TeamCity是一款功能强大的持续集成(Continue Integration)工具,包括服务器端和客户端,目前支持Java,.NET项目开发。
使用 TeamCity,你能够在几分钟之内为你的项目配置一个构建服务器,它内建了持续单元测试,代码质量分析和早期的构建问题分析报告,你甚至可以在IDE进行。
Automate code analyzing, compiling, and testing processes, providing instant feedback on build progress, problems and test failures, all in simple, intuitive web-interface;
Run multiple builds and tests under different configurations and platforms simultaneously;
Perform Pre-tested commits, helping the rest of a team sustain an uninterrupted workflow;
Have build history insight with customizable statistics on build duration, success rate, code quality and custom metrics;
Enable cost-effective on-demand build infrastructure scaling thanks to tight integration with Amazon EC2.
TeamCity 提供平滑的学习曲线,你可以逐步的学习经它的高级特性和功能,你很快就能加强你发布管理实践。 本次发布,在可用性作了大量的改进,更新的IDE 插件支持 CVS和SVN,另外还包括一些之前版本不具备的企业级的特性。
Continuous Integration for Everybody
Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily — leading to multiple integrations per day. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly. Martin Fowler
TeamCity help you:
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· .NET 10 首个预览版发布,跨平台开发与性能全面提升
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