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Google Chrome Privacy Sandbox All In One

Google Chrome Privacy Sandbox All In One

Google Chrome 隐私沙盒


With Privacy Sandbox trials, sites can deliver the same browsing experience using less of your info. That means more privacy for you and less cross-site tracking. We'll add new trials as they're ready to test.

About Browser-based ad personalization

Your interests as estimated by Chrome
What data is used: Your browsing history, a record of sites you've visited using Chrome on this device.
How we use this data: Chrome can estimate your interests. Later, a site you visit can ask Chrome to see your interests in order to personalize the ads you see.
How you can manage your data: To protect your privacy, we auto-delete your interests that are older than 4 weeks. As you keep browsing, an interest might appear on the list again. Or you can remove interests you don't want Chrome to consider.
Sites you visit that define your interests
What data is used: Your browsing history, a record of sites you've visited using Chrome on this device.
How we use this data: Sites can store information with Chrome about your interests. For example, if you visit a site to buy shoes for a marathon, the site might define your interest as running marathons. Later, if you visit a different site to register for a race, that site can show you an ad for running shoes based on your interests.
How you can manage your data: To protect your privacy, we auto-delete sites from the list that are older than 4 weeks. A site you visit again might appear on the list again. Or you can remove a site if you don’t want that site to ever define interests for you.

Browser-based ad personalization

When trials are on and if Chrome has randomly placed you in an active trial, your browsing history affects the ads you see and the interests as estimated below. To protect your privacy, Chrome deletes your interests on a rolling basis each month.
Your interests as estimated by Chrome
A list of interests may appear here as you browse the web
Sites you visit that define your interests
A list of sites you visit may appear here as you browse the web


Chrome can estimate your interests based on your browsing history from the last few weeks. This info stays on your device.

Later, a site you visit can ask Chrome to see your interests in order to personalize the ads you see. Chrome can share up to 3 interests.

To protect your privacy, we auto-delete your interests that are older than 4 weeks. As you keep browsing, an interest might appear on the list again. And if Chrome gets it wrong or you don't want to see certain ads, you can remove an interest.


It's common for sites you visit to remember things you're interested in, to personalize your experience. Sites can also store information with Chrome about your interests.

For example, if you visit a site to buy shoes for a marathon, the site might define your interest as running marathons. Later, if you visit a different site to register for a race, that site can show you an ad for running shoes based on your interests.

To protect your privacy, we auto-delete sites from the list that are older than 4 weeks. A site you visit again might appear on the list again. Or you can remove a site if you don't want that site to ever define interests for you.

Ad measurement

When trials are on, Ad measurement allows sites you visit to request information from Chrome that helps the site measure the performance of their ads. Ad measurement restricts cross-site tracking by transferring as little information as possible between sites.
When you delete your browsing history — all or for a specific site — you also delete associated measurement info. See your browsing history


Spam and fraud reduction

When trials are on, Spam & fraud reduction relies on trust tokens to help sites fight fraud and distinguish bots from people.
Based on your interaction with a site, like regularly signing in to an account, that site can issue a trust token to your browser. Later, if other sites you visit check for and find a valid trust token, they're more likely to treat you like a person and not a bot.
Trust tokens improve privacy on the web and can't be used to find out who you are.




Chrome 估计的您的兴趣
使用了哪些数据:您的浏览历史记录,您在此设备上使用 Chrome 访问过的网站的记录。
我们如何使用这些数据:Chrome 可以估计您的兴趣。稍后,您访问的网站可以要求 Chrome 查看您的兴趣,以便个性化您看到的广告。
如何管理您的数据:为了保护您的隐私,我们会自动删除您超过 4 周的兴趣。当您继续浏览时,列表中可能会再次出现兴趣。或者,您可以移除您不希望 Chrome 考虑的兴趣。
使用的数据:您的浏览历史记录,您在此设备上使用 Chrome 访问过的网站的记录。
我们如何使用这些数据:网站可以使用 Chrome 存储有关您兴趣的信息。例如,如果您访问一个网站为马拉松买鞋,该网站可能会将您的兴趣定义为跑马拉松。之后,如果您访问其他网站注册比赛,该网站会根据您的兴趣向您展示跑鞋广告。
如何管理您的数据:为了保护您的隐私,我们会自动从列表中删除超过 4 周的网站。您再次访问的站点可能会再次出现在列表中。或者,如果您不希望该站点为您定义兴趣,则可以删除该站点。


在试用期间,如果 Chrome 随机将您置于有效试用中,您的浏览历史记录会影响您看到的广告和兴趣,估计如下。为了保护您的隐私,Chrome 会每月滚动删除您的兴趣。
Chrome 估计的您
的兴趣 当您浏览
网站时,此处可能会显示您的兴趣列表 您访问的定义您的兴趣
的网站 当您浏览网络时,您访问的网站列表可能会显示在此处


Chrome 可以根据您过去几周的浏览历史来估计您的兴趣。此信息保留在您的设备上。

稍后,您访问的网站可以要求 Chrome 查看您的兴趣,以便个性化您看到的广告。Chrome 最多可以分享 3 个兴趣。

为了保护您的隐私,我们会自动删除您超过 4 周的兴趣。当您继续浏览时,列表中可能会再次出现兴趣。如果 Chrome 弄错了,或者您不想看到某些广告,您可以删除兴趣。


您访问的网站通常会记住您感兴趣的内容,以个性化您的体验。网站还可以使用 Chrome 存储有关您兴趣的信息。


为了保护您的隐私,我们会自动从列表中删除超过 4 周的网站。您再次访问的站点可能会再次出现在列表中。或者,如果您不希望该站点为您定义兴趣,则可以删除该站点。


在试用期间,广告衡量功能允许您访问的网站向 Chrome 请求信息,以帮助该网站衡量其广告的效果。广告测量通过在站点之间传输尽可能少的信息来限制跨站点跟踪。





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