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Linux shell command chmod All In One

Linux shell command chmod All In One

chmod 755 / chmod +x

chmod 755 === chmod +x

# a
# +x === 755
$ chmod a+x

chmod 777 vs chmod 755

# 读、写、执行 => 二进制表示 => 十进制表示
# rwx => 111 => 7
# r-x => 101 => 5
# r-x => 101 => 5

$ ls -al
# 755
# 777

$ touch test.sh

$ ls -l test.sh

$ chmod 755
# 等价于
$ chmod u=rwx,go=rx
$ chmod 777
# 等价于
$ chmod ugo=rwx
$ chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx

$ chmod +x
# 等价于
$ chmod ugo+x
# $ chmod ugo=rwx ???



前 10 位符号分组:[-] [---] [---] [---]

  1. (占1 位符号) 文件类型:文件/文件夹
  2. (每组占3 位符号) r、w、x读、写、执行 / 4、 2、 1
  3. 每 3 位符号为一组,共分成 3 组:owner、group、other
N   Description                      ls   binary
0   No permissions at all            ---  000
1   Only execute                     --x  001
2   Only write                       -w-  010
3   Write and execute                -wx  011
4   Only read                        r--  100
5   Read and execute                 r-x  101
6   Read and write                   rw-  110
7   Read, write, and execute         rwx  111

范例1:-rwx-wx-wx => 文件755
范例2:-rw-r--r-- => 文件544

$ ls -l filename.txt
-rw-r--r-- 12 linuxize users 12.0K Apr  8 20:51 filename.txt
[-][---][---][---] [-] [------] [---]
|   |    |     |     |      |       |
|   |    |     |     |      |       +-------------> 7. Group
|   |    |     |     |      +--------------------> 6. Owner
|   |    |     |     +--------------------------> 5. Alternate Access Method
|   |    |     +--------------------------------> 4. Others Permissions (3 位符号,other 权限)
|   |    +-------------------------------------> 3. Group Permissions (3 位符号,group 权限)
|   +------------------------------------------> 2. Owner Permissions (3 位符号,owner 权限)
+----------------------------------------------> 1. File Type (1 位符号,文件类型)


macOS 13 & Intel x86 64

$ uname -s
# Darwin
$ uname -m
# x86_64


# uname
$ uname
$ uname -a
Darwin xgqfrms-mm.local 22.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.2.0: Fri Nov 11 02:08:47 PST 2022; root:xnu-8792.61.2~4/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

$ go version
go version go1.19.4 darwin/amd64

Darwin/x86_64 / darwin/amd64




# $ curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.14.2/docker-compose-darwin-aarch64 >  /usr/local/bin/docker-compose ❌
# $ curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.14.2/docker-compose-darwin-x86_64 > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose ✅

# 动态生成对应的系统架构的下载版本 URL
$ curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.14.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

$ docker-compose --version








man chmod

# 点击查看详情
$ man chmod
$ man chmod > man-chmod.md

$ man chmod
CHMOD(1)                    General Commands Manual                   CHMOD(1)

     chmod – change file modes or Access Control Lists

     chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] mode file ...
     chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-a | +a | =a] ACE file ...
     chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-E] file ...
     chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-C] file ...
     chmod [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-N] file ...

     The chmod utility modifies the file mode bits of the listed files as
     specified by the mode operand. It may also be used to modify the Access
     Control Lists (ACLs) associated with the listed files.

     The generic options are as follows:

     -f      Do not display a diagnostic message if chmod could not modify the
             mode for file, nor modify the exit status to reflect such

     -H      If the -R option is specified, symbolic links on the command line
             are followed and hence unaffected by the command.  (Symbolic
             links encountered during tree traversal are not followed.)

     -h      If the file is a symbolic link, change the mode of the link
             itself rather than the file that the link points to.

     -L      If the -R option is specified, all symbolic links are followed.

     -P      If the -R option is specified, no symbolic links are followed.
             This is the default.

     -R      Change the modes of the file hierarchies rooted in the files,
             instead of just the files themselves.  Beware of unintentionally
             matching the “..” hard link to the parent directory when using
             wildcards like “.*”.

     -v      Cause chmod to be verbose, showing filenames as the mode is
             modified.  If the -v flag is specified more than once, the old
             and new modes of the file will also be printed, in both octal and
             symbolic notation.

     The -H, -L and -P options are ignored unless the -R option is specified.
     In addition, these options override each other and the command's actions
     are determined by the last one specified.

     If chmod receives a SIGINFO signal (see the status argument for stty(1)),
     then the current filename as well as the old and new modes are displayed.

     Only the owner of a file or the super-user is permitted to change the
     mode of a file.

     The chmod utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
     Modes may be absolute or symbolic.  An absolute mode is an octal number
     constructed from the sum of one or more of the following values:

           4000    (the setuid bit).  Executable files with this bit set will
                   run with effective uid set to the uid of the file owner.
                   Directories with this bit set will force all files and sub-
                   directories created in them to be owned by the directory
                   owner and not by the uid of the creating process, if the
                   underlying file system supports this feature: see chmod(2)
                   and the suiddir option to mount(8).
           2000    (the setgid bit).  Executable files with this bit set will
                   run with effective gid set to the gid of the file owner.
           1000    (the sticky bit).  See chmod(2) and sticky(7).
           0400    Allow read by owner.
           0200    Allow write by owner.
           0100    For files, allow execution by owner.  For directories,
                   allow the owner to search in the directory.
           0040    Allow read by group members.
           0020    Allow write by group members.
           0010    For files, allow execution by group members.  For
                   directories, allow group members to search in the
           0004    Allow read by others.
           0002    Allow write by others.
           0001    For files, allow execution by others.  For directories
                   allow others to search in the directory.

     For example, the absolute mode that permits read, write and execute by
     the owner, read and execute by group members, read and execute by others,
     and no set-uid or set-gid behaviour is 755 (400+200+100+040+010+004+001).

     The symbolic mode is described by the following grammar:

           mode         ::= clause [, clause ...]
           clause       ::= [who ...] [action ...] action
           action       ::= op [perm ...]
           who          ::= a | u | g | o
           op           ::= + | - | =
           perm         ::= r | s | t | w | x | X | u | g | o

     The who symbols ``u'', ``g'', and ``o'' specify the user, group, and
     other parts of the mode bits, respectively.  The who symbol ``a'' is
     equivalent to ``ugo''.

     The perm symbols represent the portions of the mode bits as follows:

           r       The read bits.
           s       The set-user-ID-on-execution and set-group-ID-on-execution
           t       The sticky bit.
           w       The write bits.
           x       The execute/search bits.
           X       The execute/search bits if the file is a directory or any
                   of the execute/search bits are set in the original
                   (unmodified) mode.  Operations with the perm symbol ``X''
                   are only meaningful in conjunction with the op symbol
                   ``+'', and are ignored in all other cases.
           u       The user permission bits in the original mode of the file.
           g       The group permission bits in the original mode of the file.
           o       The other permission bits in the original mode of the file.

     The op symbols represent the operation performed, as follows:

     +     If no value is supplied for perm, the ``+'' operation has no
           effect.  If no value is supplied for who, each permission bit
           specified in perm, for which the corresponding bit in the file mode
           creation mask (see umask(2)) is clear, is set.  Otherwise, the mode
           bits represented by the specified who and perm values are set.

     -     If no value is supplied for perm, the ``-'' operation has no
           effect.  If no value is supplied for who, each permission bit
           specified in perm, for which the corresponding bit in the file mode
           creation mask is set, is cleared.  Otherwise, the mode bits
           represented by the specified who and perm values are cleared.

     =     The mode bits specified by the who value are cleared, or, if no who
           value is specified, the owner, group and other mode bits are
           cleared.  Then, if no value is supplied for who, each permission
           bit specified in perm, for which the corresponding bit in the file
           mode creation mask (see umask(2)) is clear, is set.  Otherwise, the
           mode bits represented by the specified who and perm values are set.

     Each clause specifies one or more operations to be performed on the mode
     bits, and each operation is applied to the mode bits in the order

     Operations upon the other permissions only (specified by the symbol ``o''
     by itself), in combination with the perm symbols ``s'' or ``t'', are

     The ``w'' permission on directories will permit file creation,
     relocation, and copy into that directory.  Files created within the
     directory itself will inherit its group ID.

     644           make a file readable by anyone and writable by the owner

     go-w          deny write permission to group and others.

     =rw,+X        set the read and write permissions to the usual defaults,
                   but retain any execute permissions that are currently set.

     +X            make a directory or file searchable/executable by everyone
                   if it is already searchable/executable by anyone.

     u=rwx,go=u-w  make a file readable/executable by everyone and writable by
                   the owner only.

     go=           clear all mode bits for group and others.

     g=u-w         set the group bits equal to the user bits, but clear the
                   group write bit.

     ACLs are manipulated using extensions to the symbolic mode grammar.  Each
     file has one ACL, containing an ordered list of entries.  Each entry
     refers to a user or group, and grants or denies a set of permissions.  In
     cases where a user and a group exist with the same name, the user/group
     name can be prefixed with "user:" or "group:" in order to specify the
     type of name.

     If the user or group name contains spaces you can use ':' as the
     delimiter between name and permission.

     The following permissions are applicable to all filesystem objects:
           delete  Delete the item.  Deletion may be granted by either this
                   permission on an object or the delete_child right on the
                   containing directory.
                   Read an object's basic attributes.  This is implicitly
                   granted if the object can be looked up and not explicitly
                   Write an object's basic attributes.
                   Read extended attributes.
                   Write extended attributes.
                   Read an object's extended security information (ACL).
                   Write an object's security information (ownership, mode,
           chown   Change an object's ownership.

     The following permissions are applicable to directories:
           list    List entries.
           search  Look up files by name.
                   Add a file.
                   Add a subdirectory.
                   Delete a contained object.  See the file delete permission

     The following permissions are applicable to non-directory filesystem
           read    Open for reading.
           write   Open for writing.
           append  Open for writing, but in a fashion that only allows writes
                   into areas of the file not previously written.
                   Execute the file as a script or program.

     ACL inheritance is controlled with the following permissions words, which
     may only be applied to directories:
                   Inherit to files.
                   Inherit to directories.
                   This flag is only relevant to entries inherited by
                   subdirectories; it causes the directory_inherit flag to be
                   cleared in the entry that is inherited, preventing further
                   nested subdirectories from also inheriting the entry.
                   The entry is inherited by created items but not considered
                   when processing the ACL.

     The ACL manipulation options are as follows:

     +a      The +a mode parses a new ACL entry from the next argument on the
             commandline and inserts it into the canonical location in the
             ACL. If the supplied entry refers to an identity already listed,
             the two entries are combined.

              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
              # chmod +a "admin allow write" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: admin allow write
              # chmod +a "guest deny read" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: admin allow write
              # chmod +a "admin allow delete" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: admin allow write,delete
              # chmod +a "User 1:allow:read" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: User 1 allow read
                3: admin allow write,delete

             The +a mode strives to maintain correct canonical form for the
                              local deny
                              local allow
                              inherited deny
                              inherited allow

             By default, chmod adds entries to the top of the local deny and
             local allow lists. Inherited entries are added by using the +ai

              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: admin allow write,delete
                3: juser inherited deny delete
                4: admin inherited allow delete
                5: backup inherited deny read
                6: admin inherited allow write-security
              # chmod +ai "others allow read" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: admin allow write,delete
                3: juser inherited deny delete
                4: admin inherited allow delete
                5: backup inherited deny read
                6: admin inherited allow write-security
              # chmod +ai "others allow read" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: admin allow write,delete
                3: juser inherited deny delete
                4: others inherited allow read
                5: admin inherited allow delete
                6: backup inherited deny read
                7: admin inherited allow write-security

     +a#     When a specific ordering is required, the exact location at which
             an entry will be inserted is specified with the +a# mode.

              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: admin allow write
              # chmod +a# 2 "others deny read" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: others deny read
                3: admin allow write

             The +ai# mode may be used to insert inherited entries at a
             specific location. Note that these modes allow non-canonical ACL
             ordering to be constructed.

     -a      The -a mode is used to delete ACL entries. All entries exactly
             matching the supplied entry will be deleted. If the entry lists a
             subset of rights granted by an entry, only the rights listed are
             removed. Entries may also be deleted by index using the -a# mode.

              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: guest deny read
                2: admin allow write,delete
              # chmod -a# 1 file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: admin allow write,delete
              # chmod -a "admin allow write" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: admin allow delete

             Inheritance is not considered when processing the -a mode; rights
             and entries will be removed regardless of their inherited state.

             If the user or group name contains spaces you can use ':' as the

              # chmod +a "User 1:allow:read" file1

     =a#     Individual entries are rewritten using the =a# mode.

              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: admin allow delete
              # chmod =a# 1 "admin allow write,chown" file1
              # ls -le
              -rw-r--r--+ 1 juser  wheel  0 Apr 28 14:06 file1
                owner: juser
                1: admin allow write,chown

             This mode may not be used to add new entries.

     -E      Reads the ACL information from stdin, as a sequential list of
             ACEs, separated by newlines.  If the information parses
             correctly, the existing information is replaced.

     -C      Returns false if any of the named files have ACLs in non-
             canonical order.

     -i      Removes the 'inherited' bit from all entries in the named file(s)

     -I      Removes all inherited entries from the named file(s) ACL(s).

     -N      Removes the ACL from the named file(s).

     The -v option is non-standard and its use in scripts is not recommended.

     chflags(1), install(1), chmod(2), stat(2), umask(2), fts(3), setmode(3),
     sticky(7), symlink(7), chown(8), mount(8)

     The chmod utility is expected to be IEEE Std 1003.2 (“POSIX.2”)
     compatible with the exception of the perm symbol “t” which is not
     included in that standard.

     A chmod command appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX.

macOS 13.0                      January 7, 2017                     macOS 13.0

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Linux & chmod & 777 & 755 All In One



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