mybatis exists 中使用代替in关键字
<if test="torqueRecordPageDTO.vinList != null and torqueRecordPageDTO.vinList.size >0"> and exists ( select 1 from ( <foreach collection="torqueRecordPageDTO.vinList" item="item" index="index" separator="union all"> select #{item} as vin from dual </foreach> ) a where = f.record_vin and a.product_id = t1.product_id ) </if> <!-- <if test="torqueRecordPageDTO.vinList != null and torqueRecordPageDTO.vinList.size >0">--> <!-- AND F.record_vin in--> <!-- <foreach collection="torqueRecordPageDTO.vinList" separator="," item="v" open="(" close=")">--> <!-- #{v}--> <!-- </foreach>--> <!-- </if>-->
<select id="getProductCapitalBookListByIds" resultMap="ProductCapitalBookResultMap"> SELECT <include refid="ProductCapitalBook_Column_List"/> FROM product_capital_book t1 WHERE 1 = 1 <if test="booksRequestList!= null and booksRequestList.size() > 0"> and exists ( select 1 from ( <foreach collection="booksRequestList" item="item" index="index" separator="union all"> select #{item.bookId} as book_id,#{item.productId} as product_id from dual </foreach> ) a where a.book_id=t1.book_id and a.product_id = t1.product_id ) </if> </select>