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Emoji as a variable in js All In One

Emoji as a variable in js All In One

Math masters….where are you?!

If 🐤 + 🐤 = 20
and 🐤 + 🐥 = 16
and 🐥 - 🐣 = 4
then, 🐣 + 🐤 = _____


(🐤 + 🐥) - (🐥 - 🐣) => (🐤 + 🐣) => (🐣 + 🐤)
// 16 - 4 = 12

const 🐤  = 10;
const 🐥  = 6;
const 🐣  = 2;

🐤  + 🐤  = 20 => 2 * 🐤  = 20
// 20 / 2 = 10

🐤  + 🐥  = 16 => 🐥  = 16 - 🐤 
// 16 - 10 = 6

🐥  - 🐣  = 4 => 🐣  = 🐥  - 4
// 6 - 4 = 2

unicode & emoji

Unicode ok ✅

const WTF = '什么鬼 👻';
// '什么鬼 👻'

const 什么鬼 = 'WTF 👻';
// 'WTF 👻'

emoji error ❌

const 👻  = 'emoji ghost';
// ❌  Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

Unicode 8 ✅

Unicode 16 ❌

While ES6 brings stronger Unicode support to our beloved language, not all symbols can be used as valid identifiers. We can use things like var ಠ_ಠ = 42, but not var 💩 = 43.

虽然 ES6 为我们钟爱的语言带来了更强大的 Unicode 支持,但并非所有符号都可以用作有效标识符。我们可以使用 var ಠ_ಠ = 42 之类的东西,但不能使用 var 💩 = 43。

String.🚀 || !function() {
    var 🚀 = function() {
        try {
            var 🚀 = {}, 💩 = Object.defineProperty, 🔥 = 💩(🚀, 🚀, 🚀) && 💩;
        } catch (🍕) {}
        return 🔥;
    }(), 💩 = String.fromCharCode, 🔥 = Math.floor, 🍕 = function(🚀) {
        var 🍕, 🍔, 🍟 = 16384, 🍺 = [], 🍻 = -1, 🐒 = arguments.length;
        if (!🐒) return "";
        for (var 🐶 = ""; ++🍻 < 🐒; ) {
            var 🐱 = Number(arguments[🍻]);
            if (!isFinite(🐱) || 0 > 🐱 || 🐱 > 1114111 || 🔥(🐱) != 🐱) throw RangeError("Invalid code point: " + 🐱);
            65535 >= 🐱 ? 🍺.push(🐱) : (🐱 -= 65536, 🍕 = (🐱 >> 10) + 55296, 🍔 = 🐱 % 1024 + 56320, 
            🍺.push(🍕, 🍔)), (🍻 + 1 == 🐒 || 🍺.length > 🍟) && (🐶 += 💩.apply(null, 🍺), 
            🍺.length = 0);
        return 🐶;
    🚀 ? 🚀(String, "fromCodePoint", {
        "💩": 🍕,
        "🔥": !0,
        "🍕": !0
    }) : String.🚀 = 🍕;




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posted @ 2022-04-06 15:59  xgqfrms  阅读(36)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报