itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'dataview-item',再往下走点就能找到itemTpl = Ext.String.format('<tpl for="."><div class="{0}">{1}</div></tpl>', me.itemCls, itemTpl);就是这里加上的。于是果断把这里改成itemTpl = Ext.String.format('<tpl for=".">{0}</tpl>', itemTpl);至此第二个问题也解决了。
1 Ext.define('frame.PicturesUpload', { 2 extend: 'Ext.window.Window', 3 4 height: 447, 5 width: 531, 6 layout: { 7 type: 'border' 8 }, 9 title: '', 10 11 initComponent: function () { 12 var me = this; 13 14 var dataView = Ext.create('Ext.view.View', { 15 store: me.dvStore, 16 overflowY: 'auto', 17 itemTpl: [ 18 '<tpl for=".">', 19 '<div class="thumb-wrap" id="{name}">', 20 '<div class="thumb"><img src="{url}" title="{name}"></div>', 21 '<span class="x-editable">{shortName}</span></div>', 22 '</tpl>' 23 ], 24 multiSelect: true, 25 height: 310, 26 trackOver: true, 27 overItemCls: 'x-item-over', 28 itemSelector: 'div.thumb-wrap', 29 emptyText: '这里还没有图片', 30 prepareData: function (data) { 31 Ext.apply(data, { 32 shortName: Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(data.name, 15) 33 }); 34 return data; 35 }, 36 listeners: { 37 selectionchange: function (dv, nodes) { 38 var l = nodes.length, 39 s = l !== 1 ? 's' : ''; 40 me.setTitle('Simple DataView (' + l + ' item' + s + ' selected)'); 41 } 42 } 43 }); 44 this.DataView = dataView; 45 me.items = [{ 46 xtype: 'panel', 47 region: 'center', 48 layout: 'fit', 49 border: false, 50 items: dataView 51 }]; 52 53 var progressbar = Ext.create('Ext.ProgressBar', { 54 flex: 4, 55 value: 0 56 }); 57 this.Progressbar = progressbar; 58 59 var statusLabel = Ext.create('Ext.form.Label', { 60 flex: 1, 61 text: '已选择0个文件' 62 }); 63 this.StatusLabel = statusLabel; 64 me.dockedItems = [{ 65 xtype: 'toolbar', 66 dock: 'top', 67 items: [{ 68 id: 'swfuploadbutton', 69 width: 85, 70 xtype: 'panel', 71 border: false, 72 bodyStyle: 'background-color:transparent;' 73 }, { 74 text: '删除', 75 tooltip: '删除选中图片' 76 }] 77 }, 78 { 79 xtype: 'toolbar', 80 dock: 'bottom', 81 items: [ 82 statusLabel, 83 progressbar 84 ] 85 } 86 ]; 87 88 me.callParent(arguments); 89 }, 90 listeners: { 91 afterrender: function (t) { 92 t.SWFUpload = new SWFUpload({ 93 // Backend Settings 94 upload_url: "/Default/UploadPics", 95 post_params: { 96 hid: t.hid 97 }, 98 99 // File Upload Settings 100 file_types: "*.jpg;*.bmp;*.png;*.gif", 101 file_upload_limit: "0", // Zero means unlimited 102 103 // Event Handler Settings - these functions as defined in Handlers.js 104 // The handlers are not part of SWFUpload but are part of my website and control how 105 // my website reacts to the SWFUpload events. 106 file_queue_error_handler: fileQueueError, 107 file_dialog_complete_handler: function (numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued) { 108 try { 109 if (numFilesQueued > 0) { 110 t.StatusLabel.setText("已选择" + numFilesSelected + "个文件"); 111 this.startUpload(); 112 } 113 } catch (ex) { 114 this.debug(ex); 115 } 116 }, 117 upload_progress_handler: function (file, bytesLoaded) { 118 119 try { 120 121 var percent = Math.ceil((bytesLoaded / file.size) * 100); 122 t.Progressbar.setPosition(percent); 123 if (percent === 100) { 124 t.StatusLabel.setText("已完成"); 125 } else { 126 t.StatusLabel.setText("正在上传"); 127 } 128 } catch (ex) { 129 this.debug(ex); 130 } 131 }, 132 upload_error_handler: uploadError, 133 upload_success_handler: function (file, serverData) { 134 try { 135 var data = Ext.JSON.decode(serverData); 136 console.log(data); 137 t.DataView.getStore().add(data); 138 t.ProgressBar.setPosition(0); 139 } catch (ex) { 140 this.debug(ex); 141 } 142 }, 143 upload_complete_handler: function (file) { 144 try { 145 146 /* I want the next upload to continue automatically so I'll call startUpload here */ 147 if (this.getStats().files_queued > 0) { 148 this.startUpload(); 149 } else { 150 //t.DataView.getStore().load(); 151 t.StatusLabel.setText("已全部完成"); 152 } 153 } catch (ex) { 154 this.debug(ex); 155 } 156 }, 157 158 // Button settings 159 button_image_url: VirtualPath + "/content/images/uploadbutton.png", 160 button_placeholder_id: "swfuploadbutton", 161 button_width: 80, 162 button_height: 22, 163 button_text: '<span class="swfbutton">上传图片</span>', 164 button_text_style: '.swfbutton { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;text-align:center; }', 165 // Flash Settings 166 flash_url: VirtualPath + "/content/js/swfupload/swfupload.swf", // Relative to this file 167 168 // Debug Settings 169 debug: false 170 }); 171 } 172 } 173 174 });