#if, #elif, #else, #endif学习

These preprocessing directives create conditional compiling parameters that control thecompiling of the source code. They must begin on a separate line.


#if constant_expression



#if constant_expression
#elif constant_expression

The compiler only compiles the code after the #if expression if the constant_expressionevaluates to a non-zero value (true). If the value is 0 (false), then the compiler skips the linesuntil the next #else, #elif, or #endif. If there is a matching #else, and the constant_expressionevaluated to 0 (false), then the lines between the #else and the #endif are compiled. If there is amatching #elif, and the preceding #if evaluated to false, then the constant_expression after thatis evaluated and the code between the #elif and the #endif is compiled only if this expressionevaluates to a non-zero value (true).


int main(void)
#if 1
printf("Yabba Dabba Do!\n");
return 0;

Only "Yabba Dabba Do!" is printed.

int main(void)
#if 1
#elif 1
return 0;

Only "Checkpoint1" is printed. Note that if the first line is #if 0, then only "Checkpoint2" wouldbe printed.

#if OS==1
printf("Version 1.0");
#elif OS==2
printf("Version 2.0");
printf("Version unknown");

Prints according to the setting of OS which is defined with a #define.

1.7.2 #define, #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef

The preprocessing directives #define and #undef allow the definition of identifiers whichhold a certain value. These identifiers can simply be constants or a macro function. Thedirectives #ifdef and #ifndef allow conditional compiling of certain lines of code based onwhether or not an identifier has been defined.


#define identifier replacement-code


#undef identifier

#ifdef identifier
#else or #elif

#ifndef identifier
#else or #elif

#ifdef identifier is the same is #if defined( identifier).
#ifndef identifier is the same as #if!defined(identifier).
An identifier defined with #define is available anywhere in the source code until a#undef is reached.
A function macro can be defined with #define in the following manner:

#define identifier(parameter-list) (replacement-text)

The values in the parameter-list are replaced in the replacement-text.



#define PI 3.141


#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("This is a debug message.");

#define QUICK(x) printf("%s\n",x);

#define ADD(x, y) x + y
z=3 * ADD(5,6)


This evaluates to 21 due to the fact that multiplication takes precedence over addition.

#define ADD(x,y) (x + y)
z=3 * ADD(5,6)

This evaluates to 33 due to the fact that the summation is encapsulated in parenthesis whichtakes precedence over multiplication.

1.7.3 #include

The #include directive allows external header files to be processed by the compiler.


#include <header-file>



#include "source-file"

When enclosing the file with < and >, then the implementation searches the knownheader directories for the file (which is implementation-defined) and processes it. Whenenclosed with double quotation marks, then the entire contents of the source-file is replaced atthis point. The searching manner for the file is implementation-specific.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "my_header.h"

1.7.4 #line

The #line directive allows the current line number and the apparent name of the currentsourcecode filename to be changed.


#line line-number filename

Note that if the filename is not given, then it stays the same. The line number on thecurrent line is one greater than the number of new-line characters (so the first line number is 1).

#line 50 user.c


#line 23

1.7.5 #error

The #error directive will cause the compiler to halt compiling and return with thespecified error message.


#error message


#ifndef VERSION
#error Version number not specified.

1.7.6 #pragma

This #pragma directive allows a directive to be defined. Its effects areimplementation-defined. If the pragma is not supported, then it is ignored.


#pragma directive

1.7.7 Predefined Macros

The following macros are already defined by the compiler and cannot be changed.

__LINE__ A decimal constant representing the current line number.
__FILE__ A string representing the current name of the source code file.
__DATE__ A string representing the current date when compiling began for the currentsource file. It is in the format "mmm dd yyyy", the same as what is generated bythe asctime function.
__TIME__ A string literal representing the current time when cimpiling began for the currentsource file. It is in the format "hh:mm:ss", the same as what is generated by theasctime function.
__STDC__ The decimal constant 1. Used to indicate if this is a standard C compiler.
posted @ 2011-01-02 10:22  hailong  阅读(3108)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报