#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class BSTNode{ public: double x,y; string name; BSTNode* lc; BSTNode* rc; BSTNode* par; public: BSTNode(){ lc = NULL; rc = NULL; par = NULL; } BSTNode(string _s ,double _x,double _y,BSTNode* fa){ lc = NULL; rc = NULL; par = fa; name = _s; x = _x; y = _y; } void SetLeft(string _s,double _x,double _y){ BSTNode* tem = new BSTNode(_s, _x,_y,this); lc = tem; } void SetRight(string _s,double _x,double _y){ BSTNode* tem = new BSTNode( _s, _x, _y,this); rc = tem; } void insert(string _s,double _x,double _y){ if(_s < name){ if(lc == NULL) SetLeft( _s, _x, _y); else lc->insert( _s, _x, _y); } else{ if(rc == NULL) SetRight( _s, _x, _y); else rc->insert(_s, _x, _y); } } BSTNode* getmin(){ if(lc == NULL) return this; else return lc->getmin(); } void dele(){ if(rc == NULL){ if(lc == NULL){ if(this == par->lc) par->lc = NULL; else par->rc = NULL; delete this; return; } else{ BSTNode* tem = lc; tem->par = par; if(this == par->lc) par->lc = tem; else par->rc = tem; delete this; return; } } else{ BSTNode* tem = rc->getmin(); name = tem->name; x = tem->x; y = tem->y; tem->dele(); } } bool findname(string fname,BSTNode*& ans ){ // cerr<<fname<<"GG"<<name<<endl; if(fname == name){ ans = this; // cerr<<"OK"<<ans->x<<' '<<ans->y<<endl; return 1; } bool ok = 0; if(lc != NULL && fname < name) ok = lc->findname(fname,ans); if(ok) return 1; if(rc != NULL ) ok = rc->findname(fname,ans); return ok; } bool findxy(double fx,double fy,BSTNode*& ans){ if(x == fx && y == fy){ ans = this; return 1; } else{ if(lc != NULL && lc->findxy(fx,fy,ans) ) return 1; if(rc != NULL && rc->findxy(fx,fy,ans) ) return 1; } return 0; } void delename(string delname){ BSTNode* ans; findname(delname,ans); ans->dele(); } bool delexy(double dx,double dy){ if(x == dx && y == dy){ dele(); return 1; } else{ if(lc != NULL && lc->delexy(dx,dy) ) return 1; if(rc != NULL && rc->delexy(dx,dy) ) return 1; } return 0; } void print(double cx,double cy,double r){ if( (cx-x)*(cx - x) + (cy-y)*(cy - y) < r*r){ cout<<name<<' '<<x<<' '<<y<<endl; } if(lc != NULL) lc->print(cx,cy,r); if(rc != NULL) rc->print(cx,cy,r); } void show(){ cout<<name<<' '<<x<<' '<<y<<endl; return; } }; int main(){ BSTNode* root; bool has = 0; while(1){ int op; printf("\ninsert enter 1\ndelete enter 2\nfind enter 3\nprint enter 4\n"); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op){ case 1:{ cout<<"name and xy"<<endl; string s; double xx,yy; cin>>s>>xx>>yy; if(!has){ has = 1; root = new BSTNode(s,xx,yy,NULL); } else{ root->insert(s,xx,yy); } break; } case 2:{ int ty; printf("key is name enter 1\nkey is ordinate enter 2\n"); scanf("%d",&ty); if(ty == 1){ string delete_name; printf("enter delete city's name\n"); cin>>delete_name; root->delename(delete_name); } else{ int tx,ty; printf("enter delete city's x and y\n"); cin>>tx>>ty; root->delexy(tx,ty); } break; } case 3:{ int ty; printf("key is name enter 1\nkey is ordinate enter 2\n"); scanf("%d",&ty); if(ty == 1){ string find_name; printf("enter find city's name\n"); cin>>find_name; BSTNode* ans; if(!(root->findname(find_name,ans))) cout<<"NOT FOUND"<<endl; else{ ans->show(); } } else{ int tx,ty; printf("enter find city's x and y\n"); cin>>tx>>ty; BSTNode* ans; if(!root->findxy(tx,ty,ans)) cout<<"NOT FOUND"<<endl; else{ ans->show(); } } break; } case 4:{ cout<<"cx and xy and r"<<endl; double cx,cy,r; cin>>cx>>cy>>r; root->print(cx,cy,r); break; } } } return 0; }