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SwiftUI ViewModel error All In One

SwiftUI ViewModel error All In One

Cannot convert value of type 'Binding<Subject>' to expected argument type 'Optional<(IndexSet) -> Void>'

error ❌

//  ListViewModel.swift
//  TodoList
//  Created by xgqfrms on 2022/5/20.

import Foundation

// ViewModel
class ListViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var items: [ListModel] = [];
  init() {
  func getItems() {
    let listData: [ListModel] = ListData;
    items.append(contentsOf: listData);
  // 封装 utils function
  func deteleItem (index: IndexSet) {
    items.remove(atOffsets: index);
  func moveItem (fromIndex: IndexSet, toIndex: Int) {
    items.move(fromOffsets: fromIndex, toOffset: toIndex);

solution ✅

typo, change deteleItem to deleteItem

//  ListViewModel.swift
//  TodoList
//  Created by xgqfrms on 2022/5/20.

import Foundation

// ViewModel
class ListViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var items: [ListModel] = [];
  init() {
  func getItems() {
    let listData: [ListModel] = ListData;
    items.append(contentsOf: listData);
  // 封装 utils function
  func deleteItem (index: IndexSet) {
    items.remove(atOffsets: index);
  func moveItem (fromIndex: IndexSet, toIndex: Int) {
    items.move(fromOffsets: fromIndex, toOffset: toIndex);


This rather confusing error message usually happens because you created a container but forgot to include some content inside it – you were probably just experimenting, and wrote code like this:

    VStack {
       // nothing ❌

If you just want a placeholder while you’re working on something else, use an EmptyView to keep the compiler happy, like this:

    VStack {
       // ✅



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posted @ 2022-05-21 21:22  xgqfrms  阅读(62)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报