


  {'$set': data, '$setOnInsert': {'create_time':}}



res_content = collection_v2_pongo_keyword.find(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True, batch_size=5000).allow_disk_use(True)












collection_v2_pongo_keyword.find(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True, batch_size=5000).allow_disk_use(True)

# 删除发布list中指定id 的数据. 删除数组对象中指定的数据
"$pull": {"publishlist": {"id": publishlist_id}}

aggregate db.lily_k_infomation.aggregate([ {$project: { // 字符串拼接 _id:{"$toString":"$_id"}, infoid: "$id", keyword: 1, path: { "$concat" : ["/detail", "$urlpath"]}, // 修改字段名称, 必须引号包裹 // aid: "$allianceid",

        // 计算数字长度
         aids : {"$size": "$aids"}

    //    {$match: {}},


    '$match': {'owner': 'rshy'}
    '$project': {
            // 不能出现为0的   _id可以   其余字段需要手动写出
            //'state': 0,
             "_id": 0,
             "name": 1,
             "id": {"$toString": "$_id"},
             'itemnum': {'$size': '$items'},
//             "name": 1,



{"$match": {"industryid2": "10421082"}},
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"id": {"$toObjectId": "$wordgroupid"},
"orgid": 1,
"keyword": 1,
"industry1": 1,
"industryid1": 1,
"industry2": 1,
"industryid2": 1,
"wordgroupid": 1,
"baiduindex": 1,
// "createinfo": 1,
"$lookup": {
"from": "v2_pongo_wordgroup",
"localField": "id",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "inventory_docs"

"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"orgid": 1,
"keyword": 1,
"industry1": 1,
"industryid1": 1,
"industry2": 1,
"industryid2": 1,
"wordgroupid": 1,
"baiduindex": 1,
"createinfo": "$inventory_docs.createinfo",

], { allowDiskUse: true})



// 查询
db.lily_infomation.find({"links": null})

// 修改字段名称
db.getCollection("lily_infomation").update({}, {$rename: {"specialtopics": "topic"}}, {multi: true})



  • 数据
    id: 1,
    state_arr: [
    date: "2019-09-02"


  • 查询语句


  • 数据
    id: 1,
    state_arr: [
            id: 1,
            name: "hhh"
            id: 2,
            name: "www"
    date: "2019-09-02"

{ '$match': { "tags": {"$elemMatch" : {"id": {"$in" : [11]} } } } },
{ '$sort': { datecreated: -1 } },
{ '$limit': 20 },


{ '$match': { "tags": {"$all" : [{"id":1, "name": 3}, {"id":2, "name": 2}] } } },
{ '$sort': { datecreated: -1 } },
{ '$limit': 20 },


  • 查询语句
// forEach
    var Id = item._id;
    var infoid = item.infoid;
    print(Id, infoid)
    var li = []
    db.lily_specialtopicinformation_new.find( { InfoId: infoid }).forEach(function(item_label){
            var SpecialTopicId = item_label.SpecialTopicId;
            db.lily_specialtopicalliance.find( { id: SpecialTopicId }).forEach(function(item_label_){
                var li_id =;
                var li_name = item_label_.words;
                //print(li_id, li_name)
               li.push({"id": li_id, "name": li_name, "urlpath": "/peixun/k_" + li_id + ".html" })
            // print(li);
    db.getCollection("lily_infomation").update( { _id: Id }, { $set: { topic: li } });

// 创建索引
db.publish_tp.createIndex({"uuid": 1})

// or
db.syd.find({"$or": [{"lable1": "综合"}, {"lable1": "少儿"}]})

// group
db.syd.aggregate([{$group : {_id : "$lable1", total : {$sum : 1}}}])

            $group : {_id : "$status", num_tutorial : {$sum : 1}}, 
            $sort: {_id: 1}

// regex
db.publish.find({"title": {"$regex":"_"}, "status": 22})

// $lt  $gt
db.publish_tp.find({"status": 1, "dateCreated": {"$lt": "2021-06-01"}}).sort({"dateCreated": -1}).count()

// count

// $rename 修改字段名称
db.getCollection("lily_infomation").update({}, {$rename: {"specialtopics(旧字段名)": "topic(新字段名)"}}, {multi: true})


// 数组去重 function 
function unique (arr) {
  return Array.from(new Set(arr))

db.getCollection("lily_teacher").update( { _id: item._id }, { $set: { labels: unique(new_labelid) } });

params = {
"$set": temp,
"$addToSet": {"labellist": {"$each": labellist}}


// $lookup
db_name = await getDBName(allianceId); var dbo = db.db(db_name); var filter = { labelid1:labelid1, labelid2:labelid2, labelid3:labelid3 }; var optional = [ { $match: filter }, { $lookup: { from: "lily_areacode", localField: "areacode", foreignField: "areacode", as: "docs" } }, { $unwind: "$docs" }, { $project: { _id: 0, province: "$docs.province", city: "$", longitude: "$docs.longitude", latitude: "$docs.latitude" } } ]; var allow = { allowDiskUse: true}; console.log(optional); var result = await dbo.collection("lily_tdk_list").aggregate(optional,allow).toArray();
var optional = [
            $match: filter
            $sort:  {datecreated: -1}
            $limit: size
        $project: {
        "infoid":1,  "title": 1,
        "datecreated": 1,
        "dateupdated": 1,
        "content": { 
                body: 'function(name) {  \
                    let d = name[0] ; \
                    let content = d.content; \
                    content = content.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,""); \
                  return content.substr(0, 150) ;  \
               args: [ "$contents" ],
               lang: "js"
        // 新增回复了量字段
        "reply": { "$size": "$contents"},
        "urlpath": 1,
        "labelid1": 1,
        "labelid2": 1,
        "labelid3": 1,
        "labelname1": 1,
        "labelname2": 1,
        "labelname3": 1,
        "teachernickname": 1,
        "infotype": 1,
        "show": "$"
var optional = [        
            $limit: page*size
            $skip: (page-1)*size
            $project: {
            "title": 1,
            "datecreated": 1,
            "urlpath": 1
var optional = [
            $match: filter
            $limit: 100
            $match: filter2
            $project: {
                kemu: 1,
                period: 1,
                            for(var i in maps){\
                                return maps[i];\
                                }  \
                        args: [ "$info.zsd" ],
                lang: "js"
var optional = [
                $match: filter
                $project: {
                    "urlpath": 1,
                    "labelid1": 1,
                    "labelid2": 1,
                $sample: { size: size }


pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "name": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "itemnum": {f"$size": f"$items"},
                            "ii": {
                                "$function": {
                                    "body": 'function(name) {  \
                                                      return name + "------";  \
                                    "args": ["$name"],
                                    "lang": "js"

                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)


// 对数组中全部元素进行修改
db.getCollection("pongo_content").update({"templateid": "simian-vpc-96232940694139658ae408deec27ae51", "titles": {"$elemMatch": {"id": "simian_vpt-527d8d3cad874dc598de0d91e1fa99fe"}}}, { "$set": { "titles.$.status": 1, } } )
// 对数组中指定元素进行修改 db.getCollection(
"pongo_content").update({ "templateid": "simian-vpc-96232940694139658ae408deec27ae51", }, { "$set": { "titles.$[].status": 1, } }, // { "multi": true } )
// 对数组中满足条件元素进行修改 db.getCollection(
"pongo_content").update({ "templateid": "simian-vpc-96232940694139658ae408deec27ae51", }, { "$set": { "titles.$[elem].status": 2, } }, { "multi": true, arrayFilters: [ { "elem.status": 222222 } ] } )





    id: 1,
    state_arr: [
    date: "2019-09-02"
    id: 1,
    state_arr: [
            id: 1,
            name: "hhh"
            id: 2,
            name: "www"
    date: "2019-09-02"



                        if aid:
                            filter_.update({"publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"aid": str(aid)}}})
                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": filter_},
                            {"$sort": {"keyword": 1}},
                            {"$limit": page * size},
                            {"$skip": (page - 1) * size},
                            {"$unwind": {"path": "$publishlist", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": True}},
                            # {
                            #     "$group": {
                            #         "_id": "$publishlist.aid",
                            #     },
                            # },
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "wordgroup": 1,
                                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry1": 1,
                                    "industryid1": 1,
                                    "industry2": 1,
                                    "industryid2": 1,
                                    "keyword": 1,
                                    "area": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,
                                    "baiduindex": 1,
                                               if aid:
                            filter_.update({"publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"aid": str(aid)}}})
                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": filter_},
                            {"$sort": {"keyword": 1}},
                            {"$limit": page * size},
                            {"$skip": (page - 1) * size},
                            {"$unwind": {"path": "$publishlist", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": True}},
                            # {
                            #     "$group": {
                            #         "_id": "$publishlist.aid",
                            #     },
                            # },
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "wordgroup": 1,
                                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry1": 1,
                                    "industryid1": 1,
                                    "industry2": 1,
                                    "industryid2": 1,
                                    "keyword": 1,
                                    "area": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,
                                    "baiduindex": 1,
                                    "paid": "$",
                                    "aid": "$publishlist.aid",
                                    "aname": "$publishlist.aname",
                                    "labelname1": "$publishlist.labelname1",
                                    "labelname2": "$publishlist.labelname2",
                                    "labelname3": "$publishlist.labelname3",

                        if aid:
                            pipeline.insert(-1, {"$match": {"publishlist.aid": str(aid)}},)             "paid": "$",
                                    "aid": "$publishlist.aid",
                                    "aname": "$publishlist.aname",
                                    "labelname1": "$publishlist.labelname1",
                                    "labelname2": "$publishlist.labelname2",
                                    "labelname3": "$publishlist.labelname3",

                        if aid:
                            pipeline.insert(-1, {"$match": {"publishlist.aid": str(aid)}},)



# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt, csrf_protect
# Create your views here.
import os
import oss2
import uuid
import sys
import ast
import time
import json
import redis
import hashlib
import requests
import random
from tools.mysql_client import LogMysqlApe, LogMysql, LogMysqlApeT, LogMysqlAlliance
from tools.excel_client import read_excel
from upload_pro.settings import logger
from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote
from django.conf import settings
from tools.mongodb_client import MongoDBClient
from bson import ObjectId
from bson import json_util
from bson.json_util import dumps
import pymongo
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
from tools.format_time import dateRange

def get_uuid():
    res = str(uuid.uuid4())
    UUID = ''.join(res.split('-'))
    return UUID

def md5_me(key):
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    value = md5.hexdigest()
    return value

# 把格式化时间转换成时间戳
def str_to_timestamp(str_time=None, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
    if str_time:
        time_tuple = time.strptime(str_time, format)  # 把格式化好的时间转换成元祖
        result = time.mktime(time_tuple)  # 把时间元祖转换成时间戳
        return int(result)
    return int(time.time())

# 把时间戳转换成格式化
def timestamp_to_str(timestamp=None, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
    if timestamp:
        time_tuple = time.localtime(timestamp)  # 把时间戳转换成时间元祖
        result = time.strftime(format, time_tuple)  # 把时间元祖转换成格式化好的时间
        return result
        return time.strftime(format)

# redis主库
class Redis(object):
    conn = None

    def __init__(self):
        # poll = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, db=11, password='root1234@A')
        # 生产 2 为测试  3为线上
        poll = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, db=settings.APE_REDIS_DB, password='root1234@A', decode_responses=True)
        # 本地测试
        # poll = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=7000, db=11)
        self.conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=poll)

ape_db = settings.APE_DB

db = settings.PONGO_DB

pongo_wordgroup = "pongo_wordgroup"
pongo_content = "pongo_content"
pongo_category = "pongo_category"
pongo_person = "pongo_person"
pongo_industry = "pongo_industry"
pongo_keyword = "pongo_keyword"
pongo_title = "pongo_title"
pongo_industry_ids = "pongo_industry_ids"
pongo_tdk_title = "pongo_tdk_title"
pongo_alliance = "pongo_alliance"
pongo_publish_task = "pongo_publish_task"

simian_viewpoint_table = "simian_viewpoint_table"
simian_wordgroup_table = "simian_wordgroup_table"
simian_vptitle_table = "simian_vptitle_table"
simian_wordgroup_viewpoint_table = "simian_wordgroup_viewpoint_table"
simian_vpcontent_table = "simian_vpcontent_table"

pongo_produce_vpc_vpt = "pongo.list.produce_vpc_vpt"

    "0000": "成功",
    "1000": "不存在标题id",
    "1010": "操作无权限",
    "1011": "此一级行业已经分配二级行业,不能删除!",
    "1012": "行业已分配角色,不能删除!",
    "1013": "无此机构数据!",
    "1014": "titles字段数据有误!",
    "1015": "该词分类名称已存在!",
    "1016": "没有机构,故没有数据!",
    "1017": "没有人物,故没有数据!",
    "1018": "此关键词已插入!",
    "1019": "需要带行业进行筛选!",
    "1020": "传入数据为空!",
    "1021": "请选择行业!",
    "1022": "标题重复!",
    "1023": "不满足生成替换文的条件!",
    "1024": "不满足删除条件!",
    "1025": "没有权限!",
    "1026": "数据有误!",

# 词组列表
def getWordgroupList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                filter_ = {}
                if ownerid:
                    filter_ = {"ownerid": ownerid}
                if owner:
                    filter_ = {"owner": owner}
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "name": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "itemnum": {f"$size": f"$items"},
                            "ii": {
                                "$function": {
                                    "body": 'function(name) {  \
                                                      return name + "------";  \
                                    "args": ["$name"],
                                    "lang": "js"

                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词组详情
def getWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            name = request.GET.get('wordgroupname', '')
            items = request.GET.get('items', [])
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                filter_ = {"orgid": orgid, "name": name}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "name": 1,
                    "items": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                # res = collection.find_one(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 新增词组
def newWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            items = get_data.get('items', [])
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = get_data.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = get_data.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = get_data.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = get_data.get('industryid2', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                filter_ = {"orgid": orgid, "name": name}
                res_filter = collection.find_one(filter_)
                if res_filter:
                    for item in items:
                        params = {
                            "$addToSet": {"items": item},
                            "$set": {
                                "dateupdated": TIME,
                        collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                    data = {
                        "name": name,
                        "industry1": industry1,
                        "industryid1": industryid1,
                        "industry2": industry2,
                        "industryid2": industryid2,
                        "items": items,
                        "orgid": orgid,
                        "orgname": orgname,
                        "owner": owner,
                        "ownerid": ownerid,
                        "datecreated": TIME,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                        "sort": 10,
                        "state": 0

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": "",
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 修改词组
def updateWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            items = get_data.get('items', [])
            wordgroupid = get_data.get('wordgroupid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                params = {
                    "$set": {
                            "name": name,
                            "items": items,
                            "dateupdated": TIME,
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(wordgroupid)}
                res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": wordgroupid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 删除词组
def deleteWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            items = get_data.get('items', [])
            wordgroupid = get_data.get('wordgroupid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_wordgroup+'_del']
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(wordgroupid)}
                data = collection.find_one(filter_)
                data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                res = collection.delete_one(filter_)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": wordgroupid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 文章模板列表
def getContentList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            categoryid = request.GET.get('categoryid', '')
            category = request.GET.get('category', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = filter_2 = {}
                if ownerid:
                    filter_ = {"ownerid": ownerid}
                if owner:
                    filter_ = {"owner": owner}
                if categoryid:
                    filter_2 = {"categoryid": categoryid}
                if category:
                    filter_2 = {"category": category}
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                    {"$sort": {"datecreated": -1}},
                        "$project": {
                            "_id": 0,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "name": 1,
                            "description": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "categoryid": 1,
                            "category": 1,
                            "content": 1,
                            "contenttemplate": 1,
                            "titlelist": 1,
                            "titles": 1,
                            "state": 1,
                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 文章模板详情
def getContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = request.GET.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = request.GET.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            templateid = request.GET.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = request.GET.get('templatename', '')

            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "name": 1,
                    "description": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "categoryid": 1,
                    "category": 1,
                    "content": 1,
                    "contenttemplate": 1,
                    "wordgroups": 1,
                    "property": 1,
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "titlelist": 1,
                    "titles": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "industryid2": 1,
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industryid1": 1,
                    "viewpointname": 1,
                    "viewpointid": 1,
                    "templatename": 1,
                    "templatid": 1,
                    "datecreated": 1,
                    "dateupdated": 1,
                    "statistics": 1,
                    "state": 1,
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 新增模板
def newContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            description = get_data.get('description', '')
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            categoryid = get_data.get('categoryid', '')
            category = get_data.get('category', '')
            content = get_data.get('content', '')
            wordgroups = get_data.get('wordgroups', [])
            property = get_data.get('property', {"distinct": 3})
            titles = get_data.get('titles', [])
            contenttemplate = content.replace("【", '').replace("】", '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                data = {
                    "name": name,
                    "titles": titles,
                    "description": description,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "categoryid": categoryid,
                    "category": category,
                    "content": content,
                    "contenttemplate": contenttemplate,
                    "wordgroups": wordgroups,
                    "property": property,
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "sort": 100,
                    "state": 0
                res = collection.insert_one(data)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res.inserted_id,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 修改模板
def updateContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})

            titles = get_data.get('titles', [])
            content = get_data.get('content', '')
            wordgroups = get_data.get('wordgroups', [])
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            categoryid = get_data.get('categoryid', '')
            category = get_data.get('category', '')
            property = get_data.get('property', {"distinct": 3})
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            if type(titles) != type([]):
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1014", "message": CODE_DICT["1014"]})
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                params = {
                    "$set": {
                        "titles": titles,
                        "content": content,
                        "wordgroups": wordgroups,
                        "property": property,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": templateid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 修改新增模板内容
def updateContentTemplateInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industry1 = get_data.get('industry1', '')
            industry2 = get_data.get('industry2', '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            contenttemplate = get_data.get('contenttemplate', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                    params = {
                        "$set": {
                            "contenttemplate": contenttemplate,
                            "dateupdated": TIME,
                    filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                    res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                except DuplicateKeyError:
                    return JsonResponse({"code": "10003", "message": f"{contenttemplate}-已存在"})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": templateid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 删除模板
def deleteContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            contentid = get_data.get('contentid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_content + '_del']
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(contentid)}
                data = collection.find_one(filter_)
                data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                res = collection.delete_one(filter_)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": contentid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 分类列表
def getCategoryList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_category]
                filter_ = {}
                if ownerid:
                    filter_ = {"ownerid": ownerid}
                if owner:
                    filter_ = {"owner": owner}
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            "_id": 0,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "name": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,

                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 人物行业列表
def getPersonList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            level = request.GET.get('level', [])
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            #"request.GET: {str(request.GET)}")
  "level: {str(level)} --- {str(type(level))}")
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_person]
                filter_ = {}

                if orgid:
                    filter_ = {"orgid": orgid}
                    if ownerid:
                        filter_.update({"ownerid": ownerid})
                    if "ORG_ADMIN" in level:
                        filter_.pop("ownerid", '')
                    pipeline = [
                        {"$match": filter_},
                            "$project": {
                                # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                "_id": 0,
                                "name": 1,
                                "owner": 1,
                                "ownerid": 1,
                                "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                "industry": 1,
                                "industryid": 1,
                                "pid": 1,
                                "iid": 1,
                                "orgid": 1,
                                "orgname": 1,
                    res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                    data = []
                    temp = {}
                    # if res:
                    #     for item in res:
                    #         temp.setdefault(item.get('industry1'), []).append({
                    #             "value": item.get('industry2'),
                    #             "label": item.get('industry2'),
                    #             "industry": item.get('industry'),
                    #             "industryid": item.get('industryid'),
                    #         })
                    #     for k, v in temp.items():
                    #         t = {
                    #                 "value": k,
                    #                 "label": k,
                    #                 "children": v
                    #         }
                    #         data.append(t)
                    #     res_data = {
                    #         "industrylist": data
                    #     }
                    t = []
                    if res:
                        for item in res:
                            # print(item)
                            p_id = item.get('pid')
                            _id = item.get('id')
                            iid = item.get('iid')
                            industryid = item.get('industryid')
                            industry = item.get('industry')
                            if p_id == '0':
                                t.append({"label": industry, "id": _id, "value": industryid, "pid": p_id, "iid": iid})
                                temp.setdefault(p_id, []).append({
                                    "label": industry,
                                    "pid": item.get('pid'),
                                    "id": _id,
                                    "value": industryid,
                        for v in t:
                            P_id = v.get('iid')
                            v.update({"children": temp.get(P_id, [])})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": {"industrylist": data},
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 人物行业详情
def getPersonInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            personid = request.GET.get('personid', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_person]
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(personid)}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "name": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industrylist": 1,
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                # res = collection.find_one(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 新增人物行业关系
def newPersonInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            level = request.GET.get('level', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', [])
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', [])
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_person]
                data = {
                    "level": level,
                    "orgid": orgid,
                    "orgname": orgname,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "industry1": industry1,
                    "industry2": industry2,
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "sort": 100,
                    "state": 0
                res = collection.insert_one(data)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res.inserted_id,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 修改人物行业关系
def updatePersonInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            level = get_data.get('level', '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            children = get_data.get('children', [])
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_industry]
                collection_p = db_[pongo_person]
                filter_person = {"orgid": orgid, "ownerid": ownerid}
                pipeline_person = [
                    {"$match": filter_person},
                      "$project": {
                          # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                          "_id": 0,
                          "owner": 1,
                          "ownerid": 1,
                          "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                          "industry": 1,
                          "industryid": 1,
                          "pid": 1,
                          "iid": 1,
                          "level": 1,
                          "orgid": 1,
                          "orgname": 1,
                          "datecreated": 1,
                          "dateupdated": 1,
                res_person = collection_p.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline_person, allowDiskUse=True)
                industry_data = {}
                old_industry_list = []
                old_pid_list = []
                for item in res_person:
                    _id = item.pop('id')
                    industryid = item.get('industryid')
                    iid = item.get('iid')
                    pid = item.get('pid')
                    collection_p.delete_one({"_id": ObjectId(_id)})
                for item in old_industry_list:
                    params = {
                        "$set": {
                            "disabled": False,
                            "dateupdated": TIME,
                    filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(item)}
                    collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                for item in children:
                    industry_data_t = {}
                    _id = item
                    item_t = collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(_id)})
                    industry = item_t.get('industry')
                    industryid = item_t.get('industryid')
                    pid = item_t.get('pid')
                        "iid": _id,
                        "ownerid": ownerid,
                        "owner": owner,
                        "level": level,
                        "orgid": orgid,
                        "orgname": orgname,
                        "industry": industry,
                        "industryid": industryid,
                        "pid": pid,
                        "datecreated": TIME,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                    industry_data_t.pop('_id', '')
                    params = {
                        "$set": {
                            "disabled": True,
                            "dateupdated": TIME,
                    filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(_id)}
                    collection.update_one(filter_, params)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": 0,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 删除人物行业关系
def deletePersonInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection_p = db_[pongo_person]
                collection_industry = db_[pongo_industry]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_person+'_del']
                filter_person = {"orgid": orgid, "ownerid": ownerid}
                pipeline_person = [
                    {"$match": filter_person},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "industry": 1,
                            "industryid": 1,
                            "pid": 1,
                            "iid": 1,
                            "level": 1,
                            "orgid": 1,
                            "orgname": 1,
                            "datecreated": 1,
                            "dateupdated": 1,
                res_person = collection_p.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline_person, allowDiskUse=True)
                t = []
                if res_person:
                    for item in res_person:
                        # print(item)
                        p_id = item.get('pid')
                        iid = item.get('iid')
                        if p_id != '0':
                        item.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                # 将行业属性disabled变为false getIndustryList2
                for r_id in t:
                    collection_industry.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(r_id)}, {"$set": {"dateupdated": _datecreated, "disabled": False}})

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": "ok",
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 行业列表
def getIndustryList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            level = request.GET.get('level', [])
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_industry]
                filter_ = {}
                if orgid:
                    if "ORG_ADMIN" in level:
                        filter_.update({"orgid": orgid,})
                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": filter_},
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry": 1,
                                    "industryid": 1,
                                    "pid": 1,
                                    "disabled": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,

                        res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                        data = []
                        temp = {}
                        t = []
                        if res:
                            for item in res:
                                # print(item)
                                p_id = item.get('pid')
                                _id = item.get('id')
                                industryid = item.get('industryid')
                                industry = item.get('industry')
                                if p_id == '0':
                                    t.append({"title": industry, "id": _id, "industryid": industryid, "pid": p_id})
                                    temp.setdefault(p_id, []).append({
                                        "title": industry,
                                        "pid": item.get('pid'),
                                        "id": _id,
                                        "industryid": industryid,
                            for v in t:
                                P_id = v.get('id')
                                v.update({"children": temp.get(P_id, [])})
                        return JsonResponse({"code": "1025", "message": CODE_DICT['1025']})
                    return JsonResponse({"code": "1013", "message": CODE_DICT['1013']})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 行业列表--与任务表关联关系
def getIndustryList2(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', '0'))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            level = request.GET.get('level', [])
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_industry]
                collection_p = db_[pongo_person]
                filter_ = {}
                filter_p = {}
                if "ORG_ADMIN" in level:
                    filter_.update({"orgid": orgid})
                if ownerid:
                    filter_p.update({"ownerid": ownerid, "orgid": orgid})

                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "industry": 1,
                            "industryid": 1,
                            "pid": 1,
                            "disabled": 1,
                            "orgid": 1,
                            "orgname": 1,

                pipeline_p = [
                    {"$match": filter_p},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "industry": 1,
                            "industryid": 1,
                            "disabled": 1,
                            "orgid": 1,
                            "orgname": 1,
                            "pid": 1,
                            "iid": 1,

                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                res2 = collection_p.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline_p, allowDiskUse=True)
                if res2:
                    temp_2 = {}
                    t_2 = []
                    for item in res2:
                        # print(item)
                        p_id = item.get('pid')
                        i_id = item.get('iid')
                        _id = item.get('id')
                        industryid = item.get('industryid')
                        industry = item.get('industry')
                        if p_id == '0':
                            t_2.append({"title": industry, "id": _id, "industryid": industryid, "pid": p_id})
                            temp_2.setdefault(i_id, []).append({
                                "title": industry,
                                "pid": item.get('pid'),
                                "id": _id,
                                "industryid": industryid,
                if res:
                    data = []
                    temp = {}
                    t = []
                    for item in res:
                        # print(item)
                        p_id = item.get('pid')
                        _id = item.get('id')
                        industryid = item.get('industryid')
                        industry = item.get('industry')
                        disabled = item.get('disabled')
                        if p_id == '0':
                            t.append({"title": industry, "id": _id, "industryid": industryid, "pid": p_id, "expand": True, "disabled": True,})

                            temp.setdefault(p_id, []).append({
                                "title": industry,
                                "pid": item.get('pid'),
                                "id": _id,
                                "industryid": industryid,
                                "disabled": disabled,
                    print("pipeline_person", temp_2)
                    for v in t:
                        P_id = v.get('id')
                        children = temp.get(P_id, [])
                        children_new = []
                        for i in children:
                            if i.get('id') in temp_2:
                                i.update({"checked": True})
                                i.update({"checked": False})
                        v.update({"children": children_new})
                # #####################
                # p_industry = {}
                # for item in res2:
                #     p_industry.setdefault(item.get('industry1'), []).append(item.get('industry2'))
                # data = []
                # temp = {}
                # d_temp = {}
                # if res:
                #     for item in res:
                #         temp.setdefault(item.get('industry1'), []).append({"title": item.get('industry2'), "disabled": item.get('disabled'), "id": item.get("id")})
                #         d_temp.setdefault(item.get('industry1'), []).append(item.get('industry2'))
                #     # "checked ": True
                #     print(temp)
                #     for k, v in temp.items():
                #         vv_new = []
                #         for vv in v:
                #             if vv.get('title', '') in p_industry.get(k, []):
                #                 vv.update({"checked": True, "title": vv.get('title', ''),})
                #                 vv.pop("disabled")
                #             else:
                #                 vv.update({"checked": False, "title": vv.get('title', ''), "disabled": vv.get('disabled', '')})
                #             vv_new.append(vv)
                #         t = {
                #             "title": k,
                #             "expand": True,
                #             "disabled": True,
                #             "children": vv_new
                #         }
                #         data.append(t)
                # #####################
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 行业详情
def getIndustryInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            industryid = request.GET.get('industryid', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_industry]
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(industryid)}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                # res = collection.find_one(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 新增行业
def newIndustryInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            level = get_data.get('level', [])
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            industry = get_data.get('title', '')
            pid = get_data.get('pid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_industry]
                collection_industry_ids = db_[pongo_industry_ids]
                data = {}
                ids_dict = collection_industry_ids.find_one({"id": 1})
                industry1id = int(ids_dict.get('industry1id'))
                industry2id = int(ids_dict.get('industry2id'))
                if 'ORG_ADMIN' in level:
                    if pid == '0':
                        # 新增一级
                        data_indsert = {
                            "level": level,
                            "orgid": orgid,
                            "orgname": orgname,
                            "owner": owner,
                            "ownerid": ownerid,
                            "industry": industry,
                            "industryid": str(industry1id),
                            "disabled": False,
                            "datecreated": TIME,
                            "dateupdated": TIME,
                            "sort": 100,
                            "state": 0,
                            "pid": "0"
                        res = collection.insert_one(data_indsert)
                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": {"_id": ObjectId(res.inserted_id)}},
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry": 1,
                                    "level": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,
                                    "datecreated": 1,
                                    "dateupdated": 1,
                                    "pid": 1,
                        data = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                        collection_industry_ids.update_one({"id": 1}, {"$set": {"industry1id": str(industry1id + 1), "dateupdated": TIME}})
                        ids_dict = collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(pid)})
                        # 新增二级
                        data_indsert = {
                            "level": level,
                            "orgid": orgid,
                            "orgname": orgname,
                            "owner": owner,
                            "ownerid": ownerid,
                            "industry": industry,
                            "industryid": ids_dict.get("industryid") + str(industry2id),
                            "disabled": False,
                            "datecreated": TIME,
                            "dateupdated": TIME,
                            "sort": 100,
                            "state": 0,
                            "pid": pid,
                        res = collection.insert_one(data_indsert)
                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": {"_id": res.inserted_id}},
                               "$project": {
                                   # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                   "_id": 0,
                                   "owner": 1,
                                   "ownerid": 1,
                                   "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                   "industry": 1,
                                   "level": 1,
                                   "orgid": 1,
                                   "orgname": 1,
                                   "industryid": 1,
                                   "datecreated": 1,
                                   "dateupdated": 1,
                                   "pid": 1,
                        data = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                        collection_industry_ids.update_one({"id": 1}, {
                            "$set": {"industry2id": str(industry2id + 1), "dateupdated": TIME}})
                    return JsonResponse({"code": "1010", "message": CODE_DICT['1010']})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": list(data),
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 修改行业
def updateIndustryInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            level = get_data.get('level', '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            indusrty = get_data.get('title', '')
            indusrtyid = get_data.get('indusrtyid', '')
            industry_id = get_data.get('id')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_industry]
                collection_p = db_[pongo_person]

                filter_industry = {"_id": ObjectId(industry_id)}
      "filter_industry:" + str(filter_industry))
                params_i = {
                    "$set": {
                        "industry": indusrty,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                r_i = collection.update_one(filter_industry, params_i)
                # ret.matched_count, ret.modified_count
                # 前者是匹配到文档的数目,而后者是修改了文档的个数。
      "匹配:" + str(r_i.matched_count))
      "修改:" + str(r_i.modified_count))
                params_p = {
                    "$set": {
                        "industry": indusrty,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                filter_p = {"iid": industry_id}
                r_p = collection_p.update_many(filter_p, params_p)
      "匹配:" + str(r_p.matched_count))
      "修改:" + str(r_p.modified_count))

                return JsonResponse({
                    "code": "0000",
                    "message": "成功",
                    "data": 0,
                    "datecreated": _datecreated,
                }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 删除行业
def deleteIndustryInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industryid = get_data.get('id', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_industry]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_industry+'_del']

                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(industryid)}
                data = collection.find_one(filter_)
                data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})

                pid = data.get('pid')
                disabled = data.get('disabled')

                if pid == '0':
                    filter_ = {"pid": industryid}
                    pipeline = [
                        {"$match": filter_},
                            "$project": {
                                # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                "_id": 0,
                                "owner": 1,
                                "ownerid": 1,
                                "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                "industry": 1,
                                "level": 1,
                                "orgid": 1,
                                "orgname": 1,
                                "industryid": 1,
                                "datecreated": 1,
                                "dateupdated": 1,
                                "pid": 1,
                                "disabled": 1,
                    data = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                    flag = 0
                    data_t = []
                    for item in data:
                        disabled = item.get('disabled', True)
                        if disabled == True:
                            flag = 1
                    if flag:
                        code = "1011"
                        message = "此一级行业已经分配二级行业,不能删除"
                        for item in data_t:
                            item.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                        filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(industryid)}
                        code = "0000"
                        message = "删除成功"
                    if disabled == False:
                        data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                        code = "0000"
                        message = "删除成功"
                        code = "1012"
                        message = "行业已分配角色,不能删除"

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": code,
                "message": CODE_DICT[code],
                "data": "ok",
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# ##################################
# 关键词
# ##################################

# 发版词上传
def baseKeywordUpload(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
            with MongoDBClient() as mg_client, LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                db_ = mg_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                path_info = request.path_info
                jgname = path_info.split('/')[-1]
                file_obj_list = request.FILES.getlist('file')
                orgid = request.POST.get('orgid', '')
                orgname = request.POST.get('orgname', '')
                sql = f"select id,wordgroupname  from {simian_wordgroup_table} where orgid='{orgid}' and status=0 "
                res_w = m_client.search_db(sql)
                wordgroupname_dict = {}
                for item_w in res_w:
                    wordgroupname_dict.update({item_w.get("wordgroupname"): item_w.get("id")})

                file_path_list = []
                filePath = []
                flag = 0
                for file_obj in file_obj_list:
                    file_path = r'uploadFiles' + os.sep +
                    with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
                        for i in file_obj.chunks():
          '文件路径:%s' % str(file_path))

                    res = read_excel(file_path)

                    error_list = [["提示信息", "关键词名称", "词分组名称", "一级行业", "二级行业"]]
                    collection_industry = db_[pongo_industry]
                    industry_dict = {}
                    res_all = collection_industry.find({})
                    for item_i in res_all:
                        pid = item_i.get('pid')
                        industry = item_i.get('industry')
                        industryid = item_i.get('industryid')
                        if pid == '0':
                            industry = industry + '_1'
                            industry = industry + '_2'
                        industry_dict.update({industry: industryid})
                    count = 0
                    for item in res:
                        # print(len(item), item)
                        TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time() + count)
                        if item[1]:
                            keyword = item[3]
                            industry1 = item[1]
                            industry2 = item[2]
                            area = item[4]
                            baiduindex = item[5]
                            wordgroup = item[6]
                            industryid2 = industry_dict.get(industry2 + '_2', '')
                            industryid1 = industry_dict.get(industry1 + '_1', '')

                            if not industryid1 or not industryid2:
                                k_t = ["该关键词对应行业不存在", keyword, wordgroup, industry1, industry2]
                                count += 1

                            if wordgroup not in wordgroupname_dict:
                                k_t = ["该分组不存在", keyword, wordgroup, industry1, industry2]
                                count += 1

                            data = {
                                "keyword": keyword,
                                "industry1": industry1,
                                "industryid1": industryid1,
                                "industry2": industry2,
                                "industryid2": industryid2,
                                "baiduindex": baiduindex,
                                "area": area,
                                "orgid": orgid,
                                "orgname": orgname,
                                "datecreated": TIME,
                                "dateupdated": TIME,
                                "sort": 100,
                                "state": 0,
                                "publishlist": [],
                                "wordgroup": wordgroup,
                                "wordgroupid": wordgroupname_dict.get(wordgroup, ''),
                            except DuplicateKeyError:
                                k_t = ["该关键词已存在", keyword, wordgroup, industry1, industry2]
                            count += 1
                # 上传成功之后删除文件
                for path in file_path_list:
                    except Exception as e:

                if len(error_list) != 1:
                    code = "1026"
                    return JsonResponse(
                        {"code": code, "data": error_list, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated, })
                    code = "0000"
                    error_list = []
                    return JsonResponse(
                        {"code": code, "data": error_list, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated, })
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated,})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "00", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated,})

# 发布任务对应词和站点关系上传上传
def publishKeywordUpload(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
  '# 开始上传文件 #')
            with MongoDBClient() as mg_client, LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                db_ = mg_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                path_info = request.path_info
                jgname = path_info.split('/')[-1]
                file_obj_list = request.FILES.getlist('file')
                aid = request.POST.get('aid', '')
                aname = request.POST.get('aname', '')
                orgid = request.POST.get('orgid', '')
                orgname = request.POST.get('orgname', '')

                # sql = f"select id,wordgroupname  from {simian_wordgroup_table} where orgid='{orgid}' and status=0 "
                # res_w = m_client.search_db(sql)
                # wordgroupname_dict = {}
                # for item_w in res_w:
                #     wordgroupname_dict.update({item_w.get("wordgroupname"): item_w.get("id")})

                file_path_list = []
                filePath = []
                for file_obj in file_obj_list:
                    file_path = r'uploadFiles' + os.sep +
                    with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
                        for i in file_obj.chunks():
          '文件路径:%s' % str(file_path))
                    res = read_excel(file_path)
                    TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                    error_list = [["提示信息", "词组名称", "关键词名称"]]
                    for item in res:
                        if item[0]:
                            _id = item[0]
                            keyword = item[1]
                            industry1 = item[2]
                            industry2 = item[3]
                            area = item[4]
                            baiduindex = item[5]

                            wordgroup = item[6]

                            # if wordgroup not in wordgroupname_dict:
                            #     k_t = ["该分组不存在", wordgroup, keyword]
                            #     error_list.append(k_t)
                            #     continue

                            labelname1 = item[7]
                            labelname2 = item[8]
                            labelname3 = item[9]

                            # 0   待编辑
                            # 1   已编辑
                            # 2   已发布
                            params = {
                                "$push": {"publishlist": {
                                    "id": get_uuid(),
                                    "aid": str(aid),
                                    "aname": aname,
                                    "labelname1": labelname1,
                                    "labelname2": labelname2,
                                    "labelname3": labelname3,
                                    "title": "",
                                    # 看不见  计划中
                                    "status": 10,
                                    "onlinedate": "",
                                "$set": {
                                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                                    # "wordgroup": wordgroup,
                                    # "wordgroupid": wordgroupname_dict.get(wordgroup, ''),
                            filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(_id)}
                            res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                            yes = res.modified_count
                            if not yes:
                                k_t = ["该词对应id不存在", wordgroup, keyword]

                # 上传成功之后删除文件
                for path in file_path_list:
                    except Exception as e:

                # 增删改查
                if len(error_list) != 1:
                    code = "1026"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": error_list, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated,})
                    code = "0000"
                    error_list = []
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": error_list, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated,})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated,})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "00", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated,})

# 关键词列表 --- 基础词任务
def getKeywordList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            keyword = request.GET.get('keyword', '')
            area = request.GET.get('area', '')
            wordgroup = request.GET.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
            size = int(request.GET.get('size', 10))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                filter_ = {}

                if orgid:
                    filter_.update({"orgid": orgid})
                    if industryid1:
                        filter_.update({"industryid1": industryid1})
                        if industryid2:
                            filter_.update({"industryid2": industryid2})
                        if area:
                            filter_.update({"area": area})
                        if wordgroup:
                            filter_.update({"wordgroup": wordgroup})
                        if keyword:
                            filter_.update({"keyword": {"$regex": keyword}})

                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": filter_},
                            {"$sort": {"datecreated": -1}},
                            {"$limit": page * size},
                            {"$skip": (page - 1) * size},
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "wordgroup": 1,
                                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry1": 1,
                                    "industryid1": 1,
                                    "industry2": 1,
                                    "industryid2": 1,
                                    "keyword": 1,
                                    "area": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,
                                    "baiduindex": 1,

                        total = collection.count_documents(filter=filter_)
                        res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                        data = []
                        if res:
                            data = list(res)
                    code = "1016"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "total": total,
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 关键词列表 --- 基础词任务  ---- 下载
def getKeywordListDownload(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            keyword = request.GET.get('keyword', '')
            area = request.GET.get('area', '')
            wordgroup = request.GET.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
            size = int(request.GET.get('size', 10))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                filter_ = {}

                if orgid:
                    filter_.update({"orgid": orgid})
                    if industryid1:
                        filter_.update({"industryid1": industryid1})
                        if industryid2:
                            filter_.update({"industryid2": industryid2})
                        if area:
                            filter_.update({"area": area})
                        if wordgroup:
                            filter_.update({"wordgroup": wordgroup})
                        if keyword:
                            filter_.update({"keyword": {"$regex": keyword}})

                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": filter_},
                            {"$sort": {"datecreated": -1}},
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "wordgroup": 1,
                                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry1": 1,
                                    "industryid1": 1,
                                    "industry2": 1,
                                    "industryid2": 1,
                                    "keyword": 1,
                                    "area": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,
                                    "baiduindex": 1,

                        total = collection.count_documents(filter=filter_)
                        res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                        data = []
                        if res:
                            data = list(res)
                    code = "1016"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "total": total,
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 关键词列表  --- 发布任务 词
def getTaskKeywordList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            keyword = request.GET.get('keyword', '')
            area = request.GET.get('area', '')
            aid = int(request.GET.get('aid', 0))
            wordgroup = request.GET.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
            size = int(request.GET.get('size', 10))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                filter_ = {}

                if orgid:
                    filter_.update({"orgid": orgid})
                    if industryid1:
                        filter_.update({"industryid1": industryid1})
                        if industryid2:
                            filter_.update({"industryid2": industryid2})
                        if area:
                            filter_.update({"area": area})
                        if wordgroup:
                            filter_.update({"wordgroup": wordgroup})
                        if keyword:
                            filter_.update({"keyword": {"$regex": keyword}})
                        if aid:
                            filter_.update({"publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"aid": str(aid)}}})
                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": filter_},
                            {"$sort": {"keyword": 1}},
                            {"$limit": page * size},
                            {"$skip": (page - 1) * size},
                            {"$unwind": {"path": "$publishlist", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": True}},
                            # {
                            #     "$group": {
                            #         "_id": "$publishlist.aid",
                            #     },
                            # },
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "wordgroup": 1,
                                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry1": 1,
                                    "industryid1": 1,
                                    "industry2": 1,
                                    "industryid2": 1,
                                    "keyword": 1,
                                    "area": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,
                                    "baiduindex": 1,
                                    "paid": "$",
                                    "aid": "$publishlist.aid",
                                    "aname": "$publishlist.aname",
                                    "labelname1": "$publishlist.labelname1",
                                    "labelname2": "$publishlist.labelname2",
                                    "labelname3": "$publishlist.labelname3",

                        if aid:
                            pipeline.insert(-1, {"$match": {"publishlist.aid": str(aid)}},)
                        total = collection.count_documents(filter=filter_)
                        res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                        data = []
                        if res:
                            data = list(res)
                    code = "1016"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "total": total,
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 关键词详情
def getKeywordInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            keywordid = request.GET.get('keywordid', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid)}
                params = {
                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                    "_id": 0,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                    "wordgroup": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industryid1": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "industryid2": 1,
                    "keyword": 1,
                    "area": 1,
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                # res = collection.find_one(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 关键词新增
def newKeywordInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            keyword = get_data.get('keyword', '')
            wordgroup = get_data.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = get_data.get('wordgroupid', '')
            area = get_data.get('area', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            # level = get_data.get('level', [])
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = get_data.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = get_data.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = get_data.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = get_data.get('industryid2', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                data = {

                    "orgid": orgid,
                    "keyword": keyword,
                    "orgname": orgname,
                    "wordgroup": wordgroup,
                    "wordgroupid": wordgroupid,
                    "area": area,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "industry1": industry1,
                    "industryid1": industryid1,
                    "industry2": industry2,
                    "industryid2": industryid2,
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "publishlist": [],
                    "publishsum": 5,
                    "statevalue": "待编辑",
                    "sort": 100,
                    "state": 0
                    res = collection.insert_one(data)
                except DuplicateKeyError:
                    code = "1018"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": f"({keyword})-{CODE_DICT[code]}"})

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res.inserted_id,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 关键词编辑
def updateKeywordInfo(request):"updateKeywordInfo")
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            keywordid = get_data.get('keywordid', '')
            keywordlist = get_data.get('keywordlist', [])
            # keywordlist = json.loads(keywordlist)
            wordgroup = get_data.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = get_data.get('wordgroupid', '')
            keyword = get_data.get('keyword', '')
            area = get_data.get('area', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                xgz = {}
                if keyword:
                    xgz.update({"keyword": keyword})
                if keyword:
                    xgz.update({"area": area})
                if wordgroupid:
                    xgz.update({"wordgroup": wordgroup, "wordgroupid": wordgroupid})
                xgz.update({"dateupdated": TIME})
                params = {
                    "$set": xgz,
                code = "0000"
                if keywordid:
                        filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid)}
                        res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                    except DuplicateKeyError:
                        code = "1018"
                        return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": f"({keyword})-{CODE_DICT[code]}"})
                count_all = len(keywordlist)
                count = 0
                if keywordlist:
                    flag = 0
                    error_list = []
                    for item in keywordlist:
                            keywordid_t = item.get('id')
                            keyword_t = item.get('keyword')
                            filter_t = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid_t)}
                            res = collection.update_one(filter_t, params)
                            count += int(res.modified_count)
                        except DuplicateKeyError:
                            flag = 1
                            code = "1018"
                    if flag:
                        return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": f"({','.join(error_list)})-{CODE_DICT[code]}"})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": code,
                "message": CODE_DICT[code],
                "data": f"一共修改{count_all}个,成功{count}个!",
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 关键词删除
def deleteKeywordInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            keywordid = get_data.get('keywordid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_keyword+'_del']
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid)}
                data = collection.find_one(filter_)
                data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                res = collection.delete_one(filter_)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": keywordid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词分类列表- 有分页
def getWordCategoryList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
            size = int(request.GET.get('size', 10))
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            wordgroup = request.GET.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            description = request.GET.get("description", '')  # 描述
            data = []

            if orgid:
                sql = f" select * from {simian_wordgroup_table} where (status=0) "
                total_sql = f" select count(*) as n from {simian_wordgroup_table} where (status=0) "
                sql += f" and orgid='{orgid}' "
                total_sql += f" and orgid='{orgid}' "
                # if ownerid:
                #     sql += f" and ownerid='{ownerid}' "
                #     total_sql += f" and ownerid='{ownerid}' "
                if industryid1:
                    sql += f" and industryid1='{industryid1}' "
                    total_sql += f" and industryid1='{industryid1}' "
                    if industryid2:
                        sql += f" and industryid2='{industryid2}' "
                        total_sql += f" and industryid2='{industryid2}' "
                    if wordgroup:
                        sql += f" and wordgroupname like '%%{wordgroup}%%' "
                        total_sql += f" and wordgroupname like '%%{wordgroup}%%' "
                sql += f" order by createtime DESC limit {(page-1)* size}, {size*page}  "
                with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                    data = m_client.search_db(sql)
                    total_ = m_client.search_db(total_sql)
                    total = 0
                    if total_:
                        total = total_[0].get('n')
                return JsonResponse({
                    "code": "0000",
                    "message": "成功",
                    "total": total,
                    "data": data,
                    "datecreated": _datecreated,
                }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
                # else:
                #     code = "1017"
                #     return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
                code = "1016"
                return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词分类列表- 没有分页
def getWordCategoryListAll(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
            size = int(request.GET.get('size', 10))
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            wordgroup = request.GET.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            description = request.GET.get("description", '')  # 描述
            data = []

            if orgid:
                sql = f" select wordgroupname as wordgroup, id from {simian_wordgroup_table} where (status=0) "
                total_sql = f" select count(*) as n from {simian_wordgroup_table} where (status=0) "
                sql += f" and orgid='{orgid}' "
                total_sql += f" and orgid='{orgid}' "
                # if ownerid:
                #     sql += f" and ownerid='{ownerid}' "
                #     total_sql += f" and ownerid='{ownerid}' "
                if industryid1:
                    sql += f" and industryid1='{industryid1}' "
                    total_sql += f" and industry1id='{industryid1}' "
                    if industryid2:
                        sql += f" and industryid2='{industryid2}' "
                        total_sql += f" and industryid2='{industryid2}' "
                        sql += f" order by createtime DESC "
                        # sql += f"  limit {(page-1)* size}, {size*page}  "
                        with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                            data = m_client.search_db(sql)
                            #     total_ = m_client.search_db(total_sql)
                            #     total = 0
                            #     if total_:
                            #         total = total_[0].get('n')
                        return JsonResponse({
                            "code": "0000",
                            "message": "成功",
                            "data": data,
                            "datecreated": _datecreated,
                        }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
                    code = "1019"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
                code = "1016"
                return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词分类详情
def getWordCategoryInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                sql = f" select * from {simian_wordgroup_table} where id='{wordgroupid}' "
                res = m_client.search_db(sql)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res[0]
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词分类添加
def newWordCategoryInfo(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                industry1 = get_data.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
                industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')  # 行业
                industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
                industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')  # 行业
                wgname = get_data.get("wordgroup", '')  # 词分类名称
                owner = get_data.get("owner", '')  # 所属人
                ownerid = get_data.get("ownerid", '')  # 所属人id
                orgname = get_data.get("orgname", '')  # 机构名称
                orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')  # 机构id
                description = get_data.get("description", '')  # 描述
                # 查询词是否存在
                condition = f"""
                        select count(id) as count from {simian_wordgroup_table} 
                        where wordgroupname = '{wgname}' and orgid='{orgid}' and industryid2='{industryid2}' and status=0 
                wgname_count = m_client.search_db(condition)
                if wgname_count[0]["count"] > 0:
                    return JsonResponse({"code": "1015", "data": wgname_count[0]["count"], "message": CODE_DICT['1015']})
                    TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                    data = {
                        "id": f"wg-{ownerid}-" + get_uuid(),
                        "industry": industry1,
                        "industryid1": industryid1,
                        "industryid2": industryid2,
                        "industry2": industry2,
                        "wordgroupname": wgname,
                        "owner": owner,
                        "ownerid": ownerid,
                        "orgname": orgname,
                        "orgid": orgid,
                        "description": description,
                        "createtime": TIME,
                        "updatetime": TIME,
                        "status": 0
                    result = m_client.updata_db(data, simian_wordgroup_table)
                    return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "data": result, "message": 'success'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "msg": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "msg": "no this method"})

# 词分类编辑
def updateWordCategoryInfo(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                industry1 = get_data.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
                industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')  # 行业
                industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
                industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')  # 行业
                wordgroupid = get_data.get("wordgroupid", '')  # 词分类名称
                wgname = get_data.get("wordgroup", '')  # 词分类名称
                owner = get_data.get("owner", '')  # 所属人
                ownerid = get_data.get("ownerid", '')  # 所属人id
                orgname = get_data.get("orgname", '')  # 机构名称
                orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')  # 机构id
                description = get_data.get("description", '')  # 描述
                TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                # 查询词是否存在
                condition = f"""
                                        select count(id) as count from {simian_wordgroup_table} 
                                        where wordgroupname = '{wgname}' and orgid='{orgid}' and industryid2='{industryid2}' and status=0 
                wgname_count = m_client.search_db(condition)
                if wgname_count[0]["count"] > 0:
                    return JsonResponse(
                        {"code": "1015", "data": wgname_count[0]["count"], "message": CODE_DICT['1015']})
                data = {
                    "id": wordgroupid,
                    "wordgroupname": wgname,
                    "description": "修改了词分组",
                    "createtime": TIME,
                    "updatetime": TIME
                result = m_client.updata_db(data, simian_wordgroup_table)
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "data": result, "message": 'success'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词分类删除
def deleteWordCategoryInfo(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                wordgroupid = get_data.get("wordgroupid", '')  # 词分类id
                TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                res = m_client.search_db(
                    f"""select wordgroupname from {simian_wordgroup_table} where id= '{wordgroupid}' """)
                v = res[0].get('wordgroupname', '') if res else wordgroupid
                data = {
                    "id": wordgroupid,
                    "wordgroupname": v+'___',
                    "status": 1,
                    "updatetime": TIME
                result = m_client.updata_db(data, simian_wordgroup_table)
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "data": result, "message": 'success'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点列表
def getViewPointList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            viewpointid = request.GET.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = request.GET.get('viewpointname', '')
            description = request.GET.get('description', '')
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
            size = int(request.GET.get('size', 10))
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            data = []
            sql = f" select * from {simian_viewpoint_table} where (status=0) "
            total_sql = f" select count(*) as n from {simian_viewpoint_table} where (status=0) "
            if orgid:
                sql += f" and orgid='{orgid}' "
                total_sql += f" and orgid='{orgid}' "
                # if ownerid:
                #     sql += f" and ownerid='{ownerid}' "
                #     total_sql += f" and ownerid='{ownerid}' "
                if industryid1:
                    sql += f" and industryid1='{industryid1}' "
                    total_sql += f" and industryid1='{industryid1}' "
                    if industryid2:
                        sql += f" and industryid2='{industryid2}' "
                        total_sql += f" and industryid2='{industryid2}' "
                        if viewpointname:
                            sql += f" and viewpoint like '%%{viewpointname}%%' "
                            total_sql += f" and viewpoint like '%%{viewpointname}%%' "
                        # if description:
                        #     sql += f" and description like '%%{description}%%' "
                        #     total_sql += f" and description like '%%{description}%%' "
                        sql += f" order by createtime DESC limit {(page - 1) * size}, {size * page}  "
                        with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                            data = m_client.search_db(sql)
                            total_ = m_client.search_db(total_sql)
                            total = 0
                            if total_:
                                total = total_[0].get('n')
                        return JsonResponse({
                            "code": "0000",
                            "message": "成功",
                            "total": total,
                            "data": data,
                            "datecreated": _datecreated,
                        }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
                    code = "1021"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
                code = "1016"
                return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点详情
def getViewPointInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            viewpointid = request.GET.get('viewpointid', '')
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                sql = f" select * from {simian_viewpoint_table} where id='{viewpointid}' "
                res = m_client.search_db(sql)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res[0]
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点添加
def newViewPointInfo(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                industry = get_data.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
                industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
                viewpointname = get_data.get("viewpointname", '')  # 观点名称
                owner = get_data.get("owner", '')  # 所属人
                ownerid = get_data.get("ownerid", '')  # 所属人id
                orgname = get_data.get("orgname", '')  # 机构名称
                orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')  # 机构id
                description = get_data.get("description", '')  # 写作方向
                industryid1 = get_data.get('industryid1', '')
                industryid2 = get_data.get('industryid2', '')
                # 查询词是否存在
                condition = f"""
                            select count(id) as count from {simian_viewpoint_table} 
                            where viewpoint = '{viewpointname}' and orgid='{orgid}' and industryid2='{industryid2}'
                viewpointgnamec = m_client.search_db(condition)
                if viewpointgnamec[0]["count"] > 0:
                    return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "data": viewpointgnamec[0]["count"], "message": '该观点名称已存在'})
                TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                data = {
                    "id": f"vp-{ownerid}-" + get_uuid(),
                    "industry": industry,
                    "industry2": industry2,
                    "industryid1": industryid1,
                    "industryid2": industryid2,
                    "viewpoint": viewpointname,
                    "description": description,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "orgname": orgname,
                    "orgid": orgid,
                    "createtime": TIME,
                    "updatetime": TIME,
                    "status": 0
                result = m_client.updata_db(data, simian_viewpoint_table)
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "data": result, "message": 'success'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点编辑
def updateViewPointInfo(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                viewpointid = get_data.get("viewpointid", '')  # 观点id
                viewpointname = get_data.get("viewpointname", '')  # 观点id
                description = get_data.get("description", '')  # 观点id

                TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                data = {
                    "id": viewpointid,
                    "viewpoint": viewpointname,
                    "description": description,
                    "updatetime": TIME
                result = m_client.updata_db(data, simian_viewpoint_table)
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "data": result, "message": 'success'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点删除
def deleteViewPointInfo(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                viewpointid = get_data.get("viewpointid", '')  # 观点id
                res = m_client.search_db(f"""select viewpoint from {simian_viewpoint_table} where id= '{viewpointid}' """)
                v = res[0].get('viewpoint', '') if res else viewpointid
                TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                data = {
                    "id": viewpointid,
                    "viewpoint": v + '__',
                    "status": 1,
                    "updatetime": TIME
                result = m_client.updata_db(data, simian_viewpoint_table)
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "data": result, "message": 'success'})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点模板列表
def getTemplateList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = request.GET.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = request.GET.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            state = int(request.GET.get('state', 10000))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = filter_2 = {}
                if orgid:
                    filter_.update({"orgid": orgid})
                    if industryid1:
                        filter_.update({"industryid1": industryid1})
                        if industryid2:
                            filter_.update({"industryid2": industryid2})
                            if viewpointid:
                                filter_.update({"viewpointid": viewpointid})
                                if state != 10000:
                                    filter_.update({"state": state})
                                pipeline = [
                                    {"$match": filter_},
                                    {"$sort": {"datecreated": -1}},
                                        "$project": {
                                            "_id": 0,
                                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                            "orgid": 1,
                                            "orgname": 1,
                                            "owner": 1,
                                            "ownerid": 1,
                                            "viewpointid": 1,
                                            "viewpointname": 1,
                                            "industry1": 1,
                                            "industry2": 1,
                                            "industryid1": 1,
                                            "industryid2": 1,
                                            "templateid": 1,
                                            "templatename": 1,
                                            "state": 1,
                                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                                data = []
                                if res:
                                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点模板详情
def getTemplateInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            industry1 = request.GET.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
            industry2 = request.GET.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = request.GET.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = request.GET.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            templateid = request.GET.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = request.GET.get('templatename', '')

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "viewpointid": 1,
                    "viewpointname": 1,
                    "templateid": 1,
                    "templatename": 1,
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "state": 1
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 新增观点模板
def newTemplateInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industry1 = get_data.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
            industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
            industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')
            industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            description = get_data.get('description', '')

            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            templateid = f"{viewpointid}-t-" + get_uuid()
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                data = {
                    "industry1": industry1,
                    "industry2": industry2,
                    "industryid1": industryid1,
                    "industryid2": industryid2,
                    "orgid": orgid,
                    "orgname": orgname,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "viewpointid": viewpointid,
                    "viewpointname": viewpointname,
                    "description": description,
                    "templateid": templateid,
                    "templatename": templatename,
                    "titles": [],
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "sort": 100,
                    "state": 0
                res = collection.insert_one(data)
                # try:
                #     res = collection.insert_one(data)
                # except DuplicateKeyError:
                #     return JsonResponse({"code": "10003", "message": f"({templatename})-此模板名称已存在"})

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res.inserted_id,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 修改观点模板
def updateTemplateInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industry1 = request.GET.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
            industry2 = request.GET.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            description = get_data.get('description', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                params = {
                    "$set": {
                        "templatename": templatename,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": templateid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 删除观点模板
def deleteTemplateInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_content + '_del']
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                data = collection.find_one(filter_)
                data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                res = collection.delete_one(filter_)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": templateid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点标题列表
def getTitleList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            industry1 = request.GET.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
            industryid1 = request.GET.get("industryid1", '')  # 行业
            industry2 = request.GET.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
            industryid2 = request.GET.get("industryid2", '')  # 行业
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = request.GET.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = request.GET.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = filter_2 = {}
                if orgid:
                    filter_.update({"orgid": orgid})
                    if ownerid:
                        filter_.update({"ownerid": ownerid})
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            "_id": 0,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "orgid": 1,
                            "orgname": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "viewpointid": 1,
                            "viewpointname": 1,
                            "templateid": 1,
                            "templatename": 1,
                            "titlelist": 1,
                            "contenttemplate": 1
                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = list(res)[0]
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 观点标题详情 -- 无用
def getTitleInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            industry1 = request.GET.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
            industry2 = request.GET.get("industry2", '')  # 行业
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = request.GET.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = request.GET.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            templateid = request.GET.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = request.GET.get('templatename', '')

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "viewpointid": 1,
                    "viewpointname": 1,
                    "templateid": 1,
                    "templatename": 1,
                    "titlelist": 1,
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 新增观点标题
def newTitleInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industry1 = get_data.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = get_data.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = get_data.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = get_data.get('industryid2', '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            titleid = get_data.get('titleid', '')
            title = get_data.get('title', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                collection_t = db_[pongo_title]
                params_r = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "viewpointid": 1,
                    "viewpointname": 1,
                    "templateid": 1,
                    "templatename": 1,
                    "titles": 1,
                if not titleid:
                    titleid_insert = templateid + '-' + get_uuid()
                    title_insert = title.replace('【', '').replace('】', '')
                    data = {
                        "titleid": titleid_insert,
                        "title": title_insert,
                        "industry1": industry1,
                        "industryid1": industryid1,
                        "industryid2": industryid2,
                        "industry2": industry2,
                        "orgid": orgid,
                        "orgname": orgname,
                        "owner": owner,
                        "ownerid": ownerid,
                        "viewpointid": viewpointid,
                        "viewpointname": viewpointname,
                        "templateid": templateid,
                        "templatename": templatename,
                        "datecreated": TIME,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                        "sort": 100,
                        "state": 0
                        params = {
                            "$push": {"titles": {"id": titleid_insert, "templatetitlename": title_insert,
                                                 "title": title_insert, "status": 0}},
                            "$set": {
                                "dateupdated": TIME,
                        filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                        collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                        res = collection.find_one(filter_, params_r, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                        return JsonResponse({
                            "code": "0000",
                            "message": "成功",
                            "data": res,
                            "datecreated": _datecreated,
                        }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
                    except DuplicateKeyError:
                        return JsonResponse({"code": "10003", "message": f"{title}-已存在"})
                    code = "1000"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 修改观点标题
def updateTitleInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industry1 = get_data.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = get_data.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = get_data.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = get_data.get('industryid2', '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            titleid = get_data.get('titleid', '')
            title = get_data.get('title', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                collection_t = db_[pongo_title]
                params_r = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "viewpointid": 1,
                    "viewpointname": 1,
                    "templateid": 1,
                    "templatename": 1,
                    "titles": 1,
                if not titleid:
                    titleid_insert = templateid+'-'+get_uuid()
                    title_insert = title.replace('【', '').replace('】', '')
                    data = {
                        "titleid": titleid_insert,
                        "title": title_insert,
                        "industry1": industry1,
                        "industryid1": industryid1,
                        "industryid2": industryid2,
                        "industry2": industry2,
                        "orgid": orgid,
                        "orgname": orgname,
                        "owner": owner,
                        "ownerid": ownerid,
                        "viewpointid": viewpointid,
                        "viewpointname": viewpointname,
                        "templateid": templateid,
                        "templatename": templatename,
                        "datecreated": TIME,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                        "sort": 100,
                        "state": 0
                        params = {
                            "$push": {"titles": {"id": titleid_insert, "templatetitlename": title_insert, "title": title_insert, "status": 0}},
                            "$set": {
                                "dateupdated": TIME,
                        filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                        collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                        res = collection.find_one(filter_, params_r, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                        return JsonResponse({
                            "code": "0000",
                            "message": "成功",
                            "data": res,
                            "datecreated": _datecreated,
                        }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
                    except DuplicateKeyError:
                        return JsonResponse({"code": "10003", "message": f"{title}-已存在"})
                    filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                    titleid_insert = templateid + '-' + get_uuid()
                    title_insert = title.replace('【', '').replace('】', '')
                    data = {
                        "title": title_insert,
                        "titleid": titleid_insert,
                        "industry1": industry1,
                        "industryid1": industryid1,
                        "industryid2": industryid2,
                        "industry2": industry2,
                        "orgid": orgid,
                        "orgname": orgname,
                        "owner": owner,
                        "ownerid": ownerid,
                        "viewpointid": viewpointid,
                        "viewpointname": viewpointname,
                        "templateid": templateid,
                        "templatename": templatename,
                        "datecreated": TIME,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                        "sort": 100,
                        "state": 0
                        res = collection.find_one(filter_, params_r, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                        titles = res.get('titles', [])
                        titlelist_new = []
                        for item in titles:
                            titleid_old = item.get('id', '')
                            title_old = item.get('title', '')
                            if titleid_old == titleid:
                                item.update({"templatetitlename": title_insert, "title": title_insert})
                                filter_t = {"title": title_old}
                        params = {
                            "$set": {
                                "titles": titlelist_new,
                                "dateupdated": TIME,
                        collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                        # res = collection.find_one_and_update(filter_, params, params_r)
                        res = collection.find_one(filter_, params_r, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                        return JsonResponse({
                            "code": "0000",
                            "message": "成功",
                            "data": res,
                            "datecreated": _datecreated,
                        }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
                    except DuplicateKeyError:
                        return JsonResponse({"code": "10003", "message": f"{title}-已存在"})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 删除观点标题
def deleteTitleInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industry1 = get_data.get('industry1', '')
            industry2 = get_data.get('industry2', '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            title = get_data.get('title', '')
            titleid = get_data.get('titleid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                collection_t = db_[pongo_title]
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                params_r = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "viewpointid": 1,
                    "viewpointname": 1,
                    "templateid": 1,
                    "templatename": 1,
                    "titles": 1,
                res_data = collection.find_one(filter_, params_r, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                titles = res_data.get('titles', [])
                titlelist_new = []
                for item in titles:
                    titleid_old = item.get('id', '')
                    title_old = item.get('templatetitlename', '')
                    title_name = item.get('title', '')
                    if titleid_old != titleid:
                        filter_t = {"title": title_old}
                        collection_t_del = db_[pongo_title+'_del']
                        collection_t_del.insert_one({"id": titleid_old, "templatetitlename": title_old, "title": title_name})

                params = {
                    "$set": {
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                        "titles": titlelist_new
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params_r, no_cursor_timeout=True)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 判断观点标题是否重复
def judgeTitleInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            industry1 = get_data.get('industry1', '')
            industry2 = get_data.get('industry2', '')
            orgid = get_data.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = get_data.get('orgname', '')
            viewpointid = get_data.get('viewpointid', '')
            viewpointname = get_data.get('viewpointname', '')
            ownerid = str(get_data.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            templateid = get_data.get('templateid', '')
            templatename = get_data.get('templatename', '')
            title = get_data.get('title', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_title]
                data = {
                    "title": title,
                    "orgid": orgid,
                    "orgname": orgname,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "viewpointid": viewpointid,
                    "viewpointname": viewpointname,
                    "templateid": templateid,
                    "templatename": templatename,
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "sort": 100,
                    "state": 0
                except DuplicateKeyError:
                    return JsonResponse({"code": "10003", "message": f"{title}-已存在"})

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": templateid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# ##########################################################################
#                           词分类管理
# #########################################################################

# 词分类列表
def simian_wordgroup_findall(request):
    table1 = f"{simian_wordgroup_table} wt"
    table2 = f"{simian_wordgroup_viewpoint_table} wv"
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                industry1 = get_data.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
                owner = get_data.get("owner", '')  # 所属人
                ownerid = get_data.get("ownerid", '')  # 所属人id
                orgname = get_data.get("orgname", '')  # 所属人机构
                orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')  # 所属人机构id
                industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')  # 二级行业
                industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')  # 一级行业id
                industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')  # 二级行业id
                wordgroupname = get_data.get("wordgroupname", '')  # 词名称
                page = get_data.get("page", 1)  # 页数
                size = get_data.get("size", 20)  # 条数
                condition = f"""select, wt.wordgroupname ,wt.industry,wt.industry2,wt.industryid1,wt.industryid2,
                             wv.tagmust, wv.owner, wv.viewpoint,wv.tagcity,wv.tagbrand, wt.status,
                             wv.tagscience, wv.taglocation, wt.description from {table1} left join {table2} ON = wv.wgid  where  wt.status=0   """
                count = f"""select count(id) as total from {table1} where 1=1 and status=0 """
                if orgid:
                    condition += "  and wt.orgid='{}' ".format(orgid)
                    count += "  and orgid='{}' ".format(orgid)
                    # if ownerid:
                    #     condition += "  and wt.ownerid='{}' ".format(ownerid)
                    #     count += "  and ownerid='{}' ".format(ownerid)
                    if industryid1:
                        condition += "  and wt.industryid1='{}' ".format(industryid1)
                        count += "  and industryid1='{}' ".format(industryid1)
                        if industryid2:
                            condition += "  and wt.industryid2='{}' ".format(industryid2)
                            count += "  and industryid2='{}' ".format(industryid2)
                        if wordgroupname:
                            condition += "  and wt.wordgroupname='{}' ".format(wordgroupname)
                            count += "  and wordgroupname='{}' ".format(wordgroupname)
                        condition += " order by wt.industry,wt.wordgroupname limit {},{}".format((page - 1) * size, size)
                        datalist = m_client.search_db(condition)
                        total = m_client.search_db(count)
                        data = {"datalist": datalist, "total": total[0]}
              '# 获取词分类数据 #')
                        code = "0000"
                        return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": data, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
                    # else:
                    #     code = "1019"
                    #     return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
                    code = "1016"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词分类配置查询
def simian_wordgroup_viewpoint_deatils(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
                industry1 = get_data.get("industry1", '')  # 行业
                owner = get_data.get("owner", '')  # 所属人
                ownerid = get_data.get("ownerid", '')  # 所属人id
                orgname = get_data.get("orgname", '')  # 所属人机构
                orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')  # 所属人机构id
                industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')  # 二级行业
                wordgroupname = get_data.get("wordgroupname", '')  # 词名称
                wgid = get_data.get("wgid", '')  # 词Id
                industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')  # 一级行业id
                industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')  # 二级行业id
                condition = f"""select a.*,b.* FROM 
                select as viewpointid, svt.viewpoint,svt.industry2,svt.industryid2,svt.industryid1, svt.orgid,svt.orgname,svt.ownerid,svt.owner 
                FROM simian_viewpoint_table svt , (SELECT industry2,industryid2,orgid,ownerid  FROM simian_wordgroup_table WHERE id = '{wgid}')  swt
                WHERE svt.industryid2 = swt.industryid2 and svt.orgid = swt.orgid 
                ) a 
                LEFT JOIN 
                (SELECT, as wgid, wt.wordgroupname, wt.industry, wt.owner, wvt.tagmust, wvt.taglocation, wt.description,wvt.viewpointuuid,
                FROM simian_wordgroup_viewpoint_table wvt,
                simian_wordgroup_table wt WHERE wvt.wgid = AND wvt.wgid = '{wgid}') b
                ON a.viewpointid = b.viewpointuuid ORDER BY DESC,a.viewpointid"""
                data = m_client.search_db(condition)
                code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": data, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 词分类观点关系保存
def simian_wordgroup_viewpoint_add(request):
    table = "simian_wordgroup_viewpoint_table"
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                data = json.loads(request.body)
                if data:
                    wgid = data[0].get("wgid", '')
                    delsql = "delete from {} where wgid = '{}'".format(table, wgid)
                    TIME = timestamp_to_str(time.time())
                    for item in range(len(data)):
                        condition = {
                            "id": "simian-wg-vp-" + get_uuid(),
                            "wgid": data[item]['wgid'],
                            "tagmust": data[item]['tagmust'],
                            "tagcity": data[item]['tagcity'],
                            "tagbrand": data[item]['tagbrand'],
                            "tagscience": data[item]['tagscience'],
                            "wordgroupname": data[item]['wordgroupname'],
                            "owner": data[item]['owner'],
                            "ownerid": data[item]['ownerid'],
                            "orgid": data[item]['orgid'],
                            "orgname": data[item]['orgname'],
                            "industry": data[item]['industry'],
                            "industry2": data[item]['industry2'],
                            "industryid1": data[item]['industryid1'],
                            "industryid2": data[item]['industryid2'],
                            "viewpoint": data[item]['viewpoint'],
                            "viewpointuuid": data[item]['viewpointid'],
                            "industryviewpointmd5": md5_me(data[item]['industry']) + '-' + md5_me(data[item]['viewpoint']),
                            "createtime": TIME,
                            "updatetime": TIME,
                            "status": 0,
                            "taglocation": data[item]['taglocation']
                        flag = m_client.updata_db(condition, table)
                    code = "1020"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": "", "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
                code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": flag, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# ####################################################################
#                                请求脚本
# ####################################################################

# 将观点模板同步
def oldTemplageInsertNew(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                sql = f"""  SELECT * FROM simian_vpcontent_table WHERE property='母模板' AND deleted='0'   """
                data_list = m_client.search_db(sql)
                with MongoDBClient() as mg_client:
                    db_ = mg_client[db]
                    # 获取collection
                    collection = db_[pongo_content]
                    for item in data_list:
                        industry1 = item.get('industry', '')
                        industry2 = item.get('industry2', '')
                        industryid1 = ''
                        industryid2 = ''
                        if industry2 == '成人英语':
                            industryid1 = '1001'
                            industryid2 = '10011002'
                        if industry2 == '留学':
                            industryid1 = '1002'
                            industryid2 = '10021011'
                        if industry2 == '雅思':
                            industryid1 = '1000'
                            industryid2 = '10001001'
                        if industry2 == '托福':
                            industryid1 = '1000'
                            industryid2 = '10001000'
                        templateid = item.get('id')
                        content = item.get('viewpointcontent', '')
                        templatename = item.get('parentname', '')
                        viewpointid = item.get('viewpointuuid', '')
                        viewpointname = item.get('viewpoint', '')
                        data = {
                            "wordgroups": [],
                            "content": content,
                            "industry1": industry1,
                            "industry2": industry2,
                            "industryid1": industryid1,
                            "industryid2": industryid2,
                            "orgid": "bae479060ab74020a085ad665921e8f5",
                            "orgname": "环球雅思",
                            "owner": "",
                            "ownerid": "",
                            "viewpointid": viewpointid,
                            "viewpointname": viewpointname,
                            "description": "观点的写作方向",
                            "templateid": templateid,
                            "templatename": templatename,
                            "titles": [],
                            "datecreated": _datecreated,
                            "dateupdated": _datecreated,
                            "sort": 100,
                            "state": 0
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": templateid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 将观点标题同步
def oldTitleTemplageInsertNew(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            with LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                sql = f"""  SELECT * FROM simian_vptitle_table WHERE property='母标题' AND deleted='0'   """
                data_list_res = m_client.search_db(sql)
                data_dict = {}

                sql1 = f"""  
                        SELECT contentid, viewpointuuid  FROM simian_vptitle_table WHERE property='子标题' AND deleted='0'  GROUP BY viewpointuuid  ORDER BY contentid DESC 
                data_list_res_1 = m_client.search_db(sql1)
                c_v_dict = v_c_dict = {}
                for j in data_list_res_1:
                    c_v_dict.update({j.get('viewpointuuid'): j.get('contentid')})
                    v_c_dict.update({j.get('contentid'): j.get('viewpointuuid')})
                for i in data_list_res:
                    contentid_templateid = i.get('contentid')
                    viewpointuuid = i.get('viewpointuuid')
                    if not contentid_templateid:
                        contentid_templateid = c_v_dict.get(viewpointuuid, '0')
                    title = i.get('viewpointtitle')
                    tid = i.get('id')
                    if viewpointuuid == v_c_dict.get(contentid_templateid, ''):
                        data_dict.setdefault(contentid_templateid, []).append({
                            "id": tid,
                            "templatetitlename": title,
                            "title": title,
                with MongoDBClient() as mg_client:
                    db_ = mg_client[db]
                    # 获取collection
                    collection = db_[pongo_content]
                    for k, v in data_dict.items():
                        params = {
                            "$set": {
                                # "dateupdated": TIME,
                                "titles": v
                        filter_ = {"templateid": k}
                        collection.update_one(filter_, params)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data_dict.get("0", ''),
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# ####################################################################
#                                内容生成
# ####################################################################

# 内容生成接口
# 调取此接口,期间不能够进行修改,直接生成内容
def produceContentTitle(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            templateid = get_data.get("templateid", '')  # templateid
  '接收到数据:%s' % str(get_data))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                params = {
                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                    "_id": 0,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industryid1": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "industryid2": 1,
                    "state": 1
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                data_res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                state = data_res.get('state', '')
                if state == 0:
                    # 将任务塞入redis队列
                    r_client = Redis()
                    r_client.conn.lpush(pongo_produce_vpc_vpt, templateid)
                    params = {
                        "$set": {
                            "state": 1,
                            "dateupdated": _datecreated,
                    filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                    collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                    code = "0000"
                    code = "1023"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": "ok", "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# 删除生成的子内容
def deleteReContentTitle(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            templateid = get_data.get("templateid", '')  # templateid
  '接收到数据:%s' % str(get_data))
            with MongoDBClient() as mg_client, LogMysqlApeT(ape_db) as m_client:
                db_ = mg_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                params = {
                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                    "_id": 0,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industryid1": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "industryid2": 1,
                    "state": 1
                filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                data_res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                state = data_res.get('state', '')
                if state == 3:
                    # 删除子内容
                    sql_deleted_vptitle = f""" delete from {simian_vptitle_table} where contentid='{templateid}' and used=0 and deleted=0 and property='子标题' """
                    sql_deleted_vpcontent = f"""delete from {simian_vpcontent_table} where belongtemplate='{templateid}' and deleted=0 and used=0 and property='子模板'  """
                    # 删除成功后修改值,可以进行编辑
                    params = {
                        "$set": {
                            "state": 0,
                            "dateupdated": _datecreated,
                    filter_ = {"templateid": templateid}
                    collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                    code = "0000"
                    code = "1024"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": "ok", "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# ####################################################################
#                                关键词统计
# ####################################################################

# 关键词统计列表
def keywordStatisticsList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()"keywordStatisticsList")
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": "0000", "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = str(request.GET.get('ownerid', ''))
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            keyword = request.GET.get('keyword', '')
            area = request.GET.get('area', '')
            wordgroup = request.GET.get('wordgroup', '')
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            orgid = request.GET.get('orgid', '')
            orgname = request.GET.get('orgname', '')
            industry1 = request.GET.get('industry1', '')
            industryid1 = request.GET.get('industryid1', '')
            industry2 = request.GET.get('industry2', '')
            industryid2 = request.GET.get('industryid2', '')
            onlinedate = request.GET.get('onlinedate', '')
            date = request.GET.get('date', '["", ""]')
            date = json.loads(date)
            status = str(request.GET.get('status', ''))
            page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
            size = int(request.GET.get('size', 10))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                filter_ = {}
                if orgid:
                    filter_.update({"orgid": orgid})
                    if industryid1:
                        filter_.update({"industryid1": industryid1})
                        if industryid2:
                            filter_.update({"industryid2": industryid2})
                        if keyword:
                            filter_.update({"keyword": {"$regex": keyword}})
                        # 0   待编辑
                        # 1   已编辑
                        # 2   已发布
                        # 10  计划中
                        if status == "0":
                                "publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"status": 0}},
                                # "publishlist.status": 0
                        if status == "1":
                                "publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"status": 1}},
                                # "publishlist.status": 1
                        if status == "2":
                                "publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"status": 2}},
                                # "publishlist.status": 2
                        if status == "10":
                                "publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"status": 10}},
                                # "publishlist.status": 10

                        if date[0] != "" and date:
                            tk = [
                                {"onlinedate": {"$gte": date[0]}}, {"onlinedate": {"$lte": date[1]}}
                            if status == "0":
                                tk.append({"status": 0})
                            if status == "1":
                                tk.append({"status": 1})
                            if status == "2":
                                tk.append({"status": 2})
                            if status == "10":
                                tk.append({"status": 10})
                            tem = {"publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"$and": tk}}}

                        pipeline = [
                            {"$match": filter_},
                            {"$sort": {"datecreated": -1, "keyword": 1}},
                            {"$skip": (page - 1) * size},
                            {"$limit": size},
                            # {"$limit": page * size},
                            # {"$skip": (page - 1) * size},
                                "$project": {
                                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                    "_id": 0,
                                    "owner": 1,
                                    "wordgroup": 1,
                                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                                    "ownerid": 1,
                                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                    "industry1": 1,
                                    "industryid1": 1,
                                    "industry2": 1,
                                    "industryid2": 1,
                                    "keyword": 1,
                                    "area": 1,
                                    "orgid": 1,
                                    "orgname": 1,
                                    "publishlist": 1,
                                    "publishsum": {f"$size": f"$publishlist"},  # 发布任务总数量
                                    "published": {
                                        "$function": {
                                            "body": """function(name) {  
                                                                var count = 0; 
                                                                for(j = 0,len=name.length; j< len; j++) { 
                                                                            if(name[j].status === 2){  
                                                                               count += 1;   
                                                                return count ;  
                                                           }    """,
                                            "args": ["$publishlist"],
                                            "lang": "js"
                                        },  # 已发布数量
                                    "toeditpublish": {
                                        "$function": {
                                            "body": """function(name) {  
                                                                var count = 0; 
                                                                for(j = 0,len=name.length; j< len; j++) { 
                                                                            if(name[j].status === 0){  
                                                                               count += 1;   
                                                                return count ;  
                                                           }    """,
                                            "args": ["$publishlist"],
                                            "lang": "js"
                                        },  # 待编辑数量
                                    "editpublish": {
                                        "$function": {
                                            "body": """function(name) {  
                                                                    var count = 0; 
                                                                    for(j = 0,len=name.length; j< len; j++) { 
                                                                                if(name[j].status === 1){  
                                                                                   count += 1;   
                                                                    return count ;  
                                                               }    """,
                                            "args": ["$publishlist"],
                                            "lang": "js"
                                        },  # 已编辑数量
                                    "prepublish": {
                                        "$function": {
                                            "body": """function(name) {  
                                                                var count = 0; 
                                                                for(j = 0,len=name.length; j< len; j++) { 
                                                                            if(name[j].status === 10){  
                                                                               count += 1;   
                                                                return count ;  
                                                           }    """,
                                            "args": ["$publishlist"],
                                            "lang": "js"
                                        },  # 计划中数量
                        total = collection.count_documents(filter=filter_)
                        res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                        data = []
                        if res:
                            data = list(res)
                    code = "1016"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "total": total,
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method"})

# 关键词统计标题详情
def getKeywordStatisticsInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            keywordid = request.GET.get('keywordid', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid)}
                params = {
                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                    "_id": 0,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                    "wordgroup": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industryid1": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "industryid2": 1,
                    "keyword": 1,
                    "area": 1,
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "publishlist": 1,
                # res = collection.find_one(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = {}
                if res:
                    data = res
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# 关键词统计编辑
def updateKeywordStatisticsInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e)})
            keywordid = get_data.get('keywordid', '')
            tid = get_data.get('tid', '')
            aid = int(get_data.get('aid', 0))
            title = get_data.get('title', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                collection_t = db_[pongo_tdk_title]

                params_r = {
                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                    "_id": 0,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "wordgroupid": 1,
                    "wordgroup": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industryid1": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "industryid2": 1,
                    "keyword": 1,
                    "area": 1,
                    "orgid": 1,
                    "orgname": 1,
                    "publishlist": 1,

                # filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid)}
                # print(filter_)
                # data_res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                # publishlist = data_res.get("publishlist", [])
                # publishlist_new = []

                data_title = {
                    "tid": tid,
                    "aid": aid,
                    "title": title,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    # for item in publishlist:
                    #     item_aid = int(item.get("aid", 0))
                    #     if item_aid == aid:
                    #         item.update({"title": title, "status": 1})
                    #     publishlist_new.append(item)

                    xgz = {}
                    xgz.update({"dateupdated": TIME, "publishlist.$.title": title, "publishlist.$.status": 1, "status": 1})
                    params = {
                        "$set": xgz,
                    filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid), "publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"id": tid}}}
                    collection.update_one(filter_, params)
                    filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(keywordid)}
                    data_res = collection.find_one(filter_, params_r, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                    publishlist_new = data_res.get("publishlist", [])
                    code = "0000"
                    return JsonResponse({
                        "code": code,
                        "message": CODE_DICT[code],
                        "data": publishlist_new,
                        "datecreated": _datecreated,
                    }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
                except DuplicateKeyError:
                    code = "1022"
                    return JsonResponse({"code": code, "message": f"({title})-{CODE_DICT[code]}"})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# 关键词统计获取覆盖词函数
def get_cover_word_list(get_data):
    title = get_data.get("title", '')
    orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')
    industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')
    industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')
    with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
        db_ = m_client[db]
        # 获取collection
        collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
        params = {
            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
            "_id": 0,
            "owner": 1,
            "ownerid": 1,
            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
            "industry1": 1,
            "industryid1": 1,
            "industry2": 1,
            "industryid2": 1,
            "keyword": 1,

        filter_ = {"orgid": orgid, "industryid1": industryid1, "industryid2": industryid2}
        data_res = collection.find(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
        #sql = "select keyword from {}".format(ape_keyword_table)
        #res = m_client.search_db(sql)
        keyword_list = [item_.get('keyword') for item_ in data_res]
        res_list = []
        for item in keyword_list:
            # keyword = item
            index = 0
            if item:
                for keyword_item in item:
                    index = title.find(keyword_item, index)
                    print("index", index)
                    if index < 0:
    data = list(set(list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, res_list))))
    if not data:
        data = ['没有覆盖的关键词']
    return data

# 关键词统计获取取当前标题的词覆盖有哪些词
def getKeywordCover(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            title = get_data.get("title", '')
            orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')
            industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')
            industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')
  '接收到数据:%s' % str(get_data))
            data = get_cover_word_list(get_data)
            code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": data, "datecreated": _datecreated, "message": CODE_DICT[code]})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# 获取当前词所在分组的词有哪些
def getWordgroupKeyword(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            keyword = get_data.get("keyword", '')  # keyword
            kid = get_data.get("kid", '')  # kid
            orgid = get_data.get("orgid", '')  # kid
            wordgroup = get_data.get("wordgroup", '')  # kid
            wordgroupid = get_data.get("wordgroupid", '')  # kid
            industry1 = get_data.get("industry1", '')  # 行业1
            industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')  # 行业2
            industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')  # 行业id1
            industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')  # 行业id2
  '接收到数据:%s' % str(get_data))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_keyword]
                params = {
                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                    "_id": 0,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "industry1": 1,
                    "industryid1": 1,
                    "industry2": 1,
                    "industryid2": 1,
                    "keyword": 1,
                filter_ = {"orgid": orgid, "industryid1": industryid1, "industryid2": industryid2, "wordgroupid": wordgroupid}
                data_res = collection.find(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                keyword_list = [item_.get('keyword') for item_ in data_res]
                code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": keyword_list, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# ###########################
# 站点接口
# ###########################
# 获取站点列表
def getAllianceList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'GET':
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_alliance]
                params = {
                    # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                    "_id": 0,
                    "aid": 1,
                    "aname": 1,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "labellist": 1,
                filter_ = {}
                data_res = collection.find(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = list(data_res)
                code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": data, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# ###########################
# 发布接口
# ###########################

# # 发布配置
def publishTaskCreate(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            date = get_data.get("date", [])
            aid = int(get_data.get("aid", 0))
            aname = get_data.get("aname", '')
            tcid = get_data.get("id", '')
            distribute = int(get_data.get("distribute", '0'))  # 1 为话题  2 为关键词
            order = int(get_data.get("order", '0'))  # 1 为词覆盖  2  为指数
            info = get_data.get("info", [])
            # publishnum = get_data.get("publishnum", 0)
            # industry1 = get_data.get("industry1", '')
            # industryid1 = get_data.get("industryid1", '')
            # industry2 = get_data.get("industry2", '')
            # industryid2 = get_data.get("industryid2", '')
            date_list = dateRange(date[0], date[1])
  '接收到数据:%s' % str(get_data))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_publish_task]
                if tcid:
                    filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(tcid)}
                    res = collection.find_one(filter_)
                    res = {}
                if res:
                    data = {
                        "date": date,
                        "datelist": date_list,
                        "distribute": distribute,
                        "order": order,
                        "info": info,
                        {"dateupdated": _datecreated}
                    params_ = {
                        "$set": data,
                    collection.update_one(filter_, params_)
                    data = {
                        "date": date,
                        "datelist": date_list,
                        "aid": aid,
                        "aname": aname,
                        "distribute": distribute,
                        "order": order,
                        "info": info,
                        "state": 0,
                        "datecreated": _datecreated,
                        "dateupdated": _datecreated,
                code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": "ok", "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# # 发布配置详情
def publishTaskInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
    if request.method == 'POST':
        get_data = {}
            get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            aid = int(get_data.get("aid", 0))
            state = int(get_data.get("state", 10000))
            page = int(get_data.get("page", 1))
            size = int(get_data.get("size", 10))
  '接收到数据:%s' % str(get_data))
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_publish_task]
                filter_ = {"aid": aid}
                if state != 10000:
                    filter_.update({"state": state})
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                    {"$sort": {"state": 1, "datecreated": -1}},
                    {"$skip": (page - 1) * size},
                    {"$limit": size},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "date": 1,
                            "aid": 1,
                            "aname": 1,
                            "distribute": 1,
                            "order": 1,
                            "state": 1,  # 如果内容正在生成或者生成,不让修改
                            "labellist": 1,
                            "info": 1,
                            "datelist": 1,

                total = collection.count_documents(filter=filter_)
                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
                code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": data, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated, "total": total})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})

# # 发布任务生成给词做标记,给标题做预处理
def publishTaskProduce(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()'# 发布任务生成给词做标记,给标题做预处理')
    if request.method == 'GET':
            date = request.GET.get("date", '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_publish_task]
                collection_k = db_[pongo_keyword]
                filter_ = {"datelist": {"$elemMatch": {"$eq": date}}, "state": 0}
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "date": 1,
                            "datelist": 1,
                            "aid": 1,
                            "aname": 1,
                            "distribute": 1,
                            "order": 1,
                            "state": 1,  # 如果内容正在生成或者生成,不让修改
                            "info": 1,

                # total = collection.count_documents(filter=filter_)
                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    for item in res:
                        t_id = item.get('id')
                        info = item.get('info', [])
                        aid = int(item.get('aid', 0))
                        aname = item.get('aname', '')
                        distribute = item.get('distribute', '')
                        order = item.get('order', '')
                        datelist = item.get('datelist', [])
              "datelist - {str(datelist)}")
                        keyword_count = {}
                        for i_date in datelist:

                            for i_info in info:
                                labelid1 = i_info.get('labelid1', '')
                                labelid2 = i_info.get('labelid2', '')
                                labelname1 = i_info.get('labelname1', '')
                                labelname2 = i_info.get('labelname2', '')
                                count = int(i_info.get('count', 0))
                                filter_k = {
                                    "state": 0,
                                    "publishlist": {"$elemMatch": {"labelname1": labelname1, "labelname2": labelname2}},
                      "找出条件为  ---  {str(filter_k)} --- 的词")
                                pipeline_k = [
                                    {"$match": filter_k},
                                    # {"$limit": count},
                                    {"$sample": {"size": count}},
                                        "$project": {
                                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                                            "_id": 0,
                                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                                            "keyword": 1,
                                            "publishlist": 1,

                                total = collection_k.count_documents(filter=filter_k)
                                tem = {"total": total, "filter_k": str(filter_k)}
                                keyword_count.setdefault(i_date, []).append(tem)
                                res_k = collection_k.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline_k, allowDiskUse=True)
                                for k_item in res_k:
                                    k_id = k_item.get('id')
                                    # 标题
                                    publishlist = k_item.get('publishlist', [])
                                    publishlist_new = []
                                    for p_item in publishlist:
                                        p_aid = int(p_item.get('aid', 0))
                                        if p_aid:
                                            if int(aid) == p_aid:
                                                p_item.update({"title": "", "status": 0, "onlinedate": i_date})
                                    # 将状态值变为  state变为 10
                                    filter_k = {"_id": ObjectId(k_id)}
                                    params_k = {
                                        "$set": {
                                            "dateupdated": _datecreated,
                                            "publishlist": publishlist_new,
                                            "state": 10,
                                            "prepstatus": 1,
                                            "pstatus": 0
                                    collection_k.update_one(filter_k, params_k)

                        filter_t = {"_id": ObjectId(t_id)}
                        params_t = {
                            "$set": {
                                "dateupdated": _datecreated,
                                "state": 1,
                                "keyword_count": keyword_count,
                        collection.update_one(filter_t, params_t)

                code = "0000"
            return JsonResponse({"code": code, "data": data, "message": CODE_DICT[code], "datecreated": _datecreated})
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({"code": "1002", "message": str(e), "datecreated": _datecreated})
    return JsonResponse({"code": "1001", "message": "no this method", "datecreated": _datecreated})


# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt, csrf_protect
# Create your views here.
import os
import oss2
import uuid
import sys
import ast
import time
import json
import redis
import hashlib
import requests
import random
from tools.mysql_client import LogMysqlApe, LogMysql, LogMysqlApeT, LogMysqlAlliance
from tools.excel_client import read_excel
from upload_pro.settings import logger
from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote
from django.conf import settings
from tools.mongodb_client import MongoDBClient
from bson import ObjectId
from bson import json_util
from bson.json_util import dumps

def get_uuid():
    res = str(uuid.uuid4())
    UUID = ''.join(res.split('-'))
    return UUID

def md5_me(key):
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    value = md5.hexdigest()
    return value

# 把格式化时间转换成时间戳
def str_to_timestamp(str_time=None, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
    if str_time:
        time_tuple = time.strptime(str_time, format)  # 把格式化好的时间转换成元祖
        result = time.mktime(time_tuple)  # 把时间元祖转换成时间戳
        return int(result)
    return int(time.time())

# 把时间戳转换成格式化
def timestamp_to_str(timestamp=None, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
    if timestamp:
        time_tuple = time.localtime(timestamp)  # 把时间戳转换成时间元祖
        result = time.strftime(format, time_tuple)  # 把时间元祖转换成格式化好的时间
        return result
        return time.strftime(format)

db = settings.PONGO_DB
pongo_wordgroup = "pongo_wordgroup"
pongo_content = "pongo_content"
pongo_category = "pongo_category"

# 词组列表
def getWordgroupList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": 0, "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = request.GET.get('ownerid', '')
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                filter_ = {}
                if ownerid:
                    filter_ = {"ownerid": ownerid}
                if owner:
                    filter_ = {"owner": owner}
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            # _id 可以设置0 别的参数不可以
                            "_id": 0,
                            "name": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "itemnum": {f"$size": f"$items"},

                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 词组详情
def getWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            wordgroupid = request.GET.get('wordgroupid', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(wordgroupid)}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "name": 1,
                    "items": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                # res = collection.find_one(filter_, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 新增词组
def newWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            items = get_data.get('items', [])
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            ownerid = get_data.get('ownerid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                data = {
                    "name": name,
                    "items": items,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "sort": 10,
                    "state": 0
                res = collection.insert_one(data)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res.inserted_id,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 修改词组
def updateWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            items = get_data.get('items', [])
            wordgroupid = get_data.get('wordgroupid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                params = {
                    "$set": {
                            "name": name,
                            "items": items,
                            "dateupdated": TIME,
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(wordgroupid)}
                res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": wordgroupid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 删除词组
def deleteWordgroupInfo(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            items = get_data.get('items', [])
            wordgroupid = get_data.get('wordgroupid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_wordgroup]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_wordgroup+'_del']
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(wordgroupid)}
                data = collection.find_one(filter_)
                data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                res = collection.delete_one(filter_)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": wordgroupid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 文章模板列表
def getContentList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": 0, "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = request.GET.get('ownerid', '')
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')
            categoryid = request.GET.get('categoryid', '')
            category = request.GET.get('category', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = filter_2 = {}
                if ownerid:
                    filter_ = {"ownerid": ownerid}
                if owner:
                    filter_ = {"owner": owner}
                if categoryid:
                    filter_2 = {"categoryid": categoryid}
                if category:
                    filter_2 = {"category": category}
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            "_id": 0,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "name": 1,
                            "description": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,
                            "categoryid": 1,
                            "category": 1,
                            "content": 1,
                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 文章模板详情
def getContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "GET":
            contentid = request.GET.get('contentid', '')
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(contentid)}
                params = {
                    "_id": 0,
                    "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                    "name": 1,
                    "description": 1,
                    "owner": 1,
                    "ownerid": 1,
                    "categoryid": 1,
                    "category": 1,
                    "content": 1,
                    "wordgroups": 1,
                    "property": 1,
                    "datecreated": 1,
                    "dateupdated": 1,
                res = collection.find_one(filter_, params, no_cursor_timeout=True)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 新增模板
def newContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            description = get_data.get('description', '')
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            ownerid = get_data.get('ownerid', '')
            categoryid = get_data.get('categoryid', '')
            category = get_data.get('category', '')
            content = get_data.get('content', '')
            wordgroups = get_data.get('wordgroups', [])
            property = get_data.get('property', {"distinct": 3})
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                data = {
                    "name": name,
                    "description": description,
                    "owner": owner,
                    "ownerid": ownerid,
                    "categoryid": categoryid,
                    "category": category,
                    "content": content,
                    "wordgroups": wordgroups,
                    "property": property,
                    "datecreated": TIME,
                    "dateupdated": TIME,
                    "sort": 100,
                    "state": 0
                res = collection.insert_one(data)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": res.inserted_id,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 修改模板
def updateContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            name = get_data.get('name', '')
            description = get_data.get('description', '')
            owner = get_data.get('owner', '')
            ownerid = get_data.get('ownerid', '')
            categoryid = get_data.get('categoryid', '')
            category = get_data.get('category', '')
            content = get_data.get('content', '')
            wordgroups = get_data.get('wordgroups', [])
            property = get_data.get('property', {"distinct": 3})
            contentid = get_data.get('id', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                params = {
                    "$set": {
                        "name": name,
                        "description": description,
                        "owner": owner,
                        "ownerid": ownerid,
                        "categoryid": categoryid,
                        "category": category,
                        "content": content,
                        "wordgroups": wordgroups,
                        "property": property,
                        "dateupdated": TIME,
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(contentid)}
                res = collection.update_one(filter_, params)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": contentid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 删除模板
def deleteContent(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == "POST":
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            contentid = get_data.get('contentid', '')
            TIME = timestamp_to_str()
            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_content]
                collection_del = db_[pongo_content + '_del']
                filter_ = {"_id": ObjectId(contentid)}
                data = collection.find_one(filter_)
                data.update({"dateupdated": _datecreated})
                res = collection.delete_one(filter_)

            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": contentid,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})

# 分类列表
def getCategoryList(request):
    _datecreated = timestamp_to_str()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            get_data = {}
                get_data = json.loads(request.body)
            except Exception as e:
                return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
            return JsonResponse({"code": 0, "message": "success"})
        if request.method == "GET":
            ownerid = request.GET.get('ownerid', '')
            owner = request.GET.get('owner', '')

            with MongoDBClient() as m_client:
                db_ = m_client[db]
                # 获取collection
                collection = db_[pongo_category]
                filter_ = {}
                if ownerid:
                    filter_ = {"ownerid": ownerid}
                if owner:
                    filter_ = {"owner": owner}
                pipeline = [
                    {"$match": filter_},
                        "$project": {
                            "_id": 0,
                            "id": {f"$toString": f"$_id"},
                            "name": 1,
                            "owner": 1,
                            "ownerid": 1,

                res = collection.aggregate(pipeline=pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)
                data = []
                if res:
                    data = list(res)
            return JsonResponse({
                "code": "0000",
                "message": "成功",
                "data": data,
                "datecreated": _datecreated,
            }, json_dumps_params={'ensure_ascii': False, "default": json_util.default})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"code": 1002, "message": str(e)})
    return JsonResponse({"code": 1001, "message": "no this method"})








# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2019-11-08 14:04
# @Author : cxa
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm

import asyncio 
import datetime
from loguru import logger
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from collections import Iterable

    import uvloop

except ImportError:

db_configs = {
    'host': '',
    'port': '27017',
    'db_name': 'mafengwo',
    'user': ''

class MotorOperation:
    def __init__(self):
        if self.user:
            self.motor_uri = f"mongodb://{self.user}:{self.passwd}@{}:{self.port}/{self.db_name}?authSource={self.db_name}"
            self.motor_uri = f"mongodb://{}:{self.port}/{self.db_name}"
        self.client = AsyncIOMotorClient(self.motor_uri)
        self.mb = self.client[self.db_name]
    async def save_data_with_status(self, items, col="seed_data"):
        for item in items:
            data = dict()
            data["update_time"] =
            data["status"] = 0  # 0初始
            print("data", data)
            await self.mb[col].update_one({
                "url": item.get("url")},
                {'$set': data, '$setOnInsert': {'create_time':}},

     async def add_index(self, col="seed_data"):
        # 添加索引
        await self.mb[col].create_index('url')


这里除了网页的url,标题等信息,我需要附加3个字段。分别是create_time, status,update_time。


下面说create_time这个比较好理解就是数据插入时间,关键是为什么还要一个update_time,这个的话和status字段有一定的关系。 画重点:这个status作为后续爬虫进行爬取的一个标志用。目前这个status有4个值,0-4,我这是这样定义的,
0:初始状态 1:抓取中的任务 2:抓取成功 3:抓取失败 4:抓取成功但是没有匹配到任务。

下面是实现,我们可以通过update_one方法,对数据作存在或者插入操作,因为url作为查询条件,后面量大的话就最好添加一个索引。也就是上面的 add_index方法。



{'$set': data, '$setOnInsert': {'create_time':}}





版权声明:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。

Posted @ 2019-11-20 09:36  公众号python学习开发  阅读(2024)  评论(0)  编辑  收藏  举报


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