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js script module & link rel="modulepreload" & .mjs All In One

js script module & link rel="modulepreload" & .mjs All In One



<link rel="modulepreload" href="https://framerusercontent.com/sites/6dR986F3tT58Iz1TTliVqd/chunk-RTVEBQTY.mjs">

script type="module"

<script type="module">

import * as React from "https://framerusercontent.com/sites/6dR986F3tT58Iz1TTliVqd/react.DUAWFL5M.mjs";
import * as ReactDOM from "https://framerusercontent.com/sites/6dR986F3tT58Iz1TTliVqd/react-dom.PR4D737B.mjs";
import * as Framer from "https://framerusercontent.com/sites/6dR986F3tT58Iz1TTliVqd/framer.6ZIYFLEK.mjs";
window.React = React;
window.Framer = Framer;

window.__framer_importFromPackage = (packageAndFilename, exportIdentifier) => () => {
  return React.createElement(Framer.ErrorPlaceholder, {
    error: 'Package component not supported: "' + exportIdentifier + '" in "' + packageAndFilename + '"'

const badgeImport = import("__framer-badge");
window.process = { ...window.process,
  env: { ...(window.process ? window.process.env : undefined),
    NODE_ENV: "production"

(async () => {
  const routes = {
    "augiA20Il": {
      "page": Framer.lazy(() => import("https://framerusercontent.com/sites/6dR986F3tT58Iz1TTliVqd/BfyHWwMsTUpG7gL1jZPyOHeG7z9FT-K6V0qrjSQAxF0.OJLBP4PQ.mjs")),
      "path": "/",
      "title": "Home",
      "viewport": "width=1200",
      "elements": {}
  const notFoundPage = Framer.lazy(() => import("https://framer.com/m/framer/SitesNotFoundPage.js@1.0.0"));
  const main = document.getElementById("main");
  let render, routeId, pathVariables;

  if ("framerHydrateV2" in main.dataset) {
    render = ReactDOM.hydrate;
    const routeData = JSON.parse(main.dataset.framerHydrateV2);
    routeId = routeData.routeId;
    pathVariables = routeData.pathVariables;
  } else if ("framerHydrate" in main.dataset) {
    render = ReactDOM.hydrate;
    routeId = main.dataset.framerHydrate;
  } else {
    render = ReactDOM.render;
    const routeData = Framer.inferInitialRouteFromPath(routes, location.pathname);
    routeId = routeData.routeId;
    pathVariables = routeData.pathVariables;

  const route = routes[routeId];
  const RootComponent = await route.page.preload();
  routes[routeId].page = RootComponent;
  window["__html_time_to_render_start"] = performance.now();
  render(React.createElement(Framer.PageRoot, {
    isWebsite: true,
    isReducedMotion: undefined
  }), main);
  window["__html_time_to_render_end"] = performance.now();
  const {
    default: Badge
  } = await badgeImport;
  const ContainerWithStyleAppearEffect = Framer.withStyleAppearEffect(Framer.Container);
  ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(ContainerWithStyleAppearEffect, {
    className: "__framer-badge",
    __framer__threshold: 0.5,
    __framer__animateOnce: true,
    __framer__opacity: 0,
    __framer__targetOpacity: 1,
    __framer__rotate: 0,
    __framer__x: 0,
    __framer__y: 10,
    __framer__scale: 1,
    __framer__transition: {
      "type": "spring",
      "ease": [0.44, 0, 0.56, 1],
      "duration": 0.3,
      "delay": 1,
      "stiffness": 350,
      "damping": 40,
      "mass": 1.5
    __framer__rotateX: 0,
    __framer__rotateY: 0,
    __framer__perspective: 1200
  }, React.createElement(Badge)), document.getElementById("__framer-badge-container"));

CSS flex gap

element.style {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    --stack-native-gap: 40px;
[data-framer-stack-content-wrapper][data-framer-stack-gap-enabled="true"] {
    gap: var(--stack-native-gap);
[data-framer-stack-content-wrapper][data-framer-stack-gap-enabled=true] {
    gap: var(--stack-native-gap);
[data-framer-generated] * {
    pointer-events: unset;
[data-framer-component-type="Frame"] *, [data-framer-component-type="Stack"] * {
    pointer-events: auto;
[data-framer-generated] * {
    pointer-events: unset;
[data-framer-component-type=Frame] *, [data-framer-component-type=Stack] * {
    pointer-events: auto;
* {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: inherit;
user agent stylesheet
div {
    display: block;
@supports (aspect-ratio: 1)
body {
    --framer-aspect-ratio-supported: auto;
@supports (aspect-ratio:1)
body {
    --framer-aspect-ratio-supported: auto;
@supports (aspect-ratio:1)
body {
    --framer-aspect-ratio-supported: auto;
body, button, input, select, textarea {
    font-family: "Inter",sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
:root {
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;


The gap property in CSS is a shorthand for row-gap and column-gap, specifying the size of gutters, which is the space between rows and columns within grid, flex, and multi-column layouts.




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