1.Limit 关键字
limit 1 和limit 0,1 是一样的,表示返回一条记录,即第一条记录
limit 1,1 表示偏移量为1,返回记录谁为1,即返回第二条记录。
例如:select * from sales order by comission desc limit 2,3
insert into person values('张三','男',22) 或者insert into person(name,sex,age) values('张三','男',22)
delete from person where name = '张三'
update person set age = 23 wehre name = '张三'
select * from person
新增一列 alter table person add year_born date
更改列定义:alter table person change year_born brithday
删除列: alter table person drop year_born
为表重新命名 alter table person person rename personinformation 或rename to 或 rename old table to newtable
查询的时候字符串结尾的空格会被忽略 select 'abc' = 'ABC '
insert into person(firstname,lastname,sex) select first_name,surname,sum from sales