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HHVM的全称是"HipHop for PHP",开放源代码。采用PHP许可证授权!





HHVM借由将 PHP 程式码编译为字节码 ,使其可运行于虚拟机器的环境,也可以利用客制的机器码。当前Facebook的PHP程式皆运行在HHVM上。

HHVM runs much of the world’s existing PHP. Developers and hosts are adopting HHVM. We are aware of minor incompatibilities (please open issues when you find them), but we can run the top 20 Github PHP frameworks out of the box. The HHVM team, along with many wonderful community members, has made it a stated, high priority goal to run all existing PHP code existing out in the wild.


The JIT Compiler

Rather than directly interpret or compile PHP code directly to C++, HHVM compiles Hack and PHP into an intermediate bytecode. This bytecode is then translated into x64 machine code dynamically at runtime by a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. This compilation process allows for all sorts of optimizations that cannot be made in a statically compiled binary, thus enabling higher performance of your Hack and PHP programs.






posted @ 2015-11-23 17:18  xgqfrms  阅读(113)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报