<update id="updateUser" parameterType="com.dy.entity.User"> update user <set> <if test="name != null">name = #{name},</if> <if test="password != null">password = #{password},</if> <if test="age != null">age = #{age},</if> </set> <where> <if test="id != null"> id = #{id} </if> and deleteFlag = 0; </where> </update>
2 foreach: 你有for, 我有foreach, 不要以为就你才屌!
java中有for, 可通过for循环, 同样, mybatis中有foreach, 可通过它实现循环,循环的对象当然主要是java容器和数组。
<select id="selectPostIn" resultType="domain.blog.Post"> SELECT * FROM POST P WHERE ID in <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </select>
3 choose: 我选择了你,你选择了我!
Java中有switch, mybatis有choose。
<select id="findActiveBlogLike" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE state = ‘ACTIVE’ <choose> <when test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} </when> <when test="author != null and author.name != null"> AND author_name like #{author.name} </when> <otherwise> AND featured = 1 </otherwise> </choose> </select>
4 动态SQL解析原理
<update id="update" parameterType="org.format.dynamicproxy.mybatis.bean.User"> UPDATE users <trim prefix="SET" prefixOverrides=","> <if test="name != null and name != ''"> name = #{name} </if> <if test="age != null and age != ''"> , age = #{age} </if> <if test="birthday != null and birthday != ''"> , birthday = #{birthday} </if> </trim> where id = ${id} </update>
6 where, 有了我,SQL语句拼接条件神马的都是浮云!
<select id="findUserById" resultType="user"> select * from user <where> <if test="id != null"> id=#{id} </if> and deleteFlag=0; </where> </select>
<select id="findCountIdByDeskId" resultType="Integer"> SELECT count(id) FROM t_item <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND|OR"> <if test="deskId != null and deskId != ''"> desk_id = #{deskId} </if> <!-- <if test="queueStatus != null"> --> <!-- queue_status = ${queueStatus} --> <!-- </if> --> <if test="hisPatientType != null and hisPatientType != ''"> his_patient_type = #{hisPatientType} </if> AND queue_status = ${queueStatus} AND create_date > CURDATE() AND status = 0 </trim> </select>