1: using System;
2: using System.Collections.Generic;
3: using System.Linq;
4: using System.Text;
5: using Microsoft.Win32;
6: using System.Windows.Forms;
7: using System.IO;
8: using System.Diagnostics;
9:10: namespace Subro
11: {12: public class AutoStart13: {14: public readonly string ApplicationName;15: readonly string regkeyname;16: /// <summary>
17: /// Creates an AutoStart object for the current application
18: /// </summary>
19: public AutoStart()
20: : this(Application.ProductName, Application.ExecutablePath)
21: {22: }23: public AutoStart(string ApplicationName)24: : this(null, ApplicationName)25: {26: }27: private AutoStart(string KeyName, string ApplicationName)28: {29: this.ApplicationName = ApplicationName;
30: FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(ApplicationName);
31: if (!fi.Exists)
32: throw new Exception(ApplicationName + "不存在!");33: regkeyname = KeyName == null ? fi.Name : KeyName;
34: startupfolderfile =35: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup) + "\\"
36: + fi.Name.Replace(fi.Extension, ".lnk");
37: }38: public AutoStart(string ApplicationName, params string[] CommandLineArguments)39: : this(ApplicationName)
40: {41: this.CommandlineParameters = string.Join(" ", CommandLineArguments);42: }43: readonly RegistryKey startkey = GetStartupRegistryDir();
44: private string commandlineparams;45: /// <summary>
46: /// gets or sets the command line arguments for the application
47: /// </summary>
48: public string CommandlineParameters49: {50: get { return commandlineparams; }51: set
52: {53: if (value.Trim().Length == 0) value = null;54: commandlineparams = value;
55: if (EnabledThroughRegistry)
56: SetRegKey();57: }58: }59: /// <summary>
60: /// Sets the <see cref="CommandlineParameters"/> property to the commandlines with which
61: /// the application was started
62: /// </summary>
63: public void SetCurrentCommandLine()64: {65: CommandlineParameters = string.Join(" ", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs());66: }67: private void SetRegKey()68: {69: startkey.SetValue(regkeyname, CompleteName);70: }71: /// <summary>
72: /// The complete command line name to start the file including arguments
73: /// </summary>
74: public string CompleteName75: {76: get
77: {78: return ApplicationName +
79: (commandlineparams == null ? null : " " + commandlineparams);80: }81: }82: /// <summary>
83: /// If true a registry item exists that starts the for which this class was created.
84: /// </summary>
85: public bool EnabledThroughRegistry86: {87: get { return startkey.GetValue(regkeyname) != null; }88: set
89: {90: if (value == EnabledThroughRegistry) return;91: if (value)92: {93: SetRegKey();94: }95: else
96: {97: startkey.DeleteValue(regkeyname);98: }99: }100: }101: readonly string startupfolderfile;102: public bool EnabledThroughStartupMenu103: {104: get { return File.Exists(startupfolderfile); }105: set
106: {107: if (EnabledThroughStartupMenu == value) return;108: if (value)109: createshortcut();110: else
111: File.Delete(startupfolderfile);112: }113: }114: void createshortcut()
115: {116: //Chosen for creating a shortcut with the help of vbscript
117: //It's an extra liablility, but better than forcing the
118: //use of a WSH wrapper.
119: //An alternative can be found here: http://www.msjogren.net/dotnet/eng/samples/dotnet_shelllink.asp
120: //Looks very interesting, but didn't try it, since it would inflate the
121: //use of this simple class too much.
122: //But still it might be a very good thing to use, especially if
123: //this doesn't work ;-)
124:125: string file = Application.UserAppDataPath + "\\createshortcut.vbs";126: try
127: {128: StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file);
129: sw.Write(string.Format(
130: @"Set Shell = CreateObject(""WScript.Shell"")
131: Set link = Shell.CreateShortcut(""{0}"")132: link.TargetPath = ""{1}""133: link.Description = ""{2}""134: link.Arguments = ""{3}""135: link.WorkingDirectory = ""{4}""136: link.Save"137: , startupfolderfile, ApplicationName, regkeyname, commandlineparams, new FileInfo(ApplicationName).DirectoryName));
138: sw.Close();139: Process.Start(file).WaitForExit();140: }141: catch
142: {143: throw;
144: }145: finally
146: {147: try { File.Delete(file); }
148: catch { }
149: }150: }151: static AutoStart current;
152: /// <summary>
153: /// Returns the AutoStart information for the current application.
154: /// The object is created upon the first call and kept in memory for
155: /// faster access. The object can be destroyed if wanted with <see cref="ResetCurrent"/>
156: /// </summary>
157: public static AutoStart Current158: {159: get
160: {161: if (current == null) current = new AutoStart();162: return current;
163: }164: }165: /// <summary>
166: /// Destroys the object created when <see cref="Current"/> was called.
167: /// <see cref="Current"/> can still be used, but the object will be recreated
168: /// </summary>
169: public static void ResetCurrent()170: {171: current = null;
172: }173: public static RegistryKey GetStartupRegistryDir()174: {175: return Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run");176: }177: public static string[] GetStartupRegistryApplications()178: {179: RegistryKey r = GetStartupRegistryDir();180: //if (r.SubKeyCount == 0) return new string[0];
181: return r.GetValueNames();
182: }183: }184: }使用方法举例:1: Subro.AutoStart.Current.EnabledThroughStartupMenu = true;