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JavaScript Map.groupBy All In One

JavaScript Map.groupBy All In One

Map.groupBy & Array.prototype.groupToMap

Map.groupBy(items, callbackFn)

Map.groupBy(items, callbackFn(item, index))
const inventory = [
  { name: "asparagus", type: "vegetables", quantity: 9 },
  { name: "bananas", type: "fruit", quantity: 5 },
  { name: "goat", type: "meat", quantity: 23 },
  { name: "cherries", type: "fruit", quantity: 12 },
  { name: "fish", type: "meat", quantity: 22 },

// keys
const restock = { restock: true };
const sufficient = { restock: false };

const result = Map.groupBy(inventory, ({ quantity }) =>
  // 返回 key
  quantity < 6 ? restock : sufficient,

console.log(`result =`, result);
// result = Map(2) {{…} => Array(4), {…} => Array(1)}

// [{ name: "bananas", type: "fruit", quantity: 5 }]

// [ { "name": "asparagus", "type": "vegetables", "quantity": 9 }, { "name": "goat", "type": "meat", "quantity": 23 }, { "name": "cherries", "type": "fruit", "quantity": 12 }, { "name": "fish", "type": "meat", "quantity": 22 } ]





error ❌

TypeError: Map.groupBy is not a function




not support for now ⚠️

  1. Chrome Dev Version 117+




  1. core-js polyfill



// global version
$ npm i -S core-js@3.32.1

// version without global namespace pollution
$ npm i -S core-js-pure@3.32.1

// bundled global version ✅
$ npm i -S core-js-bundle@3.32.1
// stable required for `Map.groupBy` ES features, features from web standards and stage 3 ES proposals:

<script type="module"> import core-js-bundle from https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/core-js-bundle@3.32.1/+esm </script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/core-js-bundle@3.32.1/minified.min.js"></script>



// polyfill all actual features - stable ES, web standards and stage 3 ES proposals:
// import "core-js/actual/index.js";
// ❌
// import "core-js/actual";
// import "core-js-bundle/actual/index.js";

// stable required for `Map` ES features, features from web standards and stage 3 ES proposals:
import "core-js/actual/map/group-by.js";
// ❌
// import "core-js/actual/map/group-by";
// import "core-js-bundle/actual/map/group-by/index.js";

// 字幕 语句
const utterances = [
  { text: `Hello Welcome to the show`, start: 0, end: 3 },
  { text: `Javascript popular for web dev`, start: 4, end: 73 },
  { text: `"Variables declared with var,let`, start: 8, end: 11 },
  { text: `prototype inheritance in JavaScript`, start: 12, end: 15 },
  { text: `DOM API manipulates HTML`, start: 16, end: 19 },
  { text: `Callbacks used for async code`, start: 20, end: 23 },
  { text: `Runs client side and server side`, start: 24, end: 27 },
  { text: `React and Vue popular frameworks`, start: 28, end: 31 },
  { text: `Node js runs Javascript outside browser`, start: 32, end: 35 },
  { text: `ECMAScript is the language spec`, start: 36, end: 39 },

const topics = [
  { topic: `Topic 1`, start: 0 },
  { topic: `Topic 2`, start: 12 },
  { topic: `Topic 3`, start: 24 },

const groupedTopics = Map.groupBy(utterances, (utterance) => {
  // Find the topic this one fits into
  console.log(`\nutterance`, utterance)
  topics.find((topic, i) => {
    const { start } = topic;
    const end = topics.at(i + 1)?.start ?? Infinity;
    console.log(`end`, end)
    return utterance.start >= start && utterance.end <= end;

console.log(`groupedTopics =`, groupedTopics)
// console.table(`groupedTopics =`, groupedTopics)



const utterances = [
  { text: `Hello Welcome to the show`, start: 0, end: 3 },
  { text: `Javascript popular for web dev`, start: 4, end: 7 },
  { text: `Variables declared with var, let`, start: 8, end: 11 },
  { text: `prototype inheritance in JavaScript`, start: 12, end: 15 },
  { text: `DOM API manipulates HTML`, start: 16, end: 19 },
  { text: `Callbacks used for async code`, start: 20, end: 23 },
  { text: `Runs client-side and server-side`, start: 24, end: 27 },
  { text: `React and Vue popular frameworks`, start: 28, end: 31 },
  { text: `Node.js runs Javascript outside browser`, start: 32, end: 35 },
  { text: `ECMAScript is the language spec`, start: 36, end: 39 },

const topics = [
  { topic: `Topic 1`, start: 0 },
  { topic: `Topic 2`, start: 12 },
  { topic: `Topic 3`, start: 24 },

const groupedTopicsMap = Map.groupBy(utterances, (utterance, index) => {
  // const emojis = ``.padEnd(index + 1, `✅`)
  // return topic object as key✅
  return topics.find((topic, i) => {
    // use the next topic start as end
    const end = topics[i + 1]?.start ?? Infinity;
    // const end = topics.at(i + 1)?.start ?? Infinity;
    // console.log(`\n${emojis} ${i}start`, topic.start)
    // console.log(`end`, end === Infinity ? `❌ Infinity` : end)
    // console.log(`return `, utterance.start >= topic.start && utterance.end <= end)
    return utterance.start >= topic.start && utterance.end <= end;

console.log(`groupedTopicsMap =`, groupedTopicsMap)

for (const [key, arr] of groupedTopicsMap) {
  console.log(`key, arr =`, key, arr)
  // console.table(`arr =`, arr)


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Object.groupBy(items, callbackFn)

Object.groupBy(items, callbackFn(item, index))



const arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];

let index = 0;
console.log(`index${index} = ${arr.at(index)}`);

let index1 = 1;
console.log(`index${index1} = ${arr.at(index1)}`);

let index2 = -1;
console.log(`index${index2} = ${arr.at(index2)}`);


"index0 = 1"
"index1 = 3"
"index-1 = 9"





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posted @ 2023-09-02 15:48  xgqfrms  阅读(90)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报