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Vue 3 render SVG tag bug All In One

Vue 3 render SVG tag bug All In One

error ❌

nested templates without v-if="true"


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fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M225.889 225.111C228.037 227.259 228.037 230.741 225.889 232.889L176.889 281.889C174.741 284.037 171.259 284.037 169.111 281.889C166.963 279.741 166.963 276.259 169.111 274.111L218.111 225.111C220.259 222.963 223.741 222.963 225.889 225.111Z" fill="#FFC73B" data-v-2c7144b8=""></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M215.889 281.889C218.037 279.741 218.037 276.259 215.889 274.111L166.889 225.111C164.741 222.963 161.259 222.963 159.111 225.111C156.963 227.259 156.963 230.741 159.111 232.889L208.111 281.889C210.259 284.037 213.741 284.037 215.889 281.889Z" fill="#FFC73B" data-v-2c7144b8=""></path><g class="eye-left" data-v-2c7144b8=""><path d="M111.34 359.471C123.125 360.918 133.225 357.648 133.898 352.166C134.571 346.684 125.563 341.067 113.777 339.62C101.992 338.173 91.8918 341.444 91.2187 346.925C90.5456 352.407 99.5541 358.024 111.34 359.471Z" fill="#EAADCC" data-v-2c7144b8=""></path><path d="M150.023 321.156C149.513 335.783 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251.684 365.546 263.558 365.546Z" fill="#EAADCC" data-v-2c7144b8=""></path><path d="M279.944 325.693C279.433 340.32 267.162 351.763 252.536 351.252C237.909 350.742 226.466 338.47 226.977 323.844C227.487 309.217 239.759 297.774 254.385 298.285C269.012 298.795 280.455 311.067 279.944 325.693Z" fill="white" data-v-2c7144b8=""></path><g class="eyeball" data-v-2c7144b8=""><path d="M270.967 324.879C270.64 334.263 262.767 341.604 253.384 341.276C244.001 340.948 236.66 333.076 236.988 323.693C237.316 314.31 245.188 306.969 254.571 307.297C263.954 307.624 271.295 315.496 270.967 324.879Z" fill="black" data-v-2c7144b8=""></path><path d="M255.082 321.323C254.947 325.187 251.705 328.209 247.842 328.074C243.978 327.939 240.955 324.698 241.09 320.834C241.225 316.971 244.467 313.948 248.33 314.083C252.194 314.218 255.217 317.459 255.082 321.323Z" fill="white" data-v-2c7144b8=""></path></g></g><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M70.1889 401.034C72.379 398.93 75.8608 398.999 77.9656 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no nested template

  <a href="https://github.com/posva/pinia">
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❌ nested template

    <a href="https://github.com/posva/pinia">
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✅ template v-if="true"

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✅ template

  <a href="https://github.com/posva/pinia">
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        d="M7.02751 0.333496C3.34571 0.333496 0.333332 3.40836 0.333332 7.16653C0.333332 10.1845 2.23002 12.7468 4.90769 13.6579C5.2424 13.7149 5.35397 13.4871 5.35397 13.3163C5.35397 13.1454 5.35397 12.7468 5.35397 12.1774C3.51307 12.576 3.12257 11.2664 3.12257 11.2664C2.84365 10.4692 2.39737 10.2414 2.39737 10.2414C1.72795 9.8428 2.39737 9.8428 2.39737 9.8428C3.06679 9.89974 3.4015 10.5261 3.4015 10.5261C4.01513 11.5511 4.96347 11.2664 5.35397 11.0955C5.40975 10.64 5.57711 10.3553 5.80024 10.1845C4.29405 10.0136 2.73208 9.44421 2.73208 6.82488C2.73208 6.08463 3.011 5.45827 3.4015 5.00274C3.4015 4.77497 3.12257 4.09166 3.51307 3.18059C3.51307 3.18059 4.07091 3.00977 5.35397 3.8639C5.91181 3.69307 6.46966 3.63613 7.02751 3.63613C7.58536 3.63613 8.14321 3.69307 8.70105 3.8639C9.98411 2.95283 10.542 3.18059 10.542 3.18059C10.9324 4.14861 10.6535 4.83191 10.5977 5.00274C11.044 5.45827 11.2672 6.08463 11.2672 6.82488C11.2672 9.44421 9.70518 10.0136 8.19899 10.1845C8.42213 10.4122 8.64527 10.8108 8.64527 11.4372C8.64527 12.3482 8.64527 13.0885 8.64527 13.3163C8.64527 13.4871 8.75684 13.7149 9.09155 13.6579C11.7692 12.7468 13.6659 10.1845 13.6659 7.16653C13.7217 3.40836 10.7093 0.333496 7.02751 0.333496Z"



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