Vue use js const and Vue Reactivity All In One
Vue use js const and Vue Reactivity All In One
<div class="hello">
<h1>{{ msg }}</h1>
<div v-if="creativeLimit > 0">vue use js const ok ✅</div>
<div v-else>vue use js const bug ❌❌❌</div>
<!-- <div v-if="isOverLimit">vue use js const bug ❌❌</div> -->
<!-- <div>creativeLimit = {{ creativeLimit }}❌</div> -->
<div>getCreativeLimit = {{ getCreativeLimit }}✅</div>
<div v-if="isOverLimit">
vue use js const with computed property ok ✅
<div v-else>vue use js const bug ❌</div>
<div>constValue = {{ constValue }}</div>
<div>obj.constValueReactive = {{ obj.constValueReactive }}</div>
const creativeLimit = 15;
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {
msg: String,
data() {
return {
creativeMaxNums: 15,
obj: {},
arr: [],
computed: {
// 不能直接使用 const, 定义的变量,必须放到 computed 或 data 或 methods 里面间接使用;??? 因为不是 data 初始化里面的,就不是响应式的
// 那 TM 还不如直接使用 computed 属性
getCreativeLimit() {
return creativeLimit;
mounted() {
// const
console.log("creativeLimit =", creativeLimit);
// data const ??? 性能问题 (vue 会使用 defineProperty 进行监听)
console.log("❌ this.creativeMaxNums =", this.creativeMaxNums);
// computed const
console.log("✅ this.getCreativeLimit =", this.getCreativeLimit);
// data const ??? (非响应式)
this.constValue = 2021;
console.log("✅ this.constValue =", this.constValue);
// data const ??? (响应式)
// this.$set(this.$data, "constValueReactive", 2021);
// this.$set(this.constValueReactive, "constValueReactive", 2021);
// console.log("✅ 响应式 this.constValueReactive =", this.constValueReactive);
this.$set(this.obj, "constValueReactive", 2021);
"✅ 响应式 this.obj.constValueReactive =",
console.log("\n old this.$data =", this.$data);
setTimeout(() => {
// console.log("\n this =", this);
console.log("\n new this.$data =", this.$data);
// const
console.log("creativeLimit =", creativeLimit);
// data const ??? 性能问题 (vue 会使用 defineProperty 进行监听)
console.log("❌ this.creativeMaxNums =", this.creativeMaxNums);
// computed const
console.log("✅ this.getCreativeLimit =", this.getCreativeLimit);
// data const ??? (非响应式)
console.log("✅ this.constValue =", this.constValue);
// data const ??? (响应式)
// console.log(
// "✅ 响应式 this.constValueReactive =",
// this.constValueReactive
// );
"✅ 响应式 this.obj.constValueReactive =",
}, 3000);
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
h3 {
margin: 40px 0 0;
// vue-use-js-const-and-vue-reactivity-all-in-one => Vue use js const and Vue Reactivity All In One
// 驼峰命名,自动转换
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