摘要: 摘自“你必须知道的n个c语言问题”,人邮的,不知道为什么原版错误很多。就摘了一些要点吧。一、重点位,字节,地址的运算二、32个关键字(注意不要跟宏定义(NULL,EOF)弄混了)int, float, double, char, struct, union, enum, void, typedeflong, short, signed, unsigned, const, static, volatile, auto, extern, register if, else, do, while, for, goto, switch, case, default break, continue, . 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-02-19 18:39 xiangzi888 阅读(332) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 一、更新到3.0.0-16版本的内核之后,窗体的标题栏总是无缘无故消失(window decoration),可通过调整这一特效解决ubuntu 11.10 32bitKernel : 3.0.0-16 genericunity with compiz方法:procedure:1, open compizconfig2, enter "Window decoration" (it should be selected)3, see "command", click the "default" bottom to change the 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-02-19 10:25 xiangzi888 阅读(3484) 评论(0) 推荐(1) 编辑