TypeScript Interface vs type alias All In One
TypeScript Interface vs type alias All In One
Type aliases and interfaces are very similar and you can choose freely between them.
Personally, I use type aliases when defining primitive, union, intersection, function, or tuple types.
However, I make use of interfaces when defining object types or taking advantage of declaration merging.
- Other Types
Unlike an interface, the type alias can also be used for other types such as primitives, unions, and tuples.
primitives, unions, and tuples
// object
type PartialPointX = { x: number; };
type PartialPointY = { y: number; };
// primitive
type Name = string;
// union
type PartialPoint = PartialPointX | PartialPointY;
// tuple
type Data = [number, string];
- implement / extend
however that a class and interface are considered static blueprints. Therefore, they can not implement / extend a type alias that names a union type.
interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;
class SomePoint implements Point {
x = 1;
y = 2;
type Point2 = {
x: number;
y: number;
class SomePoint2 implements Point2 {
x = 1;
y = 2;
type PartialPoint = { x: number; } | { y: number; };
// FIXME: can not implement a union type
class SomePartialPoint implements PartialPoint {
x = 1;
y = 2;
- Declaration merging
Unlike a type alias, an interface can be defined multiple times and will be treated as a single interface (with members of all declarations being merged).
同名的 interface 会自动合并成一个
interface Point { x: number; }
interface Point { y: number; }
// These two declarations become:
// interface Point { x: number; y: number; }
const point: Point = { x: 1, y: 2 };
同名的 type alias 后面定义的会覆盖前面的
type Types = { x: number; }
type Types = { y: number; }
// These two declarations become:
// type Types = { y: number; }
- interface 和 type alias 都不会生成 js 代码,仅用于类型校验
"use strict";
* @author xgqfrms
* @license MIT
* @copyright xgqfrms
* @created 2022-02-07
* @modified
* @description interface-vs-type-alias
* @augments
* @example
* @link
const log = console.log;
// export {};
interface Point { x: number; }
interface Point { y: number; }
const funcI = (obj: Point): void => {
log('Types', obj);
// funcI();
x: 1,
y: 1,
type Types = { x: number; }
type Types = { y: number; }
const funcT = (obj: Types): void => {
log('Types', obj);
// funcT();
x: 1,
y: 1,
Argument of type '{ x: number; y: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Types'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'y' does not exist in type 'Types'.ts(2345)
export {
// Point,
// Types,
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.funcT = exports.funcI = void 0;
* @author xgqfrms
* @license MIT
* @copyright xgqfrms
* @created 2022-02-07
* @modified
* @description interface-vs-type-alias
* @augments
* @example
* @link
var log = console.log;
var funcI = function (obj) {
log('Types', obj);
exports.funcI = funcI;
// funcI();
x: 1,
y: 1
var funcT = function (obj) {
log('Types', obj);
exports.funcT = funcT;
// funcT();
x: 1,
y: 1
Property Modifiers / 属性修饰符
"use strict";
* @author xgqfrms
* @license MIT
* @copyright xgqfrms
* @created 2022-02-07
* @modified
* @description
* @augments
* @example
* @link https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/objects.html#property-modifiers
const log = console.log;
// anonymous
function anonymousGreet(person: { name: string; age: number }) {
return "Hello " + person.name;
// interface
interface PersonInterface {
name: string;
age: number;
function interfaceGreet(person: PersonInterface) {
return "Hello " + person.name;
// type alias
type PersonTypeAlias = {
name: string;
age: number;
function typeAliasGreet(person: PersonTypeAlias) {
return "Hello " + person.name;
export {};
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