
Multipatch是一系列几何对象组成的 可以表示3D效果的对象实体。
当依据上述接口、方法创建完Multipatch后,可以使用IGeneralMultiPatchInfo 接口来对所创建的Multipatch进行信息查询,

1。  ''VBA下的按钮实现函数
''当按钮点击事件发生时将调用  GetMultipatch函数,以便创建三维模型
Private Sub UIButtonControl1_Click()    
    Call GetMultipatch           
End Sub
Public Sub GetMultipatch()
  Dim pMarker3DSymbol As IMarker3DSymbol: Set pMarker3DSymbol = New Marker3DSymbol
  Set pMarker3DSymbol.Shape = GetGeometry()        ''设置3D符号几何形体(Multipatch)

  Dim pSxApp As IApplication: Set pSxApp = New AppRef    ''获取当前地图应用程序Application
  Dim pPt As IPoint: Set pPt = New Point: pPt.X = 0#: pPt.Y = 0#: pPt.Z = 0#
  AddGraphic pSxApp, pPt, pMarker3DSymbol, , False    ''设定坐标原点,并加入Element对象元素
End Sub
3。''创建3D符号填充的几何形体,使用  GetGeometry函数实现,具体如下所示;
Function GetGeometry() As IGeometry
    Dim pT1 As IPoint, pT2 As IPoint, pT3 As IPoint, pT4 As IPoint
    Set pT1 = New Point
    pT1.X = 10: pT1.Y = 0:  pT1.Z = 0
    Set pT2 = New Point
    pT2.X = 10: pT2.Y = 0:  pT2.Z = 3
    Set pT3 = New Point
    pT3.X = 10: pT3.Y = 6:  pT3.Z = 3
    Set pT4 = New Point
    pT4.X = 10: pT4.Y = 6: pT4.Z = 0
    Dim ppt1 As IPoint, ppt2 As IPoint
    Set ppt1 = New Point
    ppt1.X = 0: ppt1.Y = 6: ppt1.Z = 0
    Set ppt2 = New Point
    ppt2.X = 0: ppt2.Y = 6: ppt2.Z = 3
    Dim ppt3 As IPoint, ppt4 As IPoint
    Set ppt3 = New Point
    ppt3.X = 0: ppt3.Y = 0: ppt3.Z = 3
    Set ppt4 = New Point
    ppt4.X = 0: ppt4.Y = 0: ppt4.Z = 0
    Dim inpt1 As IPoint, inpt2 As IPoint, inpt3 As IPoint, inpt4 As IPoint
    Set inpt1 = New Point
    Set inpt2 = New Point
    Set inpt3 = New Point
    Set inpt4 = New Point
    inpt1.X = 2: inpt1.Y = 0: inpt1.Z = 0
    inpt2.X = 2: inpt2.Y = 0: inpt2.Z = 2
    inpt3.X = 4: inpt3.Y = 0: inpt3.Z = 2
    inpt4.X = 4: inpt4.Y = 0: inpt4.Z = 0
    ''创建第五部分 内环窗子的组成点对象
    Dim interpt1 As IPoint, interpt2 As IPoint, interpt3 As IPoint, interpt4 As IPoint
    Set interpt1 = New Point
    Set interpt2 = New Point
    Set interpt3 = New Point
    Set interpt4 = New Point
    interpt1.X = 6: interpt1.Y = 0: interpt1.Z = 1
    interpt2.X = 6: interpt2.Y = 0: interpt2.Z = 2
    interpt3.X = 8: interpt3.Y = 0: interpt3.Z = 2
    interpt4.X = 8: interpt4.Y = 0: interpt4.Z = 1
    ''创建第六、七、八、九部分 构建房顶 三角形 的点对象
    Dim pRoofTop As IPoint
    Dim pRoofD1 As IPoint, pRoofD2 As IPoint, pRoofD3 As IPoint, pRoofD4 As IPoint

    Set pRoofTop = New Point: Set pRoofD2 = New Point
    Set pRoofD1 = New Point: Set pRoofD3 = New Point: Set pRoofD4 = New Point
    pRoofTop.X = 5: pRoofTop.Y = 3: pRoofTop.Z = 5
    pRoofD1.X = 10: pRoofD1.Y = 0: pRoofD1.Z = 3
    pRoofD2.X = 10: pRoofD2.Y = 6: pRoofD2.Z = 3
    pRoofD3.X = 0: pRoofD3.Y = 6: pRoofD3.Z = 3
    pRoofD4.X = 0: pRoofD4.Y = 0: pRoofD4.Z = 3
    ''以下的点对象是用来创建 纹理贴图使用的,表示纹理图片的贴图的位置
    Dim s As Integer, t As Integer
    s = 1: t = 10
    Dim pTxLL0 As IPoint, pTxLR0 As IPoint, pTxUR0 As IPoint, pTxUL0 As IPoint
    Set pTxLL0 = New Point: Set pTxLR0 = New Point: Set pTxUR0 = New Point:: Set pTxUL0 = New Point
    pTxUL0.X = 6#: pTxUL0.Y = 0#: pTxUR0.X = s: pTxUR0.Y = 0#
    pTxLL0.X = 6#: pTxLL0.Y = t: pTxLR0.X = s: pTxLR0.Y = t
    Dim pGenralMultipatch As IGeneralMultiPatchCreator
    Set pGenralMultipatch = New GeneralMultiPatchCreator
    ''41表示Multipatch所包含的点的个数,本实例所创建的房子对象需要41个点对象。包括重复的点对象,如两个面的相交面 公用的点也需要重新计算近来
    pGenralMultipatch.Init 41, 9, False, False, True, 39, GetMaterialList
    Dim dictWalls As Scripting.Dictionary: Set dictWalls = GetWall
    ''创建第一个部分,其中 第一个0表示创建的部分,第二个0表示贴纹理所使用的纹理序号,第3,4个表示纹理贴图的点号
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 0, esriPatchTypeRing, 0, 0, 0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 0, pT1, pTxLL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 1, pT2, pTxLR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 2, pT3, pTxUR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 3, pT4, pTxUL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 4, pT1, pTxLL0
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 1, esriPatchTypeRing, 1, 5, 5
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 5, pT3, pTxLL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 6, pT4, pTxLR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 7, ppt1, pTxUR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 8, ppt2, pTxUL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 9, pT3, pTxLL0
    Set GetGeometry = pGenralMultipatch.CreateMultiPatch
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 2, esriPatchTypeRing, 2, 10, 10
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 10, ppt1, pTxLL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 11, ppt2, pTxLR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 12, ppt3, pTxUR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 13, ppt4, pTxUL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 14, ppt1, pTxLL0
    Set GetGeometry = pGenralMultipatch.CreateMultiPatch
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 3, esriPatchTypeOuterRing, 3, 15, 15
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 15, ppt3, pTxLL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 16, ppt4, pTxLR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 17, inpt1, pTxUR0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 18, inpt2, pTxUL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 19, inpt3, pTxLL0
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 20, inpt4, inpt4
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 21, pT1, pT1
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 22, pT2, pT2
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 23, ppt3, ppt3
    Set GetGeometry = pGenralMultipatch.CreateMultiPatch
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 4, esriPatchTypeInnerRing, -1, 24, 24
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 24, interpt1, interpt1
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 25, interpt2, interpt2
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 26, interpt3, interpt3
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 27, interpt4, interpt4
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 28, interpt1, interpt1
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 5, esriPatchTypeTriangles, 5, 29, 29
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 29, pRoofTop, pRoofTop
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 30, pRoofD1, pRoofD1
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 31, pRoofD2, pRoofD2
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 6, esriPatchTypeTriangles, 4, 32, 32
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 32, pRoofTop, pRoofTop
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 33, pRoofD2, pRoofD2
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 34, pRoofD3, pRoofD3


PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 7, esriPatchTypeTriangles, 5, 35, 35
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 35, pRoofTop, pRoofTop
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 36, pRoofD3, pRoofD3
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 37, pRoofD4, pRoofD4
    PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 8, esriPatchTypeTriangles, 0, 38, 38
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 38, pRoofTop, pRoofTop
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 39, pRoofD4, pRoofD4
    PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 40, pRoofD1, pRoofD1
    Set GetGeometry = pGenralMultipatch.CreateMultiPatch
End Function
'The texture images are saved in a sub-folder called TextureFolder under the ArcScene document:
Function GetMaterialList() As IGeometryMaterialList
On Error GoTo eh

  'create new materials:
  Dim sTexFolder As String: sTexFolder = "D:\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit\SamplesCOM\3D_Analyst\TexturedMultipatchVisual_Basic\TexturedMultipatchVisual_Basic\Visual_Basic\TextureFolder\"

  'material 1:
  Dim pMaterial1 As IGeometryMaterial: Set pMaterial1 = New GeometryMaterial
  pMaterial1.TextureImage = sTexFolder & "tile_roo.jpg"   'the mission tile

'  material 2:
  Dim pMaterial2 As IGeometryMaterial: Set pMaterial2 = New GeometryMaterial
  pMaterial2.TextureImage = sTexFolder & "block2.jpg"

'  material 3:
  Dim pMaterial3 As IGeometryMaterial: Set pMaterial3 = New GeometryMaterial
  pMaterial3.TextureImage = sTexFolder & "brick1.jpg"

  'material 4:
  Dim pMaterial4 As IGeometryMaterial: Set pMaterial4 = New GeometryMaterial
  pMaterial4.TextureImage = sTexFolder & "concrete1.jpg"

  'material 5:
  Dim pMaterial5 As IGeometryMaterial: Set pMaterial5 = New GeometryMaterial
  pMaterial5.TextureImage = sTexFolder & "stucco3.jpg"

  'material 6:
  Dim pMaterial6 As IGeometryMaterial: Set pMaterial6 = New GeometryMaterial
  'pMaterial6.TextureImage = sTexFolder & "dessau.jpg"
  pMaterial6.TextureImage = sTexFolder & "worlitz.jpg"
  'create a new material list and add the material to the material list:
  Set GetMaterialList = New GeometryMaterialList
  GetMaterialList.AddMaterial pMaterial1
  GetMaterialList.AddMaterial pMaterial2
  GetMaterialList.AddMaterial pMaterial3
  GetMaterialList.AddMaterial pMaterial4
  GetMaterialList.AddMaterial pMaterial5
  GetMaterialList.AddMaterial pMaterial6
End Function
Public Sub PartSetUp(ByRef pCreator As IGeneralMultiPatchCreator, _
          partIndex As Integer, partType As esriPatchType, materialIndex As Integer, _
          partPointIndex As Integer, Optional partTexturePointIndex As Integer)
  With pCreator
    .SetPatchType partIndex, partType
    .SetMaterialIndex partIndex, materialIndex
    .SetPatchPointIndex partIndex, partPointIndex
    If Not IsMissing(partTexturePointIndex) Then
      .SetPatchTexturePointIndex partIndex, partTexturePointIndex
    End If
  End With
End Sub
Public Sub PointSetUp(ByRef pCreator As IGeneralMultiPatchCreator, _
              pointIndex As Integer, pPtZ As IPoint, Optional pTexPt As IPoint = Nothing)
  pCreator.SetPoint pointIndex, pPtZ
  If Not pTexPt Is Nothing Then pCreator.SetTexturePoint pointIndex, pTexPt
End Sub
''添加Multipatch 为element,并显示在sence上
Public Sub AddGraphic(pApp As IApplication, _
  pGeom As IGeometry, _
  Optional pSym As ISymbol, _
  Optional bAddToSelection As Boolean = False, _
  Optional bSelect As Boolean = True, _
  Optional sElementName As String) ' TODO this needs to change

  On Error GoTo AddGraphic_ERR

  If pGeom.IsEmpty Then Exit Sub

  Dim pElement As IElement

  Select Case pGeom.GeometryType
    Case esriGeometryPoint
      Set pElement = New MarkerElement
      Dim pPointElement As IMarkerElement: Set pPointElement = pElement
      If Not pSym Is Nothing Then pPointElement.Symbol = pSym
    Case esriGeometryPolyline
      Set pElement = New LineElement
      Dim pLineElement As ILineElement: Set pLineElement = pElement
      If Not pSym Is Nothing Then pLineElement.Symbol = pSym
    Case esriGeometryPolygon
      Set pElement = New PolygonElement
      Dim pFillElement As IFillShapeElement: Set pFillElement = pElement
      If Not pSym Is Nothing Then pFillElement.Symbol = pSym
    Case esriGeometryMultiPatch
      Set pElement = New MultiPatchElement
      Set pFillElement = pElement
      If Not pSym Is Nothing Then pFillElement.Symbol = pSym
  End Select

  pElement.Geometry = pGeom
  If Len(sElementName) > 0 Then
    Dim pElemProps As IElementProperties: Set pElemProps = pElement
    pElemProps.Name = sElementName
  End If

  Dim pGLayer As IGraphicsLayer
  If (TypeOf pApp Is IMxApplication) Then
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument: Set pMxDoc = pApp.Document
    Dim pActiveView As IActiveView: Set pActiveView = pMxDoc.FocusMap
    Set pGLayer = pMxDoc.FocusMap.BasicGraphicsLayer
    Dim pGCon As IGraphicsContainer: Set pGCon = pGLayer

    pGCon.AddElement pElement, 0

    Dim pGCS As IGraphicsContainerSelect
    Set pGCS = pGCon
    ' unselect all other elements before selecting this one:
    If Not bAddToSelection Then pGCS.UnselectAllElements
    pGCS.SelectElement pElement

    ' redraw graphics for entire view extent, rather than just extent of this element, in case there were
    ' other graphics present that became unselected and lost their selection handles
    pActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, pElement, pActiveView.Extent
    Dim pSxDoc As ISxDocument: Set pSxDoc = pApp.Document
    Set pGLayer = pSxDoc.Scene.BasicGraphicsLayer
    'set lighting to true:
    Dim pLyrExt As ILayerExtensions: Set pLyrExt = pGLayer
    Dim p3DProp As I3DProperties: Set p3DProp = pLyrExt.Extension(0)
    p3DProp.Illuminate = False
    Dim pGCon3D As IGraphicsContainer3D: Set pGCon3D = pGLayer

    pGCon3D.AddElement pElement

    Dim pGS As IGraphicsSelection: Set pGS = pGCon3D
    If (bSelect) Then
      ' unselect all other elements before selecting this one
      If Not bAddToSelection Then pGS.UnselectAllElements
      pGS.SelectElement pElement
    End If

  End If

  Exit Sub
  Debug.Print "AddGraphic_ERR: " & Err.Description
  Debug.Assert 0
End Sub

''同时,还需要注意pGenralMultipatch.Init 41, 9, False, False, True, 39, GetMaterialList这条语句,里面的数字参数设置会改变一定的显示效果,需要注意;
''还有就是要 注意PartSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 4, esriPatchTypeInnerRing, -1, 24, 24
                 PointSetUp pGenralMultipatch, 24, interpt1, interpt1


使用方法:打开ARcscene,打开tool-macros-visualbasic Editer



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