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React Draggable Component All In One

React Draggable Component All In One

HTML5 DnD / Drag and Drop / draggable

Draggable API

document.elementFromPoint(x, y)

The elementFromPoint() method, available on the Document object, returns the topmost Element at the specified coordinates (relative to the viewport).

Document 对象上可用的 elementFromPoint() 方法返回指定坐标(相对于视口)处最顶层的 Element。

function changeColor(newColor) {
  // x,y
  elem = document.elementFromPoint(2, 50);
  elem.style.color = newColor;

<p id="para1">Some text here</p>
<button onclick="changeColor('blue');">Blue</button>
<button onclick="changeColor('red');">Red</button>



document.elementsFromPoint(x, y)

The elementsFromPoint() method of the Document interface returns an array of all elements at the specified coordinates (relative to the viewport). The elements are ordered from the topmost to the bottommost box of the viewport.

Document 接口的 elementsFromPoint() 方法返回指定坐标(相对于视口)处的所有元素的数组。元素从视口的最顶部最底部的框排序


vanilla js / pure js

// dragstart

// dragover

// dragend

// drop









import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Draggable from 'react-draggable';

class App extends React.Component {

  eventLogger = (e: MouseEvent, data: Object) => {
    console.log('Event: ', e);
    console.log('Data: ', data);

  render() {
    return (
        defaultPosition={{x: 0, y: 0}}
        grid={[25, 25]}
          <div className="handle">Drag from here</div>
          <div>This readme is really dragging on...</div>

ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.body);

const {ReactDraggable: Draggable, React, ReactDOM} = window;

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    activeDrags: 0,
    deltaPosition: {
      x: 0, y: 0
    controlledPosition: {
      x: -400, y: 200

  handleDrag = (e, ui) => {
    const {x, y} = this.state.deltaPosition;
      deltaPosition: {
        x: x + ui.deltaX,
        y: y + ui.deltaY,

  onStart = () => {
    this.setState({activeDrags: ++this.state.activeDrags});

  onStop = () => {
    this.setState({activeDrags: --this.state.activeDrags});
  onDrop = (e) => {
    this.setState({activeDrags: --this.state.activeDrags});
    if (e.target.classList.contains("drop-target")) {
  onDropAreaMouseEnter = (e) => {
    if (this.state.activeDrags) {
  onDropAreaMouseLeave = (e) => {

  // For controlled component
  adjustXPos = (e) => {
    const {x, y} = this.state.controlledPosition;
    this.setState({controlledPosition: {x: x - 10, y}});

  adjustYPos = (e) => {
    const {controlledPosition} = this.state;
    const {x, y} = controlledPosition;
    this.setState({controlledPosition: {x, y: y - 10}});

  onControlledDrag = (e, position) => {
    const {x, y} = position;
    this.setState({controlledPosition: {x, y}});

  onControlledDragStop = (e, position) => {
    this.onControlledDrag(e, position);

  render() {
    const dragHandlers = {onStart: this.onStart, onStop: this.onStop};
    const {deltaPosition, controlledPosition} = this.state;
    return (
        <h1>React Draggable</h1>
        <p>Active DragHandlers: {this.state.activeDrags}</p>
          <a href="https://github.com/STRML/react-draggable/blob/master/example/example.js">Demo Source</a>
        <Draggable {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">I can be dragged anywhere</div>
        <Draggable axis="x" {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box cursor-x">I can only be dragged horizonally (x axis)</div>
        <Draggable axis="y" {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box cursor-y">I can only be dragged vertically (y axis)</div>
        <Draggable onStart={() => false}>
          <div className="box">I don't want to be dragged</div>
        <Draggable onDrag={this.handleDrag} {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">
            <div>I track my deltas</div>
            <div>x: {deltaPosition.x.toFixed(0)}, y: {deltaPosition.y.toFixed(0)}</div>
        <Draggable handle="strong" {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box no-cursor">
            <strong className="cursor"><div>Drag here</div></strong>
            <div>You must click my handle to drag me</div>
        <Draggable handle="strong">
          <div className="box no-cursor" style={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column'}}>
            <strong className="cursor"><div>Drag here</div></strong>
            <div style={{overflow: 'scroll'}}>
              <div style={{background: 'yellow', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap'}}>
                I have long scrollable content with a handle
                {'\n' + Array(40).fill('x').join('\n')}
        <Draggable cancel="strong" {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">
            <strong className="no-cursor">Can't drag here</strong>
            <div>Dragging here works</div>
        <Draggable grid={[25, 25]} {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">I snap to a 25 x 25 grid</div>
        <Draggable grid={[50, 50]} {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">I snap to a 50 x 50 grid</div>
        <Draggable bounds={{top: -100, left: -100, right: 100, bottom: 100}} {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">I can only be moved 100px in any direction.</div>
        <Draggable {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box drop-target" onMouseEnter={this.onDropAreaMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.onDropAreaMouseLeave}>I can detect drops from the next box.</div>
        <Draggable {...dragHandlers} onStop={this.onDrop}>
          <div className={`box ${this.state.activeDrags ? "no-pointer-events" : ""}`}>I can be dropped onto another box.</div>
        <div className="box" style={{height: '500px', width: '500px', position: 'relative', overflow: 'auto', padding: '0'}}>
          <div style={{height: '1000px', width: '1000px', padding: '10px'}}>
            <Draggable bounds="parent" {...dragHandlers}>
              <div className="box">
                I can only be moved within my offsetParent.<br /><br />
                Both parent padding and child margin work properly.
            <Draggable bounds="parent" {...dragHandlers}>
              <div className="box">
                I also can only be moved within my offsetParent.<br /><br />
                Both parent padding and child margin work properly.
        <Draggable bounds="body" {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">
            I can only be moved within the confines of the body element.
        <Draggable {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box" style={{position: 'absolute', bottom: '100px', right: '100px'}}>
            I already have an absolute position.
        <Draggable {...dragHandlers}>
            <div className="box rem-position-fix" style={{position: 'absolute', bottom: '6.25rem', right: '18rem'}}>
              I use <span style={{ fontWeight: 700 }}>rem</span> instead of <span style={{ fontWeight: 700 }}>px</span> for my transforms. I also have absolute positioning.

              <br /><br />
              I depend on a CSS hack to avoid double absolute positioning.
        <Draggable defaultPosition={{x: 25, y: 25}} {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">
            {"I have a default position of {x: 25, y: 25}, so I'm slightly offset."}
        <Draggable positionOffset={{x: '-10%', y: '-10%'}} {...dragHandlers}>
          <div className="box">
            {'I have a default position based on percents {x: \'-10%\', y: \'-10%\'}, so I\'m slightly offset.'}
        <Draggable position={controlledPosition} {...dragHandlers} onDrag={this.onControlledDrag}>
          <div className="box">
            My position can be changed programmatically. <br />
            I have a drag handler to sync state.
              <a href="#" onClick={this.adjustXPos}>Adjust x ({controlledPosition.x})</a>
              <a href="#" onClick={this.adjustYPos}>Adjust y ({controlledPosition.y})</a>
        <Draggable position={controlledPosition} {...dragHandlers} onStop={this.onControlledDragStop}>
          <div className="box">
            My position can be changed programmatically. <br />
            I have a dragStop handler to sync state.
              <a href="#" onClick={this.adjustXPos}>Adjust x ({controlledPosition.x})</a>
              <a href="#" onClick={this.adjustYPos}>Adjust y ({controlledPosition.y})</a>


class RemWrapper extends React.Component {
  // PropTypes is not available in this environment, but here they are.
  // static propTypes = {
  //   style: PropTypes.shape({
  //     transform: PropTypes.string.isRequired
  //   }),
  //   children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
  //   remBaseline: PropTypes.number,
  // }

  translateTransformToRem(transform, remBaseline = 16) {
    const convertedValues = transform.replace('translate(', '').replace(')', '')
      .map(px => px.replace('px', ''))
      .map(px => parseInt(px, 10) / remBaseline)
      .map(x => `${x}rem`)
    const [x, y] = convertedValues

    return `translate(${x}, ${y})`

  render() {
    const { children, remBaseline = 16, style } = this.props
    const child = React.Children.only(children)

    const editedStyle = {
      transform: this.translateTransformToRem(style.transform, remBaseline),

    return React.cloneElement(child, {
       style: editedStyle

ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('container'));

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