Perl Nmap处理脚本


# Created by Paul Haas: phaas <AT> redspin <DOT> com
# Licensed under a NMAP Compatible License (GNU GPL v2)
# Dual licensed under the Fyodor may-use-as-he-pleases license
use Nmap::Parser;
use Socket; # For inet_aton
use DBI;
use strict;

use vars qw( $PROG );
( $PROG = $0 ) =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//;    # Truncate calling path from the prog name

    if ($#ARGV == -1){usage();exit(1);}
    my $xmlfile = $ARGV[0];
    my $dbfile = '';
    if (!defined($ARGV[1])) {$dbfile='nmap.db';} else {$dbfile=$ARGV[1];}

    my $dbh = createTables($dbfile);
    # Output from our Database

sub usage {
    print "Usage: $PROG nmap.xml {optional db name}\n";
    print "\tConverts a NMAP Compatible XML File to a SQLite3 Database\n";

sub createTables {
    my $dbfile = shift;
    print "# Writing Database to '$dbfile'.\n";
    # PrintError => 0 Prevents message by table recreation
    my $dbargs = {PrintError => 0,RaiseError => 0,AutoCommit => 0};
    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:$dbfile","","",$dbargs) or 
        die $DBI::errstr;
    # Information about the Scan
    eval {
            "CREATE TABLE nmap (
            sid $id_type,
            version TEXT,
            xmlversion TEXT,
            args TEXT,
            types TEXT,
            starttime INTEGER,
            startstr TEXT,
            endtime INTEGER,
            endstr TEXT,
            numservices INTEGER)"
    # Information about Hosts
    eval {
            "CREATE TABLE hosts ( 
            sid INTEGER,
            hid $id_type,
            ip4 TEXT, 
            ip4num INTEGER,           
            hostname TEXT,
            status TEXT,   
            tcpcount INTEGER,
            udpcount INTEGER,                 
            mac TEXT,
            vendor TEXT,
            ip6 TEXT,            
            distance INTEGER,
            uptime TEXT,
            upstr TEXT)"
    # Sequence Information (Used for OS Detection) 
      eval {
            "CREATE TABLE sequencing ( 
            hid INTEGER,
            tcpclass TEXT,
            tcpindex TEXT,
            tcpvalues TEXT,
            ipclass TEXT,
            ipvalues TEXT,
            tcptclass TEXT,
            tcptvalues TEXT)"
    # Port Information, including both TCP and UDP as indicated by 'type'   
    eval {
            "CREATE TABLE ports (
            hid INTEGER,
            port INTEGER,
            type TEXT,
            state TEXT,
            name TEXT,
            tunnel TEXT,
            product TEXT,
            version TEXT,
            extra TEXT,
            confidence INTEGER,
            method TEXT,
            proto TEXT,  
            owner TEXT,          
            rpcnum TEXT,
            fingerprint TEXT)"
    # OS Information
    eval {
            "CREATE TABLE os (
            hid INTEGER,
            name TEXT,
            family TEXT,
            generation TEXT,
            type TEXT,
            vendor TEXT,
            accuracy INTEGER)"
    return $dbh;    

sub nmap_info {
    my ($dbh,$xmlfile) = @_;
    print "# Reading from NMAP XML File '$xmlfile'.\n";
    my $np = new Nmap::Parser;
    $np->parsefile("$xmlfile"); # $name
    my $sth = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT max(sid) as msid FROM nmap");    
    my $sid = $sth->{"msid"};
    if (!defined($sid)) {$sid = 0;}
    else {$sid++;}
    my $session = $np->get_session();    
    my $insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO nmap VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
    my $success = $insert->execute(

    my $sth = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT MAX(hid) as mhid from hosts");
    my $hid = $sth->{'mhid'};
    if (!defined($hid)) {$hid = 0;}
    else {$hid++;}
    for my $host ($np->all_hosts()) {
        my $os_sig = $host->os_sig();        
        my $insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO hosts VALUES 
        my $success = $insert->execute(
            unpack('N', inet_aton($host->ipv4_addr())),    
        my $insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO sequencing VALUES 
        my $success = $insert->execute(    

        for (my $index = 0; $index < $os_sig->class_count(); $index++){            
            my $insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO os VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'); 
            my $success = $insert->execute(    
        for my $tcp ($host->tcp_ports()){
            my $service = $host->tcp_service($tcp);
            my $insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO ports VALUES 
            my $success = $insert->execute(

        for my $udp ($host->udp_ports()){        
            my $service = $host->udp_service($udp);
            my $insert = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO ports VALUES 
            my $success = $insert->execute(

sub db_output {
    my $dbfile = shift;
    my $sqlcmd = 'select case when hostname != "" then ip4 || " (" || hostname || ")" else ip4 end as iph, port || "/" || type as pt, case when tunnel != "" then name || " (" || tunnel || ")" else name end as nt, product || " " || version || " " || extra from hosts, ports using (hid) where state="open" order by ip4num, port';
    my $sth;
    $sth = $dbfile->prepare($sqlcmd) or die "Can not prepare SQL statement '$sqlcmd': ". $DBI::errstr;    
    $sth->execute or die "Can not execute SQL statement '$sqlcmd': " . $DBI::errstr;

    print "# Outputting Database with: '$sqlcmd'.\n";
    my $a;
    my @row;
      while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
      print join("\t",@row) ."\n";


posted @ 2013-03-17 00:30  墨迹哥's  阅读(440)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报