npm package and peerDependencies All In One
npm package and peerDependencies All In One
# peer❓没有该选项
$ npm install --peer ❌
$ npm i -P ❌
In some cases, you want to express the compatibility of your package with a host tool
or library
, while not necessarily doing a require
of this host.
This is usually referred to as a plugin
. Notably, your module may be exposing a specific interface, expected and specified by the host documentation.
"name": "tea-latte",
"version": "1.3.5",
"peerDependencies": {
"tea": "2.x"
# tree
├── tea-latte@1.3.5
└── tea@2.2.0
In npm versions 3 through 6, peerDependencies were not automatically installed, and would raise a warning
if an invalid version of the peer dependency was found in the tree.
As of npm v7
, peerDependencies
are installed by default
When a user installs your package, npm will emit warnings
if packages specified in peerDependencies
are not already installed. The peerDependenciesMeta
field serves to provide npm more information
on how your peer dependencies are to be used. Specifically, it allows peer dependencies to be marked as optional
"name": "tea-latte",
"version": "1.3.5",
"peerDependencies": {
"tea": "2.x",
"soy-milk": "1.2"
"peerDependenciesMeta": {
"soy-milk": {
"optional": true
Lock down dependency versions for publication
$ npm shrinkwrap
npm i
As of
npm 5.0.0
, installed modules are added as adependency
, so the--save
option isno longer needed
$ npm install -S
$ npm install -P
$ npm install
$ npm i
# -P, --save-prod: Package will appear in your dependencies. ✅
# This is the default unless -D or -O are present.
$ npm install --save-prod
$ npm i -P
# -D, --save-dev: Package will appear in your devDependencies.
$ npm install --save-dev
$ npm i -D
# -O, --save-optional: Package will appear in your optionalDependencies.
$ npm install --save-optional
$ npm i -O
# --no-save: Prevents saving to dependencies.
$ npm install --no-save
# -E, --save-exact: Saved dependencies will be configured with an exact version rather than using npm's default semver range operator.
$ npm install --save-exact
$ npm i -E
# -B, --save-bundle: Saved dependencies will also be added to your bundleDependencies list.
$ npm install --save-bundle
$ npm i -B
npm i -S
& npm i -g
installed package scope / 安装包的作用域
# save, Default: true unless when using npm update where it defaults to false ✅
$ npm install --save
$ npm i -S
$ npm i
installed packages to a package.json
file as dependencies
When used with the npm rm
command, removes
the dependency from package.json.
Will also prevent
writing to package-lock.json
if set to false
# save: global, Default: false ✅
$ npm install --global
$ npm i -g
Operates in "global" mode, so that packages are installed into the prefix
folder instead of the current working directory
See folders
for more on the differences in behavior.
are installed into the {prefix}/lib/node_modules
folder, instead of the current working directory
files are linked to {prefix}/bin
pages are linked to {prefix}/share/man
npm help install
$ npm install --help
Install a package
npm install [<package-spec> ...]
[-E|--save-exact] [-g|--global]
[--install-strategy <hoisted|nested|shallow|linked>] [--legacy-bundling]
[--global-style] [--omit <dev|optional|peer> [--omit <dev|optional|peer> ...]]
[--strict-peer-deps] [--prefer-dedupe] [--no-package-lock] [--package-lock-only]
[--foreground-scripts] [--ignore-scripts] [--no-audit] [--no-bin-links]
[--no-fund] [--dry-run]
[-w|--workspace <workspace-name> [-w|--workspace <workspace-name> ...]]
[-ws|--workspaces] [--include-workspace-root] [--install-links]
aliases: add, i, in, ins, inst, insta, instal, isnt, isnta, isntal, isntall
Run "npm help install" for more info
$ npm help install
$ npm help install >
omit: 'dev'
& strict-peer-deps: false

• Default: 'dev' if the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to
'production', otherwise empty.
• Type: "dev", "optional", or "peer" (can be set multiple times)
Dependency types to omit from the installation tree on disk.
Note that these dependencies are still resolved and added to the
package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json file. They are just not
physically installed on disk.
If a package type appears in both the --include and --omit lists,
then it will be included.
If the resulting omit list includes 'dev', then the NODE_ENV environ‐
ment variable will be set to 'production' for all lifecycle scripts.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
If set to true, and --legacy-peer-deps is not set, then any conflict‐
ing peerDependencies will be treated as an install failure, even if
npm could reasonably guess the appropriate resolution based on non-
peer dependency relationships.
By default, conflicting peerDependencies deep in the dependency graph
will be resolved using the nearest non-peer dependency specification,
even if doing so will result in some packages receiving a peer depen‐
dency outside the range set in their package's peerDependencies ob‐
When such an override is performed, a warning is printed, explaining
the conflict and the packages involved. If --strict-peer-deps is set,
then this warning is treated as a failure.
$ npm help install
$ npm help install >
omit: 'dev'
& strict-peer-deps: false

• Default: 'dev' if the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to
'production', otherwise empty.
• Type: "dev", "optional", or "peer" (can be set multiple times)
Dependency types to omit from the installation tree on disk.
Note that these dependencies are still resolved and added to the
package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json file. They are just not
physically installed on disk.
If a package type appears in both the --include and --omit lists,
then it will be included.
If the resulting omit list includes 'dev', then the NODE_ENV environ‐
ment variable will be set to 'production' for all lifecycle scripts.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
If set to true, and --legacy-peer-deps is not set, then any conflict‐
ing peerDependencies will be treated as an install failure, even if
npm could reasonably guess the appropriate resolution based on non-
peer dependency relationships.
By default, conflicting peerDependencies deep in the dependency graph
will be resolved using the nearest non-peer dependency specification,
even if doing so will result in some packages receiving a peer depen‐
dency outside the range set in their package's peerDependencies ob‐
When such an override is performed, a warning is printed, explaining
the conflict and the packages involved. If --strict-peer-deps is set,
then this warning is treated as a failure.
npm-install - Install a package
npm install [<package-spec> ...]
aliases: add, i, in, ins, inst, insta, instal, isnt, isnta, isntal, isntall
This command installs a package and any packages that it depends on.
If the package has a package-lock, or an npm shrinkwrap file, or a
yarn lock file, the installation of dependencies will be driven by
that, respecting the following order of precedence:
• npm-shrinkwrap.json
• package-lock.json
• yarn.lock
See package-lock.json ⟨/configuring-npm/package-lock-json⟩ and npm
help shrinkwrap.
A package is:
• a) a folder containing a program described by a package.json
⟨/configuring-npm/package-json⟩ file
• b) a gzipped tarball containing (a)
• c) a url that resolves to (b)
• d) a <name>@<version> that is published on the registry (see npm
help registry) with (c)
• e) a <name>@<tag> (see npm help dist-tag) that points to (d)
• f) a <name> that has a "latest" tag satisfying (e)
• g) a <git remote url> that resolves to (a)
Even if you never publish your package, you can still get a lot of
benefits of using npm if you just want to write a node program (a),
and perhaps if you also want to be able to easily install it else‐
where after packing it up into a tarball (b).
• npm install (in a package directory, no arguments):
Install the dependencies to the local node_modules folder.
In global mode (ie, with -g or --global appended to the command), it
installs the current package context (ie, the current working direc‐
tory) as a global package.
By default, npm install will install all modules listed as dependen‐
cies in package.json ⟨/configuring-npm/package-json⟩.
With the --production flag (or when the NODE_ENV environment variable
is set to production), npm will not install modules listed in devDe‐
pendencies. To install all modules listed in both dependencies and
devDependencies when NODE_ENV environment variable is set to produc‐
tion, you can use --production=false.
NOTE: The --production flag has no particular meaning when adding
a dependency to a project.
• npm install <folder>:
If <folder> sits inside the root of your project, its dependencies
will be installed and may be hoisted to the top-level node_modules as
they would for other types of dependencies. If <folder> sits outside
the root of your project, npm will not install the package dependen‐
cies in the directory <folder>, but it will create a symlink to
NOTE: If you want to install the content of a directory like a
package from the registry instead of creating a link, you would
need to use the --install-links option.
npm install ../../other-package --install-links
npm install ./sub-package
• npm install <tarball file>:
Install a package that is sitting on the filesystem. Note: if you
just want to link a dev directory into your npm root, you can do this
more easily by using npm help link.
Tarball requirements:
• The filename must use .tar, .tar.gz, or .tgz as the exten‐
• The package contents should reside in a subfolder inside the
tarball (usually it is called package/). npm strips one di‐
rectory layer when installing the package (an equivalent of
tar x --strip-components=1 is run).
• The package must contain a package.json file with name and
version properties.
npm install ./package.tgz
• npm install <tarball url>:
Fetch the tarball url, and then install it. In order to distinguish
between this and other options, the argument must start with
"http://" or "https://"
npm install
• npm install [<@scope>/]<name>:
Do a <name>@<tag> install, where <tag> is the "tag" config. (See con‐
fig ⟨/using-npm/config#tag⟩. The config's default value is latest.)
In most cases, this will install the version of the modules tagged as
latest on the npm registry.
npm install sax
npm install saves any specified packages into dependencies by de‐
fault. Additionally, you can control where and how they get saved
with some additional flags:
• -P, --save-prod: Package will appear in your dependencies.
This is the default unless -D or -O are present.
• -D, --save-dev: Package will appear in your devDependencies.
• -O, --save-optional: Package will appear in your optionalDe‐
• --no-save: Prevents saving to dependencies.
When using any of the above options to save dependencies to your
package.json, there are two additional, optional flags:
• -E, --save-exact: Saved dependencies will be configured with
an exact version rather than using npm's default semver range
• -B, --save-bundle: Saved dependencies will also be added to
your bundleDependencies list.
Further, if you have an npm-shrinkwrap.json or package-lock.json then
it will be updated as well.
<scope> is optional. The package will be downloaded from the registry
associated with the specified scope. If no registry is associated
with the given scope the default registry is assumed. See npm help
Note: if you do not include the @-symbol on your scope name, npm will
interpret this as a GitHub repository instead, see below. Scopes
names must also be followed by a slash.
npm install sax
npm install githubname/reponame
npm install @myorg/privatepackage
npm install node-tap --save-dev
npm install dtrace-provider --save-optional
npm install readable-stream --save-exact
npm install ansi-regex --save-bundle
Note: If there is a file or folder named <name> in the current work‐
ing directory, then it will try to install that, and only try to
fetch the package by name if it is not valid.
• npm install <alias>@npm:<name>:
Install a package under a custom alias. Allows multiple versions of a
same-name package side-by-side, more convenient import names for
packages with otherwise long ones, and using git forks replacements
or forked npm packages as replacements. Aliasing works only on your
project and does not rename packages in transitive dependencies.
Aliases should follow the naming conventions stated in validate-npm-
package-name ⟨
npm install my-react@npm:react
npm install jquery2@npm:jquery@2
npm install jquery3@npm:jquery@3
npm install npa@npm:npm-package-arg
• npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<tag>:
Install the version of the package that is referenced by the speci‐
fied tag. If the tag does not exist in the registry data for that
package, then this will fail.
npm install sax@latest
npm install @myorg/mypackage@latest
• npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<version>:
Install the specified version of the package. This will fail if the
version has not been published to the registry.
npm install sax@0.1.1
npm install @myorg/privatepackage@1.5.0
• npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<version range>:
Install a version of the package matching the specified version
range. This will follow the same rules for resolving dependencies de‐
scribed in package.json ⟨/configuring-npm/package-json⟩.
Note that most version ranges must be put in quotes so that your
shell will treat it as a single argument.
npm install sax@">=0.1.0 <0.2.0"
npm install @myorg/privatepackage@"16 - 17"
• npm install <git remote url>:
Installs the package from the hosted git provider, cloning it with
git. For a full git remote url, only that URL will be attempted.
<protocol>://[<user>[:<password>]@]<hostname>[:<port>][:][/]<path>[#<commit-ish> | #semver:<semver>]
<protocol> is one of git, git+ssh, git+http, git+https, or git+file.
If #<commit-ish> is provided, it will be used to clone exactly that
commit. If the commit-ish has the format #semver:<semver>, <semver>
can be any valid semver range or exact version, and npm will look for
any tags or refs matching that range in the remote repository, much
as it would for a registry dependency. If neither #<commit-ish> or
#semver:<semver> is specified, then the default branch of the reposi‐
tory is used.
If the repository makes use of submodules, those submodules will be
cloned as well.
If the package being installed contains a prepare script, its depen‐
dencies and devDependencies will be installed, and the prepare script
will be run, before the package is packaged and installed.
The following git environment variables are recognized by npm and
will be added to the environment when running git:
See the git man page for details.
npm install git+ssh://
npm install git+ssh://
npm install git+ssh://^5.0
npm install git+
npm install git://
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/.ssh/custom_ident' npm install git+ssh://
• npm install <githubname>/<githubrepo>[#<commit-ish>]:
• npm install github:<githubname>/<githubrepo>[#<commit-ish>]:
Install the package at by
attempting to clone it using git.
If #<commit-ish> is provided, it will be used to clone exactly that
commit. If the commit-ish has the format #semver:<semver>, <semver>
can be any valid semver range or exact version, and npm will look for
any tags or refs matching that range in the remote repository, much
as it would for a registry dependency. If neither #<commit-ish> or
#semver:<semver> is specified, then the default branch is used.
As with regular git dependencies, dependencies and devDependencies
will be installed if the package has a prepare script before the
package is done installing.
npm install mygithubuser/myproject
npm install github:mygithubuser/myproject
• npm install gist:[<githubname>/]<gistID>[#<commit-
Install the package at by attempting
to clone it using git. The GitHub username associated with the gist
is optional and will not be saved in package.json.
As with regular git dependencies, dependencies and devDependencies
will be installed if the package has a prepare script before the
package is done installing.
npm install gist:101a11beef
• npm install bitbucket:<bitbucketname>/<bitbucketrepo>[#<commit-
Install the package at‐
trepo by attempting to clone it using git.
If #<commit-ish> is provided, it will be used to clone exactly that
commit. If the commit-ish has the format #semver:<semver>, <semver>
can be any valid semver range or exact version, and npm will look for
any tags or refs matching that range in the remote repository, much
as it would for a registry dependency. If neither #<commit-ish> or
#semver:<semver> is specified, then master is used.
As with regular git dependencies, dependencies and devDependencies
will be installed if the package has a prepare script before the
package is done installing.
npm install bitbucket:mybitbucketuser/myproject
• npm install gitlab:<gitlabname>/<gitlabrepo>[#<commit-ish>]:
Install the package at by
attempting to clone it using git.
If #<commit-ish> is provided, it will be used to clone exactly that
commit. If the commit-ish has the format #semver:<semver>, <semver>
can be any valid semver range or exact version, and npm will look for
any tags or refs matching that range in the remote repository, much
as it would for a registry dependency. If neither #<commit-ish> or
#semver:<semver> is specified, then master is used.
As with regular git dependencies, dependencies and devDependencies
will be installed if the package has a prepare script before the
package is done installing.
npm install gitlab:mygitlabuser/myproject
npm install gitlab:myusr/myproj#semver:^5.0
You may combine multiple arguments and even multiple types of argu‐
ments. For example:
npm install sax@">=0.1.0 <0.2.0" bench supervisor
The --tag argument will apply to all of the specified install tar‐
gets. If a tag with the given name exists, the tagged version is pre‐
ferred over newer versions.
The --dry-run argument will report in the usual way what the install
would have done without actually installing anything.
The --package-lock-only argument will only update the package-
lock.json, instead of checking node_modules and downloading dependen‐
The -f or --force argument will force npm to fetch remote resources
even if a local copy exists on disk.
npm install sax --force
See the npm help config help doc. Many of the configuration params
have some effect on installation, since that's most of what npm does.
These are some of the most common options related to installation.
• Default: true unless when using npm update where it defaults to
• Type: Boolean
Save installed packages to a package.json file as dependencies.
When used with the npm rm command, removes the dependency from pack‐
Will also prevent writing to package-lock.json if set to false.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
Dependencies saved to package.json will be configured with an exact
version rather than using npm's default semver range operator.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
Operates in "global" mode, so that packages are installed into the
prefix folder instead of the current working directory. See npm help
folders for more on the differences in behavior.
• packages are installed into the {prefix}/lib/node_modules folder,
instead of the current working directory.
• bin files are linked to {prefix}/bin
• man pages are linked to {prefix}/share/man
• Default: "hoisted"
• Type: "hoisted", "nested", "shallow", or "linked"
Sets the strategy for installing packages in node_modules. hoisted
(default): Install non-duplicated in top-level, and duplicated as
necessary within directory structure. nested: (formerly --legacy-
bundling) install in place, no hoisting. shallow (formerly --global-
style) only install direct deps at top-level. linked: (experimental)
install in node_modules/.store, link in place, unhoisted.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
• DEPRECATED: This option has been deprecated in favor of --in‐
Instead of hoisting package installs in node_modules, install pack‐
ages in the same manner that they are depended on. This may cause
very deep directory structures and duplicate package installs as
there is no de-duplicating. Sets --install-strategy=nested.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
• DEPRECATED: This option has been deprecated in favor of --in‐
Only install direct dependencies in the top level node_modules, but
hoist on deeper dependencies. Sets --install-strategy=shallow.
• Default: 'dev' if the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to
'production', otherwise empty.
• Type: "dev", "optional", or "peer" (can be set multiple times)
Dependency types to omit from the installation tree on disk.
Note that these dependencies are still resolved and added to the
package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json file. They are just not
physically installed on disk.
If a package type appears in both the --include and --omit lists,
then it will be included.
If the resulting omit list includes 'dev', then the NODE_ENV environ‐
ment variable will be set to 'production' for all lifecycle scripts.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
If set to true, and --legacy-peer-deps is not set, then any conflict‐
ing peerDependencies will be treated as an install failure, even if
npm could reasonably guess the appropriate resolution based on non-
peer dependency relationships.
By default, conflicting peerDependencies deep in the dependency graph
will be resolved using the nearest non-peer dependency specification,
even if doing so will result in some packages receiving a peer depen‐
dency outside the range set in their package's peerDependencies ob‐
When such an override is performed, a warning is printed, explaining
the conflict and the packages involved. If --strict-peer-deps is set,
then this warning is treated as a failure.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
Prefer to deduplicate packages if possible, rather than choosing a
newer version of a dependency.
• Default: true
• Type: Boolean
If set to false, then ignore package-lock.json files when installing.
This will also prevent writing package-lock.json if save is true.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
If set to true, the current operation will only use the package-
lock.json, ignoring node_modules.
For update this means only the package-lock.json will be updated, in‐
stead of checking node_modules and downloading dependencies.
For list this means the output will be based on the tree described by
the package-lock.json, rather than the contents of node_modules.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
Run all build scripts (ie, preinstall, install, and postinstall)
scripts for installed packages in the foreground process, sharing
standard input, output, and error with the main npm process.
Note that this will generally make installs run slower, and be much
noisier, but can be useful for debugging.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
If true, npm does not run scripts specified in package.json files.
Note that commands explicitly intended to run a particular script,
such as npm start, npm stop, npm restart, npm test, and npm run-
script will still run their intended script if ignore-scripts is set,
but they will not run any pre- or post-scripts.
• Default: true
• Type: Boolean
When "true" submit audit reports alongside the current npm command to
the default registry and all registries configured for scopes. See
the documentation for npm help audit for details on what is submit‐
• Default: true
• Type: Boolean
Tells npm to create symlinks (or .cmd shims on Windows) for package
Set to false to have it not do this. This can be used to work around
the fact that some file systems don't support symlinks, even on os‐
tensibly Unix systems.
• Default: true
• Type: Boolean
When "true" displays the message at the end of each npm install ac‐
knowledging the number of dependencies looking for funding. See npm
help fund for details.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
Indicates that you don't want npm to make any changes and that it
should only report what it would have done. This can be passed into
any of the commands that modify your local installation, eg, install,
update, dedupe, uninstall, as well as pack and publish.
Note: This is NOT honored by other network related commands, eg dist-
tags, owner, etc.
• Default:
• Type: String (can be set multiple times)
Enable running a command in the context of the configured workspaces
of the current project while filtering by running only the workspaces
defined by this configuration option.
Valid values for the workspace config are either:
• Workspace names
• Path to a workspace directory
• Path to a parent workspace directory (will result in selecting
all workspaces within that folder)
When set for the npm init command, this may be set to the folder of a
workspace which does not yet exist, to create the folder and set it
up as a brand new workspace within the project.
This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.
• Default: null
• Type: null or Boolean
Set to true to run the command in the context of all configured
Explicitly setting this to false will cause commands like install to
ignore workspaces altogether. When not set explicitly:
• Commands that operate on the node_modules tree (install, update,
etc.) will link workspaces into the node_modules folder. - Com‐
mands that do other things (test, exec, publish, etc.) will oper‐
ate on the root project, unless one or more workspaces are speci‐
fied in the workspace config.
This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
Include the workspace root when workspaces are enabled for a command.
When false, specifying individual workspaces via the workspace con‐
fig, or all workspaces via the workspaces flag, will cause npm to op‐
erate only on the specified workspaces, and not on the root project.
This value is not exported to the environment for child processes.
• Default: false
• Type: Boolean
When set file: protocol dependencies will be packed and installed as
regular dependencies instead of creating a symlink. This option has
no effect on workspaces.
Given a package{dep} structure: A{B,C}, B{C}, C{D}, the npm install
algorithm produces:
+-- B
+-- C
+-- D
That is, the dependency from B to C is satisfied by the fact that A
already caused C to be installed at a higher level. D is still in‐
stalled at the top level because nothing conflicts with it.
For A{B,C}, B{C,D@1}, C{D@2}, this algorithm produces:
+-- B
+-- C
`-- D@2
+-- D@1
Because B's D@1 will be installed in the top-level, C now has to in‐
stall D@2 privately for itself. This algorithm is deterministic, but
different trees may be produced if two dependencies are requested for
installation in a different order.
See npm help folders for a more detailed description of the specific
folder structures that npm creates.
See Also
• npm help folders
• npm help update
• npm help audit
• npm help fund
• npm help link
• npm help rebuild
• npm help scripts
• npm help config
• npm help npmrc
• npm help registry
• npm help dist-tag
• npm help uninstall
• npm help shrinkwrap
• package.json ⟨/configuring-npm/package-json⟩
• npm help workspaces
July 2023 NPM-INSTALL(1)
- 仅支持数字 ignore 其他字符, 复制粘贴输入
=> 得到结果123
- 自动验证,错误提示,标红,自动删除清空数据,焦点定位到开头
"trustedPhoneNumbers" : [ {
"id" : 1,
"numberWithDialCode" : "+86 ••• •••• ••37",
"pushMode" : "sms",
"obfuscatedNumber" : "••• •••• ••37",
"lastTwoDigits" : "37"
} ],
"phoneNumber" : {
"id" : 1,
"numberWithDialCode" : "+86 ••• •••• ••37",
"pushMode" : "sms",
"obfuscatedNumber" : "••• •••• ••37",
"lastTwoDigits" : "37"
"securityCode" : {
"code" : "400666",
"tooManyCodesSent" : false,
"tooManyCodesValidated" : false,
"securityCodeLocked" : false,
"securityCodeCooldown" : false
"mode" : "sms",
"type" : "verification",
"authenticationType" : "hsa2",
"recoveryUrl" : "",
"cantUsePhoneNumberUrl" : "",
"recoveryWebUrl" : "",
"repairPhoneNumberUrl" : "",
"repairPhoneNumberWebUrl" : "!repair",
"aboutTwoFactorAuthenticationUrl" : "",
"autoVerified" : false,
"showAutoVerificationUI" : false,
"supportsCustodianRecovery" : false,
"hideSendSMSCodeOption" : false,
"supervisedChangePasswordFlow" : false,
"trustedPhoneNumber" : {
"id" : 1,
"numberWithDialCode" : "+86 ••• •••• ••37",
"pushMode" : "sms",
"obfuscatedNumber" : "••• •••• ••37",
"lastTwoDigits" : "37"
"hsa2Account" : true,
"restrictedAccount" : false,
"supportsRecovery" : true,
"managedAccount" : false,
"serviceErrors" : [ {
"code" : "-21669",
"title" : "验证码不正确",
"message" : "验证码不正确",
"suppressDismissal" : false
} ]
npm install
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