oracle的 listagg() WITHIN GROUP () 行转列函数的使用
select listagg(reveitemname, ',') within group (order by reveitemname)fdb from ( select distinct gg.projid, gg.contractname|| case when gg.revetype='1' and gg.rrighttype='2' then '房产' when gg.revetype='1' and gg.rrighttype='3' then '土地' when gg.revetype='1' and gg.rrighttype='4' then '设备' when gg.revetype='1' and gg.rrighttype='10' then '汽车' when gg.revetype='1' and gg.rrighttype='5' then '其他物证' when gg.revetype='2' and gg.rrighttype='6' then '股权' when gg.revetype='2' and gg.rrighttype='8' then '其他物权' when gg.revetype='2' and gg.rrighttype='18' then '专利权' when gg.revetype='10' and gg.rrighttype='19' then '浮动抵押' when gg.revetype='11' and gg.rrighttype='7' then '应收账款' end reveitemname from ( select pci.*, (select count(1) from comm_attachment_relation c where c.objectid=pci.contractid and c.attachmenttype in ('23','29') ) as ishavepactfile , ( select max(rrighttype) from CRM_COUNTERGUARANTEE_PRO tt ,guarantyandcontractapprrel ww where tt.projid=ww.projid and tt.faserialid=ww.faserialid and ww.contractid=pci.contractid ) as rrighttype, ( select max(tt.revetype) from CRM_COUNTERGUARANTEE_PRO tt ,guarantyandcontractapprrel ww where tt.projid=ww.projid and tt.faserialid=ww.faserialid and ww.contractid=pci.contractid ) as revetype from PROJ_CONTRACT_INFO pci order by substr(pci.contractcode, 11,15),pci.createtime ) gg )where projid=xxx