2015-10-15 10:54 xiangjune 阅读(141) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报// —————————NSString
// NSString
NSString *str1 = @"hello world!";
NSString *str2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"start to printf: %@", str1];
NSString *str3 = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"/user/document/test.txt" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
// 字符串写入文件
[str1 writeToFile:@"/user/document/test.txt" atomically:YES];
// 字符串大写、小写、首字母大写
str1 = [str1 uppercaseString];
str1 = [str1 lowercaseString];
str1 = [str1 capitalizedString];
str2 = [str1 substringFromIndex:5];
NSLog(@"string = %@", str2);
str2 = [str1 substringToIndex:5];
NSLog(@"string = %@", str2);
str2 = [str1 substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 7)];
NSLog(@"string = %@", str2);
// 字符串是否以另一字符串开头或结尾
BOOL isStart = [str1 hasPrefix:@"hello"];
NSLog(@"isStart is : %i", isStart);
BOOL isEnd = [str1 hasSuffix:@"world!"];
NSLog(@"isEnd is : %i", isEnd);
// 获取文件后缀名
NSString *filePath = @"/document/test.txt";
NSString *ext = [filePath pathExtension];
NSLog(@"ext is : %@", ext);
// 字符串转整形
NSString *value = @"100";
int va = [value intValue];
NSLog(@"va is : %i", va);
// 字符串替换
str1 = [str1 stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"hello" withString:@"bye bye"];
// 字符串转整
int intVal = [str1 intValue];
NSLog(@"str to int : intVal= %i", intVal);
str1 = [[NSNumber numberWithInteger:intVal] stringValue];
NSLog(@"int to str = %@", str1);
// 字符串分割
NSString *splitStr = @"test1;test2;test3;test4";
NSArray *array = [splitStr componentsSeparatedByString:@";"];
NSLog(@"%@", array);
// 可变字符串
NSMutableString *mulStr = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
[mulStr appendString:@"test1"];
[mulStr appendFormat:@"test2"];
[mulStr insertString:@";" atIndex:5];
[mulStr replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 4) withString:@"replace test"];
[mulStr deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 4)];
// 查找字符串包含
NSRange range = [mulStr rangeOfString:@"test"];
NSLog(@"location : %ld", range.location);
NSLog(@"mulStr is : %@", mulStr);
// 字符串比较 小于:-1 等于:0 大于:1
NSString *comStr1 = @"bbc";
NSString *comStr2 = @"bbc";
NSComparisonResult result = [comStr1 compare:comStr2];
NSLog(@"result=%ld", result);