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WAPM All In One

WAPM All In One

WAPM is a product of Wasmer, the WebAssembly runtime.

只要安装上 Wasmer, 就自带 wapm



WebAssembly Package Manager

WebAssembly apps and libraries


wapm / wapm-cli

$ wapm -h
wapm-cli 0.5.5

    wapm <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    add                            Add packages to the manifest without installing
    bin                            Get the .bin dir path
    config                         Config related subcommands
    execute                        Execute a command, installing it temporarily if necessary
    help                           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    init                           Set up current directory for use with wapm
    install                        Install a package
    keys                           Manage minisign keys for verifying packages
    list                           List the currently installed packages and their commands
    login                          Logins into wapm, saving the token locally for future commands
    logout                         Remove the token for the registry
    publish                        Publish a package
    remove                         Remove packages from the manifest
    run                            Run a command from the package or one of the dependencies
    run-background-update-check    Run the background updater explicitly
    search                         Search packages
    uninstall                      Uninstall a package
    validate                       Check if a directory or tar.gz is a valid wapm package
    whoami                         Prints the current user (if authed) in the stdout





# install package
$ wapm install cowsay

# test
$ wapm run cowsay Hello World!
$ wapm run cowsay Hello World2!

$ wapm run cowsay Hello World 2022!


# Prints the current user (if authed) in the stdout
$ wapm whoami
(not logged in)

how to install wapm

Linux / Mac

The easiest way to get wapm is to get the current stable release of Wasmer by using the install script:

# 只要安装上 `Wasmer`, 就自带 `wapm` 了
$ curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh

This will get you the current stable release of Wasmer for your platform along with the latest wapm.

Use the wasmer installer on the releases page to install wapm-cli.

Build and Install wapm from Source

Alternatively, you can build wapm from source.



类安装 node.js,已经自带 npm 了

# 安装 wasmer,已经自带 wapm;
$ curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh
$ wasmer -h
wasmer 2.3.0
Wasmer Engineering Team <engineering@wasmer.io>
WebAssembly standalone runtime.

    wasmer <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    cache          Wasmer cache
    compile        Compile a WebAssembly binary
    config         Get various configuration information needed to compile programs which use Wasmer
    create-exe     Compile a WebAssembly binary into a native executable
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    inspect        Inspect a WebAssembly file
    run            Run a WebAssembly file. Formats accepted: wasm, wat
    self-update    Update wasmer to the latest version
    validate       Validate a WebAssembly binary
    wast           Run spec testsuite


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posted @ 2022-09-13 14:38  xgqfrms  阅读(28)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报