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echarts & v-charts error All in One

echarts & v-charts error All in One

util.js?66a0:406 Uncaught Error: setOption should not be called during main proc

    watch: {
        options (v) {
            this.$nextTick(_ => {
                // setOption bug
                // this.chart.setOption(option);
                // this.$refs.chart.echarts.resize();
    watch: {
        options (v) {
            this.$nextTick(_ => {
                // setOption bug
                // this.chart.setOption(option);
                // this.$refs.chart.echarts.resize();
                const that = this;
                window.setTimeout(() => {


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posted @ 2022-02-23 17:44  xgqfrms  阅读(40)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报