05 2011 档案
Enable the Application Framework in VB
摘要:Q What happens when I check "Enable application framework" in my Visual Basic application? Why does my Sub Main disappear from the Startup Object dropdown, what happens with the different shutdown modes, and what is a single instance application? A Visual Basic supports an "Applicatio
摘要:http://hi.baidu.com/vhion/blog/item/8b4e23d3dd6b1f143af3cf83.htmlC#用DataTable实现Groupby2011-03-07 11:33写程序的应该都知道SQL中group by的作用,但是有时候可能会遇到无法在SQL中group by的情况,我刚好就碰到了这样的情况。于是就尝试了下在DataTable中对数据进行分组计算的方法,有两种解决办法。1.用两层循环计算,前提条件是数据必须是要按分组的列排好序的,如下:DataTable dt = new DataTable();dt.Columns.AddRange(new Dat