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js one object equal to another object checker All In One

js one object equal to another object checker All In One

js 判断两个对象是否相等

  1. 对象是引用类型,比较的是引用地址是否相等

  2. Primitive values 是原始类型,比较的是值是否相等

JavaScript types

The set of types in the JavaScript language consists of primitive values and objects.

  1. Primitive values (immutable datum represented directly at the lowest level of the language)

Boolean type
Null type
Undefined type
Number type
BigInt type (ES6+)
String type
Symbol type (ES6)

  1. Objects (collections of properties)


Equality Comparison

JavaScript provides three different value-comparison operations:

=== - Strict Equality Comparison ("strict equality", "identity", "triple equals")

== - Abstract Equality Comparison ("loose equality", "double equals")

Object.is provides SameValue (new in ES2015).


Object.is & ===

const obj1 = {o: {b: {j: {value: 1}}}};
// {o: {…}}o: b: j: {value: 1}[[Prototype]]: Object[[Prototype]]: Object[[Prototype]]: Object

const obj2 = {o: {b: {j: {value: 2}}}};
// {o: {…}}

const obj = obj1;
// {o: {…}}

obj1 === obj1;
// true
obj1 === obj2;
// false
obj1 === obj;
// true

Object.is(obj1, obj2);
// false
Object.is(obj1, obj);
// true

const temp = {o: {b: {j: {value: 1}}}};

obj1 === temp;
// false

Object.is(obj1, temp);
// false


const obj1 = {o: {b: {j: {value: 1}}}};
// {o: {…}}o: b: j: {value: 1}[[Prototype]]: Object[[Prototype]]: Object[[Prototype]]: Object

const obj2 = {o: {b: {j: {value: 2}}}};
// {o: {…}}

const obj = obj1;
// {o: {…}}

Object.is(JSON.stringify(obj1), JSON.stringify(obj2));
// false

Object.is(JSON.stringify(obj1), JSON.stringify(obj));
// true

// ✅
const temp = {o: {b: {j: {value: 1}}}};

Object.is(JSON.stringify(obj1), JSON.stringify(temp));
// true  

  1. 手动实现,递归判断 👎

没必要, waste of time (life is short I need python)

// life is short I don't need that at all!
// 人生苦短,我根本不需要!



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posted @ 2022-03-16 11:03  xgqfrms  阅读(35)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报