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Electron Security All In One

Electron Security All In One




Electron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy) This renderer process has either no Content Security Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled.
This exposes users of this app to unnecessary security risks.

For more information and help, consult
This warning will not show up
once the app is packaged.
(anonymous) @ electron/js2c/renderer_init.js:111

            "./lib/renderer/security-warnings.ts": /*!*******************************************!*\
  !*** ./lib/renderer/security-warnings.ts ***!
            /*! no static exports found */
            function(e, t, r) {
                "use strict";
                (function(e) {
                    Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
                        value: !0
                    const n = r(/*! electron */
                      , i = r(/*! @electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal */
                    let o = null;
                    const {platform: s, execPath: a, env: c} = e
                      , getIsRemoteProtocol = function() {
                        if (window && window.location && window.location.protocol)
                            return /^(http|ftp)s?/gi.test(window.location.protocol)
                      , isLocalhost = function() {
                        return !(!window || !window.location) && "localhost" === window.location.hostname
                      , l = "\nFor more information and help, consult\nhttps://electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/security.\nThis warning will not show up\nonce the app is packaged."
                      , warnAboutInsecureCSP = function() {
                            try {
                                new Function("")
                            } catch {
                                return !1
                            return !0
                        ).toString()})()`, !1).then(e=>{
                            if (!e)
                            const t = `This renderer process has either no Content Security\n    Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes users of\n    this app to unnecessary security risks.\n${l}`;
                            console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy)", "font-weight: bold;", t)
                      , logSecurityWarnings = function(e, t) {
                        !function(e) {
                            if (e && !isLocalhost() && getIsRemoteProtocol()) {
                                const e = `This renderer process has Node.js integration enabled\n    and attempted to load remote content from '${window.location}'. This\n    exposes users of this app to severe security risks.\n${l}`;
                                console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (Node.js Integration with Remote Content)", "font-weight: bold;", e)
                        function(e) {
                            if (!e || !1 !== e.webSecurity)
                            const t = `This renderer process has "webSecurity" disabled. This\n  exposes users of this app to severe security risks.\n${l}`;
                            console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (Disabled webSecurity)", "font-weight: bold;", t)
                        function() {
                            if (!window || !window.performance || !window.performance.getEntriesByType)
                            const e = window.performance.getEntriesByType("resource").filter(({name: e})=>/^(http|ftp):/gi.test(e || "")).filter(({name: e})=>"localhost" !== new URL(e).hostname).map(({name: e})=>`- ${e}`).join("\n");
                            if (!e || 0 === e.length)
                            const t = `This renderer process loads resources using insecure\n  protocols. This exposes users of this app to unnecessary security risks.\n  Consider loading the following resources over HTTPS or FTPS. \n${e}\n  \n${l}`;
                            console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (Insecure Resources)", "font-weight: bold;", t)
                        function(e) {
                            if (!e || !e.allowRunningInsecureContent)
                            const t = `This renderer process has "allowRunningInsecureContent"\n  enabled. This exposes users of this app to severe security risks.\n\n  ${l}`;
                            console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (allowRunningInsecureContent)", "font-weight: bold;", t)
                        function(e) {
                            if (!e || !e.experimentalFeatures)
                            const t = `This renderer process has "experimentalFeatures" enabled.\n  This exposes users of this app to some security risk. If you do not need\n  this feature, you should disable it.\n${l}`;
                            console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (experimentalFeatures)", "font-weight: bold;", t)
                        function(e) {
                            if (!e || !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "enableBlinkFeatures") || e.enableBlinkFeatures && 0 === e.enableBlinkFeatures.length)
                            const t = `This renderer process has additional "enableBlinkFeatures"\n  enabled. This exposes users of this app to some security risk. If you do not\n  need this feature, you should disable it.\n${l}`;
                            console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (enableBlinkFeatures)", "font-weight: bold;", t)
                        function() {
                            if (document && document.querySelectorAll) {
                                const e = document.querySelectorAll("[allowpopups]");
                                if (!e || 0 === e.length)
                                const t = `A <webview> has "allowpopups" set to true. This exposes\n    users of this app to some security risk, since popups are just\n    BrowserWindows. If you do not need this feature, you should disable it.\n\n    ${l}`;
                                console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (allowpopups)", "font-weight: bold;", t)
                        function(e) {
                            if (!e || isLocalhost())
                            if ((null == e.enableRemoteModule || !!e.enableRemoteModule) && getIsRemoteProtocol()) {
                                const e = `This renderer process has "enableRemoteModule" enabled\n    and attempted to load remote content from '${window.location}'. This\n    exposes users of this app to unnecessary security risks.\n${l}`;
                                console.warn("%cElectron Security Warning (enableRemoteModule)", "font-weight: bold;", e)
                    t.securityWarnings = function securityWarnings(e) {
                        window.addEventListener("load", (async function() {
                            if (function() {
                                if (null !== o)
                                    return o;
                                switch (s) {
                                case "darwin":
                                    o = a.endsWith("MacOS/Electron") || a.includes("Electron.app/Contents/Frameworks/");
                                case "freebsd":
                                case "linux":
                                    o = a.endsWith("/electron");
                                case "win32":
                                    o = a.endsWith("\\electron.exe");
                                    o = !1
                                return (c && c.ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS || window && window.ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS) && (o = !1),
                                (c && c.ELECTRON_ENABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS || window && window.ELECTRON_ENABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS) && (o = !0),
                            }()) {
                                const t = await async function() {
                                    try {
                                        return i.ipcRendererInternal.invoke("ELECTRON_BROWSER_GET_LAST_WEB_PREFERENCES")
                                    } catch (e) {
                                        console.warn(`getLastWebPreferences() failed: ${e}`)
                                logSecurityWarnings(t, e)
                        ), {
                            once: !0
                ).call(this, r(/*! @electron/internal/renderer/webpack-provider */


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posted @ 2020-11-16 09:55  xgqfrms  阅读(872)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报