Delphi 记事本 TMemo

用Delphi模仿的Windows记事本 界面和功能都和Windows的记事本一样,是用Memo实现的而不是RichEdit
可以执行以下功能 文件 打开,保存,打印, 页面设置,撤销,复制,粘贴,查找,替换,插入时间日期,转到行,
保存窗体大小 位置 和读取配置信息支持拖拽文件到记事本中...
对文件的新建 打开 保存 另存 退出文件件是否保存的判断 TMemo的打印和页面设置
property Align; property Enabled; property Font; property HideSelection; 当其值为 False 时 当Memo不是Active时 选中的文本任然可以看见。这个在FindDialog ReplaceDialog中有用,因为不用这样Memo1 . SetFocus; property Lines; property PopupMenu; property ReadOnly; property ScrollBars; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property WantReturns; //按回车是否自动换行 property WantTabs; //当其什为True时 在Memo里面按Tab键会自动增加8个空格 property WordWrap; //自动换行 |
property OnChange; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnEnter; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; |
TCustomEdit procedure Clear; //清空 procedure ClearSelection; //删除选中的文本 procedure CopyToClipboard; //复制到剪切板 procedure CutToClipboard; //剪切到剪切板 procedure PasteFromClipboard; //粘贴 procedure Undo; //撤销 procedure ClearUndo; //清除撤销 procedure SetSelText( const Value: string ); //设置选中的文本 procedure SelectAll; //全选 property CanUndo; //是否可以撤销 property Modified; //文档是否被 修改 property SelStart; //被选中文本的开始位置 property SelLength; //选中的文本长度(字符个数) property SelText; //选中的文本 |
Memo1 . Lines . Clear; Memo1 . Modified := False ; |
procedure TForm1 . Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with TOpenDialog . Create( nil ) do begin Filter := '文本文档(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*' ; FileName := '*.txt' ; if Execute then begin Memo1 . Lines . LoadFromFile(FileName); Memo1 . ReadOnly := ofReadOnly in Options; end ; end ; end ; |
Memo1 . Lines . SaveToFile(FileName); Memo1 . Modified := False ; |
procedure TForm1 . Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with TSaveDialog . Create( nil ) do begin Filter := '文本文档(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*' ; FileName := '*.txt' ; if Execute then begin if FileExists(FileName) then if MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar (Format( '%s 已存在。' + # 13 # 10 + '要替换它吗?' , [FileName])), PWideChar ( '提示' ), MB_YESNO + MB_ICONINFORMATION) <> idYes then Exit; Memo1 . Lines . SaveToFile(FileName); Memo1 . Modified := False ; end ; end ; end ; |
我认为这句代码只显示出样式而实际上没有任何作用 With TPageSetupDialog . Create( nil ) do Execute; |
Memo1 . Undo; //撤销 Memo1 . CutToClipboard; //剪切 Memo1 . CopyToClipboard; //复制 Memo1 . PasteFromClipboard; //粘贴 Memo1 . ClearSelection; //删除 Memo1 . SelectAll; //全选 Memo1 . Clear; //清空 |
这里为了 设置快捷键的时候菜单的快捷键不要设置 用字符串 否则在
调用查找对话框的时候再使用Ctrl+V ,Ctrl+X,Ctrl+C行快捷键就无效了
delphi Memo的撤销问题
当使用代码设置Memo文本时如 Memo1.text:='aaaaa';设置后 Ctrl+Z 撤销就无效了
请问如何让使用代码设置的文本 Ctrl+Z撤销有效
当使用代码设置Memo文本时如 Memo1.text:='aaaaa';设置后 Ctrl+Z 撤销就无效了
请问如何让使用代码设置的文本 Ctrl+Z撤销有效
需要引用Commctrl单元,代码如下: var NewText: PChar ; begin NewText := 'aaaaa' ; //全选Memo1的所有文本 SendMessage(Memo1 . Handle,EM_SETSEL, 0 ,- 1 ); //将Memo1的所选文本替换为新文本 SendMessage(Memo1 . Handle,EM_REPLACESEL,- 1 ,LPARAM(NewText)); end ;详细原因可以参考msdn中关于EM_REPLACESEL的相关描述 |
在Windows记事本中当Memo不能自动换行时 才能使用 转到的功能
procedure TForm1 . GoToMemoLineDialog(Memo: TMemo); var LineIndex1, LineLength1, selStart1, Line, i: Integer ; begin selStart1 := 0 ; Line := strtoint(inputbox(sGoToTitle, sGoToTips, inttostr(Memo . CaretPos . Y + 1 ))) - 1 ; if (Line > 0 ) and (Line <= Memo . Lines . Count) then for i := 0 to Line - 1 do begin LineIndex1 := SendMessage(Memo . Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, i, 0 ); LineLength1 := SendMessage(Memo . Handle, EM_LINELENGTH, LineIndex1, 0 ) + 2 ; selStart1 := selStart1 + LineLength1; end else if Line = 0 then Memo . SelStart := selStart1 else Application . MessageBox( PWideChar ( '行数超出了总行数' ), PWideChar ( '记事本 - 跳行' ), 0 ); Memo . SelStart := selStart1; end ; GoToMemoLineDialog(Memo1); |
Memo1.SetSelText((FormatDateTime('hh:mm yyyy/m/dd', now))); // 插入时间/日期
Memo1 . ScrollBars := ssVertical; // 自动换行 Memo1 . WordWrap:= False ; Memo1 . ScrollBars := ssBoth; // 取消自动换行 Memo1 . WordWrap:= True ; |

with TFontDialog . Create( nil ) do begin Font := Memo1 . Font; Options := [fdApplyButton]; if Execute() then Memo1 . Font := Font; end ; |
在Win7中 打开一个Windows程序按下 F1 就会打开 Windows帮助和支持 并且会转到相应的界面

ShellAbout(Form1.Handle, PWideChar('记事本'), '', Application.Icon.Handle);

private { Private declarations } procedure WMDropFiles( var Msg: TWMDropFiles); message WM_DROPFILES; public { Public declarations } end ; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses ShellApi; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True ); end ; procedure TForm1 . WMDropFiles( var Msg: TWMDropFiles); var CFileName: array [ 0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char ; begin try if DragQueryFile(Msg . Drop, 0 , CFileName, MAX_PATH) > 0 then begin Memo1 . lines . loadFromFile(CFileName); Msg . Result := 0 ; end ; finally DragFinish(Msg . Drop); end ; end ; |
function GetUserDefaultUILanguage(): Integer ; external 'Kernel32.DLL' ; if GetUserDefaultUILanguage() = $0804 then Caption:= '简体中文' else Caption:= '英文' ; |
窗体的位置大小保存 注册表
uses Registry; {$R *.dfm} procedure ReadConfig(); var reg: TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry . Create; reg . RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if reg . OpenKey( 'SoftWare\Testudo\Notepad' , False ) then begin // Form Size& Position Form1 . Width := reg . ReadInteger( 'Width' ); Form1 . Height := reg . ReadInteger( 'Height' ); Form1 . Left := reg . ReadInteger( 'Left' ); Form1 . Top := reg . ReadInteger( 'Top' ); reg . CloseKey; reg . Free; end ; // else ShowMessage('Faild'); end ; procedure WriteConfig(); var reg: TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry . Create; reg . RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; reg . CreateKey( 'SoftWare\Testudo\Notepad' ); reg . OpenKey( 'SoftWare\Testudo\Notepad' , False ); // Form Size& Position reg . WriteInteger( 'Width' , Form1 . Width); reg . WriteInteger( 'Height' , Form1 . Height); reg . WriteInteger( 'Left' , Form1 . Left); reg . WriteInteger( 'Top' , Form1 . Top); reg . CloseKey; reg . Free; end ; procedure TForm1 . FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin WriteConfig(); end ; procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ReadConfig(); end ; |
主窗体单元<br> unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi . Windows, Winapi . Messages, System . SysUtils, System . Variants, System . Classes, Vcl . Graphics, Vcl . Controls, Vcl . Forms, Vcl . Dialogs, Vcl . Menus, Vcl . StdCtrls, Vcl . ComCtrls, Vcl . StdActns, Vcl . ActnList, Vcl . ExtActns, System . Actions, Vcl . ExtCtrls, Vcl . ExtDlgs; function GetUserDefaultUILanguage(): Integer ; external 'Kernel32.DLL' ; type TForm1 = class (TForm) Memo1: TMemo; StatusBar1: TStatusBar; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; mni_File: TMenuItem; FileNew: TMenuItem; FileOpen: TMenuItem; FileSave: TMenuItem; FileSaveAs: TMenuItem; mni_PageSetup: TMenuItem; mni_Print: TMenuItem; mni_Exit: TMenuItem; mni_Edit: TMenuItem; mni_Undo: TMenuItem; mni_Cut: TMenuItem; mni_Copy: TMenuItem; mni_Paste: TMenuItem; mni_Delete: TMenuItem; mni_Find: TMenuItem; mni_FindNext: TMenuItem; mni_Replace: TMenuItem; mni_GoTo: TMenuItem; mni_SelectAll: TMenuItem; mni_DateTime: TMenuItem; mni_Format: TMenuItem; mni_Font: TMenuItem; mni_WordWrap: TMenuItem; mni_View: TMenuItem; mni_StatusBar: TMenuItem; mni_Help: TMenuItem; mni_ViewHelp: TMenuItem; mni_About: TMenuItem; mni_SetTopMoset: TMenuItem; FindDialog1: TFindDialog; ReplaceDialog1: TReplaceDialog; procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_WordWrapClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_AboutClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_FontClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_DateTimeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_GoToClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_StatusBarClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure act_WriteConfigExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure act_ReadConfigExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure mni_PrintClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_SetTopMosetClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Memo1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ); procedure act_SetCaretPosExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure Memo1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ; Shift: TShiftState); procedure FindDialog1Find(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_DeleteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_PasteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_CopyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_CutClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ReplaceDialog1Replace(Sender: TObject); procedure ReplaceDialog1Find(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_FindNextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_FindClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_ReplaceClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_EditClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_UndoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_PageSetupClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_ExitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Memo1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ; Shift: TShiftState); procedure mni_SelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Memo1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char ); procedure FileNewClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FileOpenClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FileSaveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FileSaveAsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mni_ViewHelpClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FFileName: string ; procedure CheckFileSave; procedure SetFileName( const FileName: String ); procedure PerformFileOpen( const AFileName: string ); procedure WMDropFiles( var Msg: TWMDropFiles); message WM_DROPFILES; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // procedure WMDROPFILES(var MSg: TMessage); message WM_DROPFILES; procedure GoToMemoLineDialog(Memo: TMemo); procedure SetUiCHS(); procedure SetUiEN(); procedure MemoPrinter(Memo: TMemo; TitleStr: string = '无标题' ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public { Public declarations } end ; var Form1: TForm1; FindStr: string ; bStatueBar: Boolean = False ; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implementation uses ShellApi, Registry, Printers, Clipbrd, StrUtils, Unit2, Search; {$R *.dfm} resourcestring sSaveChanges = '是否将未更改保存到 %s?' ; sOverWrite = '%s 已存在。' + # 13 # 10 + '要替换它吗?' ; sTitle = '记事本' ; sUntitled = '未命名' ; sColRowInfo = '行: %3d 列: %3d' ; sLine = '行' ; // scol = '列' ; sGoToTitle = '转到指定行' ; // 轮到行的 输入对话框的标题 sGoToTips = '行号(&L):' ; // sMsgBoxTitle = '行数超过了总行数' ; sFileDlgFilter = '文本文档(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*' ; // 打开和保存的文本是一样的 procedure TForm1 . CheckFileSave; var SaveRespond: Integer ; begin if not Memo1 . Modified then Exit; SaveRespond := MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar (Format(sSaveChanges, [FFileName]) ), PWideChar (sTitle), MB_YESNOCANCEL + MB_ICONINFORMATION); case SaveRespond of idYes: FileSave . click; idNo: ; { Nothing } idCancel: Abort; end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . SetFileName( const FileName: String ); begin FFileName := FileName; Caption := Format( '%s - %s' , [ExtractFileName(FileName), sTitle]); end ; procedure TForm1 . PerformFileOpen( const AFileName: string ); begin Memo1 . Lines . LoadFromFile(AFileName); SetFileName(AFileName); Memo1 . SetFocus; Memo1 . Modified := False ; end ; procedure TForm1 . WMDropFiles( var Msg: TWMDropFiles); var CFileName: array [ 0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char ; begin try if DragQueryFile(Msg . Drop, 0 , CFileName, MAX_PATH) > 0 then begin CheckFileSave; PerformFileOpen(CFileName); Msg . Result := 0 ; end ; finally DragFinish(Msg . Drop); end ; end ; { ReplaceDialog Find } procedure TForm1 . ReplaceDialog1Find(Sender: TObject); begin with Sender as TReplaceDialog do if not SearchMemo(Memo1, FindText, Options) then MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar (Concat( '找不到"' , FindText, '"' )), '记事本' , MB_ICONINFORMATION); end ; { ReplaceDialog Replace } procedure TForm1 . ReplaceDialog1Replace(Sender: TObject); var Found: Boolean ; begin with ReplaceDialog1 do begin { Replace } if (frReplace in Options) and (Memo1 . SelText = FindText) then Memo1 . SelText := ReplaceText; Found := SearchMemo(Memo1, FindText, Options); { Replace All } if (frReplaceAll in Options) then begin Memo1 . SelStart := 0 ; while Found do begin if (Memo1 . SelText = FindText) then Memo1 . SelText := ReplaceText; Found := SearchMemo(Memo1, FindText, Options); end ; if not Found then SendMessage(Form1 . Memo1 . Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0 ); end ; if ( not Found) and (frReplace in Options) then MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar (Concat( '找不到"' , FindText, '"' )), '记事本' , MB_ICONINFORMATION); end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . FileNewClick(Sender: TObject); begin CheckFileSave; SetFileName(sUntitled); Memo1 . Lines . Clear; Memo1 . Modified := False ; end ; procedure TForm1 . FileOpenClick(Sender: TObject); begin CheckFileSave; with TOpenDialog . Create( nil ) do begin Filter := sFileDlgFilter; FileName := '*.txt' ; if Execute then begin PerformFileOpen(FileName); Memo1 . ReadOnly := ofReadOnly in Options; end ; end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . FileSaveClick(Sender: TObject); begin if FFileName = sUntitled then FileSaveAs . click else begin Memo1 . Lines . SaveToFile(FFileName); Memo1 . Modified := False ; end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . FileSaveAsClick(Sender: TObject); begin with TSaveDialog . Create( nil ) do begin Filter := sFileDlgFilter; FileName := '*.txt' ; if Execute then begin if FileExists(FileName) then if MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar (Format(sOverWrite, [FFileName])), PWideChar (sTitle), MB_YESNOCANCEL + MB_ICONINFORMATION) <> idYes then Exit; Memo1 . Lines . SaveToFile(FileName); SetFileName(FileName); Memo1 . Modified := False ; end ; end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . FindDialog1Find(Sender: TObject); begin with Sender as TFindDialog do begin FindStr := FindText; if not SearchMemo(Memo1, FindText, Options) then MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar (Concat( '找不到"' , FindText, '"' )), '记事本' , MB_ICONINFORMATION); end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if WindowState = wsMaximized then Exit; act_WriteConfigExecute(Sender); Action := caFree; CheckFileSave; end ; procedure TForm1 . FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin SetFileName(sUntitled); DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True ); // FindDialog1.Options := [frDown, frHideWholeWord]; // ReplaceDialog1.Options := [frDown, frHideWholeWord]; with Memo1 do begin HideSelection := False ; ScrollBars := ssVertical; Align := alClient; end ; act_SetCaretPosExecute(Sender); if GetUserDefaultUILanguage() = $0804 then SetUiCHS // Caption:='简体中文'; else SetUiEN; // Caption:='英文'; // Caption := Form1Title; act_ReadConfigExecute(Sender); bStatueBar := mni_StatusBar . Checked; if mni_WordWrap . Checked then begin mni_WordWrap . click; mni_WordWrap . Checked := True ; // 可以自动换行 Memo1 . ScrollBars := ssVertical; Memo1 . WordWrap := True ; mni_GoTo . Enabled := False ; mni_StatusBar . Checked := False ; mni_StatusBar . Enabled := False ; StatusBar1 . Visible := False ; end else begin // 不能换行 Memo1 . ScrollBars := ssBoth; Memo1 . WordWrap := False ; mni_GoTo . Enabled := True ; mni_StatusBar . Enabled := True ; StatusBar1 . Visible := bStatueBar; end ; bStatueBar := mni_StatusBar . Checked; mni_StatusBar . Checked := bStatueBar; StatusBar1 . Panels[ 0 ].Width := ( 75 * StatusBar1 . Width) div 100 ; end ; procedure TForm1 . FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin StatusBar1 . Panels[ 0 ].Width := ( 75 * StatusBar1 . Width) div 100 ; // act_WriteConfigExecute(Sender); end ; procedure TForm1 . GoToMemoLineDialog(Memo: TMemo); var LineIndex1, LineLength1, selStart1, Line, i: Integer ; begin selStart1 := 0 ; Line := strtoint(inputbox(sGoToTitle, sGoToTips, inttostr(Memo . CaretPos . Y + 1 ))) - 1 ; if (Line > 0 ) and (Line <= Memo . Lines . Count) then for i := 0 to Line - 1 do begin LineIndex1 := SendMessage(Memo . Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, i, 0 ); LineLength1 := SendMessage(Memo . Handle, EM_LINELENGTH, LineIndex1, 0 ) + 2 ; selStart1 := selStart1 + LineLength1; end else if Line = 0 then Memo . SelStart := selStart1 else MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar ( '行数超出了总行数' ), PWideChar ( '记事本 - 跳行' ), 0 ); Memo . SelStart := selStart1; end ; procedure TForm1 . Memo1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ; Shift: TShiftState); begin { 你猜在编辑菜单中为何不使用系统的HotKey而在这里用手动来实现快捷键 去除声音 } if (Shift = [ssCtrl]) and (Key = $46 ) then // 按下<Ctrl+F> mni_Find . click; if (Key = vk_F3) and mni_FindNext . Enabled then // F3 mni_FindNext . click; if (Shift = [ssCtrl]) and (Key = $48 ) then // Ctrl+H mni_Replace . click; if (Shift = [ssCtrl]) and (Key = $47 ) and ( not Memo1 . WordWrap) then // Ctrl+G mni_GoTo . click; if (Shift = [ssCtrl]) and (Key = $41 ) then // Ctrl+A mni_SelectAll . click; if (Key = vk_F5) then // F5 mni_DateTime . click; end ; procedure TForm1 . Memo1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char ); begin // F,H,G,A if (Key = # 6 ) or (Key = # 1 ) {or (Key = #8)} or (Key = # 7 ) then Key := # 0 ; end ; procedure TForm1 . Memo1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word ; Shift: TShiftState); begin act_SetCaretPosExecute(Sender); end ; procedure TForm1 . Memo1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer ); begin act_SetCaretPosExecute(Sender); end ; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Edit Menu Item Enable } procedure TForm1 . mni_EditClick(Sender: TObject); begin mni_Find . Enabled := (Memo1 . Text <> '' ); mni_FindNext . Enabled := (Memo1 . Text <> '' ) and (FindStr <> '' ); mni_Replace . Enabled := (Memo1 . Text <> '' ); mni_GoTo . Enabled := not Memo1 . WordWrap; mni_Undo . Enabled := Memo1 . Modified; mni_Cut . Enabled := (Memo1 . SelLength > 0 ); mni_Copy . Enabled := (Memo1 . SelLength > 0 ); mni_Paste . Enabled := Clipboard . HasFormat(CF_TEXT); mni_Delete . Enabled := (Memo1 . Text <> '' ); // mni_SelectAll.Enabled:= ( Memo1.SelLength <> Length(Memo1.Text) ); end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_AboutClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShellAbout(Form1 . Handle, PWideChar ( '记事本' ), 'Roman 2013年6月15日17:46:18' , Application . Icon . Handle); end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_CopyClick(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1 . CopyToClipboard end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_CutClick(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1 . CutToClipboard; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_DeleteClick(Sender: TObject); begin // 没选中也能删除的 // 快捷键del去掉就可以正常使用了 Memo1 . ClearSelection; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_SelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1 . SelectAll; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_DateTimeClick(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1 . SetSelText((FormatDateTime( 'hh:mm yyyy/m/dd' , now))); // 插入时间/日期 end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_ExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end ; // 调用查找对话框 procedure TForm1 . mni_FindClick(Sender: TObject); begin with FindDialog1 do begin Left := Self . Left + 100 ; Top := Self . Top + 150 ; FindText := Memo1 . SelText; Execute; end ; end ; { ReplaceDialog1.Execute } procedure TForm1 . mni_ReplaceClick(Sender: TObject); begin with ReplaceDialog1 do begin Left := Self . Left + 100 ; Top := Self . Top + 150 ; FindText := Memo1 . SelText; Execute; end ; end ; { Find Next } procedure TForm1 . mni_FindNextClick(Sender: TObject); begin if not SearchMemo(Memo1, FindStr, FindDialog1 . Options) then MessageBox(Handle, PWideChar (Concat( '找不到"' , FindStr, '"' )), '记事本' , MB_ICONINFORMATION); end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_FontClick(Sender: TObject); begin with TFontDialog . Create( nil ) do begin Font := Memo1 . Font; Options := [fdApplyButton]; if Execute() then Memo1 . Font := Font; end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_GoToClick(Sender: TObject); begin GoToMemoLineDialog(Memo1); end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_PageSetupClick(Sender: TObject); begin With TPageSetupDialog . Create( nil ) do Execute; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_PasteClick(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1 . PasteFromClipboard; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_PrintClick(Sender: TObject); begin MemoPrinter(Memo1); // 标题修改为文件名 end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_StatusBarClick(Sender: TObject); begin if mni_StatusBar . Checked then begin bStatueBar := True ; StatusBar1 . Visible := True ; end else begin StatusBar1 . Visible := False ; bStatueBar := False ; end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_UndoClick(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1 . Undo; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_ViewHelpClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage( '在Win7中 打开一个Windows程序按下 F1 就会打开 Windows帮助和支持 并且会转到相应的界面' + # 13 # 10 + '如果你会写请告诉我' ); end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_WordWrapClick(Sender: TObject); begin if mni_WordWrap . Checked then begin Memo1 . ScrollBars := ssVertical; // 自动换行 Memo1 . WordWrap := True ; // 转到 和 状态栏不可用 和状态栏菜单不可用 check为false mni_GoTo . Enabled := False ; // ---------------------------------------- mni_StatusBar . Enabled := False ; mni_StatusBar . Checked := False ; StatusBar1 . Visible := False ; end else begin Memo1 . ScrollBars := ssBoth; // 取消自动换行 Memo1 . WordWrap := False ; mni_GoTo . Enabled := True ; // ---------------------------------------- mni_StatusBar . Enabled := True ; mni_StatusBar . Checked := bStatueBar; StatusBar1 . Visible := bStatueBar; end ; // if bStatueBar=True then Caption:='True'; // if bStatueBar=False then Caption:='False'; end ; procedure TForm1 . mni_SetTopMosetClick(Sender: TObject); begin if mni_SetTopMoset . Checked then FormStyle := fsStayOnTop else FormStyle := fsNormal; end ; procedure TForm1 . SetUiCHS(); begin // SetUICH // ------------------------------------------ mni_File . Caption := '文件(&F)' ; FileNew . Caption := '新建(&N)' ; FileOpen . Caption := '打开(&O)...' ; FileSave . Caption := '保存(&S)' ; FileSaveAs . Caption := '另存为(&A)...' ; mni_PageSetup . Caption := '页面设置(&U)...' ; mni_Print . Caption := '打印(&P)...' ; mni_Exit . Caption := '退出(&X)' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_Edit . Caption := '编辑(&E)' ; mni_Undo . Caption := '撤消(&U) Ctrl+Z' ; mni_Cut . Caption := '剪切(&T) Ctrl+X' ; mni_Copy . Caption := '复制(&C) Ctrl+C' ; mni_Paste . Caption := '粘贴(&P) Ctrl+V' ; mni_Delete . Caption := '删除(&L)) Del' ; mni_Find . Caption := '查找(F)... Ctrl+F' ; mni_FindNext . Caption := '查找下一个(&N) F3' ; mni_Replace . Caption := '替换(&R)... Ctrl+H' ; mni_GoTo . Caption := '转到(&G)... Ctrl+G' ; mni_SelectAll . Caption := '全选(&A) Ctrl+A' ; mni_DateTime . Caption := '时间/日期(&D) F5' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_Format . Caption := '格式(&O)' ; mni_WordWrap . Caption := '自动换行(&W)' ; mni_Font . Caption := '字体(&F)...' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_View . Caption := '查看(&V)' ; mni_StatusBar . Caption := '状态栏(&S)' ; mni_SetTopMoset . Caption := '置顶(&T)' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_Help . Caption := '帮助(&H)' ; mni_ViewHelp . Caption := '查看帮助(&H)' ; mni_About . Caption := '关于记事本(&A)' ; // // ------------------------------------------ // Form1Title := '无标题 - 记事本'; // Line := '行'; // // col := '列'; // sGoToTitle := '转到指定行'; // 轮到行的 输入对话框的标题 // sGoToTips := '行号(&L):'; // // MsgBoxTitle := '行数超过了总行数'; // MsgBoxHint := '记事本 - 跳行'; // shellAboutText := '关于 - 记事本'; // FileDialogFilter := '文本文档(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*'; end ; procedure TForm1 . SetUiEN(); begin // SetUIENGLISH // ------------------------------------------ mni_File . Caption := '&File' ; FileNew . Caption := '&New' ; FileOpen . Caption := '&Open...' ; FileSave . Caption := '&Save' ; FileSaveAs . Caption := 'Save &As...' ; mni_PageSetup . Caption := 'Page Set&up...' ; mni_Print . Caption := '&Print...' ; mni_Exit . Caption := 'E&xit' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_Edit . Caption := '&Edit' ; mni_Undo . Caption := '&Undo Ctrl+Z' ; mni_Cut . Caption := 'Cu&t Ctrl+X' ; mni_Copy . Caption := '&Copy Ctrl+C' ; mni_Paste . Caption := '&Paste) Ctrl+V' ; mni_Delete . Caption := '&Delete Del' ; mni_Find . Caption := '&Find... Ctrl+F' ; mni_FindNext . Caption := 'Find &Next F3' ; mni_Replace . Caption := '&Replace... Ctrl+H' ; mni_GoTo . Caption := '&Go To... Ctrl+G' ; mni_SelectAll . Caption := 'Select &All Ctrl+A' ; mni_DateTime . Caption := 'Time/&Date F5' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_Format . Caption := 'F&ormat' ; mni_WordWrap . Caption := '&Word Wrap' ; mni_Font . Caption := '&Font...' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_View . Caption := '&View' ; mni_StatusBar . Caption := '&StatueBar' ; mni_SetTopMoset . Caption := '&TopMost' ; // ------------------------------------------ mni_Help . Caption := '&Help' ; mni_ViewHelp . Caption := 'View H&elp' ; mni_About . Caption := '&About Notepad' ; // // ------------------------------------------ // Form1Title := 'Untitled - Notepad'; // Line := 'Ln'; // // col := 'Col'; // sGoToTitle := 'Go To Line'; // 轮到行的 输入对话框的标题 // sGoToTips := '&Line Number:'; // // MsgBoxTitle := 'The line number is beyond the total number of lines'; // MsgBoxHint := 'Notepad - Goto Line'; // shellAboutText := ' - Notepad'; // FileDialogFilter := 'Text File(*.txt)|*.txt|All File(*.*)|*.*'; end ; // Printers procedure TForm1 . MemoPrinter(Memo: TMemo; TitleStr: string = '无标题' ); var Left: Integer ; Top: Integer ; i, j, X, Y: Integer ; // PageHeight, PagesStr: String ; posX, posY, Posx1, posY1: Integer ; PrintDialog1: TPrintDialog; begin Left := 500 ; Top := 800 ; Y := Top; // 40 X := Left; // 80 j := 1 ; PrintDialog1 := TPrintDialog . Create(Application); if PrintDialog1 . Execute then begin if Memo1 . Text = '' then Exit; // 文本为空 本次操作不会被执行 With Printer do begin BeginDoc; // 另存的打印的文件名 如何实现 默认为 .jnt // Form2.Show; Canvas . Font := Memo . Font; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 打印文件名的标题 // TitleStr:='无标题'; posX := (PageWidth div 2 ) - Length(TitleStr) * 50 ; // x+1800; posY := (PageHeight * 6 ) div 100 ; // 第N页的标题 PagesStr := Format( '第 %d 页' , [Printer . PageNumber]); Posx1 := (PageWidth div 2 ) - Length(PagesStr) * 50 ; posY1 := (PageHeight * 92 ) div 100 ; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i := 0 to Memo . Lines . Count - 1 do begin Canvas . TextOut(X, Y, Memo . Lines[i]); // TextOut(Left,Top,string); Y := Y + Memo . Font . Size * 10 ; // Memo.Font.Size*10为行间距 第1行与第2行的间距,2和3,3与4,... if (Y > PageHeight - Top) then begin Canvas . TextOut(posX, posY, TitleStr); for j := 1 to Printer . PageNumber do begin PagesStr := Format( '第 %d 页' , [j]); Canvas . TextOut(Posx1, posY1, PagesStr); // Form2.Label1.Caption := System.Concat(' 正在打印', #13#10, TitleStr, // #13#10, Format('第 %d 页', [j])); // if Form2.Tag = 1 then // begin // Abort; // Exit; // end; end ; NewPage; Y := Top; end ; end ; Canvas . TextOut(posX, posY, TitleStr); Canvas . TextOut(Posx1, posY1, Format( '第 %d 页' , [j])); // Form2.Close; EndDoc; end ; end ; end ; procedure TForm1 . act_ReadConfigExecute(Sender: TObject); // Read Config var reg: TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry . Create; reg . RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if reg . OpenKey( 'SoftWare\Testudo\Notepad' , False ) then begin // Form Size& Position Form1 . Width := reg . ReadInteger( 'Width' ); Form1 . Height := reg . ReadInteger( 'Height' ); Form1 . Left := reg . ReadInteger( 'Left' ); Form1 . Top := reg . ReadInteger( 'Top' ); // Font Memo1 . Font . Name := reg . ReadString( 'FontName' ); Memo1 . Font . Size := reg . ReadInteger( 'FontSize' ); // Memo1.Font.Color:=reg.ReadString('FontColor',''); // Memo1.Font.Style:=reg.ReadString('FontStyle',''); // Memo1.Font.Charset:=reg.ReadString('FontCharset',''); // Other mni_StatusBar . Checked := reg . ReadBool( 'StatueBarChecked' ); mni_WordWrap . Checked := reg . ReadBool( 'WordWrapChecked' ); reg . CloseKey; reg . Free; end ; // else ShowMessage('Faild'); end ; procedure TForm1 . act_WriteConfigExecute(Sender: TObject); // WriteConfig var reg: TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry . Create; reg . RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; reg . CreateKey( 'SoftWare\Testudo\Notepad' ); reg . OpenKey( 'SoftWare\Testudo\Notepad' , False ); // Form Size& Position reg . WriteInteger( 'Width' , Form1 . Width); reg . WriteInteger( 'Height' , Form1 . Height); reg . WriteInteger( 'Left' , Form1 . Left); reg . WriteInteger( 'Top' , Form1 . Top); // Font reg . WriteString( 'FontName' , Memo1 . Font . Name); reg . WriteInteger( 'FontSize' , Memo1 . Font . Size); // reg.WriteString('FontColor',''); // reg.WriteString('FontStyle',''); // reg.WriteString('FontCharset',''); // Other reg . WriteBool( 'StatueBarChecked' , mni_StatusBar . Checked); reg . WriteBool( 'WordWrapChecked' , mni_WordWrap . Checked); reg . CloseKey; reg . Free; end ; procedure TForm1 . act_SetCaretPosExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if GetUserDefaultUILanguage() = $0804 then // SetUiCHS // Caption:='简体中文'; StatusBar1 . Panels[ 1 ].Text := Format( ' %s %d %s,%s %d %s ' , [sLine, Memo1 . CaretPos . Y + 1 , scol, sLine, Memo1 . CaretPos . X + 1 , scol]) else // SetUiEN; //Caption:='英文'; StatusBar1 . Panels[ 1 ].Text := Format( ' %s %d ,%s %d ' , [sLine, Memo1 . CaretPos . Y + 1 , scol, Memo1 . CaretPos . X + 1 ]); end ; end . |
Search单元 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Search单元 SearchMemo /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unit Search; interface uses SysUtils, StdCtrls, Dialogs, StrUtils; function SearchMemo(Memo: TCustomEdit; const SearchString: string ; Options: TFindOptions): Boolean ; implementation function SearchMemo(Memo: TCustomEdit; const SearchString: string ; Options: TFindOptions): Boolean ; var Buffer, P: PChar ; Size: Word ; begin Result := False ; if Length(SearchString) = 0 then Exit; Size := Memo . GetTextLen; if (Size = 0 ) then Exit; Buffer := SysUtils . StrAlloc(Size + 1 ); try Memo . GetTextBuf(Buffer, Size + 1 ); if frDown in Options then P := SearchBuf(Buffer, Size, Memo . SelStart, Memo . SelLength,SearchString, [soDown]) else P := SearchBuf(Buffer, Size, Memo . SelStart, Memo . SelLength,SearchString, []); if (frMatchCase in Options) then P := SearchBuf(Buffer, Size, Memo . SelStart, Memo . SelLength, SearchString,[soMatchCase]); if (frWholeWord in Options) then P := SearchBuf(Buffer, Size, Memo . SelStart, Memo . SelLength, SearchString,[soWholeWord]); if P <> nil then begin Memo . SelStart := P - Buffer; Memo . SelLength := Length(SearchString); Result := True ; end ; finally SysUtils . StrDispose(Buffer); end ; end ; end . |
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