/system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_result.php MYSQL返回类

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * CodeIgniter
 * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
 * @package		CodeIgniter
 * @author		ExpressionEngine Dev Team
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc.
 * @license		http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/license.html
 * @link		http://codeigniter.com
 * @since		Version 1.0
 * @filesource

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

 * MySQL Result Class
 * MYSQL 返回类
 * This class extends the parent result class: CI_DB_result
 * 这个类继承父结果类:CI_DB_result
 * @category	Database
 * @author		ExpressionEngine Dev Team
 * @link		http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/
class CI_DB_mysql_result extends CI_DB_result {

	 * Number of rows in the result set
	 * 在结果集中的行数  mysql_num_rows
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	integer
	function num_rows()
		return @mysql_num_rows($this->result_id);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Number of fields in the result set
	 * 在结果集中的字段数 mysql_num_fields
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	integer
	function num_fields()
		return @mysql_num_fields($this->result_id);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Fetch Field Names
	 * 循环取得字段名称
	 * Generates an array of column names
	 * 生成数组的列名  mysql_fetch_field()
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	array
	function list_fields()
		$field_names = array();
		while ($field = mysql_fetch_field($this->result_id))
			$field_names[] = $field->name;
		return $field_names;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Field data
	 * 现场数据
	 * Generates an array of objects containing field meta-data
	 * 生成一个对象数组,包含字段元数据
	 * @access	public
	 * @return	array
	function field_data()
		$retval = array();
		while ($field = mysql_fetch_object($this->result_id))
			preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]+)(\(\d+\))?/', $field->Type, $matches);

			$type = (array_key_exists(1, $matches)) ? $matches[1] : NULL;
			$length = (array_key_exists(2, $matches)) ? preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $matches[2]) : NULL;

			$F				= new stdClass(); //空对馁
			$F->name		= $field->Field;  //字段名称
			$F->type		= $type;          //类型
			$F->default		= $field->Default;//默认值
			$F->max_length	= $length;        //最大长度
			$F->primary_key = ( $field->Key == 'PRI' ? 1 : 0 ); //是否为键 值

			$retval[] = $F;

		return $retval;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Free the result
	 * 释放结果
	 * @return	null
	function free_result()
		if (is_resource($this->result_id))
			$this->result_id = FALSE;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Data Seek
	 * 数据寻求
	 * Moves the internal pointer to the desired offset.  We call
	 * this internally before fetching results to make sure the
	 * result set starts at zero
	 * 内部指针移动到所需的偏移。我们称之为
     * 内部取结果之前,以确保
     * 结果集从零开始
	 * @access	private
	 * @return	array
	function _data_seek($n = 0)
		//mysql_data_seek() 函数移动内部结果的指针
		return mysql_data_seek($this->result_id, $n);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Result - associative array
	 * 结果 - 关联数组
	 * Returns the result set as an array
	 * 返回的结果集作为一个数组
	 * @access	private
	 * @return	array
	function _fetch_assoc()
		return mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result_id);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Result - object
	 * 返回一个对象
	 * Returns the result set as an object
	 * @access	private
	 * @return	object
	function _fetch_object()
		return mysql_fetch_object($this->result_id);


/* End of file mysql_result.php */
/* Location: ./system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_result.php */


posted @ 2013-06-04 11:51  简单--生活  阅读(333)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报