, P2); 53 } 54 } 55 //空间两三角形是否相交 56 bool TriTriIntersection(Point * T1, Point * T2){ 57 Point P; 58 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ 59 if(TriSegIntersection(T1[0], T1[1], T1[2], T2[i], T2[(i + 1) % 3], P)) 60 { 61 return true; 62 } 63 64 if(TriSegIntersection(T2[0], T2[1], T2[2], T1[i], T1[(i + 1) % 3], P)) 65 { 66 return true; 67 } 68 } 69 70 return false; 71 } 72 73 74 //点到线段的距离 75 double point_to_seg(Point p, Point a, Point b){ 76 if((a-b).len()<eps) return (p - a).len(); //xiugai 77 Point v1 = b - a, v2 = p - a, v3 = p - b; 78 if(dot(v1, v2) + eps < 0) return v2.len(); 79 else{ 80 if(dot(v1, v3) - eps > 0) return v3.len(); 81 else return cross(v1, v2).len() / v1.len(); 82 } 83 } 84 85 86 double point_to_tri(Point p,Point a,Point b,Point c){ 87 if(PointInTri(p,a,b,c)){ 88 Point n = cross(b-a,c-a); 89 return fabs( dot( p-a ,n ) ) / n.len() ; 90 } 91 else{ 92 double res = point_to_seg(p,a,b); 93 res = min(res,point_to_seg(p,a,c)); 94 res = min(res,point_to_seg(p,b,c)); 95 return res; 96 } 97 } 98 99 // // 两线段距离 100 // double SegDis(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d) { 101 // Point n = cross(a - b, c - d); 102 // if (sgn(n.len()) != 0) { 103 // n = n / n.len(); /// xiugai 104 // Point cc = GetPlaneProjection(c, a, n); 105 // Point dd = GetPlaneProjection(d, a, n); 106 // Point res; 107 // if (SegCross(a, b, cc, dd, res) == 1) 108 // return LineDis(a, b, c, d); 109 // } 110 // double ret = point_to_seg(a, c, d); 111 // ret = min(ret, point_to_seg(b, c, d)); 112 // ret = min(ret, point_to_seg(c, a, b)); 113 // ret = min(ret, point_to_seg(d, a, b)); 114 // return ret; 115 // } 116 117 //线段之间距离 118 double seg_to_seg(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 119 double res = min( point_to_seg(a,c,d) , point_to_seg(b,c,d) ); 120 res = min( res , min( point_to_seg(c,a,b) , point_to_seg(d,a,b) ) ); 121 Point normal = cross(b-a, d-c); 122 double cp1 = dot(normal, cross( d-c, a-c) ); 123 double cp2 = dot(normal, cross( d-c, b-c) ); 124 double cp3 = dot(normal, cross( b-a, c-a) ); 125 double cp4 = dot(normal, cross( b-a, d-a) ); 126 if (cp1*cp2 < -eps && cp3*cp4 < -eps ) { 127 Point p1 = (b*cp1 - a*cp2) / (cp1-cp2); 128 Point p2 = (d*cp3 - c*cp4) / (cp3-cp4); 129 res = min(res, (p2-p1).len()); 130 } 131 return res; 132 } 133 134 int main(){ 135 int T; scanf("%d",&T); 136 while(T--){ 137 scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&T1[0].x,&T1[0].y,&T1[0].z,&T1[1].x,&T1[1].y,&T1[1].z,&T1[2].x,&T1[2].y,&T1[2].z); 138 scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&T2[0].x,&T2[0].y,&T2[0].z,&T2[1].x,&T2[1].y,&T2[1].z,&T2[2].x,&T2[2].y,&T2[2].z); 139 if(TriTriIntersection(T1,T2)){ 140 printf("0.000000000\n"); 141 continue; 142 } 143 double ans = 1e60; 144 for(int i = 0;i<3;++i) ans = min(ans,point_to_tri(T1[i],T2[0],T2[1],T2[2]) ); 145 for(int i = 0;i<3;++i) ans = min(ans,point_to_tri(T2[i],T1[0],T1[1],T1[2]) ); 146 for(int i = 0;i<3;++i){ 147 for(int j = 0;j<3;++j){ 148 ans = min(ans,seg_to_seg(T1[i],T1[(i+1)%3] , T2[j],T2[(j+1)%3])); 149 } 150 } 151 printf("%.9f\n",ans); 152 } 153 return 0; 154 }
2020.4.20 第十题:cf1218B
这题不知道为什么一定要用long double 才能过。。。。。卡了很久,,,,

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N = 5e4+8; 4 #define double long double 5 const double eps = 1e-9; 6 const double pi = acos(-1.0); 7 const double inf = 1e6; 8 int cnt; 9 int segcnt = 0; 10 double curang; 11 struct Point{ 12 double x,y; 13 double corss(Point b)const{ 14 return x * b.y - b.x * y; 15 } 16 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 17 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 18 } 19 double len(){return sqrt(x*x+y*y);} 20 }; 21 Point segcross(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d,bool& ok ){ 22 double u = (b-a).corss(c-a) , v = (a-b).corss(d-b); 23 if( fabs(u+v) < eps){ 24 ok = 0; 25 Point tem = {-1,-1}; 26 return tem; 27 } 28 ok = 1; 29 return (Point){ (c.x*v + d.x*u)/(u+v) , (c.y*v + d.y*u)/(u+v) }; 30 } 31 struct Seg{ 32 Point a,b; 33 int id; 34 bool operator < (const Seg& s)const{ 35 bool ok1 ,ok2; 36 Point c = (Point){cos(curang) , sin(curang)}; 37 Point o = (Point){0,0}; 38 Point cr1 = segcross(a,b,o,c,ok1); 39 Point cr2 = segcross(s.a,s.b,o,c,ok2); 40 // if( ok1 == 0 || ok2 == 0 ) return id <; 41 // assert(ok1 && ok2); 42 if( fabs( cr1.len() - cr2.len() ) < eps ) return id <; 43 return cr1.len() < cr2.len(); 44 } 45 }; 46 vector<Point> pol[N]; 47 double ang[N]; 48 vector<int> add[N],del[N]; 49 Seg seg[N]; 50 51 void add_seg(Point a,Point b){ 52 double anga = atan2(a.y,a.x) , angb = atan2(b.y,b.x); 53 if( fabs(anga - angb) < eps ) return; 54 if( anga > angb + eps ){ 55 swap(anga,angb); 56 swap(a,b); 57 } 58 int pa = lower_bound(ang+1,ang+1+cnt,anga) - ang; 59 int pb = lower_bound(ang+1,ang+1+cnt,angb) - ang; 60 61 ++segcnt; 62 seg[segcnt] = (Seg){a,b,segcnt}; 63 if( angb - anga > pi + eps ){ 64 // Point c = segcross(a,b,(Point){-inf,0},(Point){inf,0}); 65 if( fabs(anga + pi) > eps){ 66 // ++segcnt; 67 // seg[segcnt] = (Seg){c,a,segcnt}; 68 add[1].push_back(segcnt); 69 del[pa].push_back(segcnt); 70 } 71 72 if( fabs( angb - pi ) > eps){ 73 // ++segcnt; 74 // seg[segcnt] = (Seg){b,c,segcnt}; 75 add[pb].push_back(segcnt); 76 del[cnt].push_back(segcnt); 77 } 78 } 79 else{ 80 add[pa].push_back(segcnt); 81 del[pb].push_back(segcnt); 82 } 83 } 84 double area(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 85 double res = 0; 86 res += (b-a).corss(c-a); 87 res += (c-a).corss(d-a); 88 if(res < -eps ) res = -res; 89 return res * 0.5; 90 } 91 void solve(){ 92 set<Seg> st; 93 double ans = 0; 94 curang = 0; 95 for(int i = 1;i<cnt;++i){ 96 for(auto it : del[i] ) st.erase(seg[it]); 97 curang = ( ang[i] + ang[i+1] ) / 2.0; 98 for(auto it : add[i]) st.insert(seg[it]); 99 if((int)st.size() >= 2){ 100 // assert((int)st.size()>=2); 101 Seg s1,s2; 102 auto it = st.begin(); s1 = (*it); 103 ++it; s2 = (*it); 104 Point c1 = (Point){inf*cos(ang[i]) , inf * sin(ang[i])}; 105 Point c2 = (Point){inf*cos(ang[i+1]) , inf * sin(ang[i+1])}; 106 Point o = (Point){0,0}; 107 bool ok1,ok2,ok3,ok4; 108 Point a1 = segcross(o,c1,s1.a,s1.b,ok1); 109 Point a2 = segcross(o,c1,s2.a,s2.b,ok2); 110 Point a3 = segcross(o,c2,s2.a,s2.b,ok3); 111 Point a4 = segcross(o,c2,s1.a,s1.b,ok4); 112 // assert(ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4); 113 // if( ok1 == 0 || ok2 == 0 || ok3 == 0 || ok4 == 0) continue; 114 ans += area(a1,a2,a3,a4); 115 } 116 } 117 // printf("%.12f",ans); 118 cout<<ans<<endl; 119 } 120 int main(){ 121 int n; cin>>n; 122 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 123 int m; cin>>m; 124 Point tem; 125 for(int j = 1;j<=m;++j){ 126 // scanf("%lf %lf",&tem.x,&tem.y); 127 cin>>tem.x>>tem.y; 128 // cerr<<tem.x<<" "<<tem.y<<" !"<<endl; 129 pol[i].push_back(tem); 130 ang[++cnt] = atan2(tem.y,tem.x); 131 } 132 pol[i].push_back(pol[i][0]); 133 } 134 ang[++cnt] = -pi; ang[++cnt] = pi; 135 sort(ang+1,ang+1+cnt); 136 cnt = unique(ang+1,ang+1+cnt) - ang - 1; 137 138 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 139 for(int k = 0;k<pol[i].size()-1;++k){ 140 add_seg(pol[i][k],pol[i][k+1]); 141 } 142 } 143 144 solve(); 145 return 0; 146 }
2020.4.22 第十一题:hdu4805

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-9 4 // #define double long double 5 const int N = 1e5+9; 6 bool vis[N]; 7 int sgn(double x){ 8 if( fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 9 if( x < 0 ) return -1; 10 return 1; 11 } 12 // double ans,stlen; 13 struct Point{ 14 double x,y,z; 15 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 16 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y,z-b.z}; 17 } 18 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 19 return (Point){x*b,y*b,z*b}; 20 } 21 Point operator / (const double& b)const{ 22 return (Point){x/b,y/b,z/b}; 23 } 24 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 25 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y,z+b.z}; 26 } 27 double len(){return sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);} 28 double len2(){return x*x+y*y+z*z;} 29 }S,T,dir,Tri[N][5]; 30 int n; 31 Point cross(Point A, Point B) { 32 return Point{A.y * B.z - A.z * B.y, A.z * B.x - A.x * B.z, A.x * B.y - A.y * B.x}; 33 } 34 double dot(Point a,Point b){ 35 return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z* b.z; 36 } 37 //点是否在线段上(包括顶点) 38 bool Point_on_Seg(Point p,Point a,Point b){ 39 return sgn( dot(a-p,b-p) ) <=0 && sgn( cross(a-p,b-p).len() ) == 0; 40 } 41 //点是否在直线上 42 bool Point_on_Line(Point p,Point a,Point b){ 43 return cross(p-a,b-a).len() < eps; 44 } 45 bool intersect(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 46 return sgn( dot( cross(b-a,c-a) , cross(b-a,d-a) ) ) <= 0 && sgn( dot( cross(d-c,a-c) ,cross(d-c,b-c))) <= 0; 47 } 48 bool parallel(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 49 return sgn( cross(a-b,c-d).len() ) == 0; 50 } 51 //直线相交判定 0:不相交(平行); 1:规范相交; 2:非规范相交(重合); 3:异面不相交 52 int LineCross(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d, Point &res) { 53 // Point n = cross(b - a, d - c); 54 Point n = dir; 55 if ( sgn(dot( n, c - a) ) != 0) return 3; 56 if (sgn(n.len()) == 0) { 57 if (sgn(cross(a - b, c - b).len()) == 0) return 2; 58 return 0; 59 } 60 n = d + n; 61 Point f = cross(d - c, n - c); 62 double t = dot(f, c - a) / dot(f, b - a); 63 res = a + (b - a) * t; 64 return 1; 65 } 66 67 // 线段相交判定 0:不相交; 1:规范相交; 2:非规范相交(包含端点),3:重合 68 int SegCross(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d,Point &res) { 69 int k = LineCross(a, b, c, d, res); 70 if (k == 0 || k == 3) return 0; 71 if (k == 1) { 72 double d1 = dot(a - res, b - res); 73 double d2 = dot(c - res, d - res); 74 if (d1 < -eps && d2 < -eps ) return 1; 75 if ( (sgn(d1) == 0 && d2 < eps) || (sgn(d2) == 0 && d1 < eps) ) return 2; //包含端点 76 return 0; 77 } 78 if (dot(a - c, b - c) <= 0 || dot(a - d, b - d) <= 0 79 || dot(c - a, d - a) <= 0 || dot(c - b, d - b) <= 0) 80 return 3; 81 return 0; 82 } 83 // p1和p2是否在线段a-b的同侧,(p1,p2,a,b 同一平面) 84 // p1,p2,a,b不同平面时,表示p1ab,p2ab两个半平面夹角是否锐角 85 bool SameSide(Point p1,Point p2,Point a,Point b){ 86 return dot(cross(b - a, p1 - a), cross(b - a, p2 - a)) > -eps ; 87 } 88 // 点P在三角形P0, P1, P2中 (p,p0,p1,p2 同一平面) 89 // p和p0p1,p2不同一面时,判断点p是否在p0,p1,p2形成的三角形柱形内 90 bool PointInTri(Point P,Point P0,Point P1,Point P2){ 91 return SameSide(P, P0, P1, P2) && SameSide(P, P1, P0, P2) && SameSide(P, P2, P0, P1); 92 } 93 bool In(Point p,Point a,Point b,Point c){ 94 if( parallel(a,b,a,c) ){ 95 return Point_on_Seg(p,a,b) || Point_on_Seg(p,a,c) || Point_on_Seg(p,b,c); 96 } 97 Point ta = cross(b-a,p-a); 98 Point tb = cross(c-b,p-b); 99 Point tc = cross(a-c,p-c); 100 return sgn(dot(ta,tb))>=0 && sgn(dot(tb,tc))>=0 && sgn(dot(ta,tc))>=0; 101 } 102 // 点在平面上的投影 103 Point point_plane_projection(Point p, Point p0, Point n) { 104 double d = dot(p - p0, n) ; 105 return p - n * d / n.len2(); 106 } 107 double judge( int id){ 108 if( cross(Tri[id][0]-S,T-S).len() < eps ){ 109 double tmp = 0; 110 for(int i = 0;i<3;++i){ 111 Point a = Tri[id][i] , b = Tri[id][(i+1)%3]; 112 if( Point_on_Seg(T,a,b) ){ 113 if( Point_on_Seg(S,a,b) ) tmp = max(tmp,(S-T).len()); 114 if( Point_on_Seg(a,S,T) ) tmp = max(tmp,(a-T).len()); 115 if( Point_on_Seg(b,S,T) ) tmp = max(tmp,(b-T).len()); 116 } 117 if( Point_on_Seg(a,S,T) && Point_on_Seg(b,S,T) ) return (b-a).len(); 118 } 119 return tmp; 120 } 121 return 0; 122 } 123 124 Point line_make_point(Point ua,Point ub,Point va,Point vb){ 125 double t = ( (ua.x-va.x)*(va.y-vb.y)-(ua.y-va.y)*(va.x-vb.x) ) 126 / ((ua.x-ub.x)*(va.y-vb.y)-(ua.y-ub.y)*(va.x-vb.x)); 127 return ua + (ub-ua)*t; 128 } 129 double solve(Point s,Point t,Point a,Point b){ 130 if( !parallel(s,t,a,b) ){ 131 if( !intersect(s,t,a,b) ) return 0; 132 Point tem = line_make_point(s,t,a,b); 133 return (tem-t).len(); 134 } 135 if( sgn(cross(t-s,b-s).len() )!= 0 ) return 0; 136 if( Point_on_Seg(t,a,b) ){ 137 double tem = 0; 138 if( Point_on_Seg(a,s,t) ) tem = max(tem,(a-t).len()); 139 if( Point_on_Seg(b,s,t) ) tem = max(tem,(b-t).len()); 140 return tem; 141 } 142 if( Point_on_Seg(a,s,t) && Point_on_Seg(b,s,t)) return (b-a).len(); 143 return 0; 144 } 145 146 void work(){ 147 double ans = 0; 148 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 149 bool Sin = In(S,Tri[i][0],Tri[i][1],Tri[i][2]); 150 bool Tin = In(T,Tri[i][0],Tri[i][1],Tri[i][2]); 151 if( Sin && Tin ){ 152 ans += (T-S).len(); 153 // continue; 154 } 155 if( Sin ){ 156 swap(S,T); 157 swap(Sin,Tin); 158 } 159 if(vis[i]){ 160 // if( Sin && Tin ) ans += (T-S).len(); 161 ans += judge(i); 162 continue; 163 } 164 else if( Tin ){ 165 if( Sin && Tin ) continue; 166 double tem = 0; 167 for(int k = 0;k<3;++k){ 168 Point a = Tri[i][k] , b = Tri[i][(k+1)%3]; 169 Point res; 170 int tet = SegCross(a,b,S,T,res); 171 if( tet == 1 || tet == 2){ 172 SegCross(a,b,S,T,res); 173 tem = max(tem,(res-T).len()); 174 } 175 } 176 ans += tem; 177 } 178 else{ 179 if( Sin && Tin ) continue; 180 vector<Point> res; 181 for(int k = 0;k<3;++k){ 182 Point a = Tri[i][k] , b = Tri[i][(k+1)%3]; 183 Point tem; 184 int tet = SegCross(S,T,a,b,tem); 185 if( tet == 1 || tet == 2) res.push_back(tem); 186 } 187 if( res.size() ) ans += (res[1] - res[0]).len(); 188 } 189 } 190 ans /= (T-S).len(); 191 printf("%.8f\n",ans); 192 } 193 int main(){ 194 while(~scanf("%d",&n)){ 195 scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&S.x,&S.y,&S.z); 196 scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&T.x,&T.y,&T.z); 197 scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&dir.x,&dir.y,&dir.z); 198 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 199 vis[i] = 0; 200 scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&Tri[i][0].x,&Tri[i][0].y,&Tri[i][0].z); 201 scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&Tri[i][1].x,&Tri[i][1].y,&Tri[i][1].z); 202 scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&Tri[i][2].x,&Tri[i][2].y,&Tri[i][2].z); 203 if( sgn( dot( cross(Tri[i][1] - Tri[i][0],Tri[i][2]-Tri[i][0]) , dir) ) == 0 ) vis[i] = 1; 204 for(int j = 0;j<3;++j){ 205 Tri[i][j] = point_plane_projection(Tri[i][j],S,dir); 206 } 207 } 208 if( sgn( cross(T-S,dir).len() ) == 0 ){ 209 double ans = 0; 210 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 211 if(In(S,Tri[i][0],Tri[i][1],Tri[i][2]) ) ans = ans+1; 212 } 213 printf("%.8f\n",ans); 214 continue; 215 } 216 T = point_plane_projection(T,S,dir); 217 work(); 218 } 219 return 0; 220 }
2020.4.23 第十二题 :codeforces1146H
这题开始想了个假算法,后来就秒了。 首先五角星转换为严格凸五边形。然后dp[i] [j] [k] 代表 i 一直链接到 j 其中有 k 个线段。最后直接 sigama dp[i][i][5]即可。
我们只需要把所有线段极角排序,然后枚举每一个线段,每个线段(s,t)加进来的时候,直接把 dp[s] 转移到 dp[t] 即可。

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long ll; 4 #define eps 1e-8 5 const int N = 300+9; 6 struct Point{ 7 ll x,y; 8 int id; 9 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 10 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 11 } 12 double ang(){return atan2(y,x);} 13 ll cross(Point b){ 14 return x*b.y - b.x*y; 15 } 16 }p[N]; 17 ll dp[N][N][7]; 18 struct Seg{ 19 Point s,t; 20 bool operator < (const Seg& b)const{ 21 double anga = (t-s).ang() , angb = (b.t-b.s).ang(); 22 if( fabs(anga - angb) > eps) return anga < angb; 23 return (t-s).cross(b.t-b.s) >0; 24 } 25 }seg[N*N]; 26 int main(){ 27 int n; 28 int cnt = 0; 29 scanf("%d",&n); 30 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 31 scanf("%lld %lld",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); 32 p[i].id = i; 33 } 34 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 35 for(int j = i + 1;j<=n;++j){ 36 seg[++cnt] = (Seg){p[i],p[j]}; 37 seg[++cnt] = (Seg){p[j],p[i]}; 38 } 39 } 40 sort(seg+1,seg+1+cnt); 41 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i){ 42 int tid = seg[i] , sid = seg[i]; 43 dp[sid][tid][1] += 1; 44 for(int j = 1;j<=n;++j){ 45 for(int k = 2;k<=5;++k){ 46 dp[sid][j][k] += dp[tid][j][k-1]; 47 } 48 } 49 } 50 ll ans = 0; 51 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) ans += dp[i][i][5]; 52 printf("%lld",ans); 53 }
(upd : 还是打算把cf2900以下的,题号500+的刷一波吧)
2020.4.24 第十三题:codeforces598F
edu1 的 F 题。。。。。
emm 思路很简单,就是对于每条直线,暴力求和简单多边形的交点,然后再统计,就是O(nm)的。 但是有一个很烦的问题就是,你怎么统计。
很容易想到射线法判断点是否在凸包里面的方法,就是每一个交点,我们就相当于 凸包内/ 凸包外 的一个状态转化,所以很容易求出来。但是有个问题就是我射线法只是判断点是不是在凸包内,所以我遇到平行线段就直接不管。但是这里不行啊!那如果平行的直接加进答案?不行!会重复,思考了一个晚上,假了一个晚上,早上起来实在没想到别的了,于是乎打了一个扫描线居然就过了。。
总体做法:先对图旋转,问题变成多边形和x轴相交线段,然后我们开一个 add 数组记录添加的线段,对于x轴上的线段直接丢进add,其他的情况也丢进add,最后add进行扫描线,这样就不会重复了。

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-8 4 const int N = 1000+9; 5 struct Point{ 6 double x,y; 7 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 8 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 9 } 10 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 11 return (Point){x*b,y*b}; 12 } 13 Point operator / (const double& b)const{ 14 return (Point){x/b,y/b}; 15 } 16 Point turn(const double& k){ 17 return (Point){ x*cos(k)-y*sin(k),x*sin(k)+y*cos(k)}; 18 } 19 double cross(Point a,Point b){ 20 return (a.x-x) * (b.y-y) - (b.x-x)*(a.y - y); 21 } 22 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 23 if( fabs(x-b.x) < eps ) return y < b.y; 24 return x < b.x; 25 } 26 27 }p[N],tp[N]; 28 double X[N*3],Xadd[N*3]; 29 // struct Node{ 30 // int num; 31 // double x1,x2; 32 // bool operator < (const Node& b)const{ 33 // return x1 < b.x1; 34 // } 35 // }; 36 int sgn(double x){ 37 if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0; 38 if( x < 0) return -1; 39 return 1; 40 } 41 double dis(Point a,Point b){ 42 return sqrt((a.x - b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); 43 } 44 bool insert(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 45 // cerr<<c.x<<" "<<c.y<<" "<<d.x<<" "<<d.y<<" "<<sgn(a.cross(b,d))<<" "<<a.cross(b,d)<<"!!"<<endl; 46 // if( sgn( a.cross(b,d)) == 0 ) return 1; 47 return sgn( a.cross(b,c) ) * sgn( a.cross(b,d) ) < 0; 48 } 49 Point LineCross(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 50 double u = a.cross(b,c), v = b.cross(a,d); 51 return (Point){ (c.x*v + d.x*u)/(u+v) , (c.y*v + d.y*u)/(u+v) }; 52 } 53 int n; 54 void init(){ 55 int cnt = 0; 56 for(int i = 1;i<=n+1;++i){ 57 if( cnt>=2 && sgn(p[i].cross(tp[cnt],tp[cnt-1])) == 0 ) --cnt; 58 tp[++cnt] = p[i]; 59 } 60 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i) p[i] = tp[i]; 61 n = cnt-1; 62 } 63 void solve(Point s,Point t){ 64 double deta = atan2(t.y-s.y,t.x-s.x); 65 for(int i = 1;i<=n+1;++i){ 66 tp[i] = (p[i]-s).turn(-deta); 67 // cerr<<i<<" "<<tp[i].x<<" "<<tp[i].y<<endl; 68 } 69 t = (Point){-1000000,0}; 70 s = (Point){1000000,0}; 71 int cnt = 0; 72 // vector<Node> vec; 73 vector< pair<double,double> > add; 74 vector<double> tem; 75 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 76 Point a = tp[i] , b = tp[i+1]; 77 if( fabs(a.y) < eps && fabs(b.y)<eps ){ 78 add.push_back({min(a.x,b.x) , max(a.x,b.x)}); 79 X[++cnt] = a.x; X[++cnt] = b.x; 80 continue; 81 } 82 if( a.y > b.y + eps ) swap(a,b); 83 if( fabs(b.y) < eps || ( fabs(a.y) > eps && insert(s,t,a,b) ) ){ 84 Point pt = LineCross(s,t,a,b); 85 // cerr<<i<<" "<<tem.x<<" "<<tem.y<<endl; 86 // tem.x1 = pt.x; tem.num = 1; 87 // vec.push_back(tem); 88 tem.push_back(pt.x); 89 X[++cnt] = pt.x; 90 } 91 } 92 double ans = 0; 93 sort(X+1,X+1+cnt); 94 cnt = unique(X+1,X+1+cnt) - X - 1; 95 sort(tem.begin(),tem.end()); 96 for(int i = 0;i<tem.size();i+=2) add.push_back({tem[i],tem[i+1]}); 97 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i) Xadd[i] = 0; 98 for(auto it : add){ 99 int pl = lower_bound(X+1,X+1+cnt,it.first) - X; 100 int pr = lower_bound(X+1,X+1+cnt,it.second) - X; 101 Xadd[pl] += 1; Xadd[ pr ] -= 1; 102 } 103 int num = 0; 104 for(int i = 1;i<cnt;++i){ 105 num += Xadd[i]; 106 if( num ) ans += X[i+1] - X[i]; 107 } 108 printf("%.15f\n",ans); 109 } 110 int main(){ 111 int m; 112 scanf("%d",&n); 113 scanf("%d",&m); 114 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%lf %lf",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); 115 p[n+1] = p[1]; 116 init(); 117 for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i){ 118 Point a,b; scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&a.x,&a.y,&b.x,&b.y); 119 solve(a,b); 120 } 121 return 0; 122 } 123 /* 124 4 1 125 0 0 126 0 1 127 1 1 128 1 0 129 1 1 0 0 130 */
正解:多边形线段看作有向线段,和直线向量所成正向的线段+,反向线段 - 。 其中规范相交的权值是2,交在端点上权值是1 ,和直线平行的不管。 然后再 扫描线(和我的差不多,因为交正向相当于进入多边形,交反向相当于离开多边形,处理端点,射线法是只管高点,这里是让交点是端点的权值 = 1 ,因为不规范相交不会影响,所以权值设小点就没影响了。

1 // 2 // Created by TaoSama on 2016-01-19 3 // Copyright (c) 2015 TaoSama. All rights reserved. 4 // 5 #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") 6 #include <algorithm> 7 #include <cctype> 8 #include <cmath> 9 #include <cstdio> 10 #include <cstdlib> 11 #include <cstring> 12 #include <iomanip> 13 #include <iostream> 14 #include <map> 15 #include <queue> 16 #include <string> 17 #include <set> 18 #include <vector> 19 20 using namespace std; 21 #define pr(x) cout << #x << " = " << x << " " 22 #define prln(x) cout << #x << " = " << x << endl 23 const int N = 1e5 + 10, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f, MOD = 1e9 + 7; 24 25 #define double long double 26 const double EPS = 1e-8; 27 28 int sgn(double x) { 29 return x < -EPS ? -1 : x > EPS; 30 } 31 32 struct Point { 33 double x, y; 34 Point() {} 35 Point(double x, double y): x(x), y(y) {} 36 void read() {cin >> x >> y;} 37 Point operator-(const Point& p) { 38 return Point(x - p.x, y - p.y); 39 } 40 double operator*(const Point& p) { 41 return x * p.x + y * p.y; 42 } 43 double operator^(const Point& p) { 44 return x * p.y - y * p.x; 45 } 46 double length() {return hypotl(x, y);} 47 } poly[N]; 48 49 using Vec = Point; 50 51 double getIntersection(Point p, Vec v, Point q, Vec w) { 52 return (w ^ (p - q)) / (v ^ w); 53 } 54 55 int n, q; 56 57 double gao(Point p, Vec v) { 58 double ret = 0; 59 vector<pair<double, int> > pos; 60 for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { 61 int s1 = sgn(v ^ (poly[i] - p)); 62 int s2 = sgn(v ^ (poly[i + 1] - p)); 63 if(s1 == s2) continue; //collinear or no intersection 64 double o = getIntersection(p, v, poly[i], poly[i + 1] - poly[i]); 65 if(s1 > s2) pos.push_back({o, s1 && s2 ? 2 : 1}); 66 else pos.push_back({o, s1 && s2 ? -2 : -1}); 67 } 68 sort(pos.begin(), pos.end()); 69 int flag = 0; 70 for(int i = 0; i + 1 < pos.size(); ++i) { 71 flag += pos[i].second; 72 if(flag) ret += pos[i + 1].first - pos[i].first; 73 } 74 return ret * v.length(); 75 } 76 77 int main() { 78 #ifdef LOCAL 79 freopen("C:\\Users\\TaoSama\\Desktop\\in.txt", "r", stdin); 80 // freopen("C:\\Users\\TaoSama\\Desktop\\out.txt","w",stdout); 81 #endif 82 ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); 83 84 cin >> n >> q; 85 for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) poly[i].read(); 86 poly[n + 1] = poly[1]; 87 while(q--) { 88 Point A, B; 89;; 90 cout << fixed << setprecision(20) << gao(A, B - A) << '\n'; 91 } 92 return 0; 93 }
2020.4.25 第十四题:codeforces611G
就是类似于旋转卡壳的一道题,记住多个点和一个点的叉积的和是可以变成 多个点的和的虚点 和 这个点的叉积,然后就是一个前缀和瞎搞就好了。这题很容易爆ll,然后注意面积不能取模。

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long ll; 4 const int N = 5e5+8; 5 const ll modd = 1e9+7; 6 struct Point{ 7 ll x,y; 8 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 9 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 10 } 11 }p[N*2],all,tp[N*2]; 12 ll cross(Point a,Point b){ 13 return a.x*b.y - b.x*a.y; 14 } 15 ll a[N*2],sum[N*2],ssum[N*2]; 16 int n; 17 int main(){ 18 scanf("%d",&n); 19 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%lld %lld",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); 20 reverse(p+1,p+1+n); 21 22 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) p[i+n] = p[i]; 23 for(int i = 1;i<2*n;++i) a[i] = cross(p[i],p[i+1]) % modd; 24 for(int i = 1;i<2*n;++i) sum[i] = (sum[i-1] + a[i])%modd; 25 for(int i = 1;i<2*n;++i) ssum[i] = (ssum[i-1] + sum[i])%modd; 26 27 ll tot = 0 , ans = 0; 28 all.x = 0 , all.y = 0; 29 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) tot += cross(p[i],p[i+1]); 30 double dtot = 1.0 * tot; 31 ll now = cross(p[1],p[2]); 32 ll cnt =0; 33 for(int l = 1,r=2;l<=n;++l){ 34 35 while( now + cross(p[r],p[r+1]) + cross(p[r+1],p[l]) < dtot/2 ){ 36 now += cross(p[r],p[r+1]); 37 ++r; 38 all.x = (all.x + p[r].x + modd )%modd; 39 all.y = (all.y + p[r].y + modd )%modd; 40 } 41 ll tem = ( (ssum[r-1] - ssum[l] - (r-l-1)*sum[l-1]%modd + modd)%modd + cross(all,p[l])%modd ) % modd; 42 ans = (ans + tem) % modd; 43 all.x = (all.x - p[l+2].x + modd) % modd; 44 all.y = (all.y - p[l+2].y + modd) % modd; 45 now -= cross(p[l],p[l+1]); 46 cnt += r-l-1; 47 } 48 tot = tot % modd; 49 ans = (cnt %modd * tot % modd - 2 * ans%modd + modd) % modd; 50 printf("%lld",ans); 51 return 0; 52 }
2020.4.26 第十五题:codeforces958E3
分治构造题。做法:对于分治的点,找到左下角的点,扫描线找到左边的百点和黑点相同就break出来,继续分分治。 首先,假如有解,我一定可以根据这个做法构造出来的。因为假如说左边黑点链接右面百点,那么我们肯定可以重新构造来使得左边白点等于黑点,这个画画图就好了。。。。那么我这样做能找到最终解么?肯定的,因为每次这样操作一定是保证了线段不交,然后每一次操作都是一定保证线段不交,最后答案就肯定是线段不交

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long ll; 4 const int N = 1e4+9; 5 struct Point{ 6 int col,id; 7 int x,y; 8 bool operator < (const Point& b){ 9 if( x == b.x ) return y < b.y; 10 return x < b.x; 11 } 12 }p0,p[N*2]; 13 int cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 14 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 15 } 16 bool cmpang(Point a,Point b){ 17 return cross(p0,a,b) > 0; 18 } 19 int ans[N]; 20 void solve(int L,int R){ 21 int c = L; 22 for(int i = L;i<=R;++i) if(p[i]<p[c]) c = i; 23 swap(p[c],p[L]); 24 p0 = p[L]; 25 sort(p+L+1,p+R+1,cmpang); 26 int a1 = 0, a0 = 0; 27 int k = 1000000; 28 int mid = (L+R)>>1; 29 // cerr<<L<<" "<<R<<" LR"<<endl; 30 for(int i = L+1;i<= R ;++i){ 31 if( a1 == a0 && p[i].col != p0.col){ 32 k = i; 33 break; 34 // cerr<<"!!!"<<<<" "<<p[i].id<<"!!"<<endl; 35 // break; 36 } 37 if(p[i].col) ++a1; 38 else ++a0; 39 } 40 if(p0.col) ans[p[k].id] =; 41 else ans[] = p[k].id; 42 // cerr<<p0.x<<" "<<p0.y<<" "<<p[k].x<<" "<<p[k].y<<" !"<<endl; 43 // swap(p[L],p[k-1]); 44 if(L+1<k-1) solve(L+1,k-1); 45 if(k+1 < R) solve(k+1,R); 46 } 47 inline int read() { 48 char ch = getchar(); int x = 0, f = 1; 49 while(ch < '0' || ch > '9') { 50 if(ch == '-') f = -1; 51 ch = getchar(); 52 } while('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { 53 x = x * 10 + ch - '0'; 54 ch = getchar(); 55 } return x * f; 56 } 57 int main(){ 58 59 int n = read(); 60 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 61 p[i].x = read(); 62 p[i].y = read(); 63 p[i].col = 0; p[i].id = i; 64 } 65 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 66 p[i+n].x = read(); 67 p[i+n].y = read(); 68 p[i+n].col = 1; p[i+n].id = i; 69 } 70 solve(1,2*n); 71 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) cout<<ans[i]<<"\n"; 72 }
2020.5.6 第十六题:codeforces962G

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N = 15000+9; 4 typedef long long ll; 5 struct Point{ 6 int x,y; 7 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 8 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 9 } 10 }p[N],rec[7],Gp[N]; 11 bool vis[N*5]; 12 vector< pair<int,int> > edge_pt[5]; 13 map<pair<int,int> , int > mp; 14 vector<int> G[N]; 15 // int cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 16 // return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-b.y) - (c.x-a.x) * (a.y-b.y); 17 // } 18 // int dot(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 19 // return (b.x-a.x)*(c.x-a.x) + (b.y-a.y)*(c.y-a.y); 20 // } 21 // bool onSeg(Point a,Point s,Point e){ 22 // return cross(a,s,e)==0 && dot(a,s,e) <= 0 ; 23 // } 24 int n; 25 int cnt = 0; 26 bool judge(){ 27 double xx = (rec[1].x + rec[3].x) * 0.5; 28 double yy = (rec[1].y + rec[3].y) * 0.5; 29 int cnt = 0; 30 // for(int i = 1;i<=4;++i){ 31 // if( onSeg(,rec[i],rec[i+1])) return 1; 32 // } 33 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 34 if( p[i].y == p[i+1].y) continue; 35 if( p[i].x < xx) continue; 36 int mi = min(p[i].y,p[i+1].y) , mx = max(p[i].y,p[i+1].y); 37 // cerr<<yy<<" "<<mi<<" "<<mx<<" !!"<<endl; 38 if( yy <= mi || yy > mx) continue; 39 ++cnt; 40 } 41 if( cnt&1 ) return 1; 42 return cnt&1; 43 } 44 void add(int xa,int ya,int xb,int yb){ 45 if( !mp[{xa,ya}] ) mp[{xa,ya}] = ++cnt; 46 if( !mp[{xb,yb}] ) mp[{xb,yb}] = ++cnt; 47 int aid = mp[{xa,ya}], bid = mp[{xb,yb}]; 48 G[aid].push_back(bid); 49 if( xa == rec[1].x ) edge_pt[1].push_back({ya,aid}); 50 if( xa == rec[3].x ) edge_pt[3].push_back({ya,aid}); 51 if( ya == rec[2].y ) edge_pt[2].push_back({xa,aid}); 52 if( ya == rec[4].y ) edge_pt[4].push_back({xa,aid}); 53 if( xb == rec[1].x ) edge_pt[1].push_back({yb,bid}); 54 if( xb == rec[3].x ) edge_pt[3].push_back({yb,bid}); 55 if( yb == rec[2].y ) edge_pt[2].push_back({xb,bid}); 56 if( yb == rec[4].y ) edge_pt[4].push_back({xb,bid}); 57 } 58 void build_G(){ 59 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 60 if( p[i].x == p[i+1].x){ 61 // cerr<<i<<" "<<p[i].x<<" "<<p[i].y<<p[i+1].x<<" "<<p[i+1].y<<rec[1].x<<" "<<rec[3].x<<" !!!"<<endl; 62 if( p[i].x <= rec[1].x || p[i].x >= rec[3].x ) continue; 63 bool up = (p[i].y < p[i+1].y); 64 int mx = max(p[i].y,p[i+1].y) , mi = min(p[i].y,p[i+1].y); 65 mx = min(mx,rec[1].y) ; mi = max(mi,rec[2].y); 66 if( mi < mx){ 67 // cerr<<i<<" "<<mi<<" "<<mx<<"miomx"<<endl; 68 if(up) add(p[i].x,mi,p[i].x,mx); 69 else add(p[i].x,mx,p[i].x,mi); 70 } 71 } 72 else{ 73 if( p[i].y >= rec[1].y || p[i].y <= rec[3].y ) continue; 74 bool ri = (p[i].x < p[i+1].x); 75 int mx = max(p[i].x,p[i+1].x) , mi = min(p[i].x,p[i+1].x); 76 mx = min(mx,rec[3].x) ; mi = max(mi,rec[1].x); 77 if( mi < mx){ 78 if(ri) add(mi,p[i].y,mx,p[i].y); 79 else add(mx,p[i].y,mi,p[i].y); 80 } 81 } 82 } 83 // cerr<<cnt<<" "<<cnt<<"!"<<endl; 84 if( cnt == 0 ){ 85 if(judge()) printf("1"); 86 else printf("0"); 87 exit(0); 88 } 89 for(int i = 1;i<=4;++i){ 90 if( mp[{rec[i].x,rec[i].y}]) continue; 91 mp[{rec[i].x,rec[i].y}] = ++cnt; 92 int x = rec[i].x , y = rec[i].y; 93 if( x == rec[1].x ) edge_pt[1].push_back({y,cnt}); 94 if( x == rec[3].x ) edge_pt[3].push_back({y,cnt}); 95 if( y == rec[2].y ) edge_pt[2].push_back({x,cnt}); 96 if( y == rec[4].y ) edge_pt[4].push_back({x,cnt}); 97 } 98 for(int i = 1;i<=4;++i){ 99 sort(edge_pt[i].begin(),edge_pt[i].end()); 100 if( i == 1 || i == 4) reverse(edge_pt[i].begin(),edge_pt[i].end()); 101 if( mp[{rec[i].x,rec[i].y}] == 0) mp[{rec[i].x,rec[i].y}] = ++cnt; 102 if( mp[{rec[i+1].x,rec[i+1].y}] == 0) mp[{rec[i+1].x,rec[i+1].y}] = ++cnt; 103 int s = mp[{rec[i].x,rec[i].y}] , e = mp[{rec[i+1].x,rec[i+1].y}]; 104 for(int j = 0;j<edge_pt[i].size();++j){ 105 if( j == edge_pt[i].size() - 1 && edge_pt[i][j].second != e) G[edge_pt[i][j].second].push_back(e); 106 if( j == 0 && edge_pt[i][j].second != s) G[s].push_back(edge_pt[i][j].second); 107 if( j!= edge_pt[i].size()-1) G[edge_pt[i][j].second].push_back(edge_pt[i][j+1].second); 108 } 109 } 110 } 111 bool dfs(int u,int fa){ 112 // cerr<<u<<" dfsu"<<endl; 113 for(auto v : G[u]){ 114 // cerr<<v<<" v"<<endl; 115 if(v == fa){ 116 // cerr<<v<<" findv"<<endl; 117 return 1; 118 } 119 if( vis[v] == 0){ 120 vis[v] = 1; 121 if( dfs(v,fa) ) return 1; 122 } 123 } 124 return 0; 125 } 126 int main(){ 127 int x1,y1,x2,y2; 128 scanf("%d %d %d %d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); 129 rec[1] = (Point){x1,y1}; 130 rec[2] = (Point){x1,y2}; 131 rec[3] = (Point){x2,y2}; 132 rec[4] = (Point){x2,y1}; 133 rec[5] = rec[1]; 134 scanf("%d",&n); 135 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d %d",&p[i].x,&p[i].y); 136 p[n+1] = p[1]; 137 138 bool cont = 1; 139 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 140 if( p[i].x < rec[1].x || p[i].x > rec[3].x || p[i].y < rec[2].y || p[i].y > rec[4].y) cont = 0; 141 } 142 if( cont){ 143 printf("1"); 144 return 0; 145 } 146 build_G(); 147 // for(auto it : mp){ 148 // cerr<<it.first.first<<" "<<it.first.second<<" "<<it.second<<"!"<<endl; 149 // } 150 int ans = 0; 151 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i){ 152 if(!vis[i]){ 153 vis[i] = 1; 154 if(dfs(i,i)) ++ans; 155 } 156 } 157 printf("%d",ans); 158 } 159 /* 160 0 5 10 0 161 8 162 0 0 163 2 0 164 2 8 165 8 8 166 8 0 167 10 0 168 10 10 169 0 10 170 */
2020.5.8 第十七题:codeforces887E

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define inf 1e12+9 4 #define eps 1e-7 5 struct Point{ 6 double x,y,r; 7 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 8 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 9 } 10 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 11 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 12 } 13 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 14 return (Point){x*b,y*b}; 15 } 16 Point operator / (const double& b)const{ 17 return (Point){x/b,y/b}; 18 } 19 double len(){ return sqrt(x*x+y*y); } 20 }p0,p1,p2,v; 21 double cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 22 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 23 } 24 vector< pair<double,int> > vec; 25 void add(Point tem){ 26 double L = -inf , R = inf; 27 double a1,a2; 28 if(cross(p1,p2,tem) > eps ) swap(L,R); 29 for(int k = 1;k<=100;++k){ 30 // while(fabs(R-L) > eps){ 31 double m = (L+R)/2; 32 Point pm = p0 + v * m; 33 double len = (pm-p1).len(); 34 double dis = (pm-tem).len(); 35 // cerr<<L<<" "<<R<<" "<<m<<" "<<dis<<" "<<tem.r<<" "<<len<<" !!"<<endl; 36 // cerr<<pm.x<<" "<<pm.y<<" xy"<<endl; 37 if( fabs(dis - tem.r) < len ) L = m; 38 else R = m; 39 } 40 // cerr<<L<<" !"<<endl; 41 a1 = L; 42 43 L = -inf , R = inf; 44 if(cross(p1,p2,tem) > eps ) swap(L,R); 45 for(int k = 1;k<=100;++k){ 46 // while( fabs(R-L) > eps){ 47 double m = (L+R)/2; 48 Point pm = p0 + v * m; 49 double len = (pm-p1).len(); 50 double dis = (pm-tem).len(); 51 if( fabs(dis + tem.r) < len ) L = m; 52 else R = m; 53 } 54 // cerr<<L<<" !"<<endl; 55 a2 = R; 56 if( a1 > a2 ) swap(a1,a2); 57 // cerr<<a1<<" "<<a2<<" a12"<<endl; 58 vec.push_back({a1,1}); 59 vec.push_back({a2,-1}); 60 } 61 void solve(){ 62 vec.push_back({0,0}); 63 sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); 64 double ans = inf; 65 int cnt = 0; 66 for(int i = 0;i<vec.size();++i){ 67 // cerr<<vec[i].first<<" "<<vec[i].second<<" "<<cnt<<" cnmt"<<endl; 68 if(cnt == 0 ) ans = min(ans,fabs(vec[i].first) ); 69 cnt += vec[i].second; 70 if(cnt == 0 ) ans = min(ans,fabs(vec[i].first) ); 71 } 72 // cerr<<ans<<" !"<<endl; 73 double len = (p2-p1).len() * 0.5; 74 ans = sqrt(ans*ans + len*len); 75 printf("%.10f",ans); 76 return; 77 } 78 int main(){ 79 scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&p1.x,&p1.y,&p2.x,&p2.y); 80 p0 = (p1+p2)*0.5; 81 v.x = -(p2-p1).y; v.y = (p2-p1).x; 82 v = v / v.len(); 83 int n; scanf("%d",&n); 84 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 85 Point tem; scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&tem.x,&tem.y,&tem.r); 86 add(tem); 87 } 88 solve(); 89 } 90 /* 91 0 0 10 0 92 1 93 5 2 1 94 */
2020.5.10 第十八题:codeforces575E

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long ll; 4 const ll lim = 1e5; 5 const int N = 8e5+9; 6 struct Point{ 7 ll x,y; 8 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 9 if( x == b.x ) return y < b.y; 10 return x < b.x; 11 } 12 }p[N],ch[N],ans[5]; 13 int cnt = 0; 14 ll cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 15 return (b.x-a.x) * (c.y - a.y) - (c.x - a.x) * (b.y-a.y); 16 } 17 double dist(Point a,Point b){ 18 return sqrt( 1.0*(a.x - b.x)*(a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y)*(a.y-b.y) ); 19 } 20 void add(Point tem,ll v){ 21 if(tem.x - v >= 0 ) p[cnt++] = (Point){tem.x - v,tem.y}; 22 else{ 23 ll deta = v - tem.x; 24 ll ya = max((ll)0,tem.y-deta); 25 ll yb = min(lim,tem.y + deta); 26 p[cnt++] = (Point){(ll)0,ya}; 27 p[cnt++] = (Point){(ll)0,yb}; 28 } 29 30 if(tem.x + v <= lim ) p[cnt++] = (Point){tem.x + v,tem.y}; 31 else{ 32 ll deta = v + tem.x - lim; 33 ll ya = max((ll)0,tem.y-deta); 34 ll yb = min(lim,tem.y + deta); 35 p[cnt++] = (Point){lim,ya}; 36 p[cnt++] = (Point){lim,yb}; 37 } 38 39 if(tem.y - v >= 0 ) p[cnt++] = (Point){tem.x,tem.y-v}; 40 else{ 41 ll deta = v - tem.y; 42 ll xa = max((ll)0,tem.x-deta); 43 ll xb = min(lim,tem.x + deta); 44 p[cnt++] = (Point){xa,(ll)0}; 45 p[cnt++] = (Point){xb,(ll)0}; 46 } 47 48 if(tem.y + v <= lim ) p[cnt++] = (Point){tem.x,tem.y+v}; 49 else{ 50 ll deta = v + tem.y - lim; 51 ll xa = max((ll)0,tem.x-deta); 52 ll xb = min(lim,tem.x + deta); 53 p[cnt++] = (Point){xa,lim}; 54 p[cnt++] = (Point){xb,lim}; 55 } 56 } 57 int Andrew(){ 58 sort(p,p+cnt); 59 int m = 0; 60 for(int i = 0;i<cnt;++i){ 61 while( m > 1 && cross( ch[m-2] , p[i], ch[m-1]) >= 0 ) --m; 62 ch[m++] = p[i]; 63 } 64 int k = m; 65 for(int i = cnt-2;i>=0;--i){ 66 while( m > k && cross(ch[m-2] , p[i],ch[m-1]) >= 0 ) --m; 67 ch[m++] = p[i]; 68 } 69 if(cnt > 1) -- m; 70 return m; 71 } 72 double CirR(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 73 double sth = 1.0 * abs( cross(a,b,c) )/( dist(a,b) * dist(a,c) ) ; 74 return dist(b,c) / sth; 75 } 76 int main(){ 77 int n; scanf("%d",&n); 78 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 79 ll v; 80 Point tem; scanf("%lld %lld %lld",&tem.x,&tem.y,&v); 81 add(tem,v); 82 } 83 int m = Andrew(); 84 double res = 0; 85 ch[m] = ch[0]; ch[m+1] = ch[1]; 86 for(int i = 0;i<m;++i){ 87 if( CirR(ch[i],ch[i+1],ch[i+2]) > res){ 88 res = CirR(ch[i],ch[i+1],ch[i+2]); 89 ans[0] = ch[i]; 90 ans[1] = ch[i+1]; 91 ans[2] = ch[i+2]; 92 } 93 } 94 for(int i = 0;i<3;++i) printf("%lld %lld\n",ans[i].x,ans[i].y); 95 return 0; 96 }
2020.5.11 第十九题:codeforces717I Cowboy Beblop at his computer
做法: 这是我第四道三维计几。因为一个小细节wa了一发。思路挺好想的:题意已经告诉我们,只需要统计b环的线段中,从不同方向穿过a环的数量,比较数量是否相同即可。然后我们要做的就是把交点全求出来,然后两平面相交是直线,所以点都在一个直线上,然后我们求出直线和a环的交点,用排个序,用射线法就可以处理出点是否在环a内。然后统计就好了。

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N = 1e5+9; 4 #define eps 1e-8 5 struct Point{ 6 double x,y,z; 7 int ty; 8 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 9 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y,z-b.z}; 10 } 11 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 12 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y,z+b.z}; 13 } 14 double len(){ 15 return sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z); 16 } 17 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 18 return (Point){x*b,y*b,z*b}; 19 } 20 }pn[N],pm[N],hn,hm,Linep[N*2]; 21 pair<double,int> num[N*2]; 22 int n,m,cnt; 23 double dot(Point a,Point b){ 24 return a.x*b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z*b.z; 25 } 26 Point cross(Point a,Point b){ 27 return (Point){a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y,a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z,a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x}; 28 } 29 //直线和平面交点 30 Point LinePlaneIntersection(Point p1,Point p2,Point p0,Point n){ 31 Point v = p2 - p1; 32 double t = (dot(n,p0-p1) / dot(n,p2-p1)); 33 return p1 + v*t; 34 } 35 Point LineCross(Point a,Point b,Point c,Point d){ 36 Point n = cross(b-a,d-c); 37 n = d+n; 38 Point f = cross(d-c,n-c); 39 double t = dot(f,c-a)/dot(f,b-a); 40 Point res = a + (b-a)*t; 41 return res; 42 } 43 void solve(){ 44 cnt = 0; 45 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 46 double nf = dot(hm,pn[i] - pm[1]); 47 double nt = dot(hm,pn[i+1] - pm[1]); 48 bool cro = 0; 49 if( nf * nt < -eps ) cro = 1; 50 else if( nf * nt < eps ){ 51 if(nf < -eps || nt < -eps ) cro = 1; 52 } 53 if( cro ){ 54 int tp; 55 if(nf < -eps ) tp = 1; 56 else tp = -1; 57 Linep[++cnt] = LinePlaneIntersection(pn[i],pn[i+1],pm[1],hm); 58 Linep[cnt].ty = tp; 59 } 60 } 61 // cerr<<cnt<<"!"<<endl; 62 if(cnt == 0 ){ 63 puts("NO"); 64 return; 65 } 66 Point lv = cross(hn,hm); 67 for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i){ 68 Point mf = cross(lv,pm[i]-Linep[1]); 69 Point mt = cross(lv,pm[i+1]-Linep[1]); 70 bool cro = 0; 71 if( dot(mf,mt) < -eps ) cro = 1; 72 else if(dot(mf,mt) < eps){ 73 if(dot(hm,mf) > eps || dot(hm,mt) > eps ) cro = 1; 74 } 75 if( cro ){ 76 Linep[++cnt] = LineCross(Linep[1],Linep[1]+lv,pm[i],pm[i+1]); 77 Linep[cnt].ty = 0; 78 } 79 } 80 // cerr<<cnt<<endl; 81 for(int i = 1;i<=cnt;++i){ 82 num[i].first = dot(Linep[i] - Linep[1],lv); 83 num[i].second = Linep[i].ty; 84 } 85 sort(num+1,num+1+cnt); 86 int a0 = 0 , a1 = 0; 87 int now = 0; 88 for(int i = cnt;i>=1;--i){ 89 if(num[i].second == 0 ) ++now; 90 else if(now&1){ 91 if(num[i].second == 1) ++a1; 92 else ++a0; 93 } 94 } 95 if(a1 == a0 ) puts("NO"); 96 else puts("YES"); 97 } 98 int main(){ 99 scanf("%d",&n); 100 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 101 int xx,yy,zz; scanf("%d %d %d",&xx,&yy,&zz); 102 pn[i].x = xx; pn[i].y = yy; pn[i].z = zz; 103 } 104 scanf("%d",&m); 105 for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i){ 106 int xx,yy,zz; scanf("%d %d %d",&xx,&yy,&zz); 107 pm[i].x = xx; pm[i].y = yy; pm[i].z = zz; 108 } 109 pn[n+1] = pn[1]; pm[m+1] = pm[1]; 110 hn = cross(pn[2]-pn[1],pn[3]-pn[1]); 111 hm = cross(pm[2]-pm[1],pm[3]-pm[1]); 112 Point tem = cross(hn,hm); 113 if(tem.len() < eps){ 114 puts("NO"); 115 return 0; 116 } 117 solve(); 118 }

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N = 300+9; 4 const double inf = 1e20; 5 #define eps 1e-8 6 struct Point{ 7 double x,y; 8 int ty; 9 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 10 return x < b.x || (x==b.x && y < b.y); 11 } 12 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 13 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 14 } 15 Point rotate(){ 16 return (Point){-y,x}; 17 } 18 int len(){ 19 return sqrt(x*x+y*y); 20 } 21 }p[N],p0; 22 int n,na,nb; 23 struct Circle{ 24 Point o; 25 double r; 26 }; 27 int sgn(double x){ 28 if(fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 29 if(x<0) return -1; 30 return 1; 31 } 32 Point getmid(Point a,Point b){ 33 return (Point){(a.x+b.x)*0.5,(a.y+b.y)*0.5}; 34 } 35 double cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 36 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 37 } 38 double dis(Point a,Point b){ 39 return sqrt( (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y) ); 40 } 41 int Qua(Point a){ 42 if(a.x >= 0 && a.y >= 0 ) return 1; 43 if( a.x <= 0 && a.y >= 0 ) return 2; 44 if(a.x <= 0 && a.y <= 0 ) return 3; 45 return 4; 46 } 47 bool cmp(Point a,Point b){ 48 Point ta = a - p0; 49 Point tb = b - p0; 50 if( Qua(ta) == Qua(tb) ){ 51 if(cross(p0,a,b) == 0 ) return a.len() < b.len(); 52 return cross(p0,a,b) > 0; 53 } 54 else return Qua(ta) < Qua(tb); 55 } 56 Point circlein(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 57 Point v1 = b-a , v2 = a-c; 58 v1 = v1.rotate(); v2=v2.rotate(); 59 double p1x = (a.x+b.x)*0.5 , p1y = (a.y+b.y)*0.5; 60 double p2x = (a.x+c.x)*0.5 , p2y = (a.y+c.y)*0.5; 61 double ux = p1x - p2x , uy = p1y - p2y; 62 double t = (v2.x * uy - ux*v2.y)/( 1.0*v1.x*v2.y - v2.x *v1.y); 63 double ox = p1x + v1.x*t; 64 double oy = p1y + v1.y*t; 65 Point res = (Point){ox,oy}; 66 return res; 67 } 68 bool judge(Point a,Circle ans){ 69 if(a.ty){ 70 return dis(a,ans.o) > ans.r + eps; 71 } 72 return dis(a,ans.o) < ans.r - eps; 73 } 74 void solve(){ 75 if(na==0){ 76 puts("0"); 77 return; 78 } 79 random_shuffle(p+1,p+1+n); 80 Circle ans = (Circle){p[1],0}; 81 for(int i = 2;i<=n;++i){ 82 if(judge(p[i],ans)){ 83 ans = (Circle){p[i],0}; 84 for(int j = 1;j<i;++j){ 85 if(judge(p[j],ans)){ 86 ans.o = getmid(p[i],p[j]); 87 ans.r = dis(p[i],p[j])/2; 88 for(int k = 1;k<j;++k){ 89 if(judge(p[k],ans)){ 90 ans.o = circlein(p[i],p[j],p[k]); 91 ans.r = dis(p[i],ans.o); 92 cerr<<ans.o.x<<" "<<ans.o.y<<" "<<p[i].x<<" "<<p[i].y<<endl; 93 cerr<<ans.r<<" !!!"<<endl; 94 } 95 } 96 } 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 if(isinf(ans.r) || isnan(ans.r)){ 101 puts("The Orcs are close"); 102 return; 103 } 104 vector<Point> vec; 105 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 106 if(judge(p[i],ans)){ 107 puts("The Orcs are close"); 108 return; 109 } 110 if( sgn(dis(ans.o,p[i]) - ans.r) == 0 ) vec.push_back(p[i]); 111 } 112 p0 = ans.o; 113 sort(vec.begin(),vec.end(),cmp); 114 int has = 0; 115 for(int i = 0;i<vec.size();){ 116 if(vec[i].ty == 1 ){ 117 ++i; 118 continue; 119 } 120 ++has; 121 int j = i; 122 while(j+1<vec.size() && vec[j+1].ty == 0 )++j; 123 i = j+1; 124 } 125 bool ok = 0; 126 if(has<=1){ 127 ok = 1; 128 } 129 else{ 130 if(has>2) ok = 0; 131 else{ 132 if(vec[0].ty == 0 && vec[vec.size()-1].ty == 0 ) ok = 1; 133 else ok = 0; 134 } 135 } 136 if(ok) printf("%.15f\n",ans.r); 137 else puts("The Orcs are close"); 138 } 139 #define gc getchar() 140 inline int read(int &x){ 141 char ch; while(!isdigit(ch = gc)) if(ch == '\n' || ch == EOF) return 0; x = ch ^ 48; 142 while(isdigit(ch = gc)) x = x * 10 + (ch ^ 48); return 1; 143 } 144 int main(){ 145 char ch; 146 while((ch = gc) != EOF){ 147 n = na = nb = 0; 148 int tx,ty; 149 while(read(tx)){ 150 ++n; 151 p[n].x = tx; 152 read(ty); 153 p[n].y = ty; 154 p[n].ty = 1; 155 ++na; 156 } 157 while(read(tx)){ 158 ++n; 159 ++nb; 160 p[n].x = tx; 161 read(ty); 162 p[n].y = ty; 163 p[n].ty = 0; 164 } 165 solve(); 166 } 167 }

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N = 300+9; 4 const double inf = 1e18; 5 #define eps 1e-8 6 struct Point{ 7 double x,y; 8 int ty; 9 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 10 return x < b.x || (x==b.x && y < b.y); 11 } 12 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 13 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 14 } 15 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 16 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 17 } 18 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 19 return (Point){x*b,y*b}; 20 } 21 }pa[N],pb[N],ch[N*2]; 22 int na,nb,m; 23 struct Circle{ 24 Point o; 25 double r; 26 }; 27 int sgn(double x){ 28 if(fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 29 if(x<0) return -1; 30 return 1; 31 } 32 double cross(Point a,Point b){return a.x*b.y-b.x*a.y;} 33 double dot(Point a,Point b){return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y;} 34 double len2(Point a){ return a.x*a.x + a.y*a.y;} 35 double len(Point a){return sqrt(len2(a));} 36 Point core(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 37 Point A=(Point){b.x-a.x,c.x-a.x}*2 , B = (Point){b.y-a.y,c.y-a.y}*2; 38 Point C = (Point){ len2(b)-len2(a),len2(c)-len2(a) }; 39 return (Point){ cross(B,C)/cross(B,A),cross(A,C)/cross(A,B) }; 40 } 41 int Andrew(){ 42 sort(pa,pa+na); 43 int m = 0; 44 for(int i = 0;i<na;++i){ 45 while( m > 1 && cross(pa[i] - ch[m-2],ch[m-1] - ch[m-2])>=0) --m; 46 ch[m++] = pa[i]; 47 } 48 int k = m; 49 for(int i = na-2;i>=0;--i){ 50 while(m>k && cross(pa[i] - ch[m-2] ,ch[m-1] - ch[m-2])>=0) --m; 51 ch[m++] = pa[i]; 52 } 53 if(na>1) --m; 54 return m; 55 } 56 double work(int f,int t){ 57 double l = -inf , r = inf; 58 Point o = (ch[f] + ch[t])*0.5; 59 for(int i = f+1;i<t;++i){ 60 Point c = core(ch[f],ch[t],ch[i]); 61 double tem = len(c-o); 62 if( sgn(cross(ch[t] - ch[f] , c - ch[f])) > 0 ) tem = -tem; 63 if( sgn(tem - l) > 0 ) l = tem; 64 } 65 for(int i = t+1;i<f+m;++i){ 66 Point c = core(ch[f],ch[t],ch[i]); 67 double tem = len(c-o); 68 if( sgn(cross(ch[t] - ch[f] , c - ch[f])) > 0 ) tem = -tem; 69 if( sgn(r - tem) > 0 ) r = tem; 70 } 71 if(r < l - eps) return inf; 72 for(int i = 0;i<nb;++i){ 73 int fx = sgn(cross(ch[t] - ch[f],pb[i] - ch[f])); 74 if(fx == 0){ 75 if( sgn( dot(ch[f] - pb[i] , ch[t] - pb[i]) ) < 0 ) return inf; 76 } 77 else{ 78 Point c = core(ch[f],ch[t],pb[i]); 79 double tem = len(c-o); 80 if( sgn(cross(ch[t] - ch[f] , c - ch[f])) > 0 ) tem = -tem; 81 if( fx > 0 ){ 82 tem += 2*eps; 83 if( sgn(tem - l) > 0 ) l = tem; 84 } 85 else{ 86 tem -= 2*eps; 87 if( sgn(r - tem) > 0 ) r = tem; 88 } 89 } 90 } 91 if( r < l - eps ) return inf; 92 double tem = len(ch[f]-ch[t])*0.5; 93 if( r >-eps && l < eps) return tem; 94 double mi = min(fabs(r),fabs(l)); 95 tem = sqrt(tem*tem + mi*mi); 96 return tem; 97 } 98 void solve(){ 99 if(na <= 1){ 100 puts("0"); 101 return; 102 } 103 m = Andrew(); 104 for(int i = 0;i<m;++i) ch[i+m] = ch[i]; 105 double ans = inf; 106 for(int i = 0;i<m;++i){ 107 for(int j = i+1;j<m;++j){ 108 ans = min(ans,work(i,j)); 109 } 110 } 111 if( ans == inf ) puts("The Orcs are close"); 112 else printf("%.12f\n",ans); 113 } 114 #define gc getchar() 115 inline int read(int &x){ 116 char ch; while(!isdigit(ch = gc)) if(ch == '\n' || ch == EOF) return 0; x = ch ^ 48; 117 while(isdigit(ch = gc)) x = x * 10 + (ch ^ 48); return 1; 118 } 119 int main(){ 120 char ch; 121 while((ch = gc) != EOF){ 122 int tx,ty; 123 na = nb = 0; 124 while(read(tx)){ 125 pa[na].x = tx; 126 read(ty); 127 pa[na].y = ty; 128 ++na; 129 } 130 while(read(tx)){ 131 pb[nb].x = tx; 132 read(ty); 133 pb[nb].y = ty; 134 ++nb; 135 } 136 solve(); 137 } 138 }
2020.5.19 第二十一题:codeforces549E

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define eps 1e-10 4 #define inf 1e16 5 const int N = 1e4+9; 6 struct Point{ 7 double x,y; 8 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 9 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 10 } 11 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 12 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 13 } 14 Point operator* (const double& b)const{ 15 return (Point){x*b,y*b}; 16 } 17 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 18 return x < b.x || ( x==b.x && y < b.y) ; 19 } 20 }pa[N],pb[N],ha[N],hb[N]; 21 int na,nb,nha,nhb; 22 vector< pair<int,int> > edge; 23 int sgn(double x){ 24 if(fabs(x) < eps) return 0; 25 if(x<0) return -1; 26 return 1; 27 } 28 double cross(Point a,Point b){return a.x*b.y-b.x*a.y;} 29 double dot(Point a,Point b){return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y;} 30 double len2(Point a){ return a.x*a.x + a.y*a.y;} 31 double len(Point a){return sqrt(len2(a));} 32 Point core(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 33 Point A=(Point){b.x-a.x,c.x-a.x}*2 , B = (Point){b.y-a.y,c.y-a.y}*2; 34 Point C = (Point){ len2(b)-len2(a),len2(c)-len2(a) }; 35 return (Point){ cross(B,C)/cross(B,A),cross(A,C)/cross(A,B) }; 36 } 37 void Andrew(Point p [],int n,Point ch[],int& m){ 38 sort(p,p+n); 39 m = 0; 40 for(int i = 0;i<n;++i){ 41 while( m > 1 && cross(p[i] - ch[m-2],ch[m-1] - ch[m-2])>=0) --m; 42 ch[m++] = p[i]; 43 } 44 int k = m; 45 for(int i = n-2;i>=0;--i){ 46 while(m>k && cross(p[i] - ch[m-2] ,ch[m-1] - ch[m-2])>=0) --m; 47 ch[m++] = p[i]; 48 } 49 if(n>1) --m; 50 } 51 bool check(Point A[],int na,Point B[],int nb,int l,int r){ 52 if(na==1){ 53 return 1; 54 } 55 Point o = (A[l]+A[r])*0.5; 56 double mi = -inf, mx = inf; 57 int mid = -1; 58 bool res = 1; 59 for(int i = l+1;i<r;++i){ 60 Point c = core(A[l],A[r],A[i]); 61 double d = len(c - o); 62 if( sgn(cross(c-A[l],A[r]-A[l])) < 0 ) d = -d; 63 if( mi < d ){ 64 mi = d; 65 mid = i; 66 } 67 if( mx <= mi ) res = 0; 68 } 69 for(int i = (r+1)%na ;i!=l;i = (i+1)%na ){ 70 Point c = core(A[l],A[r],A[i]); 71 double d = len(c - o); 72 if( sgn(cross(c-A[l],A[r]-A[l])) < 0 ) d = -d; 73 if( mx > d ) mx = d; 74 if( mx <= mi) res = 0; 75 } 76 if( mx < mi + eps) res = 0; 77 for(int i = 0;i<nb && res;++i){ 78 int fx = sgn(cross(B[i]-A[l],A[r]-A[l])); 79 if(fx == 0){ 80 if(sgn(dot(A[r]-B[i],A[l]-B[i])) < 0 ) res = 0; 81 } 82 else{ 83 Point c = core(A[l],A[r],B[i]); 84 double d = len(c-o); 85 if( sgn(cross(c-A[l],A[r]-A[l])) < 0 ) d = -d; 86 if(fx > 0 ){ 87 if(mx > d ) mx = d; 88 } 89 else{ 90 if( mi < d ) mi = d; 91 } 92 } 93 if( mx <= mi) res = 0; 94 } 95 return res || (mid!=-1 &&(check(A,na,B,nb,l,mid) || check(A,na,B,nb,mid,r))); 96 } 97 int main(){ 98 scanf("%d %d",&na,&nb); 99 for(int i = 0;i<na;++i) scanf("%lf %lf",&pa[i].x,&pa[i].y); 100 for(int i = 0;i<nb;++i) scanf("%lf %lf",&pb[i].x,&pb[i].y); 101 Andrew(pa,na,ha,nha); 102 Andrew(pb,nb,hb,nhb); 103 if( check(ha,nha,pb,nb,0,nha-1) || check(hb,nhb,pa,na,0,nhb-1) ) puts("YES"); 104 else puts("NO"); 105 return 0; 106 }
2020.5.29 : 第二十三题:codeforces1359F
2020.6.1 第二十四题:集训队训练,就是计几+状压dp,不写了
2020.6.7 第二十五提:集训队训练:

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long double dd; 4 const dd eps = 1e-9; 5 int sgn(dd x){ 6 if(fabs(x) < eps ) return 0; 7 if(x<0) return -1; 8 return 1; 9 } 10 struct Point{ 11 dd x,y; 12 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 13 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 14 } 15 Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ 16 return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; 17 } 18 Point operator / (const double& b)const{ 19 return (Point){x/b,y/b}; 20 } 21 Point operator * (const double& b)const{ 22 return (Point){x*b,y*b}; 23 } 24 dd len(){return sqrt(x*x+y*y); } 25 }p[5][16]; 26 dd cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ 27 return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); 28 } 29 dd L; 30 int n; 31 32 //两线段是否相交 33 bool insert(Point s1,Point t1,Point s2,Point t2,bool show = 0 ){ 34 // if(show){ 35 // // cerr<<s1.x<<" "<<s1.y<<" s1"<<endl; 36 // // cerr<<t1.x<<" "<<t1.y<<" t1"<<endl; 37 // // cerr<<s2.x<<" "<<s2.y<<" s2"<<endl; 38 // // cerr<<t2.x<<" "<<t2.y<<" t2"<<endl; 39 // // cerr<< cross(s1,s2,t1) <<" sgn1"<<endl; 40 // // cerr<< cross(s1,t2,t1) <<" sgn2"<<endl; 41 // // cerr<< cross(s2,s1,t2) <<" sgn3"<<endl; 42 // // cerr<< cross(s2,t1,t2) <<" sgn"<<endl; 43 // } 44 return 45 max(s1.x,t1.x) >= min(s2.x,t2.x) && 46 max(s2.x,t2.x) >= min(s1.x,t1.x) && 47 max(s1.y,t1.y) >= min(s2.y,t2.y) && 48 max(s2.y,t2.y) >= min(s1.y,t1.y) && 49 sgn( cross(s1,s2,t1) ) * sgn( cross(s1,t2,t1) )<=0 && 50 sgn( cross(s2,s1,t2) ) * sgn( cross(s2,t1,t2) )<=0; 51 } 52 int solve(Point a,Point b){ 53 // Point test = a; 54 Point s = b; 55 Point deta = a - b; 56 deta = deta*L/deta.len(); 57 a = b + deta; 58 int res = 0; 59 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 60 bool ok = 0; 61 for(int k = 0;k<=3 && (!ok) ;++k){ 62 if( insert(b,a,p[k][i],p[k+1][i])) ok = 1; 63 } 64 if(ok) ++res; 65 } 66 return res; 67 } 68 int main(){ 69 int tL; 70 scanf("%d %d",&n,&tL); 71 L = tL; 72 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 73 int xa,xb,ya,yb; 74 scanf("%d %d %d %d",&xa,&ya,&xb,&yb); 75 p[0][i].x = xa; p[0][i].y = ya; 76 p[1][i].x = xb; p[1][i].y = ya; 77 p[2][i].x = xb; p[2][i].y = yb; 78 p[3][i].x = xa; p[3][i].y = yb; 79 p[4][i] = p[0][i]; 80 } 81 int ans = 1; 82 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 83 for(int k = 0;k<4;++k){ 84 for(int j = 1;j<=n;++j){ 85 for(int x = p[0][j].x;x<=p[1][j].x;++x){ 86 Point tem = (Point){1.0*x,p[0][j].y}; 87 ans = max(ans,solve(p[k][i],tem)); 88 tem.y = p[3][j].y; 89 ans = max(ans,solve(p[k][i],tem)); 90 } 91 for(int y = p[0][j].y;y<=p[3][j].y;++y){ 92 Point tem = (Point){p[0][j].x,1.0*y}; 93 ans = max(ans,solve(p[k][i],tem)); 94 tem.x = p[1][j].x; 95 ans = max(ans,solve(p[k][i],tem)); 96 } 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 printf("%d",ans); 101 }

1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long ll; 4 const int N = 2e3+9; 5 bool used[N]; 6 struct Point{ 7 ll x,y; 8 Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ 9 return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; 10 } 11 Point operator / (const ll& b)const{ 12 return (Point){x/b,y/b}; 13 } 14 Point operator * (const ll& b)const{ 15 return (Point){x*b,y*b}; 16 } 17 Point rotate(){ 18 return (Point){-y,x}; 19 } 20 bool operator < (const Point& b)const{ 21 if(x==b.x) return y < b.y; 22 return x < b.x; 23 } 24 bool operator == (const Point& b)const{ 25 return x==b.x && y == b.y; 26 } 27 ll dot(const Point& b)const{ 28 return x*b.x + y*b.y; 29 } 30 }pt[N],p0; 31 int n; 32 vector<Point> p; 33 map<ll,int> mp; 34 map<double,int> line_vis; 35 void pre_solve(){ 36 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 37 if(used[i]) continue; 38 for(int j = i+1;j<=n;++j){ 39 if(used[j]) continue; 40 Point tp = (pt[i] + pt[j]); 41 if( tp == p0 * 2){ 42 used[i] = used[j] = 1; 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 47 if(used[i]) continue; 48 p.push_back(pt[i]); 49 } 50 } 51 bool judge(Point line){ 52 mp.clear(); 53 ll p0_d =; 54 for(auto v : p){ 55 ll d =; 56 d -= p0_d; 57 mp[ d ]++; 58 } 59 for(auto it : mp){ 60 ll val = it.first; 61 int num = it.second; 62 if(val == 0 ) continue; 63 if(mp[-val] != num) return 0; 64 } 65 return 1; 66 } 67 int main(){ 68 scanf("%d",&n); 69 for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ 70 scanf("%lld %lld",&pt[i].x,&pt[i].y); 71 pt[i] = pt[i] * n; 72 p0 = p0 + pt[i]; 73 } 74 if(n<=2){ 75 puts("-1"); 76 return 0; 77 } 78 p0 = p0 / n; 79 pre_solve(); 80 if( p.size() == 0 ){ 81 puts("-1"); 82 return 0; 83 } 84 int ans= 0; 85 for(int i = 0;i<p.size();++i){ 86 double tx = (p[0].x + p[i].x)*0.5; 87 double ty = (p[0].y + p[i].y)*0.5; 88 tx = p0.x - tx; ty = p0.y - ty; 89 ll temx = 2*tx , temy = 2*ty; 90 if(temy < 0 || (temy==0 && temx < 0)){ 91 temx = -temx; 92 temy = -temy; 93 } 94 Point vec = (Point){temx,temy}; 95 96 double the = atan2(temy,temx); 97 if(line_vis[the]) continue; 98 line_vis[the] = 1; 99 vec = vec.rotate(); 100 if(judge(vec)){ 101 ++ans; 102 // cerr<<vec.x<<" "<<vec.y<<" vec"<<endl; 103 } 104 } 105 printf("%d",ans); 106 return 0; 107 }
2020.7.14 第二十七题:

#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define eps 1e-6 #define ld double const int N = 2e3+9; int n,ans; vector<int> maybe; struct Point{ ld x,y; int id; Point operator - (const Point& b)const{ return (Point){x-b.x,y-b.y}; } Point operator + (const Point& b)const{ return (Point){x+b.x,y+b.y}; } Point operator * (ld b){ return (Point){b*x,y*b}; } ld len(){ return sqrt(x*x + y*y); } ld len2(){ return x*x + y*y; } }pt[N],p[N]; struct Circle{ Point o; ld r; }; ld cross(Point a, Point b){ return a.x*b.y - b.x*a.y; } ld dot(Point a,Point b){ return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y; } ld dis(Point a,Point b){ return sqrt( (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y)); } ld dis2(Point a,Point b){ return (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y); } int Quadrant(Point a) { if(a.x>=0&&a.y>=0) return 1; if(a.x<=0&&a.y>=0) return 2; if(a.x<=0&&a.y<=0) return 3; return 4; } bool cmp(Point a,Point b) //先按象限从小到大排序 再按极角从小到大排序 { if(Quadrant(a)==Quadrant(b)){ if( fabs( cross(a,b) ) < eps ) return a.len() < b.len(); return cross(a,b) > 0; } else return Quadrant(a)<Quadrant(b); } Point Point_Inver(Circle c0,Point P){ Point OP = P - c0.o; ld len = dis2(c0.o,P); return c0.o + OP*( c0.r * c0.r / len ); } Point core(Point a,Point b,Point c){ Point A=(Point){b.x-a.x,c.x-a.x}*2 , B = (Point){b.y-a.y,c.y-a.y}*2; Point C = (Point){ b.len2()-a.len2(),c.len2()-a.len2() }; return (Point){ cross(B,C)/cross(B,A),cross(A,C)/cross(A,B) }; } bool incir(Point o,double r,Point a){ double d = dis(o,a); if(fabs(d-r) < eps ) return 1; return 0; } void solve(){ if(n==1){ ans = 1; return; } ans = 1; Point p0 = (Point){0,0}; for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ vector<Point> tem; for(int j = 1;j<=n;++j){ if(j==i) continue; Point t = p[j] - p[i]; = p[j].id; tem.push_back(t); } sort(tem.begin(),tem.end(),cmp); for(int k = 0; k < tem.size();){ // printf("%.12f\n", fabs(cross(p0,tem[k])) ); if( cross(pt[p[i].id] , pt[tem[k].id]) == 0 ){ ++k; continue; } Point o = core(p0,pt[ p[i].id ] , pt[ tem[k].id ]); double r = o.len(); int j = k; while( j + 1 < tem.size() && incir(o,r,pt[ tem[j+1].id ]) ){ ++j; } ans = max(ans,j - k + 2); k = j + 1; } } // printf("%d",ans); } int main(){ scanf("%d",&n); Circle c0; c0.o = (Point){0,0}; c0.r = 200; for(int i =1;i<=n;++i){ int x,y; scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); // scanf("%Lf %Lf",&pt[i].x,&pt[i].y); pt[i].x = x , pt[i].y = y; p[i] = Point_Inver(c0,pt[i]); p[i].id = i; // cerr<<i<<" "<<p[i].x<<" "<<p[i].y<<endl; // printf("%d %.12lf %.12lf\n",i,p[i].x,p[i].y); } solve(); printf("%d",ans); // for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) cerr<<p[i].x<<" "<<p[i].y<<" !"<<endl; }
2020.7.14 第二十八题:

#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f const int N = 500+9; struct Point{ int x,y; }pn[N],pm[N]; int cross(Point a,Point b,Point c){ return (b.x-a.x) * (c.y-a.y) - (c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); } int dot(Point a,Point b,Point c){ return (b.x-a.x)*(c.x-a.x) + (b.y-a.y)*(c.y-a.y); } int dis[N][N]; int n,m; bool onSeg(Point a,Point b,Point c){ return dot(c,a,b) <= 0; } bool judge(int x,int y){ for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i){ if( cross(pm[x],pm[y],pn[i]) > 0 || cross(pm[x],pm[y],pn[i]) == 0 && onSeg(pm[x],pm[y],pn[i]) ) continue; return 0; } return 1; } void solve(){ for(int k = 1;k<=m;++k){ for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i){ for(int j = 1;j<=m;++j){ dis[i][j] = min(dis[i][j] , dis[i][k] + dis[k][j]); } } } int mi = inf; for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i) mi = min(mi,dis[i][i]); if( mi == inf ){ puts("ToT"); } else printf("%d\n",m-mi); } int main(){ while(~scanf("%d",&n)){ for(int i = 1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d %d",&pn[i].x,&pn[i].y); scanf("%d",&m); for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i) scanf("%d %d",&pm[i].x,&pm[i].y); for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i) for(int j = 1;j<=m;++j) dis[i][j] = inf; for(int i = 1;i<=m;++i){ for(int j = 1;j<=m;++j){ if( j == i ) continue; if(judge(i,j)) dis[i][j] = 1; } } solve(); } }