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MacOS & .DS_Store All In One

MacOS & .DS_Store All In One

.DS_Store === Desktop Services Store


它是一种由苹果公司的Mac OS X操作系统所创造的隐藏文件,目的在于存贮文件夹的自定义属性,例如文件们的图标位置或者是背景色的选择等。


# ???

$  defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores YES

webpack 打包,自动删除 .DS_Store

$ sudo find / -name ".DS_Store" -depth -exec rm {} \;

How MACOs displays hidden files in Finder

  1. Command+Shift+. 可以显示隐藏文件、文件夹,再按一次,恢复隐藏;

  2. finder下使用Command+Shift+G 可以前往任何文件夹,包括隐藏文件夹。


Under the Mac OS X operating system, there are many settings for whether the hidden files of the system are displayed, and the simplest is to enter commands in the Mac terminal. The show/hide Mac hidden file command is as follows (note the spaces and case-sensitive ):

Command to display Mac hidden files: Defaults write com. Apple. Finder appleshowallfiles-bool true

Command to hide Mac hidden files: Defaults write com. Apple. Finder appleshowallfiles-bool false


Command to display Mac hidden files: Defaults write com. Apple. Finder appleshowallfiles Yes

Command to hide Mac hidden files: Defaults write com. Apple. Finder appleshowallfiles No

After the input, click Enter to exit the terminal and restart the finder.
Tip: How to restart finder? Click the apple logo in the upper left corner of the window-> forced exit-> Finder-> restart.

How to hide and show your own files?

Hidden FILE command: chflags hidden file path

Remove Hidden commands: chflags nohidden file path

.DS_Store 是Mac OS保存文件夹的自定义属性的隐藏文件,如文件的图标位置或背景色,相当于 Windows 的 desktop.ini.

1: 禁止.DS_store生成, 打开“终端”, 复制黏贴下面的命令,回车执行,重启Mac即可生效;

defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE

2: 恢复.DS_store生成;

defaults delete com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores


# 删除所有 .DS_Store 文件

sudo find / -name ".DS_Store" -depth -exec rm {} \;



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posted @ 2019-01-17 23:17  xgqfrms  阅读(436)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报