

close_framegrabber - 关闭指定的图像采集设备。


close_framegrabber( : : AcqHandle : )


  算子close_framegrabber关闭由AcqHandle指定的图像采集设备。 特别是会释放为数据缓冲器分配的存储器,这样图像采集设备可用于其他处理。





●  多线程类型:可重入(与非独占算子并行运行)。
●  多线程范围:全局(可以从任何线程调用)。
●  不并行化处理。


●  AcqHandle



AcqHandle (input_control, state is modified)   framegrabber → (integer)


如果指定的图像采集设备可以关闭,则close_framegrabber返回值2(H_MSG_TRUE)。 否则会引发异常。

Possible Predecessors

grab_image, grab_image_async

See also





vrmusbcam_trigger.hdev      Use the VRmUsbCam interface (external trigger)
vrmusbcam_simple.hdev      Use the VRmUsbCam interface (simple)
vrmusbcam_crop.hdev         Use the VRmUsbCam interface (image cropping)
vrmusbcam_2cameras.hdev      Use the VRmUsbCam interface (two cameras)
vrmusbcam.hdev             Use the VRmUsbCam interface (performance evaluation)
volatile_grabbing.hdev         Show the effect of volatile grabbing
video4linux2_simple.hdev          Use the Video4Linux2 interface (simple)
video4linux2_2cameras.hdev    Use the Video4Linux2 interface (two cameras)
video4linux2.hdev            Use the Video4Linux2 interface (performance evaluation)
vector_angle_to_rigid.hdev       Match a pattern and display the normalized image
var_threshold.hdev         Segment an image using a local threshold calculated from local mean and standard deviation
usb3vision_simple.hdev       Use the USB3 Vision interface (simple)
usb3vision_parameters.hdev    Use the USB3 Vision interface (query current parameter settings)
usb3vision_install_driver.hdev        Install the device driver for the USB3 Vision interface
ueye_trigger.hdev         Use the uEye interface (external trigger)
ueye_timestamp.hdev           Use the uEye interface (timestamp)
ueye_simple.hdev         Use the uEye interface (simple)
ueye_crop.hdev               Use the uEye interface (image cropping)
ueye_2cameras.hdev           Use the uEye interface (two cameras)
ueye.hdev             Use the uEye interface (performance evaluation)
twain_manual.hdev         Use the HALCON TWAIN interface with a scanner in manual mode
twain_interactive.hdev          Use the HALCON TWAIN interface in interactive mode
twain_automatic_document_feeder.hdev Use the HALCON TWAIN interface with the Automatic Document Feeder functionality
synthetic_circle.hdev           Use a synthetic model (circle) to search for capacitors on a board
swissranger_simple.hdev          Use the SwissRanger interface (simple)
swissranger_parameters.hdev    Use the SwissRanger interface (query current parameter settings)
swissranger_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the SwissRanger interface to generate a 3D object model from SwissRanger MESA Imaging SR4000 sensor data
simultaneous_grabbing.hdev     Grab simultaneously from two cameras
siliconsoftware_smartapplets.hdev Use the SiliconSoftware interface (SmartApplets)
siliconsoftware_simple.hdev    Use the SiliconSoftware interface (simple)
siliconsoftware_parameters.hdev Use the SiliconSoftware interface (query current parameter settings)
siliconsoftware_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the SiliconSoftware interface to generate a 3D object model
siliconsoftware_multiroi.hdev    Use the SiliconSoftware interface (Visual Applets ROI module)
siliconsoftware_gige_vision.hdev  Use the SiliconSoftware interface (GigE Vision)
siliconsoftware_fieldparameter.hdev Use the SiliconSoftware interface (Visual Applets field parameters)
siliconsoftware_continuous.hdev Use the SiliconSoftware interface (continuous grabbing)
siliconsoftware.hdev        Use the SiliconSoftware interface (performance evaluation)
sick-scanningruler_simple.hdev     Use the SICK-ScanningRuler interface (simple)
sick-scanningruler_parameters.hdev Use the SICK-ScanningRuler interface (query current parameter settings)
sick-3dcamera_simple.hdev     Use the SICK-3DCamera interface (simple)
sick-3dcamera_parameters.hdev Use the SICK-3DCamera interface (query current parameter settings)
sick-3dcamera_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the SICK-3DCamera interface to generate a 3D object model from SICK Ranger sensor data
sick-3dcamera_components.hdev Use the SICK-3DCamera interface (different parameter sets)
sick-3dcamera_calibration.hdev Use the SICK-3DCamera interface (calibration and rectification)
sick-3dcamera_buffer_queue.hdev Use the SICK-3DCamera interface (use the internal buffer queue)
sick-3dcamera.hdev        Use the SICK-3DCamera interface (performance evaluation)
shapedrive_objectmodel3d.hdev    Use the ShapeDrive interface to generate a 3D object model
sentech_trigger.hdev       Use the Sentech interface (external trigger)
sentech_2cameras.hdev     Use the Sentech interface (two cameras)
sentech.hdev         Use the Sentech interface (performance evaluation)
saperalt_simple.hdev      Use the SaperaLT interface (simple)
saperalt_lut.hdev Set a look-up table for the SaperaLT interface
saperalt_gio.hdev        Use the SaperaLT interface (GIO)
saperalt_crop.hdev     Use the SaperaLT interface (image cropping)
saperalt_2cameras.hdev   Use the SaperaLT interface (two cameras)
saperalt_2boards.hdev Use the SaperaLT interface (two boards)
real_time_grabbing.hdev Determine the achievable frame rates for grabbing and processing
pylon_simple.hdev Use the pylon interface (simple)
pylon_parameters.hdev Use the pylon interface (query current parameter settings)
pylon_crop.hdev Use the pylon interface (image cropping)
pylon_2cameras.hdev Use the pylon interface (two cameras)
process_shape_model.hdev Create a model ROI by modifying the result of inspect_shape_model
print_quality_aimdpm_1_2006.hdev Inspect print quality of 2D data codes using the AIM DPM-1-2006 Standard
port_switching.hdev Dynamically switch between ports
pm_measure_board.hdev Locate IC on a board and measure pin distances
pm_illu_rot.hdev Find a rotated pattern using a gray-value template
pm_illu_rectify.hdev Find a rotated pattern using a gray-value template and align the image to the pattern
pixelink_simple.hdev Use the PixeLink interface (simple)
pixelink_2cameras.hdev Use the PixeLink interface (two cameras)
pattern.hdev Apply online pattern matching using a gray-value template
opteon_trigger.hdev Use the Opteon interface (external trigger)
opteon_simple.hdev Use the Opteon interface (simple)
opteon_parameters.hdev Use the Opteon interface (query current parameter settings)
opteon_crop.hdev Use the Opteon interface (grabbing image parts of size 256x256)
opteon.hdev Use the Opteon interface (performance evaluation)
multiple_ports.hdev Grab images from multiple ports
multiple_objects.hdev Search for multiple instances of a security ring
multiple_boards.hdev Grab images from multiple boards
multicam_stereo.hdev Use the MultiCam interface for a stereo vision setup
multicam_split_cable.hdev Use the MultiCam interface and a split cable for a Euresys DOMINO board and three cameras
multicam_simple.hdev Use the MultiCam interface (simple)
multicam_quickpack.hdev Use the MultiCam interface with a Euresys QUICKPACK board
multicam_picolo.hdev Use the MultiCam interface with a Euresys PICOLO board
multicam_2cameras.hdev Use the MultiCam interface (two cameras)
multicam.hdev Use the MultiCam interface (performance evaluation)
millite_trigger.hdev Use the MilLite interface (external trigger)
millite_simple.hdev Use the MilLite interface (simple)
millite_2ports.hdev Use the MilLite interface (two cameras, port switching)
millite.hdev Use the MilLite interface (performance evaluation)
matrixvisionacquire_simple.hdev Use the MatrixVisionAcquire interface (simple)
matrixvisionacquire_properties.hdev Use the MatrixVisionAcquire interface (use different parameters and varying exposure time)
matrixvisionacquire_multiple_instances.hdev Use the MatrixVisionAcquire interface (two handles to one camera with different parameter sets)
matrixvisionacquire_crop.hdev Use the MatrixVisionAcquire interface (image cropping)
lucam_simple.hdev Use the LuCam interface (simple)
lucam_crop.hdev Use the LuCam interface (image cropping)
lucam_2cameras.hdev Use the LuCam interface (two cameras)
lps36_simple.hdev Use the LPS36 interface (simple)
lps36_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the LPS36 interface to generate a 3D object model from Leuze LPS36 sensor data
linx_simple.hdev Use the LinX interface (simple)
linx_cont.hdev Use the LinX interface (parameterization, continuous grabbing)
linx_2simultaneous.hdev Use the LinX interface (simultaneous grabbing)
linx_2ports.hdev Use the LinX interface (two cameras, port switching)
linx_2boards.hdev Use the LinX interface (two boards)
linx.hdev Use the LinX interface (performance evaluation)
line_scan.hdev Simulate grabbing from a line scan camera and merge images and extracted regions
gingadg_sequence_grabbing.hdev Use the GingaDG interface (sequence grabbing)
gingadg_multi_woi_grabbing.hdev Use the GingaDG interface (multi WOI grabbing)
gingadg_continuous_grabbing.hdev Use the GingaDG interface (continuous grabbing)
ginga++_walking.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (parameterization, continuous grabbing)
ginga++_trigger.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (external trigger)
ginga++_simple.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (simple)
ginga++_sequence.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (sequence grabbing)
ginga++_parameters.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (query current parameter settings)
ginga++_frame_exposure.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (frame exposure)
ginga++_external_drive.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (simultaneous grabbing)
ginga++_crop.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (image cropping)
ginga++_continuous.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (continuous grabbing)
ginga++_capture_freq.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (capture frequency control)
ginga++_2cameras.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (two cameras)
ginga++.hdev Use the Ginga++ interface (performance evaluation)
gigevision_simple.hdev Use the GigEVision interface (simple)
gigevision_photonfocus3d_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the GigEVision interface to generate a 3D object model from Photonfocus 3D02 and 3D03 sensor data
gigevision_parameters.hdev Use the GigEVision interface (query current parameter settings)
gigevision_link_aggregation.hdev Use the GigEVision interface in combination with static link aggregation (LAG)
gigevision_frame_rate.hdev Use the GigEVision interface (frame rate)
gigevision_forceip.hdev Use ForceIP to correctly configure a misconfigured GigEVision device
gigevision_flir_ax5.hdev Use the GigEVision interface to acquire thermal images with the FLIR AX5 GigE sensor
gigevision_crop.hdev Use the GigEVision interface (image cropping)
gigevision_atc4_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the GigEVision interface to generate a 3D object model from Automation Technology C4 GigE sensor data
gigevision.hdev Use the GigEVision interface (performance evaluation)
genicamtl_simple.hdev Use the GenICamTL interface (simple)
genicamtl_parameters.hdev Use the GenICamTL interface (query current parameter settings)
genicamtl_gocator_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the GenICamTL interface to generate a 3D object model from LMI Technologies Gocator sensor data
genicamtl_areascan3d_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the GenICamTL interface to generate a 3D object model from VRMagic AreaScan3D sensor data
genicamtl.hdev Use the GenICamTL interface (performance evaluation)
first_example_shape_matching.hdev Introduce HALCON's shape-based matching
first_example_acquisition.hdev Present the basic operators for image acquisition
file_sequence.hdev Use the File interface (sequence grabbing)
file_directory.hdev Use the File interface (read all files from directory)
file.hdev Use the File interface (single image)
error_handling_timeout.hdev Handle grab errors
ensenso-nxlib_surface_based_3d_matching.hdev Use the NxLib interface (surface-based 3D matching)
ensenso-nxlib_simple.hdev Use the NxLib interface (simple)
ensenso-nxlib_parameters.hdev Use the NxLib interface (query current parameter settings)
ensenso-nxlib_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the NxLib interface to generate a 3D object model
ensenso-nxlib_2cameras.hdev Use the NxLib interface (two cameras)
directshow_simple.hdev Use the DirectShow interface (simple)
directshow_frame_rates.hdev Use the DirectShow interface (frame rate)
directshow_exposure.hdev Use the DirectShow interface (use exposure)
directshow_camera_types.hdev Use the DirectShow interface (query and use all supported camera types)
directshow_2cameras.hdev Use the DirectShow interface (two cameras)
directshow.hdev Use the DirectShow interface (performance evaluation)
directfile.hdev Use the File interface (single image)
dahengcam_simple.hdev Use the DahengCAM interface (simple)
dahengcam_2cameras.hdev Use the DahengCAM interface (two cameras)
crevis_trigger.hdev Use the Crevis interface (external trigger)
crevis_simple.hdev Use the Crevis interface (simple)
crevis_parameters.hdev Use the Crevis interface (query current parameter settings)
crevis_binning.hdev Use the Crevis interface (HRS 1/4 binning mode)
crevis.hdev Use the Crevis interface (performance evaluation)
create_roi_via_vision.hdev Create a shape model ROI via blob processing
cbm_sbm.hdev Compare component-based matching to shape-based matching
cbm_param_visual.hdev Analyze the parameters of component-based matching
calibration_aimdpm_1_2006.hdev Apply a reflectance calibration before inspecting the print quality of 2D data codes
bitflow_simple.hdev Use the BitFlow interface (simple)
bitflow_lut.hdev Set a look-up table for the BitFlow interface
bitflow_cont.hdev Use the BitFlow interface (parameterization, continuous grabbing)
bitflow_2simultaneous.hdev Use the BitFlow interface (simultaneous grabbing)
bitflow_2ports.hdev Use the BitFlow interface (two cameras, port switching)
bitflow_2boards.hdev Use the BitFlow interface (two boards)
bitflow.hdev Use the BitFlow interface (performance evaluation)
argos3d-p1xx_simple.hdev Use the Argos3D-P1xx interface (simple)
argos3d-p1xx_objectmodel3d.hdev Use the Argos3D-P1xx interface to generate a 3D object model from Argos3D-P1xx sensor data
andor_simple.hdev Use the Andor interface (simple)
andor.hdev Use the Andor interface (performance evaluation)
adlink_simple.hdev Use the ADLINK interface (simple)
adlink_parameters.hdev Use the ADLINK interface (query current parameter settings)
adapt_pattern.hdev Apply online pattern matching using an adapting gray-value template
abs_multiple_cameras.hdev Use the ABS interface (trigger multiple cameras simultaneously)
abs_crop.hdev Use the ABS interface (image cropping)
abs.hdev Use the ABS interface (performance evaluation)
1394iidc_software_trigger.hdev Use the 1394iidc interface (external trigger)
1394iidc_simple.hdev Use the 1394iidc interface (simple)
1394iidc_format7.hdev Use the 1394iidc interface (use image format 7 with different frame rates)
1394iidc_camera_types.hdev Use the 1394iidc interface (query and use all supported camera types)
1394iidc_2cameras.hdev Use the 1394iidc interface (two cameras)


posted @ 2017-12-11 09:21  水行  阅读(1117)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报