Linux 信号表 signals

Linux支持POSIX reliable signals和POSIX real-time signals



type description
Term Default action is to terminate the process.
Ign Default action is to ignore the signal.
Core Default action is to terminate the process and dump core (see core(5)).
Stop Default action is to stop the process.
Cont Default action is to continue the process if it is currently stopped.




系统调用或库函数 描述
raise Sends a signal to the calling thread.
kill Sends a signal to a specified process, to all members of a specified process group, or to all processes on the system.
killpg Sends a signal to all of the members of a specified process group.
pthread_kill Sends a signal to a specified POSIX thread in the same process as the caller.
tgkill Sends a signal to a specified thread within a specific process. (This is the system call used to implement pthread_kill(3).)
sigqueue Sends a real-time signal with accompanying data to a specified process.



Signal Value Action Comment
SIGHUP 1 Term Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process
SIGINT 2 Term Interrupt from keyboard
SIGQUIT 3 Core Quit from keyboard
SIGILL 4 Core Illegal Instruction
SIGABRT 6 Core Abort signal from abort(3)
SIGFPE 8 Core Floating point exception
SIGKILL 9 Term Kill signal
SIGSEGV 11 Core Invalid memory reference
SIGPIPE 13 Term Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers
SIGALRM 14 Term Timer signal from alarm(2)
SIGTERM 15 Term Termination signal
SIGUSR1 30,10,16 Term User-defined signal 1
SIGUSR2 31,12,17 Term User-defined signal 2
SIGCHLD 20,17,18 Ign Child stopped or terminated
SIGCONT 19,18,25 Cont Continue if stopped
SIGSTOP 17,19,23 Stop Stop process
SIGTSTP 18,20,24 Stop Stop typed at terminal
SIGTTIN 21,21,26 Stop Terminal input for background process
SIGTTOU 22,22,27 Stop Terminal output for background process


posted @ 2018-02-08 22:33  xcw0754  阅读(257)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报