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React 17 All In One

React 17 All In One





React 17版本不寻常,因为它没有添加任何面向开发人员的新功能。

特别地,React 17是一个“垫脚石”版本,使将由一个版本的 React管理的树嵌入到由另一个版本的 React管理的树中更加安全。


React 17支持逐步的React升级。
从React 15升级到16(或者这次从React 16升级到17)时,通常会立即升级整个应用程序。
尽管可以在页面上使用两个版本的React,但是直到React 17仍然很脆弱,并导致事件问题。

我们正在解决React 17的许多问题。
这意味着当React 18和下一个未来版本问世时,您现在将有更多选择。
例如,您可能决定将大部分应用程序迁移到React 18,但在React 17上保留一些延迟加载的对话框或子路由。

但是,对于没有积极维护的大型应用程序,可以考虑使用此选项,React 17可以使这些应用程序不被遗忘。

该演示使用Create React App,但应该可以对其他工具采用类似的方法。

注意 我们已将其他更改推迟到React 17之后。此版本的目标是实现逐步升级。如果升级到React 17太困难了,那将失败。


React 17是主要版本,因为这些更改可能会被破坏。

在React 17中,React将不再在后台的文档级别附加事件处理程序。

const rootNode = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootNode);

在React 16和更早的版本中,React将对大多数事件执行 document.addEventListener() 。
React 17将在后台调用 rootNode.addEventListener() 。



React 17 RC博客文章描述了React 17中其余的重大更改。

我们只需在Facebook产品代码中的100,000多个组件中更改少于二十个组件即可进行这些更改,因此我们希望大多数应用程序可以升级到React 17而不会带来太多麻烦。 如果您遇到问题,请告诉我们。


React 17支持新的JSX转换。
我们还将对它的支持移植到了React 16.14.0,React 15.7.0和0.14.10。
请注意,它是完全选择启用的,您不必使用它。 经典的JSX转换将继续工作,并且没有计划停止对其进行支持。

React Native

React Native有单独的发布时间表。
我们目前预计对React 17的支持将在React Native 0.65中实现,但是具体版本可能会发生变化。
与往常一样,您可以在React Native Community版本问题跟踪器上跟踪版本讨论。


$ yarn add react@17.0.0 react-dom@17.0.0

# npx
$ npx create-react-app awesome_app

# Yarn
$ yarn create react-app awesome_app

# npm
$ npm init react-app awesome_app



✅ Add react/jsx-runtime and react/jsx-dev-runtime for the new JSX transform. (@lunaruan in #18299)
Build component stacks from native error frames. (@sebmarkbage in #18561)
Allow to specify displayName on context for improved stacks. (@eps1lon in #18224)
Prevent 'use strict' from leaking in the UMD bundles. (@koba04 in #19614)
Stop using fb.me for redirects. (@cylim in #19598)

React DOM

✅ Delegate events to roots instead of document. (@trueadm in #18195 and others)
Clean up all effects before running any next effects. (@bvaughn in #17947)
Run useEffect cleanup functions asynchronously. (@bvaughn in #17925)
Use browser focusin and focusout for onFocus and onBlur. (@trueadm in #19186)
Make all Capture events use the browser capture phase. (@trueadm in #19221)
Don’t emulate bubbling of the onScroll event. (@gaearon in #19464)
Throw if forwardRef or memo component returns undefined. (@gaearon in #19550)
Remove event pooling. (@trueadm in #18969)
Stop exposing internals that won’t be needed by React Native Web. (@necolas in #18483)
Attach all known event listeners when the root mounts. (@gaearon in #19659)
Disable console in the second render pass of DEV mode double render. (@sebmarkbage in #18547)
Deprecate the undocumented and misleading ReactTestUtils.SimulateNative API. (@gaearon in #13407)
Rename private field names used in the internals. (@gaearon in #18377)
Don’t call User Timing API in development. (@gaearon in #18417)
Disable console during the repeated render in Strict Mode. (@sebmarkbage in #18547)
In Strict Mode, double-render components without Hooks too. (@eps1lon in #18430)
Allow calling ReactDOM.flushSync during lifecycle methods (but warn). (@sebmarkbage in #18759)
Add the code property to the keyboard event objects. (@bl00mber in #18287)
Add the disableRemotePlayback property for video elements. (@tombrowndev in #18619)
Add the enterKeyHint property for input elements. (@eps1lon in #18634)
Warn when no value is provided to <Context.Provider>. (@charlie1404 in #19054)
Warn when memo or forwardRef components return undefined. (@bvaughn in #19550)
Improve the error message for invalid updates. (@JoviDeCroock in #18316)
Exclude forwardRef and memo from stack frames. (@sebmarkbage in #18559)
Improve the error message when switching between controlled and uncontrolled inputs. (@vcarl in #17070)
Keep onTouchStart, onTouchMove, and onWheel passive. (@gaearon in #19654)
Fix setState hanging in development inside a closed iframe. (@gaearon in #19220)
Fix rendering bailout for lazy components with defaultProps. (@jddxf in #18539)
Fix a false positive warning when dangerouslySetInnerHTML is undefined. (@eps1lon in #18676)
Fix Test Utils with non-standard require implementation. (@just-boris in #18632)
Fix onBeforeInput reporting an incorrect event.type. (@eps1lon in #19561)
Fix event.relatedTarget reported as undefined in Firefox. (@claytercek in #19607)
Fix “unspecified error” in IE11. (@hemakshis in #19664)
Fix rendering into a shadow root. (@Jack-Works in #15894)
Fix movementX/Y polyfill with capture events. (@gaearon in #19672)
Use delegation for onSubmit and onReset events. (@gaearon in #19333)
Improve memory usage. (@trueadm in #18970)

React DOM Server

Make useCallback behavior consistent with useMemo for the server renderer. (@alexmckenley in #18783)
Fix state leaking when a function component throws. (@pmaccart in #19212)

React Test Renderer

✅ Improve findByType error message. (@henryqdineen in #17439)

Concurrent Mode (Experimental)

Revamp the priority batching heuristics. (@acdlite in #18796)
Add the unstable_ prefix before the experimental APIs. (@acdlite in #18825)
Remove unstable_discreteUpdates and unstable_flushDiscreteUpdates. (@trueadm in #18825)
Remove the timeoutMs argument. (@acdlite in #19703)

posted @ 2020-10-30 10:17  xgqfrms  阅读(144)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报