SQL Server 2005:索引碎片整理脚本

首先说明:该 SQL 索引碎片整理脚本,是从 SQL Server 2005 联机帮助上摘录下来,并且稍加整理而成的。

该 SQL 索引碎片整理脚本,首先从 SQL Server 2005 系统管理视图 sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats 中,找出索引碎片程度大于 10% 的索引,然后根据索引碎片程度,分别来采取不同的方法来整理索引碎片。小于 30% 的使用 alter index reorganize;大于等于 30% 的使用 alter index rebuild。其中 reorganize 相当于 dbcc indexdefrag();rebuild 相当于 dbcc dbreindex()。

SQL 碎片整理后,索引数据页在数据库文件中排列的更紧凑,可以大幅提高一些 SQL 查询的效率。DBA 可以每周进行一次碎片整理。另外要注意的是,不要在收缩数据库(dbcc shrinkfile, dbcc shrinkdatabase)前整理索引碎片。

Using sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats in a script to rebuild or reorganize indexes

The following example automatically reorganizes or rebuilds all partitions in a database that have an average fragmentation over 10 percent. Executing this query requires the [view database state] permission.

-- ensure a USE  statement has been executed first.

set nocount on

declare @objectid         int
       ,@indexid          int
       ,@partitioncount   bigint
       ,@schemaname       sysname
       ,@objectname       sysname
       ,@indexname        sysname
       ,@partitionnum     bigint
       ,@partitions       bigint
       ,@frag             float
       ,@command          varchar(1000)

select objectid     = object_id
      ,indexid      = index_id
      ,partitionnum = partition_number
      ,frag         = avg_fragmentation_in_percent
  into #work_to_do
  from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(db_id(), null, null , null, 'LIMITED')
 where avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 10.0
   and index_id > 0

-- declare the cursor for the list of partitions to be processed.
declare partitions cursor for
   select * from #work_to_do

-- Open the cursor.
open partitions

-- Loop through the partitions.
fetch next from partitions into @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag

while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
   select @objectname = o.name, @schemaname = s.name
     from sys.objects as o
            inner join sys.schemas as s
      on s.schema_id = o.schema_id
   where o.object_id = @objectid

   select @indexname = name
     from sys.indexes
    where object_id = @objectid
      and index_id = @indexid

   select @partitioncount = count (*)
    from sys.partitions
   where object_id = @objectid
     and index_id = @indexid

   -- 30 is an arbitrary decision point at which to switch between reorganizing and rebuilding
   if @frag < 30.0 begin
       select @command = 'alter index ' + @indexname + ' on ' 
                       + @schemaname + '.' + @objectname + ' reorganize'

       if @partitioncount > 1
           select @command = @command + ' partition=' + convert(char, @partitionnum)

   if @frag >= 30.0 begin
       select @command = 'alter index ' + @indexname +' on ' 
                       + @schemaname + '.' + @objectname + ' rebuild'

       if @partitioncount > 1
           select @command = @command + ' partition=' + convert(char, @partitionnum)

   -- exec (@command)
   print 'Executed: ' + @command

   fetch next from partitions into @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag

-- free resource
close partitions
deallocate partitions
drop table #work_to_do

《SQL Server 2005:索引碎片整理脚本》代码摘自 SQL Server 2005 Books Online。



posted on 2012-01-06 23:56  红叶林  阅读(1250)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报