The Weekly Web Dev Challenge: Emoji Ratings
The Weekly Web Dev Challenge: Emoji Ratings
You job is to enable users to give a rating between 1 (bad) and 5 (great),
and then display that rating in the form of an emoji. The users should give
their ratings by pressing a key on their keyboards (the numbers 1 to 5).
Here's the numbers' corresponding emojis:
5 = 😁
3 = 🙂
3 = 😐
2 = ☹️
1 = 🤬
event listeners, keyboard events, key codes,
focus, focusout, DOM manipulation, tabindex
const box = document.getElementById("box")
const text = document.getElementById("text")
box.addEventListener("focus", function(){
text.textContent = "Type a number between 1 and 5"
box.addEventListener("focusout", function(){
text.textContent = "Click here to give your rating"
// Write your code here 👇
box.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
const emojis = [`🤬`, `☹️`, `😐`, `🙂`, `🙂`];
const emoji = emojis[parseInt(e.keyCode) - 49];
if(!emoji) {
text.textContent = `👻`;
} else {
text.textContent = emoji;
// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
// 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
// switch(e.keyCode) {
// case 49:
// text.textContent = `🤬`;
// break;
// case 50:
// text.textContent = `☹️`;
// break;
// case 51:
// text.textContent = `😐`;
// break;
// case 52:
// text.textContent = `🙂`;
// break;
// case 53:
// text.textContent = `😁`;
// break;
// default:
// text.textContent = `👻`;
// break;
// }
1. Listen for keyboard events when the box has focus
2. Figure out which key the user pressed
3. If it's between 1 and 5, display an emoji in the box!
- Animate the emoji onto the screen! Why not go crazy with multiple emojis?
- Reset the entire app when box doesn't have focus anymore
- Can you improve the overall design?
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