

    ORB-SLAM,LSD-SLAM,DSO等方法已经能够帮助智能体对大场景环境获得实时的几何信息,视觉SLAM可以实时的构建世界3D地图,并且实时估计智能体的位置以及朝向。SLAM算法与Deeping learning,cnn是互补的,SLAM关注于世界的几何信息,后者关注智能体对于世界的认知。如果你想让机器人去桌子附近,不要碰撞,可以使用SLAM,但是如果你想让机器人去桌子上拿苹果,就离不开CNN。



Visual SLAM vs Autonomous Driving(Reference  http://www.computervisionblog.com/2016/01/why-slam-matters-future-of-real-time.html)

While self-driving cars are one of the most important applications of SLAM, according to Andrew Davison, one of the workshop organizers, SLAM for Autonomous Vehicles deserves its own research track. (And as we'll see, none of the workshop presenters talked about self-driving cars). For many years to come it will make sense to continue studying SLAM from a research perspective, independent of any single Holy-Grail application. While there are just too many system-level details and tricks involved with autonomous vehicles, research-grade SLAM systems require very little more than a webcam, knowledge of algorithms, and elbow grease. As a research topic, Visual SLAM is much friendlier to thousands of early-stage PhD students who’ll first need years of in-lab experience with SLAM before even starting to think about expensive robotic platforms such as self-driving cars.



posted @ 2017-10-12 16:40  小萝、卜  阅读(1893)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报