《理解 ES6》阅读整理:函数(Functions)(六)Purpose of Functions
明确函数的双重作用(Clarifying the Dual Purpose of Functions)
function Person(name) { this.name = name; } var person = new Person("Zakas"); var notAPerson = Person("Zakas"); console.log(person); // [Object object] console.log(notAPerson); // undefined
function Person(name) { if (this instanceof Person) { this.name = name; } else { throw new Error("You must use new with Person"); } } var person = new Person("Zakas"); var notAPerson = Person("Zakas"); // throws an error
function Person(name) { if (this instanceof Person) { this.name = name; } else { throw new Error("You must use new with Person"); } } var person = new Person("Zakas"); var notAPerson = Person.call(person, "Zakas");
function Person(name) { if (typeof new.target !== "undefined") { this.name = name; } else { throw new Error("You must use new with Person"); } } var person = new Person("Zakas"); var notAPerson = Person("Zakas"); // throws an error
当Person调用时使用new,new.target指向Person,上面的判断语句实际上可以写成new.traget === Person。再看一个例子:
function Person(name) { if (typeof new.target !== "undefined") { this.name = name; } else { throw new Error("You must use new with Person"); } } function AnotherPerson(name) { Person.call(this, name); } var person = new Person("Zakas"); var notAPerson = new AnotherPerson("Zakas"); // throws an error