<select id="getEmployeeBasicInformationList" resultType="org.springblade.entity.AllEmployeeBasicInformation"> select a.*,b.* from blade_employee_basic_information a left join blade_user b on a.id=b.id where a.tenant_id=#{tenantId} and a.is_deleted=0 <if test="department !=null and department !='' "> and a.department like '%%${department}%%' </if> <if test="realName !=null and realName !='' "> and b.real_name like '%%${realName}%%' </if> <if test="entryDate !=null and entryDate !='' "> and a.entry_date=#{entryDate} </if> <if test="dimissionType !=null and dimissionType !='' "> and a.dimission_type=#{dimissionType} </if> <if test="lastWorkingDay !=null and lastWorkingDay !='' "> and a.last_working_day=#{lastWorkingDay} </if> <if test="workingState !=null and workingState !='' "> and a.working_state=#{workingState} </if> <if test="isSing =='1'"> and (a.contract_start_date is not null) or a.contract_start_date!='' </if> <if test="isSing =='0'"> and a.contract_start_date is not null or ifnull(a.contract_start_date,'')='' </if> <if test="dateStartTime !=null and dateStartTime !='' "> and a.contract_start_date >= {dateStartTime} </if> <if test="dateEndTime !=null and dateEndTime !='' "> and a.contract_start_date <= {dateEndTime} </if> <if test="endDateStart !=null and endDateStart !='' "> and a.contract_end_date >= {endDateStart} </if> <if test="endDateEnd !=null and endDateEnd !='' "> and a.contract_end_date <= {endDateEnd} </if> order by a.id desc
process_instance_id is null or ifnull(process_instance_id,'')=''
select * from blade_process_should_pay_invoice
where is_deleted = 0
and process_instance_id is null or ifnull(process_instance_id,'')=''
and create_user = '1273086723649093633'
order by create_time desc